18. Weekly Anglo-African (New York), 24 Sept. 1864.
19. Speech at Syracuse, N.Y., 6 Oct. 1864, in C. Peter Ripley, ed., The Black Abolitionist Papers (5 vols.; Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985–1992), 5:306.
20. Weekly Pacific Appeal (San Francisco), 9 Jan. 1864.
21. The Liberator (Boston), 20 May 1864.
22. Ibid., 22 July 1864.
23. Reply to the loyal colored people of Baltimore, 7 Sept. 1864, Roy P. Basler et al., eds., Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln [hereafter CWL] (8 vols. plus index; New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1953–1955), 7:542.
24. Sojourner Truth to Oliver Johnson, 17 November 1864, National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York), 17 Dec. 1864.
25. Pillsbury to Theodore Tilton, Concord, New Hampshire, 22 May 1864, and Henniker, New Hampshire, 10 July 1864, Miscellaneous Manuscripts, New-York Historical Society; Pillsbury to Wendell Phillips, Concord, 27 Aug. 1864, Wendell Phillips Papers, Harvard University.
26. Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Wendell Phillips, New York, 6 June 1863 [1864], Wendell Phillips Papers, Harvard University; Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Susan B. Anthony, New York City, 25 Sept. 1864, Theodore Stanton and Harriot Stanton Blatch, eds., Elizabeth Cady Stanton as Revealed in Her Letters, Diary and Reminiscences (2 vols.; New York: Harper & Brothers, 1922), 2:101.
27. Wendy Hamand Venet, Neither Ballots Nor Bullets: Women Abolitionists and the Civil War (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1991), 138.
28. Smith to Stanton, 3 Oct. 1864, Stanton Papers, DLC.
29. Venet, Neither Ballots Nor Bullets, 138; diary entry, 12 February 1901, Stanton and Blatch, eds., Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 2:355.
30. Conway to Oliver Johnson, Brighton, England, 26 July 1864, National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York), 27 Aug. 1864.
31. National Anti-Slavery Standard (New York), 23 July 1864.
32. Wright to Gerrit Smith, 19 Aug. 1864, in Arthur Harry Rice, “Henry B. Stanton as a Political Abolitionist” (Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1968), 405.
33. Phillips to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, n.p., 27 Sept. 1864, Ann D. Gordon, ed., The Selected Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (4 vols.; New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1997–2006), 1:531.
34. Speech of October 20 at Boston, in Henry Wilson, History of the Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America (3 vols.; Boston: Osgood, 1872–1877), 3:547.
35. Maria Weston Chapman to Lizzie Chapman Laugel, Weymouth, Massachusetts, 23 Feb. 1864, Weston Sisters Papers, Boston Public Library.
36. Speech of Phillips, Oct. 26, New York Daily News, 27 Oct. 1864.
37. Frederick William Seward, William H. Seward: An Autobiography from 1801 to 1834, with a Memoir of his Life and Selections from His Letters (3 vols.; New York: Derby and Miller, 1891), 3:215.
38. The Liberator (Boston), 28 Oct. 1864.
39. Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Susan B. Anthony, New York, 22 Aug. 1864, Stanton and Blatch, eds., Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 2:101; Oliver Johnson to Anna E. Dickinson, New York, 22 Sept. 1864, Dickinson Papers, DLC.
40. McKim to Caroline Weston, Philadelphia, 2 June 18[64], Weston Sisters Papers, Boston Public Library.
41. Maria Weston Chapman to Lizzie Chapman Laugel, Weymouth, Massachusetts, 23 Feb. 1864, Weston Sisters Papers, Boston Public Library.
42. May to Phillips, Philadelphia, 30 Sept. 1864, draft, May Papers, Boston Public Library.
43. May to Richard Webb, Boston, 2 Jan. 1865, ibid.
44. Theodore Tilton to Anna E. Dickinson, New York, 30 June 1864, Dickinson Papers, DLC.
45. Theodore Tilton to Judge [Hugh L.?] Bond, New York, 30 June [1864], Tilton Papers, New-York Historical Society.
46. R. S. Matthews to Theodore Tilton, Baltimore, 6 July 1864, ibid.
47. Kelley to J. Miller McKim, Washington, 1 May 1864, copy, Garrison Papers, Boston Public Library.
48. James T. Pratt to [Rufus L.] Baker, South Glastonbury, 16 Nov. 1864, Schoff Civil War Collection, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan.
