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Schooled 4.0

Page 40

by Deena Bright

  With Janelle, I could kiss her all day long and never think of wanting to do something else. Okay, I guess I do think about doing more. I was very aware of her other body parts and quite aware of one particular part of my own body that was screaming for recognition and attention. But Char was one room away, and Janelle and I were quite exposed sitting in the open living room. I kept thinking how Alexander wouldn’t care. He’d probably rip her clothes off and do her right on the floor while Char watched. I didn’t have that kind of chutzpah. I didn’t want it either. Some things were meant to be private and intimate. Everything with Janelle was intimate. God, I’m a damn pansy.

  “Let’s go,” I said, starting to lift her from my lap.

  “Go? Now?” she said, looking puzzled and disappointed. I’m not going to lie, that boosted the old ego a bit. Okay, a lot. “Ummm Leo? Don’t you think we should hang out here for a while—until Char leaves? Then we’ll be all alone in this big empty pool house.”

  “Nope. I want to get going,” I said, standing up awkwardly. It’s tough and a little uncomfortable to stand when you’ve been sitting with a beautiful girl grinding into your lap. “We’ll have many other moments today when we’re alone.”

  “YES! WE’RE GOING back to that house in the woods! I love it here,” Janelle said as we pulled down the long tree-covered drive.

  “You do?” I asked, pleased.

  “What’s not to love?” she asked rhetorically. “Oh my God, Leo! It’s got a SOLD sign on it. Did you—”

  “I signed the paperwork last week. I got the keys yesterday,” I said, feeling proud and excited. “I got to bring Megan and the kids here. They loved it.” I could feel my eyes start tearing up. Janelle reached over the counsel of my SUV, and kissed my cheek.

  “So, how’d you decide?” she asked.

  “We’ll talk about that later,” I explained.

  Janelle and I went through the house again. I kept apologizing for all the boxes and that nothing was really unpacked. Janelle couldn’t have cared less. She was more enamored with it this time than the last. She was awestruck with all the secret nooks and crannies. “It’s like something out of kids’ book,” she said marveling at all the little passages from room-to-room.

  “I thought the same thing. Definitely a setting for a C.S. Lewis book,” I said.

  “Exactly,” she said excitedly.

  “I have a surprise for you,” I said, starting to feel nervous. “It’ll be fun though I promise.”

  I started to lead her up to the bedroom. “Where are you taking me, young man?” Janelle asked.

  “To MY bedroom,” I said, smiling. “But not for that reason.” She pushed her bottom lip out, pouting at me. I laughed and said, “Are you going to bite that lip too, Anastasia?” Janelle laughed and punched me.

  “You’re not even human. You’re certainly no Mr. Grey. Can you even be seduced?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest.

  “I just have willpower and self-control,” I lied. She was killing me. I knew that Briggs was always pawing all over her. But I also knew that Marcus never made her feel wanted or desired. I knew that I had to be different—fall somewhere in between—so she could fall for me.

  On the bed, there was a red, pretty conservative, bikini and cover up. “Put that on,” I commanded.

  “It’s so cute,” she said, looking at it, checking the size. “How’d you know what size I wore?” she asked.

  “I believe you put your bottoms on my head when we were in your pool,” I explained. “I just checked the size. Then came up with the plan.”

  “Why are we putting on bathing suits? You don’t have a pool or a lake here,” she stated.

  “You’ll see,” I said turning my back and walking out onto the bedroom’s deck. “I’ll be out here.” I walked out onto the deck and sent a text.

  When she waltzed out onto the deck, my breath caught in my throat. She looked so hot, just stunning in that red suit. I’ve always had a thing for dark haired girls in red, but this was just off the charts. Janelle looked delectable. Fucking delectable? My God, I hope nobody ever really hears my thoughts. I sound like an asshole. Can you imagine if Briggs heard me talk or think like this?

  “What do you think?” she asked, spinning around. I knew she liked it; her face was aglow. She was smiling smugly.

  “Eh, it’ll do,” I said laughing, pulling her into my arms. “I think it looked better on my bed. You look better on my bed.”

