Quincy, Josiah, 562
Rabe, William, 83
racism, 231, 697, 811. See also Negrophobia
Radical(s), 96–97, 173–75, 179, 239, 361, 369, 432, 694–95, 820–21
AL and, 351–60, 469–70, 545, 665
on AL’s congressional messages, 233
on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 336–39, 345–46
AL’s reelection and, 683
challenge, 659–65
Chase, S.P., and, 589–90, 592–93, 619–20
on confiscation bill, 358–60
editors, 235
on emancipation, 335, 581
on Emancipation Proclamation, 411
German, 631–33, 718
on Hunter’s decree, 349–50
leaders, 286, 374, 543, 581
Missouri, 540, 553–54
Reconstruction and, 587–88
during reelection of AL, 689–96
senators, 194, 198, 209–10, 213–14
slavery and, 351–60
support of colonization, 235–37
on war, 424
Railroad Act of 1862, 613
railroads, 146, 163–64, 613, 748
Raleigh (North Carolina) Standard, 417
Ramsey, Alexander, 89, 480–81
Randall, Alexander W., 675, 677
Randall, James G., 737
Rathbone, Henry R., 809, 815, 817, 818
Rawlins, John, 628
Ray, Charles Henry, 88, 239
Raymond, Henry J., 69, 144, 288, 340, 342, 552, 674, 677, 706–7, 771
on AL’s reelection, 668
on emancipation, 678–79
AL and: Baltimore Convention, 611, 641–45
Chase, S.P., attempt to supplant Lincoln, 609–19
Chase, S.P., resignation, 619–26
Etheridge Plot, 591–93
military governors during, 581, 582–91
policies, 566, 581–82
as president, 731, 755, 767, 800–802, 805, 820
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 591, 593, 594–608, 804–5
renomination and, 626–41
restructuring, 593–601
Sumner, C., and, 722
Ten Percent Plan, 591, 594–608, 774
Wade-Davis Bill and Manifesto, 659–65, 772–74, 798
Banks and Louisiana, 602–8, 776, 802
Butler and, 585–86, 590–91
Proclamation of Amnesty and, 591, 593, 594–608, 804–5
Radicals and, 587–88
Southern Unionists and, 581, 591, 593–94
Redpath, James, 236, 351, 395, 687
Reeder, Andrew, 143, 146
Reid, Whitelaw, 332, 369, 377–78, 613
AL and, 403, 414–15
opinions of, 448, 515
Reno, Jesse L., 438
Republican(s), 100, 190, 347–48, 694, 705
on AL’s December 3, 1861 congressional message, 231–32
Conservatives, 173, 346, 463, 478, 543, 588, 598–99, 671, 710
elections and, 419–23, 558–66
Empire State, 617
on Guthrie plan, 44
majority, 134
majority rule of Congress by, 173
Maryland, 54, 661
Moderates, 173, 349, 478, 543, 710, 753
National Executive Committee, 690
senators, 450–55
unity amongst, 731, 802. See also Radicals
Reynolds, John F., 498, 500, 510
Rice, Alexander H., 722
Richardson, Israel B., 438
Richmond (Virginia) Dispatch, 812
Richmond (Virginia) Enquirer, 417, 472
Richmond (Virginia) Sentinel, 761
Richmond (Virginia) Whig, 64
Richmond, Dean, 749
Richmond, Virginia, 313–15, 317, 321, 361, 368, 501, 755, 798, 810
AL’s visit to, 788–92
attack on, 220–21, 294, 308, 370, 495
as Confederate capital, 192, 220–21
Johnston, J.E., at, 312
missions to, 747
supply lines to, 646
troops at, 371, 429
Riddle, Albert Gallatin, 16, 620, 648–49
Riggs, George W., 251
Riotte, Charles N., 93
Ripley, Edward Hastings, 792
Ripley, James W., 292–93, 311
River Queen, 755, 778–80, 785, 788–89, 796, 798–800
Rives, William C., 89, 121–22, 742
on AL, 41–42, 136, 287
as editor, 67
as Peace Conference commissioner, 43–44
Robbins, Zenos, 133
Roberts, Joseph Jenkins, 387, 389
Robertson, George, 155
Robinson, Charles D., 676–77
Robinson, Marius R., 687
Rock, John, 684
