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Rescuing Dani: The Celestial Mating Series Book 2

Page 6

by Jenny Foshia

  “Fuck yes I am ready. I want you both, all of you, now.” She reached her arm back and grabbed Adrian’s ass cheek and pulled him toward her. She lifted her leg up and over Ryan’s hip, bringing her pussy to the head of his dick. He took himself in hand and glided into her soaking wet core. “Fuck! God, Dani, you feel so fucking good. You are so wet and tight, I am not sure I will be able to last too long this first time sweetheart.” He shuttered as her walls sucked him in deeper. He was no virgin but she was making him feel so good, almost as if it were his first time all over again. He looked at Adrian and could tell that he was ready to enter her from behind.

  “Dani, I am going to enter you now. Like I said, I am going to go gently so I don’t hurt you.”

  “Just put your dick in me…I want you now!” She gasped.

  Ryan stilled his movements so Adrian could enter. He could feel her pussy walls getting tighter around her as Adrian pushed in. “Fuck! It is so tight. I am almost all the way in, are you ok?” Adrian asked her. She nodded yes and Adrian planted himself all the way in. They gave her a minute to adjust to their sizes before they began pumping again, he went in when Adrian pulled back and when he slid back Adrian pumped in. “God…yes…you guys…feel so…gooooood!” She felt amazing. He was ready to burst. “I am going to come!” He shouted and pulled out at the same time as Adrian and Dani each screamed that they were climaxing as well. He shot his cum onto the bed as he bit down into her should, Adrian had sunk his teeth into her other should and the three of them soared together to another realm. This was not regular climax, this feeling of euphoria was soul deep and nothing he had ever felt before in his life. The three of them truly became one at that moment and he knew, then, that his life was complete. He would never be able to live without Adrian and Dani…they were an essential part of him.

  He kissed Dani with all the passion he had and when he broke the kiss to get a rag form the bathroom to help her clean up she turned and shared a passionate kiss with Adrian. Love. Right then and there he knew what love was, he felt it. Dani and Adrian were love.

  He dampened a wash cloth in the bathroom and went back to the bed and cleaned their cum from Dani. “Sweetheart, that was amazing. I was able to feel every emotion both of you were experiencing at that moment. It is indescribable.”

  “I felt that too. When we climaxed I sensed, in my soul, that I was finally complete and that you, and Adrian, were truly a part of me. We have fulfilled this part of our destiny that we were created for. I do not think my soul would survive if anything ever happened to either of you.”

  “You are ours now Dani. And we are yours. We all belong together. My heart beats because you and Ryan live. When we finished, together, I finally knew love. You, and Ryan, you guys are love and you are my life.” Adrian kissed her forehead as Ryan pulled the sheet over her to cover her up.

  “Rest now sweetheart. We promised Max and Cole that we would meet them at midnight and your sister is going to be here with you. But if you need us just call for us and we will be there. I love you.” He kissed her and gathered his cloths and began to get dressed again. Adrian followed suit and they sat next to her on the bed as she drifted off with a mumbled “Love you to the stars.” And his heart swelled with even more love. They had their own love phrase now. He replied “To the stars” and was rewarded with her weak smile.

  Within moments Brielle was quietly entering the room and she laid down next to Dani on the bed and told them to leave so she could get some rest. He and Adrian laughed but obeyed and left the room and the two sleeping women.

  Chapter 15: Adrian

  The guys were all gathered and speaking in hushed voices. There was no way in hell that Adrian was going to let Jax know that they were aware of his betrayal. It pissed him off that Jax was even able to cause the harm he has already caused. They were all living in fear and there was no reason good enough to excuse his actions.

  “Listen guys. I overheard him speaking to someone and he admitted his part in Brielle’s attacks as well as Dani’s poisoning. They are planning on doing more but he didn’t specify what it was before the call ended. Part of me wants to forgive him but a larger part of me wants to rip him apart piece by piece like the animal he treated Dani and Brielle as.”

