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Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Maren Lee

  Jake walked back into the house. Justin looked at Chloe and said, “We better go sing to the birthday girl before she disowns the both of us.”

  Chloe tried to take a deep breath, but she was so worked up that she couldn't. After she tried a few times, she was finally able to spit out, “Let's go.”

  Justin grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles and said, "Don't you worry, sweetheart. There's more where that came from..." Chloe smiled and walked back inside. Well then, this night just got more interesting.

  Chapter 4

  Singing Happy Birthday to Sierra got her worked up about the fact that she was turning thirty. She insisted that Molly, Chloe, and Aubrey dance with her until midnight. Unfortunately, Sierra’s dancing skills didn’t get any better when she was drunk, but it was a great source of entertainment for everyone. The girls danced the night away and took more shots of fireball than Chloe could remember. You’re going to feel that in the morning.

  Justin stole glances at Chloe throughout the night. When their eyes met, she’d smile at him and bite the right side of her lower lip. It was so sexy. He tried to maintain control of his arousal, but it was damn near impossible. He was done denying his attraction to her. He was done waiting.

  Justin excused himself from the casual conversation with Brenden and the rest of the guys and headed toward the front door. He looked at Chloe and signaled her to head out the front door with him. He took a seat on the front porch swing and waited for the brunette beauty. The front door creaked and Chloe slipped out the door barefoot.

  She was a natural beauty. And tall. He loved that about her. She was the perfect size for his 6’5” frame. She sat on the other end of the porch swing and kicked her feet up to rest in the middle between them, her knees bent. She pursed her lips and furrowed her brow when she looked at him. He knew what was coming.

  “What is this between us?” She asked tersely. “You are one good lookin’ man and I sure do like your hands and mouth on me, and Lord, I would love to feel you inside of me… but I need to know why? Why now? Why not last year?” Justin leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs and clasped his hands.

  “Chlo’, from the time we started talking last year until now there hasn’t been one day that I didn’t want you. Last year when we met, I felt an immediate connection to you. It brought up feelings that I hadn’t felt in a long time. It scared me. I panicked and ran. I’m so sorry.”

  Chloe felt a pang of sadness at his admission, mostly because she didn’t know why she would make someone have that type of reaction. She didn’t want to ask for fear of the answer but she knew that if she was going to let him back in, she needed to know. “Why would you panic?”

  Justin looked at the ground for a minute then back over to Chloe. “I hadn’t felt that rush of emotions since…” he took a deep breath, “since I was with Kristin.”

  Oh, she had forgotten that bit of information. Sierra told her that Justin has been engaged before.

  “Your fiance?” she asked. Justin nodded once. “Justin, I know I said I was falling for you last year. And I was. I mean, I could see myself falling for you. Hard. But I’m not looking for a serious relationship right now. I’m not looking for a husband. I’m happy being single. I’m happy with my life, though it's a little complicated right now. You don’t have to worry about me growing attached. I have too much shit going on anyways.”

  “Ok,” he said, almost in a whisper. He wondered what shit she had going on, but decided to leave that for another conversation. “I’ll leave that for now and we’ll explore this ‘shit’ you have going on later. But like I said, I panicked last summer. It’s was not a rational response.”

  “I’m probably leaving in a few weeks anyways, so you don’t have to worry about me being a stage five clinger” she joked.

  “What do you mean 'probably'?” Justin asked.

  “Nothing. I just haven’t decided my next move.” she responded. “Why don’t you tell me what happened with Kristin? Maybe it’ll make you feel better. Let’s talk it out.”

  “Not tonight. Let’s just let tonight be about this,” he said as he pointed to himself and then to her. Chloe knew she shouldn’t push the issue any further tonight.

  “I’d love to hang out with you more while I’m here. No pressure, no commitment. Nothing exclusive. Just casual. Does that sound good to you?”

  It didn’t sound perfect to Justin, but he couldn’t put his finger on why. It should’ve been exactly what he was looking for. But it wasn’t. Still, he kept that information to himself.

  “I can handle that,” he said. “Now get those sweet lips over here, Chlo’.” A bolt of electricity went through her body at the sound of his raspy voice calling her “Chlo’.” Not many people called her that. She loved hearing it coming from Justin.

  Justin reached over and grabbed her by her forearms. He tugged her toward him and she went with it. Fuck it. He positioned her on his lap so that she faced him, her knees pressed into the back of the swing as her thighs straddled him. He grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her even closer.

  Using his right hand, he caressed her face with the tips of his fingers while his left hand stayed firmly on the curve of her right hip. He traced the hollow of her cheek down to her chin and then back to the soft spot below her ear. He placed a kiss at this spot and feathered kisses down her neck while he lowered his hand back down to her left hip, brushing the swell of her breast on his way. He gave her hips a squeeze while he continued to lick and kiss her neck.