Rogers, Andrew J., 748
Rollins, James S., 746–48
Roman, André B., 106
Rosecrans, William S., 431, 551, 554–55, 672
on amnesty, 593
at battle of Chickamauga, 555–58
and battle of Stone’s River, 484–85
brigades, 488
conflicts with, 582
defeats of, 545, 555–58, 559, 583
leadership of, 178, 433
proposals of, 593
removal of, 557
Roudeanez, Jean Baptiste, 606
Roumain, Ernest, 351
Rousseau, Lovell Harrison, 403
Ruggles, Francis, 482
Russell, Lord John, 160–62
on Emancipation Proclamation, 415
on Trent affair, 223–24
Russell, William Howard, 248
on AL, 256, 257
diary accounts of, 196
as journalist, 55, 107, 127, 223
on MTL, 271, 281
Rust, Albert, 66
Sacramento Daily Union, 498
St. Louis (Missouri) Democrat, 66, 442, 537, 538–39, 546
St. Louis (Missouri) Evening News, 208
St. Louis (Missouri) Republican, 66
St. Louis (Missouri) Westliche Post, 545
St. Louis, Missouri: Confederates at, 201
Frémont in, 200–212
martial law proclamation in, 202–3, 205–6, 211, 237, 334, 347, 477
Salm-Salm, Mrs. Felix, 495
San Francisco (California) Bulletin, 82
San Jacinto, 222
Sanborn, Franklin B., 526, 637, 643, 655, 760, 777
Sandburg, Carl, 737
Sanders, George N., 670
Sanford, Edward S., 164
Sanford, Henry S., 93, 95, 225, 322–23
Sargent, Nathan, 97
Saulsbury, Willard, 231
Savannah, Georgia, 192, 752. See also Draper, Simeon
Sawyer, Nathaniel P., 691
Saxton, Rufus, 465
Schenck, Robert C., 504, 567–68, 613, 620, 759
Schimmelfennig, Alexander, 480
Schleiden, Rudolph, 118
Schneider, George, 93
Schofield, John M., 479, 535
appointment of, 538–48, 550–55
conduct of, 552
favoritism towards, 546
Schurz, Carl, 71, 84, 119, 162, 718–19, 750
AL and, 342–43, 350, 436–39, 469
on AL’s inaugural address, 45–46
on AL’s reelection, 667
antislavery views of, 92
as minister to Madrid, 95, 333
on MTL, 782–83
patronage and, 91–93
Scott, Thomas A., 163, 220, 242
Scott, William, 492
Scott, Winfield, 86, 139, 164–65, 178, 628
advice of, 368, 496
AL and, 304–5, 308, 320
on AL’s inauguration, 59, 61
on AL’s militia proclamation, 132–33, 142, 147
on army, 371
authority of, 194
on Bull Run, 182–84
r /> criticism of, 184–85
emergency plans by, 140
on Fort Pickens, 104, 112–13
on Fort Sumter, 99–102, 104–5, 108, 112–13, 123
judgment of, 109, 191
McClellan and, 193–95, 196, 199, 200
meetings with, 41
regarding assassination plots against AL, 33, 39
retirement of, 195
war plans and strategies of, 180–81, 376
Scripps, John Locke, 87, 708
Seabrook, William L.W., 714
Searing, Edward, 831
Sebastian, William K., 591
secession, 168–69
crisis, AL on, 5, 9, 67–68
doctrine of, 50–51
federal property and, 56
by Southern Unionists, 42, 44, 105
supporters of, 231
by Virginia, 43, 120
secessionists, 102–3, 127, 158, 508
Maryland, 142, 147–48
militia proclamation and, 135
Second Confiscation Act. See Confiscation Act, Second
Sedgwick, Charles B., 688
Sedgwick, John, 378, 498, 499, 510
Selective Service Act (1917), 533
Selma (Alabama) Dispatch, 813
Seven Days, battles of, 321–22, 366
Seven Pines battle. See Fair Oaks battle
Seward, Frederick, 33, 115
Seward, William Henry, 2, 33, 209, 257, 290, 531, 630, 732, 747–50, 796, 810–13
Adams, C.F., Jr., on, 98–99, 116
AL and, 15, 20, 25–26, 28, 129, 186, 213, 253, 286, 491–92, 522–23, 626, 663, 691, 693, 765, 770
on AL’s annual congressional message, 166
AL’s children and, 261