49. Wendell Garrison to Ellie Garrison, 12 July 1864, Harriet Hyman Alonso, Growing Up Abolitionist: The Story of the Garrison Children (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2002), 218–219.
50. Parker Pillsbury to Wendell Phillips, Concord, New Hampshire, 27 Aug. 1864, Phillips Papers, Harvard University.
51. Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Susan B. Anthony, New York, 25 Sept. 1864, Stanton and Blatch, eds., Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 2:100.
52. Henry A. Tilden to [Samuel J. Tilden], Wash[ington], 26 Aug. 1864, Tilden Papers, New York Public Library.
53. Nevins and Thomas, eds., Strong Diary, 3:480–481.
54. Nicolay to Theodore Tilton, Washington, 6 Sept. 1864, Burlingame, ed., With Lincoln in the White House, 158.
55. Nicolay to Therena Bates, Washington, 11 Sept. 1864, ibid.
56. Howard K. Beale and Alan W. Brownsword, eds., Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson (3 vols.; New York: W.W. Norton, 1960), 1:440–441 (21 Sept. 1863).
57. Charles B. Sedgwick to John Murray Forbes, Syracuse, 5 Sept. 1864, in Sarah Forbes Hughes, ed., Letters and Recollections of John Murray Forbes (2 vols.; Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1899), 2:101, 107.
58. Curtis to Charles Eliot Norton, [North Shore, New York], 24 Sept. 1864, Curtis Papers, Harvard University.
59. Annie Wittenmyer, Under the Guns: A Woman’s Reminiscences of the Civil War (Boston: E. B. Stillings, 1895), 240.
60. George Forrester Williams in The Independent 53:2398, in Fehrenbacher and Fehrenbacher, eds., Recollected Words of Lincoln, 498.
61. Grant to Washburne, City Point, Virginia, 16 Aug. 1864, John Y. Simon, ed., The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1967–), 12:16–17.
62. Thompson, “A Talk with President Lincoln,” 50; Thompson’s sermon in New York, 30 Apr. 1865, in Our Martyr President, Abraham Lincoln: Voices from the Pulpit of New York and Brooklyn (New York: Tibbals and Whiting, 1865), 191.
63. George B. Cheever to Theodore Tilton, Newport, Rhode Island, n.d., Tilton Papers, New-York Historical Society; George B. Cheever to his wife Elizabeth, New York, 22 Sept., 1 Nov. 1864, Cheever Family Papers, American Antiquarian Society.
64. Lucius Fairchild to Lincoln, Madison, Wisconsin, 13 Sept. 1864, AL MSS DLC.
65. Weed to Seward, New York, 10 Sept. [1864], ibid.
66. New York Evening Post, 20 Sept. 1864, in Allan Nevins, The Evening Post: A Century of Journalism (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1922), 313.
67. John Sherman to William T. Sherman, 4 Sept. 1864, John Sherman Papers, DLC.
68. Sherman, speech in Sandusky, New York Tribune, 7 Oct. 1864.
69. Letter from Washington by Charles Moore, n.d., who spoke with Jerome, Century Magazine, July 1895, 476–477.
70. Wilson to Lincoln, Natick, Massachusetts, 5 Sept. 1864, AL MSS DLC.
71. Chicago Tribune, 1 Sept. 1864.
72. Interview between Thaddeus Stevens and Lincoln as recounted by R. M. Hoe, n.d., in Michael Burlingame, ed., An Oral History of Abraham Lincoln: John G. Nicolay’s Interviews and Essays (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1996), 78.
73. Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee, Silver Spring, [Maryland], 24 Sept. [1864], Virginia Jeans Laas, ed., Wartime Washington: The Civil War Letters of Elizabeth Blair Lee (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1991), 433.
