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Like A Boss

Page 7

by Logan Chance

  Even the vendors with their jewelry and t-shirt stands weren’t fully set up.

  A warm breeze blew off the ocean and swirled my hair around my face. Taking a deep breath, trying my hardest to gain confidence, I entered the bar.

  Theo held his clipboard in his strong hands standing behind the bar when I stepped inside. He stopped, stared, and then returned his attention back to what he was doing.

  “Hello,” I said, nervously.

  “Penny,” he said, not looking up from the clipboard.

  It felt eerily strange being in the bar alone with him.

  I stood frozen as he laid the clipboard down along the bar and rested his arm over top of it.

  His attention all on me, almost as if a fire was lit in his eyes, made me weak in the knees.

  Moving wasn’t happening, forget about breathing properly.

  I cleared my throat and tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come.

  “Are we going to start? Or are you going to stand there all day?”

  Why was he only ever mean to me?

  “No, we can begin,” I said as I took a seat on a barstool with the wide oak bar between us.

  “Ok, so start already. We have lots of work to do today.”

  Who was he kidding? It was Monday, and we would be empty all afternoon. But, I played his little game and smiled. “Of course. Well, I have some solutions to improve a few things around here.”

  “Continue,” he snapped.

  I could already see I had my work cut out for me this morning.

  I opened my mouth to speak right at the moment he licked his full lips, and I stumbled over my words. “I think… we… could have theme days to drive in more business. Maybe Martini Mondays and we can run a discount on martinis.”

  He didn’t move or acknowledge my idea so I continued, nervously. “And we could do Two-for-Tuesdays. Almost like a buy one get one free.” I sounded like a child as I rushed the words out. Silence loomed between us. His dark eyes moved back to focus on his precious damn clipboard with no interest whatsoever in what I said. He wasn’t taking me seriously and a fire ignited in my chest.

  Who the fuck did he think he was? He could turn me on in a random club a few nights ago and now he couldn’t even comment on what I said?

  “Are you done?” he asked.

  Was he for real?

  “No, I’m not. You should listen to my ideas, Mr. Sullivan. They’re good, and you don’t have a clue what you’re doing here.” I could tell I crossed a line when his eyes snapped up to meet mine.

  “Come here,” he demanded.

  Slowly, I slid from the stool, and walked around the bar. I didn’t know what he wanted from me. Maybe to show me what was written on the clipboard?

  “I’m here. Now what?” I asked with one hand on my hip, waiting for him to explain whatever it was he wanted.

  “You think you’re so superior, don’t you?” He stepped closer, placing each hand on the bar, and enclosed me in his arms. I was trapped with nowhere to go as he leaned in closer.

  My heart slammed in my chest as I tried to remember the question.

  “Yes,” I smarted off to him.

  My chest rose and fell underneath my pink tank top. His eyes dropped to watch the action as I tried to step away.

  “You think you’re smarter than me?”

  “Maybe a little,” I breathed.

  He was too close, way too close. He needed to back away.

  “You don’t think I can run this bar properly?” he asked, inching closer.

  I tried to escape his muscled arms. “I don’t.”

  “You’re a fool. A stupid little girl who is mad about not getting her way.”

  “Am not,” I said, sounding like the little girl he claimed. What was I doing?

  “You infuriate me, Penny,” he breathed across my cheek. His warm breath hit my skin and my nipples hardened instantly.

  “You infuriate me more.” A deep burning erupted in my core and I knew I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I hated him.

  “Why do you enjoy pissing me off?”

  Me piss him off? Please. Oh God, is his dick pressing up against me?

  The thought of his hardness pressed against me brought me back to months ago when he fucked me on the beach.

  Both hands flew to his chest as I tried to push him away. As soon as they made contact with his firm muscles under his black t-shirt, they wouldn’t move.

  I could feel his heart pound vigorously in his chest, and I gazed into his eyes.

  “If you would take me seriously, you would see I have a lot to offer.”

