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Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Maren Lee

Ha fucking ha. Damsel in distress. If he only knew you made that shit up.

  He was back in no time. Damn, the man moved quickly.

  "Here you go, darlin'."

  "Thank you. Plans for the day?"

  "Court in a couple hours. Wear something comfortable, sitting on those benches for a few hours can be brutal."

  "I can do that."

  "I'm going to take a quick shower. Need anything before I jump in?"

  Yes, I'd like a picture of your naked perfection in all its glory while you’re jerking off in the shower.

  "Not at the moment. Just save me some hot water will you?"

  "You could join me?"

  "Hmmmm, let me think about that…” She paused for dramatic effect. “Fine. Don’t twist my arm. Just give me a sec’ to drink this cup."

  "Mmmm. I can't wait to suds up that pretty pussy."

  Holy fuck. So hot.

  "I am feeling pretty dirty this morning."

  Justin smiled at her. “You are my dirty college girl,” he said as he stripped his clothes off before heading to the bathroom. Annnnnnd he was already hard. Jesus Christ. The thought of his length filling her again got her moving. Chloe took a couple big swigs of coffee. It burned her throat on the way down, but holy shit it was going to be worth it.

  She headed for the shower and opened the bathroom door up to find him standing there in all his glory with hot, steaming water cascading down his torso. This had to be the sexiest thing she had ever laid her eyes on. Don't feel shy. Just get in there.

  Chloe stepped into the shower, Justin held his hand out and pulled her close. He spun her around so her back was pressed tightly to his chest. He placed them under the hot running water and kissed Chloe on the shoulder.

  "Are you sore this morning?"

  "Yeah, a little."

  "Let me make you feel better, baby."

  He sat her down on the shower bench in front of them and proceeded to scrub every last inch of her body. Then he washed and conditioned her hair. She felt cherished. Holy shit, she felt loved. She needed to get that the fuck out of her head.

  "Do you feel fresh and clean now?" Justin asked.

  "Very," her entire body was tingling. Her nerve endings felt raw. She was certain she would combust if he touched her again.

  "Let's get dirty."

  He pulled her up off the bench and into his arms. He kissed her with an intensity that signaled to her the want and need had had in that moment. His tongue stroked hers and his arms held her tight to him. She matched the urgency. Before she could make the next move he broke the kiss and placed his mouth on her ear, "Need you, Chlo’. Now," he grunted out.

  "Take me," Chloe whispered in his ear.

  He let out a low growl and walked them toward the wall. The heat of the water and the cool of the stone on her back created an erotic contrast. Justin grabbed her left leg and then her right, wrapping them around his waist as he lifted her, his large hands cradling her ass. He reached between them with one hand and positioned himself to slide into her hot, wet cunt. He buried himself inside her on the first stroke. They moaned in unison as soon as he was planted in her to the root.

  "You feel so good Chlo'. So. fucking.good." His words matched his motions as he drove in and out of her. “You’re so beautiful,” he grunted again. “So sexy.”

  Chloe felt herself getting ready to come fast. But she wanted this moment to happen together, "Jus, I'm almost there!" she shouted breathlessly.

  "I know baby, I can feel it. Oh my god, you’re so tight."

  "Come with me, Jus’. Please. Hurry, baby."

  "You know just what to say to make me come undone,” he moaned.

  "Yes!" Chloe shouted as she began to come, her pussy spasmed and pulled Justin in deeper. On the last pull she felt his length grow as he released inside her and roared with deep, male satisfaction.

  They were both breathing heavily in the aftermath of what she would describe as an epic orgasm. Epic.

  “Holy shit,” Chloe sighed.

  "I aim to please, Ms. Tisdale." He slowly slid her down his body and back to a standing position.

  "Pass the soap, please. And don't drop it on purpose, Justin."

  "You know me so well." He kissed her forehead. “But, we had a 15 minute delay here, so we’d better get moving." Justin slapped her ass and then exited the shower.

  "Is that what I am do you? A delay?” she said, incredulously.

  “Only the best kind, baby. I’m not complaining. But let’s get a move on.”

  “I'll be ready. But will you make me a to go cup of coffee, please!? I was interrupted during my first cup," she teased. She was obviously not as perturbed as she was making herself out to be.

  "Will do. Be right back, sweet cheeks."

  "Thank you." Chloe sat back down on the seat. Holy shit. She could see herself starting every day like that. Don't get too comfortable, Chloe. This is temporary remember? And with that thought she shut off the shower and her libido for the time being.

  Chapter 9

  The Bounty County courtroom was a trip. This wasn’t the typical conference style courtroom Chloe remembered from her prior run in with the law. There were no padded chairs. There was no sound system to help amplify the voices up front. In fact, there was no technology to be seen anywhere. Everything was rustic and traditional. Brick walls. Wooden pews. Dirty wooden floors. It was a courtroom you would expect to see in a Wyatt Earp movie. It even smelled old.

  The front of the courtroom was clearly reserved for the defendants. A few deputies were scattered in the back. Chloe sat on the hard wooden pew with Justin on her left and Jake to her right. She felt like she was the middle of a stud sandwich. Justin and Jake were a sight to behold separately. But together. Good lord. What she wouldn’t give to have both of them catering to her sexual desires. The thought made her stomach flip, sending an electric current straight to her core.

