Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2
Page 184
on colonization, 335
dismissal of, 690–95
on Emancipation Proclamation, 408–9, 419, 463
on Frémont, 207–8
at Gettysburg Address, 570
MTL and, 264
opinions on Fort Sumter, 101–3, 108, 111, 124
as prospective postmaster general, 54–55, 57, 97
reputation of, 55
speeches of, 566
on Trent affair, 223
on West Virginia, 460
Blake, John B., 276–77
Blatchford, Richard, 163
Blenker, Louis, 304
Blow, Henry T., 538, 596
Boernstein, Henry, 93
Bohlen, Henry, 438
Boker, George H., 283
Bond, Hugh Lennox, 372
Bookstaver, David S., 33
Booth, Edwin, 812, 814
Booth, John Wilkes, 770, 803, 807
assassination plot of, 810–11, 816–17
biases of, 813
parents of, 813–14, 815, 816
views of, 812–13
Booth, Junius Brutus, 813–14, 815, 816
Booth, Marie Christine Adelaide Delannoy (Mrs. Junius), 816
Booth, Mary Ann Holmes, 813–14, 815, 816
Border States, 340, 384, 390, 416, 442, 463, 465, 708, 805
AL’s proposal to abolish slavery in Washington, D.C., and, 333–48, 355–57
armies of, 405
Confederacy and, 102, 122, 124, 126–27
confrontation with, 135–36
Delaware as, 128–29, 230, 335–36
Emancipation Proclamation and, 422–23
Kentucky as, 128–29, 230, 335–36
lawmakers, 340–43, 361
Maryland as, 128–29, 230, 335–36, 342, 346–47
Missouri as, 128–29, 230, 335–36
objections of, 403
in Union, 131, 335–36, 338. See also Kentucky
Boston (Massachusetts) Atlas and Bee, 63
Boston (Massachusetts) Commonwealth, 411, 463, 500, 597–98
Boston (Massachusetts) Daily Advertiser, 6
Boston (Massachusetts) Daily Courier, 577
Boston (Massachusetts) Journal, 275, 518, 570, 789
Boston (Massachusetts) Post, 477
Boston (Massachusetts) Transcript, 673, 771
Boteler, Alexander R., 44
Botts, John Minor, 120, 125, 566
on AL’s 1861 proclamation calling up militia, 136
Bouligny, John, 66, 587
Boutwell, George, 414, 554, 586, 589, 596, 603, 735
Bowen, Henry C., 288
Bowles, Samuel, 286, 303
Boyce, William W., 742
Boyer, Benjamin M., 278
Bradford, Augustus W., 148, 346–47, 414, 568
Bragg, Braxton, 127, 432, 484, 545
at battle of Chickamauga, 555, 557
forces, 579
Bramlette, Thomas, 709–10
Breckinridge, John C., 171, 243, 353, 508, 640
Briggs, James A., 265–66, 617, 622
Bright, Jesse D., 173
Bright, John, 226, 250
Brinkerhoff, Jacob, 204, 344
Bristow, Francis, 66
Bromwell, Henry P.H., 352, 826
Brooklyn (New York) Daily Eagle, 651
Brooklyn Navy Yard, 115, 707
Brooks, Erastus, 332
Brooks, James, 232, 245, 560, 569
Brooks, Noah, 458, 486, 629, 715, 717, 722, 724, 727, 729, 774, 801
AL and, 489–92, 495, 498, 503, 596, 653, 657, 663, 734–35, 744, 768, 805, 808
on Emancipation Proclamation, 469
as journalist, 55, 259
remarks of, 370, 446
on war, 423–24
Bross, William, 668
Brough, John, 564–65, 623–25
Brown, Austin, 532
Brown, B. Gratz, 537, 549, 554–55, 613, 635, 777
Brown, George W., 141–42, 145
Brown, Henry, 825
Brown, John, 395, 399, 424, 526, 676–78, 771, 812, 816
Brown, Joseph E., 742
Brown, Peter, 252
Brown, William G., 461
Brown, William Wells, 395, 522
Browning, Orville H., 56, 150, 344, 598, 664, 700, 754, 764, 827–28
as AL’s friend, 69, 130, 154, 165, 205–6, 229–30, 308, 320, 330, 351, 356–57, 430, 443, 464–66, 738
on AL’s inaugural address, 45–47
on AL’s work habits, 72–73
on cabinet crisis, 452, 456
during elections, 421
on emancipation, 400, 440–41, 468, 478
on Lincoln, W., 298