74. Chandler to his wife, New York, 8 Sept. 1864, Chandler Papers, DLC.
75. Sawyer to Frémont, Pittsburgh, 13 Sept. 1864, in Allan Nevins, Frémont: Pathmarker of the West (New York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1939), 579.
76. Letter by Jessie Frémont, Nov. 1889, Samuel T. Pickard, Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier (2 vols.; Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press, 1894), 2:487.
77. Frémont to George L. Stearns, et al., Nahant, 17 Sept. 1864, Boston Daily Advertiser, 23 Sept. 1864.
78. This account is based prim
arily on Henry Winter Davis to S. F. Dupont, n.p., 28 or 29 Sept. 1864, in John D. Hayes, ed., Samuel Francis Du Pont: A Selection from His Civil War Letters (3 vols.; Ithaca, NY: Published for the Eleutherian Mills Historical Library by the Cornell University Press, 1969), 3:393–394; Hans L. Trefousse, “Zachariah Chandler and the Withdrawal of Frémont in 1864,” Lincoln Herald 70 (1968):181–188.
79. Lincoln to Montgomery Blair, Washington, 23 Sept. 1864, CWL, 8:18.
80. Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 2:156–157 (entry for 23 Sept. 1864).
81. William Ernest Smith, The Francis Preston Blair Family in Politics (2 vols.; New York: Macmillan, 1933), 2:288.
82. Gustavus V. Fox to his wife Virginia, Washington, 23 Sept. 1864, Fox Papers, New-York Historical Society.
83. Blair to Lincoln, Washington, 23 Sept. 1864, AL MSS DLC.
84. David Davis to Lincoln, Bloomington, 4 Oct. 1864, ibid.
85. Davis to S.F. Du Pont, [28 or 29 Sept.] 1864, in Hayes, ed., Du Pont Letters, 3:393.
86. Henry Winter Davis to S. F. Du Pont, 28 Sept. 1864, ibid., 3:395.
87. Beale, ed., Welles Diary, 2:158n (undated footnote).
88. Howard K. Beale, ed., The Diary of Edward Bates, 1859–1866 (Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1930, vol. IV; Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1933), 291 (entry for 10 May 1864).
89. Blair to Frémont, Washington, 24 Aug. 1861, in John G. Nicolay and John Hay, Abraham Lincoln: A History (10 vols.; New York: Century, 1890), 9:334.
90. Washington correspondence by Van [D. W. Bartlett], 25 Mar., Springfield, Massachusetts, Republican, 27 Mar. 1863.
91. J. K. Herbert to Benjamin Butler, Washington, 26 Sept. 1864, in Jessie Ames Marshall, ed., Private and Official Correspondence of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, during the Period of the Civil War (5 vols.; Norwood, MA: Plimpton Press, 1917), 5:168.
92. Chandler to Austin Blair, Detroit, 29 Sept. 1864, Blair Papers, Detroit Public Library.
93. Michael Burlingame and John R. Turner Ettlinger, eds., Inside Lincoln’s White House: The Complete Civil War Diary of John Hay (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997), 254 (entry for 18 Dec. 1864).
94. Smith, Blair Family, 2:292.
95. Francis P. Blair, Sr., to Frank Blair, 23 Sept. 1864, copied in Elizabeth Blair Lee to Samuel Phillips Lee, Silver Spring, [Maryland], 24 Sept. [1864], Laas, ed., Letters of Elizabeth Blair Lee, 433.
96. Beale, ed., Bates Diary, 413 (entry for 23 Sept. 1864).
97. Burlingame and Ettlinger, eds., Hay Diary, 230 (entry for 24 Sept. 1864).
98. St. Louis Anzeiger des Westens, n.d., copied in the La Crosse, Wisconsin, Daily Democrat, 17 Aug. 1864.
99. Thomas J. McCormack, ed., Memoirs of Gustave Koerner, 1809–1896 (2 vols.; Cedar Rapids, IA: Torch Press, 1909), 2:432.