  His eyes narrowed as his brow furrowed. “Take you seriously? I am fucking serious. I want you gone.”


  He wanted to fire me? For trying to improve The Goat? What kind of shit show did he plan on running?

  “Yes, you piss me off, and I can’t take it anymore.” As soon as the words spilled from his mouth his lips collided with mine.

  Oh, god, they feel so good.

  His tongue thrust into my mouth and I sucked along the corners of his lips. My hands lowered to the edge of his shirt and I slipped my hand underneath to feel his warm skin on my fingertips.

  With a flash, he broke the kiss. He grabbed at my shorts and dropped them to the floor. I stood there in my pink panties, and he growled at the sight.

  “So fucking sweet,” he moaned as he lifted me onto the bar.

  He wrenched my legs apart as he slammed his face right into the spot I shouldn’t want him most.

  His nose and mouth pressed along the cotton of my panties as he nibbled on me through them.

  The sensations were incredible, and I couldn’t believe it when my hands fisted in his hair. My nails dug into his scalp as my head fell back along the bar. Oh fuck. What was going on?

  In another quick second, my panties were being yanked down my legs and he threw them over his shoulder.

  “This pussy drives me crazy. You fucking drive me crazy.”

  “You’re an asshole,” I said. Confusion took over as well as desire. Why did I feel this way? I shouldn’t be enjoying this, at all.

  I should tell him to stop, push him away. But, I enjoyed his tongue as it lapped at my wetness.

  I rocked into his face as he growled against my clit. The vibration nearly sent me through the roof as he ate me like a man possessed.

  He was relentless as he never wavered from my skin.

  I should tell him to stop. Right. Now.



  Her pussy tasted delicious, so fucking sweet.

  The moment I tasted her sweet cunt, I couldn’t stop. I wanted to fight with her, get her mad enough to hopefully storm out of the bar and never return, but my plan backfired when her hands pressed against my chest.

  She smelled sweet, of coconuts and honey, and I wanted to know if the rest of her tasted as sweet.

  It did.

  When I pulled her shorts off, and saw her pink cotton panties, I lost it. My cock was ready and felt as if it could rip through my skin.

  The only comfort would be inside her tight pussy.

  The sight of her, open to me, and the way she tugged on my hair compelled me to please her.

  What was she doing to me? Her pussy, god her pussy.

  I slipped a finger inside and it gripped me, and I smiled along her skin. I held her clit between my lips and hummed gently as I flicked my thirsty tongue through her wetness.

  Her hips bucked, and I clamped both arms around her thighs holding her in place. Sucking, and licking, I tasted the softness of her skin.

  I returned my finger to her tightness as I tried to get my tongue inside her as well, pressing my nose into her clit.

  A desire coursed through me, one I hadn’t felt in many months.

  The hypnotic smell of her drove me almost to insanity, and her moans pushed me further to the point of no return.

  “Fuck, you taste so good.”

  I couldn’t ge
t enough. Her sighs and little yelps of anticipation made me want it even more.

  Then, all at once, I shoved my whole face against her harder and harder. I rocked as she grinded.

  She rode my face and I went fucking crazy.

  She picked up her pace and I went even faster. She was hot, and so fucking wet. I loved eating her and went further inside her pussy with my tongue.

  With her long legs holding my head in place, I delved deeper into her needy, tight cunt.

  Her nails dug into my head as she tugged me closer. My pinky ran through her wetness and then I pressed it into her ass. She screamed my name again as she bucked against my face, and I couldn’t wait to taste her orgasm on my tongue.

  The smell of her overpowered me, the taste of her threw my system into a frenzy as I sucked along her dripping wet pussy begging for her release.

  Eating like a starved man, I went deeper with my pinky into her ass. She was tight everywhere, and I fucking loved it.

  The intensity of my mouth along her made my cock beat with pain. A pain only she could cure.

  A pain so sharp, if I wasn’t buried far inside her, I might never live through it.

