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A Wing And A Prayer: Truly Yours Digital Edition (Truly Yours Digital Editions)

Page 14

by Tracie Peterson

  “Sure. Eat half now and the other half after that.” CJ frowned at his joke. Brad just shook his head. “Look, I’ve got a real good feeling about this. I just know that we’ll be rescued soon. Where’s your faith and trust?”

  Indeed, she wondered, where is my faith? She munched on the donut without giving him a reply. Before she knew it, the meal was gone and Brad was sharing a cup of coffee with her. Still she said nothing.

  The wind picked up again, and CJ shivered. The temperature had dropped dramatically, or at least it felt that way. She was thankful for the wool sweater and T-shirt she wore beneath the coveralls. Opening her bag, the only other thing CJ found that could help stave off the cold was her other sweater, which she pulled on over the coveralls.

  Feeling at odds with the world, CJ concentrated on keeping warm. When other thoughts filled her head, she systematically pushed them aside and refused to deal with them. But perhaps the hardest thing to ignore was the man sitting beside her. He stared at her from time to time and then, just when CJ feared he’d want to start a conversation, he eased himself down on the ground, turned off the light, and went to sleep.

  CJ stared down at where she knew Brad rested in the dark. A weary feeling washed over her, but she remained fixed to her spot, contemplating the situation. Surviving the cold required them to share their body heat, but CJ wondered what might happen. How could she just casually sleep beside him and not be overcome by her feelings?

  Realizing that her emotions frightened her, CJ wondered what she should do. If she stayed where she was, they both might freeze to death, and if she joined him, well she couldn’t even put words to mind to tell what she was thinking.

  What if they don’t find us? CJ suddenly realized that living through this crisis was very important to her. She didn’t feel the same apathy she had experienced after her parents’ crash. She wanted to survive. Her stomach churned. The darkness frightened her more than she could admit.

  “Brad,” she whispered, not really wanting to wake him, but hoping he wasn’t asleep.

  “Umm?” His groggy response made her instantly sorry for the disturbance.

  “What if they don’t come?” CJ realized her question sounded more like a child’s whimper.

  “They’ll come,” he answered more clearly.

  “But what if they don’t? What if the storm doesn’t let up? What if we have to stay here for a long time?”

  She could hear him sit up and then she felt his hand touching her arm. “Come here,” he ordered, and CJ hesitated.

  “I don’t think I should,” she replied. “I mean, I feel…well, I mean…remember earlier.”

  “Hush and come here,” he insisted more gently than before. He pulled CJ to him, then touched her face with his. His mouth was up against her ear; his breath was warm.

  “Everything is going to work out. You’ll see,” he whispered. “Now stop fretting and let’s get some sleep.”

  “But, Brad—” she started to protest.

  “I’m not going to get carried away, if that’s what worries you,” Brad replied.

  CJ felt her heart pounding harder. She couldn’t keep from replying, “What if it isn’t you I’m worried about?”

  Brad chuckled softly. “Got it bad for me, eh?”

  “Ohhh!” CJ nudged him away, but he held her fast.

  “Look, I got it just as bad for you, but we know what we have to do, and we know what’s right and what’s wrong. Now, let’s get some sleep, and I promise to be a perfect gentleman and,” he whispered against her ear, “I’ll make certain you remain a perfect lady.”

  Still embarrassed at having told Brad her concerns, CJ settled stiffly into his arms, relishing the warmth as he tucked the blanket around them. She lay straight and rigid, every nerve in her body taut.

  “You can’t sleep like that,” Brad said and yawned. He seemed completely unconcerned. Outside, the wind roared over the mountain like a lion, and CJ reflexively nestled her face against Brad’s chest.

  “That’s better,” he chuckled. “Sometimes we just need a little motivation.”

  In moments, Brad’s rhythmic breathing told CJ he was asleep, and although she would have thought it impossible, CJ finally managed to do the same.

  Curled up next to Brad, she tossed and turned, reliving the crash. The scene changed abruptly and faded into the old nightmare. Falling from the sky, CJ could see her parents’ stunned faces.