on MTL, 263, 274
on Trent affair, 224
Brownson, Orestes, 383, 403–4, 449
Bryant, William Cullen, 213, 232, 423, 449, 649, 673–74, 707, 732
Buchanan, Franklin, 508
Buchanan, James, 22, 32, 640
administration of, 40, 52, 59–61, 70, 131, 204, 243, 731, 739, 804
corruption and, 70, 175
on Fort Pickens, 104
on Fort Sumter, 100
patronage and, 79
Buckingham, William A., 399, 488, 666
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 128, 156, 508
Buell, Don Carlos: as commander, 218–20, 221, 248, 330, 437
conflicts with, 582
dismissal of, 458
on emancipation, 436
failure to fight by, 423, 432–33
at Perryville, 438
reinforcements of, 309, 321
Buffalo (New York) Courier, 204
Buffalo, New York, AL speaks at, 17–19
Buford, Napoleon B., 320
Bull Run, 212, 222, 242, 404, 496, 625, 806
early war skirmishes and, 176–89
first defeat at, 182–84, 190, 200, 361
McDowell at, 182–85
Nicolay on, 182
Scott, Winfield, on, 182–84
Second Battle of, 371–76, 378–79, 504. See also Manassas
Bullitt, Cuthbert, 406–7, 586
Burbridge, Stephen G., 719
Burgess, James M., 2
Burke, Francis P., 278–79
Burlingame, Anson, 91
as minister to Austria, 94
as minister to China, 92, 95
Burnett, Henry C., 66
Burns, John, 577
Burns, Thomas, 252
Burnside, Ambrose E., 197, 212–13, 323, 380, 522, 564, 579
as commander, 444–48, 484–87, 500
conduct of, 556
defeats, 444–48
division of, 319
on Emancipation Proclamation, 418
at Falmouth, 370
as general, 290, 303, 330, 368, 583
General Order Number 38, 505–6
during grand offensive, 648
as head of Department of Ohio, 503–10
recommendations of, 583–84
replacement of, 484–87
victories, 297
Burritt, Elihu, 338
Burton, Benjamin, 229
Butler, Andrew J., 81–82
Butler, Benjamin F., 81, 147–48, 475, 519–20, 540, 556, 600, 611, 694
AL and, 544, 587
on AL’s reelection, 683
as commander, 212, 237, 438, 529
dispatch of seven regiments by, 180
“fugitive slave law” of, 351
during grand offensive, 646, 648, 652, 654
potential candidacy of, 631–32, 634, 666–67, 680
Reconstruction and, 585–86, 590–91
replacement of, 434–35
support of, 612, 619
Butler, William, 87, 100, 431
Butterfield, Daniel, 498
Butterfield, Justin, 530
Butz, Caspar, 635
Cabinet crisis (1862), 448–57
Cadwallader, Sylvanus, 779, 787
Cairo, Illinois, 163, 207
mortar fleet at, 291–92
reinforcement of, 137, 201
Union troops at, 155
Camden and Amboy Railroad, 748
Cameron, Simon, 59, 98, 188, 194, 277, 279, 329, 720–21
AL and, 617–18, 710
on AL’s militia proclamation, 134, 140
on AL’s reelection, 644, 669
annual reports by, 237–40
criticism of, 175–76, 184–85
Frémont, J., and, 209
opponents/supporters of, 52–53
as prospective cabinet secretary, 52–56
on relief of Fort Sumter, 99, 102, 105
removal of, 240–43, 244, 285
replacement of, 176
on Trent affair, 220, 226
unsavory reputation of, 53–54
on war, 194, 199, 219
as war secretary, 83, 85, 86, 98, 160, 162–65, 240
Camp Dick Robinson (Kentucky), 157
Camp Hamilton, 313
Campbell, James H., 272–73
Campbell, John A., 64, 106–7, 111, 113, 742, 753, 758, 791–92
Campbell, Lewis D., 666
Campbell, Thomas M., 268
Campbell, William B., 582
Canada, 227–28, 507, 761, 804
Confederate agents in, 754–55
developments in, 738–39
Canby, Edward R.S., 647, 762–63, 776
Canisius, Theodore, 83
Cannon, LeGrand, 299
Capen, Francis L., 497
Captured and Abandoned Property Act, 754
Carlile, John S., 159
Carnegie, Andrew, 182