  “Theo, I’m coming,” she cried, her voice holding a hint of familiarity.

  A sense of pride washed over me knowing I’d brought her there. I was the sole reason she experienced something so powerful.

  My cock yearned to be inside her, but I couldn’t leave the position I was in. I didn’t want to.

  I was heady, my mind a fog of overloaded sensations.

  She came all over me and I couldn’t drink it up quick enough. I removed my fingers and grabbed her thighs, tugging her lower, crashing my lips to her.

  I wanted her to taste how sinfully pure she truly was.

  Her breathing was ragged, mine matching, and I sucked along her plush, full lips.

  I broke the kiss and she smiled, and it almost ruined me. The flush of her cheeks, the swell of her breast and her body bare to me—I wanted her.

  Her foot connected with my hip bone and she thrust her leg pushing me off her.

  “Why?” she asked, hopping from the bar and scrounging around for her clothes.

  I grinned, unsure what she meant. “What? Kiss you?”

  “All of it. Why would you touch me like that?” she asked while crossing her arms over her heaving chest.

  “You didn’t like it?” I stepped out of her way while she buttoned her shorts.

  “I…I…don’t ever do it again.” She tried to brush past me, but I stopped her with my hand gripping her elbow.

  I couldn’t concentrate with her around anymore, she needed to go. I acted a fool, and I wanted to stop my addiction to her—cold turkey.

  “Penny, you’re fired.” It was time to be done once and for all.

  Her expression ranged through a myriad of emotions. Beginning with shocked, ending in a fiery inferno of pure thundering rage.

  Her cheeks turned a deep red, and a second later the palm of her hand connected with my face.

  I dropped her elbow and leaned in close to her precious pouty lips. “Why the fuck would you think slapping me is a good idea?”

  “You can’t fire me.”

  “The fuck I can’t. I’ll say it again, you’re fired. Get the fuck out.” I was being tortured by her tight body, her soft lips.

  “Why? For what reason?”

  “For the reason I can’t think straight with you around.”

  She laughed, and I cracked a smile. I was being fucking ridiculous.

  “You’re so hot,” I whispered. What are you doing to me?

  She looked at a spot over my shoulder, avoiding my eyes. “It is hot. They have fans you could install. I looked into it, they’re cheap too.”


  “I’ll think about it.” I moved away from her and grabbed my clipboard.

  She narrowed her eyes.

  “I said I would think about it and I will. Get to work…uh… please.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Oh and Theo,” she said softly when I turned away from her, “I’m sorry I slapped you.”

  “I’m sorry, too.” I stalked away to my office, without looking back.

  Once inside, I slammed the door and sank into my chair. Fuck, what happened—again?

  There was something about her, something I couldn’t escape.

  The clipboard served as a stress reliever as I clutched it tighter in my hands. My cock throbbed and I took a few deep breaths.

  Fuck, fans? I sat down and grabbed a pen.

  Reasons to get fans

  ● The customers have been fanning themselves

  ● Might help keep customers in the seats, ordering

  ● Penny seems to really want them

  ● Her pussy tasted so fucking good

  I hung my head, eyes closed as I took a deep breath through my nose. I struck my pen through the last line and continued.

  ● They’d probably be cheap

  ● It’s fucking hot

  ● It would make her happy

  Where was my brain? I ate out a fucking employee, on my fucking bar.

  I was losing it.

  Scrubbing my hand against my beard, I saw the mail stacked on the desk. The bold black letters of a name I knew all too well jumped out at me. Pardo Inc. I tore the letter open.

  After scanning the words written on the paper, I crumpled the letter in my hand. A land developer wanted my oceanfront property.

  Fuck, Dex.

  I knew my asshole half-brother worked for Pardo Inc., and now they were all of a sudden interested in my bar? I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Xavier.

  “Hey, Theo. How can I help you?” Xavier asked.

  “Are you busy? I need to talk.”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “I got a letter from Pardo Inc. They’re looking to buy the Bearded Goat.”

