Viking Warband
Page 26
I know that there may be some confusion about these, apparently, similar sounding names. Lundenwic was the name of the sprawl of houses and farms just outside the Roman walls. It is the area now known as Central London. Lundenburh equates to London City (St. Pauls and the area around the Bank of England. It is the old Roman city of Londinium. There was a Roman wall around it and, in the centre was a Roman fort. Between the city walls and the fort were houses. When the Saxons began to defend against Viking raids they made burghs/burhs. They cleared houses to give a good field of fire and they built ditches. The raid I describe was one of the first ones on London. In 871, some years after this novel is set, the Vikings camped within the city walls and controlled the city until Alfred evicted them. The Viking raids began in the 830s.
King Egbert was a real king who did indeed triumph over King Coenwulf. He founded the power base upon which Alfred the Great built. When he defeated the Mercians he became, de facto, High King of Britain. It was also at this time that the Danes came to take over East Anglia and Yorkshire. The land became, over the next 50 years, Danelaw. Its expansion was only halted by Alfred and was finally destroyed when King Harold defeated his brother and King Harald Hadrada at Stamford Bridge in 1066. Until Alfred the Danes were used as hired swords. They fought for gold. It was a mistake for more often than not, as with the first Angles invited over, Hengist and Horsa, they stayed and conquered.
I have made up Elfrida and Egbert’s marriage to her but the kings of that time had many liaisons with many women. Some kings sired up to twenty illegitimate children and many legitimate ones. The practice continued into the late middle ages. Wives were frequently taken for political reasons. The inspiration for the abduction comes from the story of the Welsh Princess Nest (Nesta) who, in the 12th century had two children by King Henry 1st and was then married to one of his friends. She was abducted by a Welsh knight who lived with her until her husband recaptured her and killed her abductor. The Danish raids on the east coast began in the late 700s. However, the west coast and Hibernian were raided by Norse and Rus warriors who also went on to settle Iceland. There is less recorded evidence of their raids, attacks and settlements. The records we have are the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles and they tend to focus on the south and east of what was England. The land that is now the Lake District was disputed land between Northumbria and Strathclyde however the Norse influence on the language and its proximity to the Isle of Man and Dublin make me think that the Norse there would not have been part of what would become Danelaw.
I have used the word Welsh even though it is a modern word. The words used by Vikings and Saxons to describe them were similar to each other and both originated from the Proto-Germanic word Walhaz which means foreigner. Ironic as the Danes, Saxons, Norse and Germans were all the foreigners and the Welsh or Celts were the natives of Britain.
The Vikings had two seasons: summer and winter. As with many things a Viking lived simply and his world was black or white! There was no room for grey or any shades save the dead!
I used shadow raven website for the Norse months
The coast lines were different in the eighth and ninth centuries. The land to the east of Lincoln was swamp. Indeed, there had been a port just a few miles from Lincoln in the Roman age. Now Lincoln is many miles from the sea but this was not so in the past. Similarly, many rivers have been straightened. We can thank the Victorians for that. The Tees had so many loops in it that it took as long to get from Yarm to the sea as it did to get down to London! Similarly, many place names and places have changed. Some had Saxon names which became Norse. Some had Old English names. Some even retained their Latin names. It was quite common for one place to be known by two names.
Windar’s Mere is actually Ambleside. The Romans chose its location and Dragonheart is too clever a warrior to ignore its defensive potential.
The Vikings did not have a religion in the way that we do. There was no organisation. They had no priests or mullahs. They had beliefs. The gods and the spirits were there. You did not worship them. You asked them for help, perhaps, but you could equally curse them too.
The story of Gruffydd ap Cyngen and his murder is true. The story of the knife and King Coenwulf is pure fiction.
Pine tar
Pine tar is a sticky material produced by the high temperature carbonization of pine wood in anoxic conditions (dry distillation or destructive distillation). The wood is rapidly decomposed by applying heat and pressure in a closed container; the primary resulting products are charcoal and pine tar.
Pine tar consists primarily of aromatic hydrocarbons, tar acids and tar bases. Components of tar vary according to the pyrolytic process (e.g. method, duration, temperature) and origin of the wood (e.g. age of pine trees, type of soil and moisture conditions during tree growth). The choice of wood, design of kiln, burning and collection of the tar can vary. Only pine stumps and roots are used in the traditional production of pine tar.
Pine tar has a long history as a wood preservative, as a wood sealant for maritime use, in roofing construction and maintenance.
From Wikipedia
Greenways and trails
From my book sales, I know that over 66% of my readers do not live in England. They may not understand some of the terms I use. I have taken some photographs to illustrate certain features I use.
English woods are not like those in America and Canada. They are mixed and more open. Our paths are less well defined than those which have been manufactured. A greenway is a turf covered path with hedges and trees bordering it.
This first one shows a greenway. Some of the hedges and trees to the left have been removed! The dog has appeared in numerous novels. She is Scout- a border collie!
These three show a typical trail through an English woodland. They were taken in late spring.
As you can see they are perfect for ambushes. They twist and they turn. They undulate. All of these were taken within four hundred yards of my home. Sadly, modern developments mean that, within a generation, they will be lost. As far as I know these trails are more than a thousand years old. When I walk them, I feel a connection with the past.