on AL’s December 3, 1861 congressional message, 231–32
on AL’s first inaugural address, 46–49, 57, 63
on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 339
on AL’s Indianapolis speech, 6
on AL’s militia proclamation, 134, 140
amendments by, 47–48, 56, 97
assistance of, 597
on Baltimore detour, 143, 144–48
behavior and habits of, 450
bogus proclamation and, 651–52
on cabinet shake-up, 239, 242, 244
conduct during Fort Sumter crisis, 106, 128–29
criticism of, 184–85, 214–15, 325, 567
on elections, 421
on Emancipation Proclamation, 360–64, 417, 462–63, 478
on Europe’s recognition and support of Confederacy, 160–62
Fessenden on, 366
on Fort Pickens, 111
on Fort Sumter, 99–102, 105–7, 129
friends of, 6, 583
at Gettysburg Address, 570–73
at Hampton Roads Conference, 753, 756–58, 760–61, 764
lobbying for pro-compromise cabinet members, 52, 54–58, 65
on McClellan, 303
meetings with AL before inauguration, 40–41, 45
MTL and, 264, 266, 273, 277–78
objections of, 290, 622
offer to take over AL’s administration, 117–19
patronage and, 70, 77–78, 91–92, 95–96, 164–65, 705
regarding assassination plots against AL, 33, 34, 37–39
sabotages relief plans for Fort Sumter, 111–17
as scapegoat during cabinet crisis, 450–59
as secretary of state, 98, 134, 198, 552, 741, 751
speeches of, 46, 689
on Trent affair, 223–27, 229
on war, 194, 196
at war council, 556
on West Virginia, 460, 461
on writ of habeas corpus, 151–53
Seymour, Horatio, 173, 435, 506, 562
candidacy of, 420–21
on draft, 529–31
as New York governor, 435, 528–29
Seymour, Thomas H., 173, 488
Shaffer, John W., 667
Shaw, Francis G., 233
Shelby, Joseph O., 541
Shelton, Philo S., 275
Shenandoah Valley, 501, 655, 688, 780
Shepley, George S., 603–4, 606, 791, 793
on elections, 587–88
as military governor, 585–91
Sheridan, Philip, 515, 658, 688, 780–81
Sherman, John, 58, 77, 236, 360, 365, 451, 475, 478, 697, 704
on AL, 477–78, 617
on AL’s reelection, 689–90
support for Chase in 1864, 613–14
Sherman, Thomas W., 212, 237, 434
Sherman, William T., 186–87, 434, 484, 554–55, 578, 646, 652, 688, 752, 762–63, 785–86, 806
Shields, James, 311, 316, 318–19
Shiloh, battle of, 309, 320–21, 628
Short, Jimmy, 83
Sibley, Henry H., 481
Sickles, Daniel, 165, 273, 275, 475
AL and, 515, 555, 628
loyalty of, 500
Sigel, Franz, 320, 479–80, 646, 652, 658
Simonton, James W., 82
Simpson, John Evans, 90
Simpson, Matthew, 90–91, 825
Singleton, James W., 695–96, 721, 747, 754, 761, 764
Sioux, uprising of, in Minnesota, 480–84
Skinner, Mark, 380
Slack, Charles, 777
Slade, William, 252
slave(s), 569
arming of, 237
ban on African trade of, 351, 355
ban on military returning runaway, 351, 355, 369
compensation of states who abolish, 356
Confiscation Act and, 174, 202, 205, 334, 357–60, 366
emancipation of, 207, 211, 229–37, 366
escaping from Confederates, 237–38
Frémont’s martial law proclamation and, 202–3, 205–6, 211, 237, 334, 347, 477
fugitive, 80, 237
holders/owners, 57, 229, 235, 334, 365, 418, 757–58
insurrections, 408–9
liberation of, 212, 230
oppression of, 386
revolts and uprisings, 230–31, 415
in South Carolina, 236
trading, 351–52
in Virginia, 236
slave traders, 351–54
slavery, 117, 811
during American Civil War, 229–37
Chicago (Illinois) Tribune on, 597
discrimination and, 386
Douglass, F., on, 390
ethnic cleansing and, 231
expansion, 15, 48
Kentucky and, 154–55, 236