  Pulling out of my embrace, angrily, she said, “I’ve never been on your bed. Don’t feed me lines, Leo.”

  “I wasn’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

  “Gotcha!” she said, giggling. “You were getting a little too cocky. Needed knocked down a few pegs.”

  With that, I grabbed her and kissed her, loving the feel of her bare back on my hands. Her skin was so soft. Everything about her was so soft and feminine. Janelle was the epitome of what every woman should be, or at least aspire to be. She was strong, smart, confident, beautiful, and feminine. Thinking the word feminine too much was making me effeminate. I should down a beer and punch a wall or something. I felt like Chandler from Friends. He was always getting shit for being too girly. I needed to man it up a little more.

  I pulled her one leg up around my waist, pinning her against the sliding glass door. She wrapped her other leg around me. I carefully took one hand and pulled down the front of her bathing suit. She was so damn hot, every inch of her. I continued to kiss her as my hands explored her body. I didn’t care that she was getting heavy or that my back was beginning to hurt. Nothing mattered to me at the moment other than pleasing this woman, making sure she knew just how sexy and desirable she truly was. Janelle should want for nothing. She should be granted her every wish and dream. I wanted to be her dream maker. Fuck. I just used the word dream maker. I was losing it man.

  I walked over to the old picnic table and laid her down on top of it. She sat up quickly and unsnapped her suit, letting it fall to the side. I reached for her bottoms as she lifted her hips, so I could remove them easily. “Too bad you bothered to get dressed,” I joked, joining her on the picnic table. “By the way, I’m pretty certain this is going to be the best picnic this table has ever seen,” I said, as I started to kiss my way down her chest and stomach.

  Staring down at her naked body, my insides stirred in ways they never have before. It was more than just lust and desire. I wanted her. She’s everything I want for the rest of my life. No woman has ever compared to her. She’s been the epitome of what I want and what I need for all of my adult life.

  Picking up her foot, I kissed her ankle, while massaging the arch of her foot. “I like this,” I said, running my tongue along her ankle bracelet. Every part of her is delicate class and femininity. Janelle’s other foot worked its way between my legs stroking my erection. “I like that more.” I grabbed the other foot, removing it from my penis and sucked her toe into my mouth.

  “Oh God Leo,” she moaned, as her eyes rolled back into her head. Watching her eyes flutter and her nipples hardened gave me instant pleasure and gratification. I loved that I could do this to her—that I can bit by bit make her come apart and weaken with my touch and tongue.

  Trailing my hands and tongue down her legs, I grabbed her hand and placed it on her mound. “I want to watch what you like,” I begged, pushing the limits. I kissed my way up her stomach and watched as she circled her fingers around the wet folds of the center of her desire. I watched as she sped up and slowed down her movements, stopping a few times to dip inside. When she finished, I almost let go myself at the sight of her teeth biting down on her lip and her hips roll with her hands. She was exquisite. But the best thing of all is the way she said my name as she came.

  Groaning, I said, “my turn,” as I sucked her fingers into my mouth. “I think I got this now, but I’ll go slow since you’re probably a little sensitive,” I said, beginning to use my tongue and fingers to mimic the same movements and pressure that she just used on
herself. When her breathing increased, I quickened my speed as her hands fisted in my air.

  “Leo—I’m going to—please—” Damn that was fast. Her second orgasm comes fast—much faster than I figured. That’s a bonus.

  I sucked her clit harder into my mouth as my fingers dipped further into her. Her legs tightened, raising her ass off the table. Janelle ground her hips into my mouth as she came undone, gripping and quaking on my fingers from within.

  Breathing hard, she pulled my hair until my head was even with hers. Our lips met, I captured her satiated pants of breath, sucking them deep into my mouth. Her air was my air. I wanted to breathe her in, suck her in. Her fingernails traveled down my sides, making me growl with want.

  Janelle’s hand dipped into my shorts, teasing the tip of my penis. “God that feels good,” I whispered into her ear. Her hand went further into my boxers, gripping me completely. I gritted my teeth, took a step back, and maneuvered her hand into mine. I kissed the back of the hand that had just sent fire to my groin. “There’s time for that later,” I said, wanting to fucking throw myself off the deck into a fire pit than deny myself of this sexy creature.