  “Hmm,” he hummed.

  “Well?” I snapped, pressing the phone closer to my ear. I leaned back in my chair. Xavier was always calm, and right now, I wanted to shove my fist through the wall.

  “How’s business?”

  “Not good. I should have researched a little more before I made the hasty decision of buying this dump.”

  “Do you think Dex is behind this?” he asked.

  “Absolutely. How could he not be? He’s a fucking asshole. He always wants what’s mine.” My fist tightened on the crumpled letter. “What can we do?”

  “Well, you could not sell to them. Pardo will stop at nothing though. You know how they are.” He paused and I leaned up, rubbing my palm on my forehead. “The fuckers may even try to put liens on your building. They have deep pockets. They’ll get you shut down in no time.”

  “Yeah, crossed my mind, too.” I shifted in my seat as I ran my hand down my thigh, nervous energy careening through my legs.

  “Do you think you could offload it?”

  “I’m not sure there’s another idiot quite like me who would buy it,” I cracked a smile. “Maybe I should see what Pardo offers.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, Theo. I went over the paperwork with you. It appeared like a great deal at the time.”

  “Yeah, fuck little did we know. I invested a lot of money into this.” I paused, my nervous energy dissipating, and let out a deep breath.

  “Is there a way to drive more business? I mean your bar sits in the heart of South Beach.”

  “Yeah, but summer’s coming.” I leaned closer. “I’ve got this bartender and she gave me some great suggestions.” Maybe it was the way I said it, or the tone of my voice, but he could tell more was at play.

  “You’re not fooling around with her are you?”

  I blew out a breath, and rubbed the back of my neck with my hand as I tried to stall for time to answer.

  “Jesus, Theo. Are you trying to give me a coronary? You don’t need a sexual harassment lawsuit on top of everything else.”

  “I know,” I said,
shaking my head at my own stupidity. As bad as I wanted to never speak to her again, I still couldn’t get the taste of her off my mind.

  “Alright, first order of business, stop whatever is going on with her,” he said firmly. “Next issue, keep her happy at work. No firing her. We don’t need her to become a problem.”

  Ah, such little faith in me.

  “Ok. What else?”

  “If you think her ideas have merit, try them out. See if it helps. Maybe she has more.” Maybe everyone did, and I should stop being the pompous asshole they pegged me for and listen to them.

  “And as for Dex?”

  “Let me see what I can dig up. Have you talked to him recently?”

  “Not since the moment I caught him fucking Blair,” I answered with a gruff voice.

  I hated talking about Dex, hated thinking about him. He’d never even apologized for his betrayal. What a dick.

  My other main concern was Penny. To make matters worse, I had to implement her ideas for the Goat. I finished my conversation with Xavier and headed off to Blair’s to pick up Lucy for dinner.

  With Lucy in the car, I knew I would need to make nice and call Penny.

  “Lucy, want to go to dinner?”

  “Yes,” she giggled.

  “Let’s get you home first, and we can put on your pretty dress, ok?”

  “Yes,” she giggled louder.

  With a quick rush into my condo, I dressed Lucy and pulled her hair into two pigtails. How would I be able to keep Penny happy at work. I knew what Xavier said was right. I’d need to make sure she didn’t cause problems for me, although she didn’t strike me as that kind of girl. As I grabbed my keys, I glanced at my clipboard from work, noticing the list I’d made previously.

  ● It would make her happy

  I read the line a few times as I raked a hand through my thick hair. Lucy tugged on my other hand. “Ready, Daddy?”

  “Yes, Boo. Let’s go.”

  With one thought running through my mind, I locked the door behind us. I really want to make her fucking happy.



  Theo, Lord of the Pussy Eaters. What the fuck was I thinking?

  Standing in the bathroom, staring at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t look away from my guilt laden eyes. What the hell came over me? I thought of my boyfriend. My absent boyfriend. Was he really my boyfriend anymore? Was our relationship waiting for the official words to sever it?


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