  CJ whimpered in her sleep, rousing Brad. He didn’t know if it would be better to let her go on dreaming or wake her up. Before he could make a decision, CJ began to cry out. Brad put a hand out to shake her just as she sat straight up and screamed.

  Brad reached out and took hold of her. “CJ, wake up. It’s only a nightmare.”

  “Oh, Brad, God must hate me!” she sobbed and fell against him in the dark.

  “CJ, you’ve got to get ahold of yourself. God doesn’t hate you. I’ve been trying to tell you over and over, God loves you. He sent His Son to die for you. Do you honestly think He’d walk away from you with an investment like that?”

  “But I’ve walked away, or maybe I never even knew Him,” CJ moaned. “In my dream I—”

  “It’s the anger inside,” Brad interrupted. “Maybe this is what you’ve got to see, once and for all. The anger you have toward God is eating you alive. It’s driving you away from Him.”

  “But He killed my parents.”

  “No, He allowed them to die and go home to heaven.”

  “It’s the same thing,” CJ wailed.

  “No, it’s not. Satan is benefiting by the walls you’ve erected, not God. Satan wins if you walk away,” Brad stressed. “God loves you, CJ. I love you. I want you to marry me and share a future together, but not until you’ve settled this thing.”

  “But I’m so afraid,” she whispered, choking back her tears.

  Brad turned on the light. “We get scared in the dark. You’re in the dark, CJ. Move toward God and you move into the light.”

  “Help me, Brad. Pray with me. I want to be free of this. I need to let go of my parents and truly accept God.”

  After that, sleep came easily, and CJ had no more dreams. She’d made her peace with God, and this time she knew it was real. She wasn’t using God as a crutch or even as a way to get to her parents. She had given herself in full to the love that He offered. Things might get rough from time to time, but this time she kept nothing back to accuse Him of later on.

  Morning came with a calm and stillness that matched CJ’s internal peace. She felt energized and alive. Waking up in Brad’s arms seemed to be the most natural thing in the world, and she was hesitant to move. Suddenly, she remembered his words the night before. In a strange but significant way, he’d declared his desire to marry her.

  CJ traced her fingers lightly upon Brad’s stubble-lined jaw, then placed a light kiss upon his cheek. “I think Daddy would have liked you,” she whispered. “I know I sure do.” She reached up and pushed back brown hair that fell across his forehead in little-boy style. His even breathing continued, prompting CJ to go on. “You are the bravest and most handsome man in the world, and I love you.” She placed another kiss on his cheek. “And you’re mine…all mine.”

  Slipping silently from Brad’s sleeping form, CJ scooted back against the rock and smiled smugly to herself.

  “You look like the cat who caught the mouse,” Brad whispered. He surveyed her through barely opened eyes.

  CJ jumped. “You ought to warn a person when you do that.”

  “Do what?” he questioned, easing himself up on one elbow.

  “Spy on them.” She blushed, knowing that he’d heard every word she’d said while thinking he was asleep. When would she ever learn to keep her mouth shut?

  “Good spies don’t announce their missions,” Brad replied, giving her a mischievous wink. His grin made her blush even more.

  “That wasn’t nice,” she said, trying to focus on anything but him.

  “Maybe not, but
it was certainly satisfying to hear you stake your claim.”

  CJ couldn’t stand it and buried her face in her hands, peeking through her fingers. “I can’t believe you let me go on. I’m going to remember this moment.”

  Brad laughed at her discomfort. “I certainly hope so. I know I intend to.” He struggled to sit up and winced at the soreness in his side.

  CJ immediately lost her self-consciousness and came to help him. “You’d better let me check that out,” she said, motioning to his side.

  “What? Can’t keep your hands off of me now that I’m yours?” Brad teased. He unzipped the coveralls and, with a groan, eased his arm out of the sleeve. CJ helped him with the coat he wore beneath the coveralls and pulled his shirt free from his jeans.

  “Now lie down on your side,” she ordered, reaching for one of the lights.

  “It could just wait,” Brad said, sounding less than enthusiastic.