in Missouri, 543–44
plan for Delaware, 229–37, 239, 334, 703
states and, 50, 67–68, 206–7
Thirteenth Amendment and, 47–48, 67–68, 745–51, 757, 759, 803
U.S. Congress on, 133–34, 397–98
Yates on, 413
AL as president: abolition decree of Hunter, D., 347–50, 356
Altoona Conference and, 413–14
during American Civil War, 229–37
approval of Gordon’s execution, 351–53
in Border States and Washington, D.C., proposal to abolish, 333–48, 355–57
colonization of Haiti, 235, 236, 395–96
colonization schemes, 383–95
emancipation and, 333, 581–82
gradual emancipation plan for, 333–48, 355, 439–40, 543
Radicals and, 351–60
Slidell, John, 222–28, 775
Slocum, Henry W., 500
Smalley, George B., 635
Smith, Ann Todd, 826
Smith, Caleb B., 54, 238, 380, 456
AL and, 363, 428, 638
as interior secretary, 85, 86, 109, 197, 391
on McClellan, 375
MTL and, 277–78, 700
on relief of Fort Sumter, 102, 109
replacement of, 176
retirement of of, 458–59
on Trent affair, 226
on war, 424
Smith, E. Delafield, 351–52
Smith, George Plumer, 121–23
Smith, Gerrit, 203, 204, 235, 358, 664
on AL, 397, 402, 632, 728
on AL’s reelection, 685, 687
support of, 388
Smith, Goldwin, 834
Smith, Green Clay, 560
Smith, James, 83
Smith, Joseph, 258
Smith, Matthew Hale, 275–76
Smith, Richard, 210, 666
Smith, Truman, 287
Smith, Victor, 621–22
Smith, William F., 193, 418, 653
Snethen, Worthington G., 39, 231
Sons of Liberty, 703, 739
South Carolina, 104, 113, 116, 472, 820
aggression by, 46, 124, 132
Beaufort district in, 239
capture of Port Royal in, 212, 230
in favor of disunion, 123, 169
Hunter’s decree and, 347, 350
nullifiers, 101
Sea Islands, 465
slaves in, 236. See also Fort Sumter
Spain, 117–19, 740–41
Spalding, Rufus P., 613, 620
Speed, James, 400, 569–70, 733, 766, 794–95, 804, 819
Speed, Joshua, 156, 202, 247, 290, 470, 733
Spencer, Charles S., 736
Spinner, Francis E., 305, 655, 699
Sprague, William, 613, 619, 784
Springfield (Massachusetts) Republican, 412, 575, 775
on AL, 205, 286, 338, 615–16, 828
AL’s monument and tomb, 826–28
on AL’s speeches as president-elect, 15, 20
on MTL, 272
Springfield, Illinois, 214, 507
AL’s funeral train to, 821–25
AL’s home in, 701, 800, 821
Mather Block, 826
Oak Ridge Cemetery, 826–27
rally at, 560, 562
Springfield Illinois State Journal, 49
Stackpole, Thomas, 274, 277, 279, 799
Stanford, Leland, 82
Stanly, Edward: acts of, 583–84
as military governor, 583–85, 586
Stansbury, E.A., 664–65
Stanton, Benjamin, 44
Stanton, Edwin M., 52, 61, 96, 238, 306, 323, 496, 498, 504, 630, 693, 707, 720–21, 729, 731–32, 735, 742–43, 795, 818, 821, 826
AL and, 253, 261, 287, 312–16, 327, 351, 361, 363, 494, 500, 510–11, 522–24, 554, 655–57, 765–66, 803, 805–7
on AL’s gradual emancipation plan, 335
bogus proclamation and, 651–52
on cabinet crisis, 455
campaign to vilify, 330–32
criticisms of, 450
criticisms of AL, 103, 184
directions of, 604
on elections, 421
on emancipation, 407
on Gettysburg Address, 570
on government’s finances, 293
on Hunter’s decree, 348, 350
legal briefs written by, 159, 222
on McClellan, 293, 295, 302, 309, 311, 320, 369, 375–76, 378–79
on MTL, 261, 269, 800
objections of, 647, 762
opinions of, 434
Pope and, 372
recommendations of, 369, 371, 507
resignation of, 584
on war, 131, 199, 200, 427
Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Volume 2 Page 190