Carney, Thomas, 666
Carpenter, Francis B., 260, 333, 363–64, 807
Carr, Joseph R., 313
Cartter, David K., 58
Casey, Samuel L., 343, 403, 442
Castle Thunder Prison (Richmond), 792
Catto, William T., 390
Centreville, troops at, 199, 295, 304
Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, 687
Chamberlain, Daniel H., 750
Chambrun, Marquis de (Charles Adolphe Pineton), 795–98
Chancellorsville, battle of, 502, 649, 800
Chandler, Albert B., 512
Chandler, William E., 618, 717
Chandler, Zachariah, 87, 413, 560, 660, 766, 820
AL and, 215, 377, 378, 449, 531, 554, 593, 691–93
opinions of, 450, 457–58, 566, 752–53
on war, 194–95, 428, 431, 695
Channing, William Henry, 334
Chapman, Augustus H., 270
Chapman, Maria Weston, 337–38, 640–41
on AL’s reelection, 686, 687
on Emancipation Proclamation, 470
Charleston (South Carolina) Mercury, 64
Charleston, South Carolina, 192
1863 campaign against, 487–91
Chase, Kate, 784
Chase, Salmon P., 1, 179, 236, 237, 308, 383–84, 420, 486, 504, 533, 565, 635, 705–6, 720, 771, 804
AL and, 312–14, 317, 348, 350, 361–63, 393, 464, 523, 611–12, 801
Blair, F., on, 619–21
cabinet crisis and, 451–59
on cabinet shake-up, 239–40, 243–44
as chief justice, 731–36
criticism of, 185, 198, 215
Davis, D., on, 732
diary accounts of, 391–92
on Emancipation Proclamation, 407–9, 463, 471
on Frémont, 209–10
on government’s finances, 297
Halleck and, 370–71
Hay on, 623–24, 626
on McClellan, 375, 376–78, 381
MTL and, 55, 264, 265–66, 732
partisans, 553
patronage and, 77–78, 95, 96
presidential candidacy of, 609–19, 689
as prospective treasury secretary, 52–58, 65
Radicals and, 589–90, 592–93, 619–20
recommendations of, 320, 371, 503, 598
on relief of Fort Sumter, 102, 109
resignation of, 619–26, 691, 693
Sumner, C., on, 733
as treasury secretary, 106, 201, 214, 220–21, 429, 605–8
at war council, 556
on West Virginia, 460
Chattanooga, battle of, 579
Cheever, George B., 335, 411, 589, 633, 635, 637, 667, 689, 697
Cheever, Henry T., 320, 397, 635, 637
Chicago (Illinois) Journal, 38, 184
Chicago (Illinois) Times, 346, 477, 507, 559, 576–77, 698
Chicago (Illinois) Tribune, 87, 210, 235, 239, 246, 295, 476, 600, 665, 777
on AL, 470, 562, 825
on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 338
on colonization, 391
editorials, 423
on Gettysburg Address, 575
on war, 370
Chickamauga (Georgia), battle of: Bragg at, 555, 557
Rosecrans at, 555–58
Child, Lydia Maria, 65, 204, 233, 354, 715, 777
on AL, 337, 345, 350, 610, 640–41, 728
on AL’s reelection, 687
on Emancipation Proclamation, 410, 471
on MTL, 272
opinions of, 450, 637
on war, 424
Chiriqui Improvement Company, 391, 392–93
Chittenden, Lucius E., 41
Chrisman, Herring, 120
Church, Sanford E., 402
Cincinnati (Ohio) Commercial, 179, 283, 446, 572–73
on AL’s congressional messages, 232
on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 339
on Emancipation Proclamation, 472
on patronage, 88, 91
Cincinnati (Ohio) Enquirer, 478, 599, 629, 671, 697, 751
on AL’s administration, 245
on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 19
Cincinnati (Ohio) Gazette, 39, 210, 439, 575, 666, 736
on AL’s war orders, 294
on AL’s work habits, 71
Cincinnati, Ohio, 210
AL speaks at, 7–10
Cisco, John J., 622
City Point: AL’s visit to, 778–81, 786
hospitals, 796–98
Clark, Daniel, 359
Clarke, Enos, 545
Clarke, James Freeman, 463, 617, 828