The Raid of 851
There were many Viking raids on London in the ninth century. They increased dramatically after 825. Dragonheart's raid is one of the first. 842 and 851 saw the largest raids. The raid I write about really happened. They were led by three of Ragnar Lodbrok’s sons. There were 350 ships. Assuming an average crew of between 40 and 60 that gives a warband of between 14000 and 21000 warriors. They then went on the rampage until King Æthelwulf and his son Aethelbald brought them to battle at Aclea. Possible locations for the battle site include Ockley and Oakley Wood, near Merstham, both in Surrey.
It was such a huge defeat that the Vikings were unable to mount another attack for fifteen years. However, when they did so they were led by two sons of Ragnar Lodbrok: Ivar the Boneless and Halfdan Ragnarsson. They learned from their earlier raid and stole horses when they landed to help them move quicker. They almost conquered the whole of England. Alfred finally defeated them but the Great Heathen Army ruled half of England as a result.
Rædwulf took the throne and held it briefly. After his death he was succeeded by his sons, Osberht and Ælla. They were slain when the Great Heathen Army defeated the Northumbrians and installed their own puppet king. The sons of Rædwulf were the last Northumbrian rulers.
I used the following books for research
Vikings- Life and Legends -British Museum
Saxon, Norman and Viking by Terence Wise (Osprey)
The Vikings (Osprey) -Ian Heath
Byzantine Armies 668-1118 (Osprey)-Ian Heath
Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th -9th Century (Osprey) -David Nicholle
The Walls of Constantinople AD 324-1453 (Osprey) -Stephen Turnbull
Viking Longship (Osprey) - Keith Durham
The Vikings in England
Anglo-Danish Project
Anglo Saxon Thegn AD 449-1066- Mark Harrison (Osprey)
Viking Hersir- 793-1066 AD - Mark Harrison (Osprey)
Hadrian's Wall- David Breeze (English Heritage)
National Geographic- March 2017
Griff Hosker November 2017
Other books
Griff Hosker
If you enjoyed reading this book, then why not read another one by the author?
Ancient History
The Sword of Cartimandua Series (Germania and Britannia 50A.D. – 128 A.D.)
Ulpius Felix- Roman Warrior (prequel)
Book 1 The Sword of Cartimandua
Book 2 The Horse Warriors
Book 3 Invasion Caledonia
Book 4 Roman Retreat
Book 5 Revolt of the Red Witch
Book 6 Druid’s Gold
Book 7 Trajan’s Hunters
Book 8 The Last Frontier
Book 9 Hero of Rome
Book 10 Roman Hawk
Book 11 Roman Treachery
Book 12 Roman Wall
The Aelfraed Series (Britain and Byzantium 1050 A.D. - 1085 A.D.
Book 1 Housecarl
Book 2 Outlaw
Book 3 Varangian
The Wolf Warrior series (Britain in the late 6th Century)
Book 1 Saxon Dawn
Book 2 Saxon Revenge
Book 3 Saxon England
Book 4 Saxon Blood
Book 5 Saxon Slayer
Book 6 Saxon Slaughter
Book 7 Saxon Bane
Book 8 Saxon Fall: Rise of the Warlord
Book 9 Saxon Throne
The Dragon Heart Series
Book 1 Viking Slave
Book 2 Viking Warrior
Book 3 Viking Jarl
Book 4 Viking Kingdom
Book 5 Viking Wolf
Book 6 Viking War
Book 7 Viking Sword
Book 8 Viking Wrath
Book 9 Viking Raid
Book 10 Viking Legend
Book 11 Viking Vengeance
Book 12 Viking Dragon
Book 13 Viking Treasure
Book 14 Viking Enemy
Book 15 Viking Witch
Bool 16 Viking Blood
Book 17 Viking Weregeld
Book 18 Viking Storm
The Norman Genesis Series
The Battle for a Home
Revenge of the Franks
The Land of the Northmen
Ragnvald Hrolfsson
Brothers in Blood
The Anarchy Series England 1120-1180
English Knight
Knight of the Empress
Northern Knight
Baron of the North
King Henry’s Champion
The King is Dead
Warlord of the North
Enemy at the Gate
Warlord's War
Henry II
The Welsh Marches
Irish War
Border Knight Series
Sword for Hire
Modern History
The Napoleonic Horseman Series
Book 1 Chasseur a Cheval
Book 2 Napoleon’s Guard
Book 3 British Light Dragoon
Book 4 Soldier Spy
Book 5 1808: The Road to Corunna
The Lucky Jack American Civil War series
Rebel Raiders
Confederate Rangers
The Road to Gettysburg
The British Ace Series
1915 Fokker Scourge
1916 Angels over the Somme
1917 Eagles Fall
1918 We will remember them
From Arctic Snow to Desert Sand
Wings over Persia
Combined Operations series 1940-1945
Behind Enemy Lines
Toehold in Europe
Sword Beach
The Battle for Antwerp
King Tiger
Beyond the Rhine
Other Books
Carnage at Cannes (a thriller)
Great Granny’s Ghost (Aimed at 9-14-year-old young people)
Adventure at 63-Backpacking to Istanbul
For more information on all of the books then please visit the author’s web site at where there is a link to contact him.