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Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Maren Lee

  “Well good morning, sunshine! Did you get your ride home from Connor last night?” Even though she and Lane were new friends it seemed as if they known each other forever.

  “Ha! Good morning to you, too. I figured you’d be up already! I did get a ride home from Connor last night. Actually, I got three. He just left, so I am getting ready and heading to work and I am late but I don’t care!” Lane let out a satisfied sigh.

  Chloe could practically hear Lane blushing on the phone, “Three? Damn! Lucky woman. So, are you going to see him again?”

  “I think so! I really like him. Last night was a lot of fun. It was completely out of the norm for me and I enjoyed myself. We exchanged numbers and he wants to meet up again on Friday night, so we’ll see. I need to thank Sierra for introducing me to him.”

  “Matchmaking seems to be her thing. I’m glad her skills are working for you! Let’s try and get together for lunch soon? I’d say let’s do it today, but it appears I am stuck at the Sheriff’s office for the unforeseeable future.” Chloe yawned.

  “No worries -- I have so much work I need to get caught up on today, so I’ll be working through lunch. But yes, let’s plan that soon! Talk to you later, Chloe.”

  She hung up the phone and looked around the quiet office. She had two choices: she could be nosy and snoop around again or she could nap. Napping it is.

  A few hours later, Sierra opened the office door, startling Chloe. Her arms were full of groceries and she had two noisy, yet adorable kids in tow. Chloe jumped up to help her with the groceries.

  “Sierra you could’ve texted me, I would have come and helped bring this stuff in!” Chloe couldn’t believe that Sierra had four bags of groceries for one lasagna. Chloe yawned.

  Sierra mumbled back to her, her purse handle hanging from her mouth obstructing her speech. Chloe grabbed the handle and tugged to instruct her to let go.

  “Thank you.” Sierra moved her jaw around to loosen it up.

  “Sierra! I appreciate you getting everything, but I think you may have gotten a little too much for one lasagna.” Chloe stretched and then picked up her water bottle and took a sip.

  “Yes, I would agree it is entirely too much for one lasagna. But it’s the perfect amount for three lasagnas.”

  Chloe choked on her water and spit some out, “Three? Why in the hell would I make so much lasagna? It’s just me and Justin.”

  Sierra shook her head, “I forget that you’re still new here.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  “When it comes to cooking in the office, everyone flocks to the smell. Deputies. Civil. Dispatchers. Everyone. If you make something as delicious smelling as lasagna, you’ll want to have plenty for everyone. I’m saving you from the pouting that will come if you tell them that they can’t have any. Trust me.”

  She hadn’t thought of that. It’s a good thing Sierra stepped in to help her out.

  “So...does that mean that you are going to help me make all of these?”

  “I’ll help you get them prepared so you can just toss them in when you are ready for dinner. I don’t think I’m sticking around for dinner, though.”

  “Thank you for saving me the guilt trip from Justin’s hungry coworkers!”

  “I’ve got your back, cuz,” she winked. “Now, to the important stuff. How was your night and have you heard from Lane?”

  “My night was great, but short. Justin and I just fell asleep on the couch watching a movie and then he woke me up so damn early. I’m dragging ass this morning. And yes, I heard from Lane. She and Connor hooked up. He didn’t leave her house until about 9:30 this morning.”

  “Ha! Yes!” Sierra shouted. “I had a feeling about those two. And wow, a rancher sleeping in. I think that might be a first. Lane must have the golden pussy.”

  Chloe laughed, “You are the best matchmaker.”

  “Thank you.” Sierra took an overly dramatic bow. “Hopefully this one sticks. Connor hasn’t had anything serious since Breanna left.”

  “Who’s Breanna?”

  “She was his girlfriend right out of high school. They were together until she finished college at Flathead.”

  “Where’s Flathead?”

  “It’s a community college in Kalispell. But she decided to go out of state to finish her graduate degree.”

  “Oh, that split them up?”

  “No, when she decided to take a marketing job in Florida, that broke them up. She wanted him to move there and he couldn’t. Ranching is in his blood, that's all he knows. The land has been with his family for generations. He wouldn’t leave that. He couldn’t.”

  “How sad. So he’s been single since she left?”

  “I didn’t say that. He’s had a lady for a month or two every now and then. Nothing promising. Last night when he lit up looking at Lane, I saw some sparks, so I went with it.”

  “Why don’t you do this professionally?”

  “I don’t do it for the money, I just like to see people happy! If it wasn’t for a blind date I wouldn’t have these two rugrats.”

  Chloe looked at Jayce and Emma. They were coloring pictures with highlighters on Justin’s desk calendar. They were so cute. For a second Chloe started to envision what her life would be like if she had children. None of her relationships had lasted long enough for her to even think of that as a possibility, and it’s not like this one had lasted long at all. But it felt different. When she thought of having them with Justin, she could see little brunette babies with blue eyes. Her stomach flipped; it felt like excitement. Anticipation. No, Chloe. Stop. Don’t do this to yourself. Having children takes commitment. And even though things currently seem promising, you can’t assume anything is permanent right now.