  “Leo? What’s going on?” Janelle asked, looking worriedly into my eyes.

  “Not a thing, Ma’am,” I asked, pretending to tip my nonexistent hat to her. Yeah, I’m a fucking douchebag. Like that gesture gets the chicks. Christ.

  “Ummm… every time I reach for you… for your… you know… you stop me,” she said.

  “It’s not about me today. It’s all you… all your satisfaction and gratification,” I explained.

  “Yes, but… you kind of have something that gives me pleasure,” she said, grinning wickedly.

  “Not today it doesn’t. Today, it’s all about pleasing you without any form of my pleasure. Didn’t you know that July 8th is officially ‘8 climaxes’ day?” I declared. “Anyway, giving you pleasure pleases me.”

  “Uhhh, No! And I’m pretty certain we’re not getting eight out of me today without you participating,” she said firmly.

  “I’ll take that bet, and maybe even raise you two more,” I said, grabbing her bathing suit. “Put this back on. It’s time for some fun.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I just had a lot of fun. A real lot of fun. Twice,” she said.

  Janelle stood up; her body was flawless. Her skin was sun-kissed and glowing. (She better be wearing sunscreen.) When she reached around to hook her bathing suit, I could see the muscles in her stomach tighten. Janelle always talked about her flab. The woman obviously didn’t know the definition of flab. There was not one bit of flab or fat on her body. If I truly gave her pleasure eight different times today, then I was going to need eight icy cold, frigid fucking showers.

  Once she was back in her suit, I said, “Okay walk with me to the other side of the deck.” I led her around to the other side.

  “Oh did you fix and secure it?” she asked, referring to the zip line that went down into the woods.

  “Better,” I said, “Wait here.” I went around to the water spigot and turned it on. The zip line was showered in water sprinkling from all directions.

  “What in the world? How fun!” she said, her face looked like a child’s on Christmas morning. “It’s like a human car wash. Have you done it yet?”

  “I’ve done the zip line quite a few times to test its security. I haven’t done it with the water yet.” I started to get the harnesses. “I bought a tandem harness, so we could do it together. I know this sounds strange, but Cliff, Meg’s husband, did it with me, yesterday. We wanted to make sure it could hold the weight.”

  “Oh my God, this is going to be so fun,” she said, excitedly, jumping up and down. It was so damn adorable. She was adorable.

  I put the harness around my waist, locking it into place and onto the zip line. “Okay Doll, climb on. Face me.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls,” she said, teasingly. Janelle got onto my lap, her legs sticking out straight on either side of me. “You’ll hold on to me, right?” she asked, staring into my eyes.

  “I’m never letting you go,” I stated, meaning it, meaning much more than just holding her on the zip line.

  “Good. You better,” she said, wrapping her arms around me, and kissing my cheek. “Let her rip, Leo.”

  I unhooked the secured latch, and we began soaring through the woods as water soaked us. Janelle squealed like a schoolgirl the entire ride down, gripping me tightly. There was something about flying through the sky, holding her close to me that made me know for sure that this was what life was supposed to be. Life is about taking chances, taking risks, but holding those who mean the most to you close to your heart, keeping them safe as you enjoy the journey, experiencing the adventure together.

  Once I felt the earth at my feet, I braced my feet, trying to stop us, but our momentum was too great. Coupled with the wet surface, we went tumbling to the ground, Janelle landing on top of me. Laughing, she said, “Smooth Casanova, bet you planned that suave landing.”

  “Well. I don’t think I could’ve planned it any better. Some sexy angel just fell out of the sky and landed on top of me,” I said, feeding her the cheesiest line I could fathom.

  “Oh buddy, you sure know how to make a girl swoon,” she said, pinning my arms above my head and kissing me deeply, as her wet hair fell over her shoulders and onto my neck and chest.

  She began kissing my neck and chest, “I just want to shower you with memories,” I confessed. “I want to give you the world, Janelle.”