  Keep it together, Chloe. Don’t let them see you blushing!

  The chatter among the guys was entertaining, to say the least. Justin was fighting off everyone who wanted to feed Avery a snack and Jake was talking far too loudly about his latest female conquests with Cole, one of the newer deputies. It was obvious that Jake took his reputation as a man-whore seriously, because he didn’t spare any details. It didn’t bother Chloe one bit, though she had to fan herself a couple of times and wipe the sweat off of her brow. Good thing it was summer and the courtroom had shitty ventilation. She didn’t want Justin to know she was sweating because Jake seriously turned her on. Whew.

  A loud slam at the entrance behind them made everyone turn their heads. In walked a stunning redhead in a smart black suit carrying a banker’s box and shouldering a briefcase. A tight pencil skirt showed off her hips and ass. A perfectly tailored jacket accentuated her small waist. Girlfriend had curves in all the right places. She was wearing a beautiful sapphire button up shirt underneath. Tall, black stiletto heels. And her calves. Holy shit. Chloe would kill for those calves. This woman was classy. And she definitely had money. What the fuck was a woman like her doing in a town like this?

  Chloe couldn’t tell exactly how tall Ms. Classy was, given the fact that she was wearing four inch heels, but Chloe immediately wanted to describe her as “pocket-sized.” The woman’s skin was flawless and pearl-like. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of green. Chloe didn’t swing both ways, but she could appreciate a fine specimen of any variety. This woman was tiny but gorgeous.

  Jake leaned over Chloe and said in a low voice intended only for Justin to hear, “Fucking great. We have to deal with this fuckin’ fire…” Jake cut himself off when he realized Chloe was staring up at him. He inhaled through his nose and blew out through his mouth. “...engine...We have to deal with this fire engine today.”

  Fire engine? Really, Jake? I wasn’t born yesterday. Chloe rolled her eyes, but wondered who this redheaded woman was and what Jake had against her.

  Avery let out a loud bark followed by a deep throated growl.r />
  Jake snorted and then said loud enough for the woman -- and the rest of the back row -- to hear, "What's that Avery? She's got the drugs keistered?! Of course it would be the defense attorney! Let’s strip search her, Hunt!”

  Chloe realized right then that this woman was the public defender that Jake had been bad mouthing at Sierra’s party the other night just before Justin went apeshit.

  Jake and Justin laughed and high fived over Chloe’s head. What was this? Junior high? The other deputies looked equally amused.

  The red headed vixen turned around, looked at Jake dead in the eyes and mouthed, "Fuck. You.”

  He smirked at her and grabbed his duty belt and unsnapped it mouthing, "Hop on," right back at her.

  That must have shocked the pretty lady because a look of disgust crossed her face, her jaw about hit the floor, and she tripped in her heels. The box went flying and all the contents spilled out onto the floor. Chloe heard the woman mutter expletives under her breath, but she remained cool, calm and collected.

  Bystanders looked on in pity while Jake and Justin chuckled under their breath. Chloe couldn't believe how childish they were behaving. She elbowed Justin in the bicep and hopped up out of her seat and slid in front of Jake, stomping on his toes as she slid by. They might have their issues with this woman, but Chloe sure as hell wasn't going to be singled out with them.

  “Sit down, you fuckin’ traitor,” Jake growled as he tried to grab Chloe’s arm. She escaped his grasp and shrugged him off, ignoring his comments. “Control your woman, Justin!” Oh hellllllll no. Chloe spun around and stuck an angry finger in Jake’s face, “One, I am not his woman. Two, I am not to be controlled. By anyone! And three, quit being a dick!” She spun back around and stormed toward the public defender.

  "Hey, let me help you,” Chloe offered. Chloe kneeled on the floor next to the classy woman and began grabbing papers and folders, handing them to her.

  "Uh, thank you," the redhead said, obviously a bit flustered.

  Chloe could tell she was shocked by the generosity. She held out her hand. "No problem. I'm Chloe Tisdale."

  "Lane Bennett.” They shook hands and Lane motioned to the row of deputies. “These assholes probably already introduced me as the evil public defender. Or maybe they just introduced me as the town harpy. It depends on the day how much respect I get. Or, I guess I should say, how little respect I get from these assholes.” She motioned to Justin and Jake. "I’m sorry, obviously these assholes are your friends. Oh man, I keep calling them assholes! Force of habit. I’m so sorry. I hope I didn't offend you."

  Chloe laughed. "Please! Do not apologize! They might be my friends, but I am not going to argue with you. They’re being total assholes."

  Lane smiled. "It's nice to meet someone who doesn't already have preconceived notions about me."

  "I am nobody to be passing judgement. Trust me." Chloe smiled, grabbed the box and stood up to pass it to Lane.

  "I like you already, Chloe. If you’re around when we recess, we should go get a cup of coffee. Thanks for your help." Lane smiled and confidently headed for the front table.