  “Just do it, or I’ll take back what I said about your being brave.”

  Brad did as he was told and let CJ poke and prod. Using snow, she cleaned the injured site as well as she could, and when she was convinced she could do no more, she bandaged the wound and allowed Brad to redress.

  “I think you’ll live,” she said, putting things back in the first-aid kit. “You’re going to need some stitches when we get back.”

  “So now you finally believe that we’re going to make it?” Brad asked, zipping up the coveralls.

  CJ laughed at the way he’d backed her into admitting her hopefulness. “I guess I do.”

  In glaring white light, Brad crawled out from under the rock and got to his feet. “A rescue team should be able to maneuver now,” he declared, “but they’ll be hard-pressed to see us. The ELT will narrow it down for them, but we can make spotting our site much easier. Let’s dig out and throw a little color around this white.”

  “What about breakfast?” CJ said, reaching for the thermos. “There’s still some coffee.”

  “Cold coffee and frozen donuts. Yum!” Brad exclaimed and threw her a wink.

  “You could always go look for the toast,” she offered.

  Brad reached in and pulled CJ to her feet. “I’ve got a better idea. First, you kiss me on the lips instead of the cheek and second…” His words fell away as he kissed her. He pulled back just a bit, causing CJ to open her eyes. “Never mind about second.” He kissed her again.

  CJ pushed him back, nearly sending him into the snow. “Oh no, you don’t. Ever since I met you, you’ve been feeding me. Now when I’m really hungry, you won’t let me eat.”

  Brad chuckled. “You win. You win.” He threw up his hands and turned her toward the half-buried plane. “Good thing we camped close, or we might not have found it. Looks like it snowed pretty good last night.”

  CJ nodded, squinting against brilliant light. The snow had placed a shroud over the face of the mountain, while overhead the sky was an incredible shade of blue. Moving out, she plunged into the powdery drifts with Brad close at her side. They cleared the snow from the plane and laid out all their belongings that contrasted the most with white to form an X on top of the snow.

  That job done, CJ was overcome with a sense of mischief. When Brad wasn’t looking, she hurriedly rolled a snowball into her hands and hurled it at his smiling face just as he turned to ask her something.

  Plop! The snow broke up, mostly in powder, with just enough wetness to cling to his stubbly chin.

  “So that’s the game you want to play.” His words sounded as though he were answering a challenge.

  CJ began to back up. “Now, Brad,” she said with a laugh, “remember your side. You don’t want to start bleeding again.”

  “Then you’d better make it easy on me,” he said, reaching for a handful of snow.

  CJ waved her hands to hold him back. “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, wouldn’t I?” Brad advanced with the snow until he’d backed CJ up against the plane. Glancing down at his hands, he spoke. “It wouldn’t be very nice to rub your face in this, would it?”

  Feeling reprieved, CJ sighed. “No, it wouldn’t.”

  Brad looked up, and CJ knew by his roguish grin that she’d been had. “But it sure will be fun.” The words were no sooner out of his mouth than CJ’s face met with a handful of snow.

  Batting the wetness out of her eyes, she started to reach down for another handful, but Brad stopped her. He kissed her lightly on the lips, then kissed each of her eyes. “Remember my weakened condition,” he teased.

  CJ wrapped her arms around his neck. “Be glad I’m compassionate,” she murmured.

  Brad laughed and, after another brief kiss, released her. “I’m going to melt some snow. We need to drink plenty of water,” he said. “You can get dehydrated pretty fast up here.”

  “I’ll see if I can find anything useful in the plane.”

  CJ searched through the plane for anything that would offer them further help or comfort. With a laugh, she found the toast plastered alongside the radio, bits of frozen paper still clinging to it in shreds. Still laughing, she called Brad to inspect it.

  Brad stuck his head inside and saw the mess of bread that had somehow managed to get entwined with the dash controls.

  “Well, that confirms it,” he said with a grin.

  “Confirms what?”

  “The radio’s toast.”

  “Oh, Brad,” CJ moaned and rolled her eyes. “That’s pathetic.”