  “Now that’d be a good gift,” she said, still working her way down my chest. Every fiber of my being begged me to allow her to continue. But my head, the one with a brain, rationalized that I needed to make her love me, want me, and ultimately beg for me. I had to be stronger, better than any other guy she’d ever been with.

  “Now, for surprise number two,” I said, reluctantly maneuvering out from underneath her. “I’m going to run back up and get your cover thing.”

  Okay, so, I know it’s called a cover up, but guys shouldn’t know words like that. I knew too many girly phrases and things. I ran up to the deck, put on my shoes, grabbed my shirt, her flip-flops, our phones, and her cover up, and rode back down to Janelle. I put her cover up on her and rubbed my hands up and down her arms, drying her off.

  I sent a quick text, and said, “Let’s go.” We started walking deeper into the woods. “I really love it here. I did a lot of work around here the last few days. It’s just so peaceful. Megan fell in love with it.”

  “Leo?” she stopped abruptly, facing me. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I can’t say it,” I confessed, knowing exactly what she was talking about. “I haven’t be able to say it to anyone. When I said melanoma to you the other day, it was the first time I’ve ever said it aloud.”

  It was true. I’ve never been more afraid of anything in my entire life. Little brothers aren’t supposed to need or idolize their big sisters. They’re supposed to tolerate them at best—annoy the fuck out of them.

  The truth was I couldn’t imagine a world without Megan. My life was a better place, because of her. My sister taught me so much. She gave me strength that I didn’t know I had. She challenged me, held me to a higher standard. I didn’t know who or what I was if I wasn’t “Meg’s little brother.”

  “Honey, you can’t hold all that in,” she said, brushing my hair from my eyes. “I’m here. I’m right here. Whatever you need. Whenever you want to talk… to vent… to cry.” She wrapped her arms around me, nestling her head in my chest. I stroked her head, inhaling her scent. “You’re not alone, Leo.”

  “Thank you, Janelle,” I said, as tears welled in my eyes. “We’ll talk. But today, can today just be about us, about you?” I asked. “It’s been a rough few days. I need a break, a getaway from this Hell.”

  “Absolutely,” she said, squeezing me tighter. “Whatever you need.”

  WE WALKED THROUGH the woods, hand-in-hand, both of
us silent, a calm, peaceful, comfortable silence. Being alone with Janelle in the woods reconfirmed my decision about choosing this house. It was serene, the type of serenity that people need to unwind and get back to what was really important and integral in life: love, family, and happiness.

  Just as we embarked upon our destination, I said, “Okay, hold up.” I put my hands over her eyes. “No peeking. I want you to see it all at once.”

  Yesterday, my dad, my mom and Megan’s family came out here. My mom and Megan sat on the deck, enjoying the view as my dad and Cliff helped me prepare for today. Megan was pissy at first about it, but she stopped bitching, beginning to understand how important Janelle was to me. Megan hated the fact that I had to prove myself to Janelle. Being my protective older sister, she wanted to turn the tables. She thought Janelle should be working at winning my heart—not the other way around. I get it. I do. It’s just that Megan doesn’t know what’s in my heart. Megan did promise to trust me. I suppose that was a start.

  Once my dad, Cliff, and I got Megan situated on the deck (we had to carry her, which she was even angrier about), we headed out to the woods. Basically, we beat the fuck out of the woods. All the anger that the three of us men have been harboring, not being able to save Megan, was taken out on the woods. Those poor trees and bushes. They didn’t stand a chance against the ferocity we had bottled up inside of us. It was the closest three men would ever get to a group therapy session. Once the trees and bushes were cut back and cut down, we sat and drank a few beers, relishing the sight of kicking the woods’ ass.

  I spent the rest of the day, creating the perfect atmosphere for my date with Janelle. I forced Megan to let Cliff and my dad bring her back. She argued that it was too far and that she was too heavy. Megan was down to 103 pounds; Cliff could’ve carried her by himself. Once they brought her back here, they put her down on the chaise, gave her a drink, and left us alone to talk. We sat in silence for a while as I tied the remaining branches together and pulled them back.


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