  “We definitely need to watch him. I have spoken with my security team and they are going to install cameras in every room in this place with the exception of our bedrooms. I have instructed them to plant bugs in his room to record his conversations and I will be emailed a transcript copy of each one that takes place. There will be a text message sent to my phone if the translators hear anything they deem an immediate threat. I hate having to live like this! As soon as we have the solid evidence then we will capture him and confront him with it. I just hope that nothing else occurs before that can happen.” Max informed them all of his plans. It seemed to Adrian that he covered all the bases. Hopefully this will all be settled soon and they can all get on with their lives.

  “How are we going to go on without Jax? He has been a part of our pack, of our intimate group for as long as I can remember.” Ryan questioned them. He was getting a little sentimental and Adrian couldn’t blame him. Jax was one of their best friends. When they were children they made a pact between the six of them that they would always have each others’ back. So to have him turn on them caused Adrian to feel a bit empty inside. He was so very thankful to finally have Dani now but a piece of him felt as if it were dying knowing what they had to do with Jax.

  “I wonder why he would be doing this. What is he getting by trying to off Brielle and Dani?” Cole wondered aloud.

  “I’m not really sure. When I heard him speaking on the phone he was definitely taking orders from someone but he never said the person’s name. He actually sounded happy and almost proud of what he was doing, which makes me sick.”

  “It could be that someone is blackmailing him.” Ryan chimed in.

  “I doubt that.” Cole replied. “Until recently he has been a model citizen. I don’t think he is doing this for blackmail.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what his reason is. He is one of the reasons that Brielle was almost killed. He is the person responsible for Dani’s poisoning. We may have all grown up together but that guy is not the person we all once knew. The Jax we grew up with would not be doing things like these.” Max ground out through clenched teeth.

  “Why don’t we all calm down for now, Max has a great plan. Once we have actual proof we will confront him. Hopefully we can get him to talk and fill us in on the who’s and why’s when that time comes.” Adrian offered up. “I say we all just head up to bed, get much needed rest, and reevaluate our strategy to get him to talk in the morning. We will be no good if we exhaust ourselves. Max, could you talk with Mark and Joe? One of us needs to fill them in on our meetings and what we’ve found out.”

  “Good idea. Max will talk with them over when we all get up and have the two of them join us back here in Max’s office following breakfast.” Cole asked.

  After getting everyone’s agreement to meet back there after breakfast the guys all went their separate ways. Adrian and Ryan made their way back to Dani’s room. He gently woke Brielle and Ryan walked her to her room and came back in and they both snuggled up with Dani, one on each side. He slid his arm around her and fell fast asleep.


  Meanwhile, in Jax’s room…

  “Ok Paul, The animal is in the location. I am sure within the next couple of days they will have those whores relaxing outside. I made sure I placed it where they will find it. I will call you as soon as I know they are heading outdoors and you guys can take position.”

  “Fine Jax, just fine. You have been performing wonderfully for us. Keep up the good work and you’ll make first mate for me in no time.”

  “Thank you, sir. I will call you soon. Standy-by.”

  Jax disconnected his phone call with Paul, the alpha of the Foster pack. He had run in to Paul last spring and they struck up
a deal that if Jax helped him off the daughters of the alpha pack he belonged to then he would give him a position as his right hand man in his tribe. For someone with no high connections that was an offer he could not pass up. Sure he felt bad being disloyal to his buddies, but in all fairness, they didn’t even know these bitches when he struck the deal. Why should he feel bad for trying to better his standing? No, there was no way he would be made to feel guilty. He hated hurting someone but he had to look out for himself above all else.