  He shrugged his shoulders and reached out to peel off the mess. “Where’s that jelly?”


  The day warmed marginally, making it easy to maneuver around the small area that Brad deemed safe. He reminded CJ that they knew very little of the terrain beneath the snow and that it would be easy to fall into a hole or miss a step.

  Brad surveyed their meager supplies, while CJ kept watch on the skies and periodically murmured a prayer. Their prayers were answered when search teams flying overhead spotted them. CJ was more than a little anxious about the rescue, but those concerns faded whenever she thought of Brad’s proposal. A proposal that hadn’t really been issued.

  They gathered their things and waited while the rescue teams de-cided the best course of action. CJ had hoped Brad would bring up the idea of getting married, but so far he’d kept their conversation light and humorous. Had he changed his mind? Were his words only spoken in the heat of the moment?

  Finally she could stand it no longer. The thundering sound of a helicopter overhead caused CJ to glance up from where she sat. A man in bright coveralls and helmet was lowering something down from the open door of the helicopter.

  “Looks like we’re about to be rescued,” Brad said, motioning up-ward as though CJ had missed it.

  It took CJ only a moment to note that the man was now being lowered down, as well. He was strapped to the rope in some strange concoction of lines and was motioning Brad and CJ to stay put.

  The man landed several feet from them and shouted, “You okay?”

  Brad pulled CJ with him and replied. “Minor injuries, nothing else. Sure glad to see you guys.”

  The man nodded. “I’ll take the lady up first, then come back down for you. You can give us the details later.”

  CJ inwardly panicked as Brad handed her over to the man and helped him strap her to the line.

  “Yes.” She stated the word as though he’d just asked her a question, and Brad could only shake his head.

  “Yes?” he asked curiously and stepped back. He noted the mischievous grin on CJ’s face and raised a brow to emphasize his confusion. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I’ll marry you,” CJ stated with a smug expression.

  “Oh, really,” Brad said, crossing his arms against his chest while the rescuer finished checking the line.

  “That’s right,” she replied, refusing to give up.

  “I don’t remember asking you,” he stated blankly. His pretense at seriousness didn’t put CJ off for a minute.

you better get to asking, because I might not say yes after we’re rescued, and it looks as though I’m about to leave.”

  Brad laughed. “You drive a hard bargain.”

  “I might say the same. Sometimes I think you planned all of this,” she said, waving her arms to indicate their predicament, “just so you could have me to yourself.”

  “We’re going up. Put your arms like this and hold tight,” the stranger told her, and CJ turned with a shrug to Brad.

  Brad quickly knelt in the snow. “CJ, you’re my dearest friend. You mean more to me than my own life does. Will you marry me?”

  Tears came to CJ’s eyes, but she didn’t care. Rising above the ground, she smiled down at Brad. “Yes!” she shouted down. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”

  Denver never looked so good, and even though they were forced apart for an observation stay at the hospital, CJ and Brad were clearly bonded for life.

  Cheryl arrived to make certain they were both really alive. “The nurse told me you were fine. Is that true?” Cheryl asked in that motherly tone of worry that CJ remembered from long ago.

  “I’m great. A little frostbite, but other than that, perfect health. Brad, on the other hand, has twenty stitches in his side. The doctor said it wasn’t anything to worry about, though.”

  “I was so afraid,” Cheryl told CJ. “I even insisted Daddy make his friends step up the search. I hassled them so much, I think they thought I was crazy…at least Stratton did.”

  “Stratton?” CJ questioned from the confines of her bed. “Are things any better between you two?”

  “I think so,” Cheryl said, rather hesitantly. “We’ve reset the wedding for Valentine’s Day.”

  “You don’t sound too thrilled about this,” CJ observed suspiciously.

  “Well, it’s a long story,” Cheryl replied. “Let’s just say I’m not sure I’m comfortable with everything in our relationship.”

  “Meaning what?” CJ frowned.

  “Meaning,” Cheryl hesitated, “that it’s a long story. Anyway, I’m glad you and Brad are all right.”


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