Clarkson, Thomas, 353
Clay, Cassius M., 92, 140
on AL’s Indianapolis speech, 6
as minister to Russia, 241, 290
Clay, Clement C., 670, 754
Clay, Henry, 120, 132, 155, 345, 457, 694
“Clay Battalion,” 140
Clemens, W.W., 788–90
Clements, Sherrard, 97
Clephane, Lewis, 96, 693
Cleveland, Charles Dexter, 92
Cleveland, Ohio, AL speaks at, 15–17
Cleveland Convention (1864), 635–37, 640
Clifford, John H., 682
Clingman, Thomas, 66
Clipper (Baltimore), 66
Cobden, Richard, 226, 415
Cochrane, John, 237–38, 418, 485–86, 636–37, 640, 687
Coffey, Titian J., 733
Coffin, Charles C., 789–90
Coffroth, Alexander, 749
Coggeshall, William T., 368, 611
Colfax, Schuyler, 54, 180, 459, 488, 733–35, 807, 809
AL and, 473, 592–93, 617, 649–50, 652, 804
on MTL, 267
as prospective cabinet member, 55
Collamer, Jacob, 356–57, 452, 454, 456, 665
colonization, 345, 355, 408
Africa and, 387
African Americans on, 235, 387–88
Chicago (Illinois) Tribune on, 391
emancipation and, 363
in Haiti, 235, 236, 395–96
in Liberia, 387–89
plans, 336
proponents of, 387–88
Radicals’ support for, 235–37
schemes, 383–95
U.S. Congress and, 384–86, 392
Columbus, 78
Columbus (Ohio) Crisis, 420, 576, 651
Columbus, Ohio, AL speaks at, 10–12
Compton, William B., 145
Concord (New Hampshire) Monitor, 668
Cone, Charles F., 278
Confederacy. See Confederate States of America
Confederate Navy, 114, 739
Confederate States of America (Confederacy), 24, 145, 358, 361, 726–27, 800–801
advantages of, 135
agents, 754–55
battles, 290–91
Border States and, 102, 122, 124, 126–27
capture of Lexington, Missouri, 201–2
commissioners, 64–65, 106, 111, 113, 116, 124, 128
confiscation of property and, 154, 174, 205, 334, 357–60, 366
defeat of, 314, 646
on Emancipation Proclamation, 417
entrenchments, 304–5
European recognition and support of, 135, 160–62, 214, 739–40
fatalities, 371
forces, 371, 435
forts, 415
leaders of, 63, 127, 669
objections to, 103–4
peace with, 756–57
ports, 150
raid on Washington, D.C., 655–58
recognition of, 106, 144, 415
slaveholders, 365
slaves escaping from, 237–38
in St. Louis, 201
Upper South States and, 102, 106, 124, 126–27
in Virginia, 199
war deaths of, 131
Confiscation Act, First, 174, 202, 205, 334, 366, 439
Confiscation Act, Second, 357–60, 439, 595
appropriations for, 385–86, 536
debates over, 432
provisions of, 385–86, 472
Conkling, James C., 54, 87, 234
AL’s letter to, 560–63, 568–69, 834
Conkling, Mercy Levering, 281
Conkling, Roscoe, 707–8
Conrad, Robert Young, 121
Conscription Act, 561
Constitutional Union Party, 20
Conway, Martin F., 215, 232, 476
Conway, Moncure D., 211, 448, 477–78, 632, 760–61
AL and, 334, 337, 351, 359, 441, 519, 729
on AL’s reelection, 686
The Rejected Stone, 236
Conway, Thomas W., 777
Cook, Burton C., 642
Cooke, Jay, 429, 613, 619
Cooke, Philip St. George, 139
Cooper and Hewitt firm, 291–92
Cooper Institute, 686, 829
Copperheads, 547, 559, 668, 677, 813
Corbin, Abel Rathbone, 746
Corneau, Elizabeth Ridgewell, 84
Corning, Erastus, 2, 507, 510, 834
Corwin, Thomas, 93, 666
Cottman, Thomas, 588
cotton: Europe and, 135, 150, 415, 478–79
shortage, 478
trading policies, 761–64
Couch, Darius N., 496, 500, 510, 514
Covode, John, 52–53
demands of, 554
as congressman, 103–4, 297
Cow Island, 395. See also Haiti
Cox, Jacob D., 380, 418
Cox, Samuel S., 173, 420, 697, 720, 747
Coxe, Robert E., 754