  And he was doing just that…


  When Adrian woke up it was still dark outside. The pale moonlight was casting shadows along the walls and he could hear Dani breathing softly in his arms. She was so damn beautiful and the greatest thing about her was that she lived as though she were completely unaware of that fact. She was a natural beauty who carried herself with poise and confidence, which only added to his attraction to her. He was still worried though, because he knew that Jax, and whoever he was working for, was not done. He truly hated living in fear, of not knowing what was going to happen next, or when it would happen. It pissed him off to high heavens to think that Dani was not out of the woods when it came to a threat on her life. Now that he was finally able to call her his, or theirs, he was more than determined to end their machinations against her and get on with their lives. They had a home to build, a family to create and love to share. He wondered if Max and Cole would allow them to purchase part of their land and build a house, allowing Dani to be near her sister. That would make the women happy, he was sure of it. He made a mental note to speak with Ryan tomorrow and then the two of them could approach Cole and Max. In the meantime, he would get some more rest.

  Chapter 16: Dani

  Dani awoke to strong arms engulfing her. She opened her eyes and met Adrian’s gaze. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  “Good morning. What time is it?” She asked him. He looked over her shoulder toward the alarm clock on the bedside table, “It is just past 7:00. How are you feeling? Are you hungry?”

  “I am starving. Would you mind if I took a quick shower to wash up before we went to breakfast?”

  “We wouldn’t mind at all, darling.” Ryan replied from behind her.

  “Good morning Ryan.” She greeted him and was rewarded with a mesmerizing smile. “I promise I will not be long.” She kissed both guys on the cheek and hopped off the bed. She padded over to her bags, which were lying on the floor at the foot of her bed, and chose a pair of shorts and a t-shirt for the day. She rushed into the bathroom and closed the door before setting her clothes on the counter and starting the shower. While she waited for the water to heat up she tied her hair up on top of her head and then stepped inside. She quickly lathered her body and then shaved her legs, careful not to cut herself as she usually did, and then rinsed off and turned the shower off. She dried herself and then wrapped the tower around her body and got out of the shower and cleared the steam from the mirror.

  She took in her appearance. She looked more rested than she had in months. The dark circles that had been living under her eyes were gone and the shade was a deeper green. All in all, she looked happy and content. She owed it to Ryan and Adrian. Those guys were amazing! Why she had tried putting up a fight and denying the draw between them she had no idea. They hadn’t been in her life for very long but already they were a huge part of her life. That mating they did yesterday was one of the most indescribable experiences she had ever encountered. The emotions it evoked were unreal! She could literally feel every single emotion both of them had ever felt. The three of them were truly molded into one soul and she couldn’t imagine what her life was like before they came to her, and she didn’t ever want to live without them. She knew for a fact that they felt the same way about her, they were easy to read. Just looking into their eyes and she understood the depth of their feelings toward her and their commitment to her. She was damn lucky, that’s for sure! Now she could understand what Brielle meant when she said they would complete her.

  Well, enough with the daydreaming. She let her hair fall down around her shoulders and brushed it out. She put on her moisturizer and some lip gloss and mascara before quickly dressing. She opened the door and walked into the bedroom where both Ryan and Adrian were waiting for her. They looked up when she walked through the door and they greeted her with warms smiles that lit up their eyes.

  “Hello sweetheart. How was your shower?” Adrian asked her.

  “It was nice and relaxing. Thanks for waiting. Are you guys ready to go?” She knew they were. They had taken the time she was in the shower to get dressed themselves and they looked yummy. Hell, would she ever get used to how hot they were? They were two of the most handsome men she had ever met, and they were actually hers! She suddenly was looking forward to the rest of her life with these two men at her side, in her bed.

  “We are ready.” Ryan stated as the guys stood up and walked over to her. She hooked her arms through theirs and they left the room and headed down to the breakfast room where the rest of Brielle’s guests were already in the middle of their meal.

  “Good morning, my darling girl. You look wonderful today.” Her mom wrapped her in a warm hug and gave her cheek a gentle kiss.

  “Good morning mom.” She said as she returned the hug and kissed her mom’s cheek. “Thank you. You look beautiful, as always.” She added as she took her seat. Ryan had made her a plate of food and Adrian helped her with her chair. She glanced at her mom who gave her a knowing look. Dani swiftly averted her eyes and began eating the eggs on her plate.