  Chloe knew he wanted more. She turned her head toward him and gave him a hungry kiss. Their lips pressed into each other hard. Chloe pushed her tongue into his mouth. He opened willingly, meeting her tongue with his, thrusting in and out. His hands moved from her hips to the middle of her thighs. His thumbs moved back and forth as his fingers squeezed the outside of her legs.

  She instinctively pushed her pelvis into his groin and she could feel his big, hard bulge pressing against her. She had guessed that he was big, given that he was a very tall man. But to feel it pressing into her confirmed her assumption. She ached with need. This man drove her wild.

  He slid his hands further up and slid her skirt up to touch the soft skin on her inner thighs. Chloe felt him swell even further. She ground down into him again and the contact between his jeans and the swollen nub of her clit made her groan softly out loud against his lips.

  “Fuck, Justin, that feels good,” she breathed out against his lips.

  Justin pulled his lips away slightly but kept his forehead pressed to hers, “Chlo’, I want to taste you.”

  Oh my, God. This man could read math formulas out loud and it would sound sexy. But “I want to taste you?” Her brain could not compute. She was going to spontaneously combust and let him do whatever he wanted. No, Chloe! No pussy licking on the front porch!

  Chloe had to force herself to think logically. “Justin,” she gasped for breath, “ Not here on the front porch where anyone can see us!” She hadn't even realized she was doing it, but she continued to grind herself into him.

  “I’ve got other ways I can taste you, darlin,” his eyes sparkled. Justin put his mouth on her neck and sucked softly, then moved down and nibbled on her shoulder. His fingers slid further up her thighs, his thumbs not even an inch from that warm heat emanating from between her thighs. He could smell her arousal. He couldn’t wait for a taste.

  With that thought, Justin snuck his left hand back around her thigh and placed it under the swell of her ass. He guided her body up slowly and moved his right hand between her legs. He slid his fingers up to the lace barrier that was covering the entrance to her wet pussy.

  With his right index and middle finger, he slid the lace to the side. So wet. He loved that she was already ready for him. Justin used his fingers to slowly spread her pussy open. He couldn’t see what he was working with, but from the feel of things, her mound was bare.

  Justin groaned at that knowledge. Fuck, I can’t wait to see all of

  He pressed his thumb to her swollen clit and rubbed in a soft clockwise circle. He took both of his fingers and slowly plunged them inside of her. Chloe let out a small gasp and a moan in the same breath.

  “Oh my God,” Chloe realized she said that out loud too late. His fingers were huge. They were larger than what some guys she’d been with had in their pants. Chloe got wetter and wetter and began to move on him, driving his fingers deeper.

  “That’s right, baby. Use me. Fuck my fingers,” Justin said.

  He continued to kiss and nip at her neck and shoulders while he rubbed her clit and pushed his fingers in harder and faster. He continued to work on her clit with his thumb. Chloe’s breathing got harder and faster. She was getting close. She didn’t want it to end, but she also needed an orgasm or she thought she would die. He moved his fingers in a come hither motion inside her. Holy shit. No man had ever found the spot before.

  Her orgasm hit her off guard. She let out a whimpered “Oh...My...God..” as she came undone for him. He could feel her vaginal walls throbbing around his fingers as her sweet cream dripped down to his knuckles and made a trail down the back of his hand.

  Justin slowly pulled his fingers out of her wet center and lowered her back down to his lap. He looked Chloe directly in the eye and smirked. He quietly remarked, “I told you I had other ways to taste you.” He brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them all the way in, licking off her sweetness. As he did that, Chloe surprised him and licked the back of his hand.

  He looked into her eyes, and met her for another hungry kiss.

  “Mmmm, delicious. Darlin’, I’ll taste you again any time you want.”

  The statement made her week in the knees. It was a damn good thing she was sitting down already. She coyly cocked her head and gave him a shy smile, “Will you walk me to my room and tuck me in then?” Secretly, she was hoping he would say yes. She wanted him to stay over tonight so that she could see all that was underneath that massive bulge and get a taste of him.

  “I would love to, sweetheart. But if we both go back into that house together, we’ll be bombarded and everyone will know what went down out here. It’ll be easier for me to sneak away now and deal with my...situation," he pointed to his tightened jeans.

  Chloe raised her eyebrow at him and said matter-of-factly, “I could help you with that.”

  As badly as he wanted to stay and take her up on that offer, he knew he should go before they rounded all of the bases on the first night.

  “Next time, baby. But this time, how about I just walk you to the door?”

  Chloe felt a pang of disappointment, but knew it was for the best. She let him take her by the hand and they walked to the door. Chloe leaned her back against the door with her hand on the knob and looked up into Justin’s eyes.

  He smiled at her. “I’ll catch up with you tomorrow when I get done at the office, okay?”

  “Sounds good to me. You sure I can’t help you with your situation?” She glanced down at the bulge in his pants.

  “As much as I’d like you to, and trust me I cannot wait for you to put your mouth and hands on me, I cannot walk back in there with this going on.”

  Chloe laughed. “Understandable. Goodnight, handsome.”

  “Night, darlin’.”