100. George B. Lincoln to Andrew Johnson, Brooklyn, 11 June 1864, Graf and Haskins, eds., Johnson Papers, 6:732.
101. Hugh McCulloch to his wife, Washington, 25 Sept. 1864, Hugh McCulloch Papers, InU.
102. Wade to Chandler, Jefferson, Ohio, 2 Oct. 1864, Chandler Papers, DLC.
103. Chandler to his wife, Washington, 2 Sept. 1864, ibid.
104. J. K. Herbert to Benjamin F. Butler, Washington, 26 Sept. 1864, in Correspondence of Butler, ed. Marshall, 5:167.
105. Smith, Blair Family, 2:285.
106. Davis to S. F. Dupont, n. p., 25 Sept. 1864, transcript, S. F. Du Pont Papers, Hagley Museum, Wilmington, Delaware.
107. Peter G. Sauerwine to Edward McPherson, Baltimore, 8 Oct. 1864, McPherson Papers, DLC.
108. George B. Cheever to Theodore Tilton, Newport, Rhode Island, n.d., Tilton Papers, New-York Historical Society; George B. Cheever to his wife Elizabeth, New York, 22 Sept., 1 Nov. 1864, Cheever Family Papers, American Antiquarian Society.
109. “Old-Time Facts and Fancies” by “An Old-Timer,” clipping marked “Chicago News, 2-29-1896,” LMF.
110. Peoria correspondence, 4 Aug., New York Daily News, 12 Aug. 1864.
111. Proceedings of the peace convention, Cincinnati Commercial, 20 Oct. 1864, copied in the New York Daily News, 24 Oct. 1864; article by Matthew Page Andrews, New York Times, 12 Feb. 1928.
112. Cincinnati Enquirer, 29 Mar. 1864, Charles Ray Wilson, “The Cincinnati Daily Enquirer and Civil War Politics: A Study of Copperhead Opinion” (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1934), 253–254.
113. La Crosse, Wisconsin, Daily Democrat, 16 Aug. 1864.
114. Sidney Kaplan, “The Miscegenation Issue in the Election of 1864,” Journal of Negro History 34 (1949) 274–343; Michael Vorenberg, Final Freedom: The Civil War, the Abolition of Slavery, and the Thirteenth Amendment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 141.
115. Cyrus [Bearenderfer?] to Daniel Musser, 20 Feb. 1864, Musser Papers, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, in Arnold M. Shankman, The Pennsylvania Antiwar Movement, 1861–1865 (Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1980), 196.
116. Interview with Alexander W. Randall and Joseph T. Mills, 19 Aug. 1864, CWL, 7:508.
117. Simeon Nash to John Sherman, Gallipolis, Ohio, 17 June 1864, Sherman Papers, DLC.
118. John McMahon to Lincoln, Harm-brook, Pennsylvania, 5 Aug. 1864, Nicolay Papers, DLC; “Nicolay” to McMahon, Washington, 6 Aug. 1864, CWL, 7:483.
119. Cleveland Plain Dealer in Donnal V. Smith, “Chase and Civil War Politics,” Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly (1931): 134.
120. Columbus Crisis, 3 Aug. 1864, in David Lindsey, “Sunset” Cox: Irrepressible Democrat (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1959), 84.
121. Kenneth Silverman, Lightning Man: The Accursed Life of Samuel F. B. Morse (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003), 410–411.
122. Bridgeport, Connecticut, Farmer, n.d., copied in the La Crosse, Wisconsin, Daily Democrat, 30 Aug. 1864; Cincinnati Enquirer, n.d., Wilson, “Cincinnati Enquirer,” 294.
123. Elizabeth F. Yager, “The Presidential Campaign of 1864 in Ohio,”Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly 34 (1925): 572-573; “Campaign of 1864 in Ohio,” 572–573; Cincinnati Enquirer, 23, 24 Sept. 1864.
124. James J. Farran to Alexander Long, Cincinnati, 26 June 1864, Long Papers, Cincinnati Historical Society.
125. Columbus Crisis, 27 Jan. 1864, in Reed W. Smith, Samuel Medary and The Crisis: Testing the Limits of Press Freedom (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1995), 130.