  “So, are you ladies ready for our day of pampering?” Brielle asked excitedly.

  “Oh, I am definitely ready.” Cassie sounded eager as she replied to Brielle’s question.

  “I am looking forward to it. I could use a day like this.” Dani told the group. Their mom expressed her eagerness to get the day started.

  “What are you guys going to do while we are being spoiled?” Dani asked Adrian and Ryan.

  “I am going to call in to the hospital to make sure they are still ok with me being away. Then I think we are all going hiking.” Ryan looked around the table and when Dani looked around she saw the guys all nodding their heads in agreement.

  “I am going to call my clients, just to check in with their progress at home while I wait for the guys to all get ready to leave for our hike.” Adrian told her before taking a drink of his coffee. When he set the cup down he looked into her eyes before adding, “Dani, please be careful while we are out of the house. I do not want anything else to happen to you, ok? You are my world and I would crumble and die if any harm should come to you.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

  “I promise I will be careful. I will call you if anything were to happen.” She offered as reassurance, hoping that it would ease the worry she sensed in his voice.

  He nodded in acceptance of her reply and returned to his food, which was almost gone by now.

  There was silence as everyone finished their meal and then plates were pushed away. It was funny how content she felt right at this moment. For the first time since she could remember she felt at peace and actually happy. It had been a while since she had felt this way, if she had ever felt this way. Almost as if she was actually whole, and it was one of the best feelings she had ever felt. Just a week ago she was working herself to the bone, determined not to give in to the urge to be intimate with these two amazing men. And now, here she was a week later, and she could barely remember what her life was like before they joined.

  “Well, I guess we can head up now and let these men go about their business before their hike.” Brielle stated and as soon as she finished her sentence the entire table came to life as everyone stood up.

  Dani gave each of her men a kiss before following her mom, Brielle and Cassie toward the door of the dining room. When she reached the archway she turned and blew a kiss to Adrian and Ryan, laughing as they pretended to catch the kiss and plac
e it on their lips. These guys were too good to be true and they were all hers.

  Chapter 17: Ryan

  Ryan waited, along with Max, Cole, Mark, Joe and Adrian, until they could no longer hear the women walking. When he heard the door to Brielle’s parlor close he turned his attention back to the occupants of the table and addressed them.

  “So, we meet back here in fifteen?”

  “Give me twenty minutes and I’ll join you guys.” Jax said before standing up and walking out of the dining room.

  After Jax was out of the room Adrian asked Wes, “So, the guys from your security team will be in while we are gone to install the cameras and listening devices?”

  “Yes, they will be here in about an hour. We will need to give them at least 90 minutes to get everything installed and cleaned up. Why don’t we all take something to eat and bring along drinks that way there will be no reason to rush back?”

  “We can do that. I’ll have the catering team scrounge something up for us while we are all taking care of any last minute details before heading out. I’ll meet you all in the kitchen. We can use the glass doors, the back patio has a walkway that will take us right to the entrance to the hiking trail.” Max said. They all murmured their agreement and went their separate ways. Ryan headed to his room to call his supervisor who assured him that everything was under control there and he can enjoy the rest of his vacation. He changed into some hiking gear and stepped into the hallway to wait for Adrian. As he closed his bedroom door he heard a low rumbling voice. He turned toward the sound and noticed it was coming from Jax’s room. He walked, quietly, toward the door and listened to the conversation which Jax had on speaker phone.

  “I know Paul, and I agree. The girls will all be here at the house while us guys go on a hike and target practice.”

  “Good, you did a great job Jax. I will send a couple of my guys to intercept the van. I have a buddy who did a favor and found out that your buddy, Max, has asked Wes’ guys to install some cameras and listening devices in that house. I will make sure the guys entering the house are some of my men. They’ll be able to hack the system so that the feed will be sent to my team.”


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