  Chloe shuffled in the house, past all the people still drunkenly partying, and down to her room.

  She’d be having some amazing dreams tonight.


  Chloe woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. She’d met plenty of men in the last year, but none of them wowed her like Justin Hunt. She took a quick shower, threw on a simple green sun dress with large, bright yellow flowers smattered all over it in a random pattern, and ran a brush through her wet hair. She kept her makeup simple. It was hot outside; there was no use in doing her face up when it was just going to melt off in an hour.

  It was 9:30 by the time she headed up to the kitchen. She expected Sierra to be laid up in her La-Z-Boy with the kids being tended to by the television and iPads. Surprisingly, that was not the case. The kids were playing Legos and Sierra was in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess from the night before while drinking a Bloody Mary. She looked tired but appeared to be functioning far better than she deserved given the previous evening’s festivities.

  "Morning, birthday girl,” Chloe said quietly. She wasn't sure if Sierra had a headache or not, so she didn’t want to yell it.

  Sierra turned around and gave her a big smile, "Good morning!” Sierra yelled. “Last night was fun, right? I was so hammered! Did I embarrass you?” Chloe shook her head no. Clearly Sierra was feeling fine. She was loud. “I must not have been too bad, because Brenden woke me up by loving on me. That doesn't usually happen if I act like a douchebag while I’m drinking."

  Chloe giggled at Sierra's colorful language. It didn't matter the time of day, Sierra could make a sailor blush.

  "Last night was awesome. I love being here with you guys,” said Chloe.

  "Well cousin, we love having you and would love to have you stay in Imminence." Sierra smirked. Chloe shrugged. She wasn’t quite sure of her plans yet.

  "Spill it! You disappeared on all of us last night! Don’t think I didn’t notice! Coincidentally, Justin disappeared around the same time. And his ass didn't even say goodbye to me on my fucking birthday!"

  Play it cool, Chloe. Don't give too much info.

  "Nothing really happened. We talked for a little while out on the porch swing. Then he walked me back to the front door and headed home."

  The look on Sierra’s face said bullshit, but thankfully she dropped it. "Bummer. You going to see him again?"

  "I think so, we didn’t set any plans in stone, but he said he’d touch base with me after he’s off work today. So we'll see what happens."

  “Well, whatever happens, I’m here if you need anything.” Sierra gave Chloe a hug and left to go get the kids ready to go to swim lessons.

  Chloe headed back to the basement and finished getting ready for the day. She had no plans, but she wanted to be ready for anything that might come up. Maybe Justin would drop by and fill her mouth with his delicious hard shaft? The thought made her sex hungry.

  God damn, woman! Focus. One thing at a time!


  After lounging around the house all morning, watching a few episodes of The Bachelor that Sierra had dvr’d, making herself lunch, and texting her girlfriends back home with updates, Chloe’s phone was practically dead. She was on such an orgasmic high last night after Justin left that she forgot to grab it out of her car before heading to bed. As she walked down the steps of the front porch she noticed that her front tire on the driver’s side was flat. Are you fucking kidding me? Unfortunately, she’d left the spare in her garage in Utah. That's gonna cost you, Chloe.

  As she walked closer to her car, she noticed a note sitting on her windshield. Aww, maybe he left me a note? How sweet.

  She pulled the wiper blade up, removed the piece of paper and unfolded it.




  Bitch, you should have known better.

  Was this some kind of joke? Chloe’s mind started racing. She looked all around her. There was nothing but wide open space around her cousin’s house. A few trees and some neighbors off in the distance. How could this have happened? She felt herself becoming rigid with fear. Stop Chloe. Get control of yourself.

  She should tell Sierra and have her call Brenden. No. She didn’t want to make Sierra and the kids worry. She picked up her nearly dead cell phone and dialed Justin’s number. She didn’t know who else she could call. He was her only option right now.

  His phone rang twice before he answered, “Corporal Hunt.”

  Damn. His deep voice made her tingle even when he wasn’t in her presence.

  She took a deep breath, “Hey, it’s Chloe.”

  “Hey, baby. What’s going on?” he said sweetly.

  “Can you come by
Brenden and Sierra's for a few minutes?” She clenched her fists hoping he wouldn’t be able to sense her worry.

  “Sure, I was just about to head to the office. I’ll swing by on my way. Is everything ok?” She couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or elated about the phone call.

  “Um, yeah. Thanks, Jus’. That would be great.”

  She hadn’t called him Jus’ in over a year. Before they’d met in person last year, they’d spent many of their nights on the phone together or texting. They had gotten comfortable calling each other by the shortened version of their names. Maybe he wouldn’t notice she said it or put any stock into it. Chloe knew she needed to get a handle on her feelings for him, though, so that she wouldn't let herself fall so hard for him again.


  When Justin pulled up to Brenden and Sierra’s he saw Chloe sitting on the porch waiting for him. That didn’t seem like her. This was probably not a good sign. Don’t read too much in to it. Maybe she just wants to see you again.


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