126. The Old Guard: A Monthly Journal Devoted to the Principles of 1776 and 1787 (New York), Oct. 1864, 224.
127. New York Daily News, 27 July, 12, 14 Sept. 1864.
128. La Crosse Daily Democrat, 25 Aug. 1864.
129. Hans L. Trefousse, First Among Equals: Abraham Lincoln’s Reputation during His Administration (New York: Fordham University Press, 2005), 112.
130. Chicago Times, 7 June 1864.
131. Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Argus, 10, 17 Aug. 1864, in Shankman, Antiwar Movement in Pennsylvania, 177, 192.
132. New York Daily News, 12 Sept. 1864.
133. Reginald C. McGrane, William Allen: A Study in Western Democracy (Columbus: Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1925), 168.
134. New York World, 9 Sept. 1864.
135. Ward Hill Lamon, Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1847–1865, ed. Dorothy Lamon Teillard (Washington, DC: the editor, 1911), 143.
136. Lamon, drafts and anecdotes (ca. 1887), folder 1, Lamon Papers, CSmH, in Don E. Fehrenbacher and Virginia Fehrenbacher, eds., Recollected Words of Abraham Lincoln (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1996), 290.
137. Lamon, Recollections of Lincoln, 149.
138. Washington correspondence, 16 Oct., New York Tribune, 17 Oct. 1864.
139. Johnson speech in Brooklyn, in Bernard Christian Steiner, Life of Reverdy Johnson (New York: Russell & Russell, 1970), 64-65.
140. Browning to Edgar Cowan, Quincy, Illinois, 6 Sept. 1864, photostatic copy, J. G. Randall Papers, DLC.
141. New York World, 26 Sept. 1864; E. V. Haugh
wout & Co. to Marble, New York, 26, 27, and 28 Sept. 1864; [Marble] to Col. Frank E. Howe, New York, 26 Sept. 1864; and Marble to [E. V. Haughwout & Co.], “Wednesday 2 AM”, filed at the end of September 1864, and [3 Oct. 1864], draft, Marble Papers, DLC.
142. Maria Lydig Daly, Diary of a Union Lady, 1861–1865, ed. Harold Earl Hammond (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1962), 305 (entry for 25 Sept. 1864).
143. George W. Adams to [David Goodman] Croly, Washington, 7 Oct. 1867, Manton Marble Papers, DLC. In 1862, Congress passed a supplemental appropriation of $2,613 to cover expenses involved in plating gas fittings at the White House. Elisha Whittlesey to George Harrington, Washington, 6 Mar. 1862, Letters Received, vol. 27, Records of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, microfilm edition, Record Group 42, microcopy 371, National Archives. On July 30, 1862, Haughwout received $2,343 from the Commissioner of Public Buildings for plating White House cutlery. Financial Records of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, entry 19, box 13, ibid.
144. Bayly Ellen Marks and Mark Norton Schatz, eds., Between North and South: A Maryland Journalist Views the Civil War, The Narrative of William Wilkins Glenn (Rutherford, NJ: Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 1976), 296 (4 Oct. 1867).
145. New York World, 30 Sept. and 1 Oct. 1864.
146. Unidentified New York newspaper copied in the Illinois State Register, (Springfield) 30 Oct. 1864.
147. New York correspondence by “Metropolitan,” 9 Oct. 1867, Boston Post, 11 Oct. 1867.
148. Columbus Crisis, 20 July 1864.
149. A. H[omer] B[yington] to [Sydney Howard] Gay, Washington, 23 Mar. [1864]; Sam Wilkeson to Sydney Howard Gay, [Washington, ca. 23 March 1864], Gay Papers, Columbia University.
150. Mary Edwards Raymond, ed., Some Incidents in the Life of Mrs. Benjamin S. Edwards (privately printed, 1909), 11–12, 16; Elizabeth Keckley, Behind the Scenes (New York: G. W. Carleton, 1868), 149–150.
151. Julia Taft Bayne, Tad Lincoln’s Father (Boston: Little, Brown, 1931), 49.
152. Keckly, Behind the Scenes, 145.
153. James H. Linsley to Miss Conant, Bermuda Hundred, Virginia, 16 June 1864, typescript, Schoff Civil War Collection, William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan.
Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2 Page 178