  When Chloe turned around to head back to her seat, the majority of deputies were looking at her like she had a third eye. Jake was pissed. Is there something going on between those two? What the fuck is with the hostility? Chloe wondered.

  Justin kept his facial expression neutral, but she could tell he was holding back a glare and holding his tongue. Fuck ‘em. Chloe decided to go with the unknowing approach if anyone confronted her. By the looks of it, she could tell she and Justin would be having words again when they left the courthouse. Take a deep breath, Chloe. You can handle these shit heads. Though she was betting she was going to have to take a raincheck on her coffee date with Lane.


  Justin was only a little bit pissed. Yeah, he didn’t really like Lane Bennett, but he wasn’t going to fault Chloe for being a good person. Especially since she didn’t know Lane. Chloe hadn’t seen the bitch in action. No one in his department liked her. Lane spent her time trying to discredit the work of the deputies and defend the lawbreakers they'd arrested, no matter what the crime. In their minds it was fucked up that she would want to argue in support of people who made morally and ethically wrong decisions. He was confident that as soon as Chloe got to know Lane, Chloe would want nothing to do with her.

  But it wasn’t Chloe helping out Lane that had him a little bit pissed. It was that when she was tearing Jake a new one, she said quite definitely that she was not Justin’s woman. His immediate reaction was to yell, “The hell you’re not my woman!” Thankfully, he held his tongue. What the fuck is wrong with me? Justin was mad at Chloe for not wanting to be his woman and mad at himself for wanting her to want to be his woman. I am a fucking mess. All of this contemplating his relationship, or non-relationship, as it were, with Chloe was taking up far too much space in his head. So much head space, in fact, that he nearly missed his case being called by the court clerk.

  The defendant, Lane, and Carter Jones, the county prosecutor, made their way up to the tables in the front of the courtroom for the preliminary hearing.

  “All rise!” the bailiff bellowed. In came Judge Corcoran in his black robe. Everyone stood.

  “Good morning, counselors.”

  “Good morning, Your Honor,” both Lane and Carter said at the same time.

  “This is the case of State vs. Smith. Government is represented by Carter Jones. I assume you are Matthew Smith?” Judge Corcoran asked the defendant.

  “Yes, Your Honor,” the defendant replied politely, clearly coached by Lane. Justin suppressed his gag reflex.

  “Defendant is represented by Ms. Lane Bennett. This is a Motion to Suppress. Mr. Jones, call your first witness. ” Yeah. Suppression motion. Lane was trying to keep the drug evidence out and in order to do so, she had to discredit Avery. Justin knew this game.

  “Yes, Your Honor. State calls Corporal Justin Hunt.”

  Chloe jumped. Justin squeezed her thigh, got up and strode toward the witness stand. After Justin was sworn in, the prosecutor began his questioning. Justin spelled his name, discussed his experience in law enforcement, and spoke about Avery’s training. And then he got into the facts of the case.

  It was pretty straightforward as far as Justin was concerned. Justin pulled over a vehicle crossing over a double yellow on a dangerous mountain road. The driver seemed anxious, was breathing heavily, sweating profusely, and couldn’t keep still. He asked the driver if he could search the vehicle and the driver declined. So Justin decided to deploy Avery. Avery alerted to the driver side door. Justin submitted an application for a warrant based on Avery’s alert and it was granted. They took the door apart and found a shit ton of coke. Case. Closed. Yet despite the evidence being right under Avery’s nose, apparently the defendant was pleading not guilty. The sonofabitch was guilty. Of course Lane would pull that shit! And of course she was going to try to make Justin and Avery look like amatuer hour so that she could keep the evidence out. Not. Fuckin’. Happening.

  Justin liked the prosecutor. Carter Jones was a good dude. He was fairly young, but he was whip smart and understood his role. He knew when to go for a plea bargain and when to push it. And when he pushed it and it ended up at trial, he knew the rules of evidence. Cases weren’t getting tossed out on technicalities with Carter Jones in charge -- or at least, the technicalities weren’t due to his failure to adhere to the rules of evidence. If cases were tossed out on a technicality, it was because one of the deputies fucked up. Thankfully, since Carter was put in charge, he’d conducted evidence collection and 4th amendment trainings in real world scenarios for all of the deputies, so those fuckups were few and far between.

  Everyone liked Carter. Carter was a winner. But in the last six months since Lane Bennett came to town, Carter Jones began losing.

  “I have nothing further,” Carter stated.

  “All right. Does that conclude your direct, Mr. Jones?”

bsp; “Yes, Your Honor. Thank you.”

  “All right. Cross, Ms. Bennett.”

  Lane stood up. Justin breathed in slowly through his nose and tried not to give away just how much he disliked this woman.

  “Corporal Hunt. Let’s begin with the K-9’s training. You said she was trained at K-9 Academy in Denver, Colorado, correct?”

  “That is correct.”

  “What drugs has the K-9 been trained on?”

  “Avery,” Justin stressed her name, “has been trained on marijuana, ecstasy, crack, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroine.”

  “When you got her out of your vehicle on April 3rd in order to search the defendant’s vehicle, did you direct the dog to any specific area?”


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