  “Earth to Chloe?”

  Shit, she had zoned out. “Sorry I was-”

  “I know what you were doing. Been there. That look on your face is screaming baby fever.”


  “Hey, you can’t fool me. I’ve had that exact same look on my face. At least twice.” They both started laughing.

  “Let’s go get these lasagnas ready!”

  “Okay. Wait, what am I supposed to cook these in?”

  “I’ve got you covered.” Sierra pulled out disposable aluminum trays.

  “Yes! I love easy cleanup. You think of everything.”

  “This ain’t my first rodeo. Jayce, Emma, put the lids on the markers! You can go sit with your daddy while I help Chloe, okay?”

  “Okay,” they said in unison.

  “Emma!” Jayce shouted. “Stop. Copying. Me!”

  “Stop copying me!” she parroted.

  “Ughhhhh!” He stomped out of the office.

  Maybe she was crazy for thinking about having children after all.

  Chapter 16

  After Sierra and the kids left, Sierra was exhausted. Both mentally and physically. Her phone rang as she was walking back to Justin’s office. It was her friend, Alyssa, who was watching her dogs back home in Duchesne. Home. For some reason -- probably a six-foot-five reason -- that didn’t feel like an accurate description anymore.

  Chloe leaned up against the wall in the hallway outside of Justin’s office and slid down to the floor to a seated position while she chatted with her friend. Alyssa caught up on the local drama that Chloe was missing out on. Chloe gave Alyssa a rundown of what had happened to her in the short week she’d been away. Has it really only been a week? It felt much longer than that.

  Thankfully, the pups had been behaving themselves and Alyssa wasn’t in a hurry to give them back. Chloe missed Bella and Arnie like crazy, but with all of the stalker drama and her progressing relationship with Justin, she knew Alyssa was the right place for them for a few more days. That was one subject she hadn’t talked to Justin about just yet. What if he asked her to stay? He knew that she had two dogs, but he hadn’t told her if they would be able to combine the canine families or not. If he asked her to stay, she’d have to talk to him about that. Those d
ogs were the only real family she had back in Duchesne.

  After catching up with Alyssa, Chloe rested her head on her knees sitting in the hallway. She wanted to close her eyes for a few minutes to rest, but the only place she was somewhat comfortable enough to do that was in Justin's office. She pushed up to her feet, walked in, and took a deep breath. Mmmmm. It smelled like him in here. So good.

  Chloe shut the door behind her, circled around his desk, and practically dropped to the chair. She kicked her feet up on the desk and reclined back. It would probably be wise to let Justin know that she was going to be resting her eyes in his office. She wasn’t really in the mood for anyone to walk in on her snoring or drooling.

  CT: Hey sexy crime fighter.

  JH: Hey baby.

  CT: Gonna take a nap in UR office. Hope UR having a good day. Miss U.

  JH: Miss U 2 baby. Rest those pretty eyes. UR gonna need it. Keeping you up all night long tonight.

  CT: Damn you. How am I supposed to get any rest when you wake up my girly parts?

  JH: Sit at my desk and get your girly parts wet and ready for me.

  She felt a shiver and a tingle run from her core to the tips of her fingers and toes.

  CT: I’m wet already.

  JH: Taste yourself for me.

  CT: Mmmmm, yummy.

  JH: Fuck.

  CT: That’s the plan later, right?

  JH: Hopefully I don't have to get out of the rig soon. My dick is hard as steel.

  CT: Good. C U in a little while handsome man of mine.

  Chloe leaned back in his chair. She could rest easily knowing he was missing her and wanting her just as badly.


  The day had been long and stressful for Justin. Every white vehicle that he passed made the hair on the back of his neck stand at attention. He wanted to find the son of a bitch and lock him up for good.

  Being alone in his rig gave him too much time to think. His mind raced to every place he and Chloe had been together in their short week together. Shit. Had it really only been one week? It felt much longer. But why didn't he notice the same person everywhere they went? Did this piece of shit have more than one car? Did he disguise himself? Something wasn't adding up. He needed to do some digging and find more out about this psycho, David Sullivan.

  It was almost six o'clock in the evening and he was starving. Unfortunately, he hadn't had any luck finding the perp while he was out on the road and it was going to be getting dark out shortly. It was time to head back to the office. He had lasagna and Chloe on his mind.

  First, though, he needed to debrief with Brenden and figure out sleeping arrangements. They couldn't go back to his place and they couldn’t go to Brenden’s either. David Sullivan found Chloe in both places. The piece of shit knew where they both lived. Justin figured they would have to stay at the office, but he hoped the Runaway Inn was an option. Hotel sex. If there were no vacancies, though, the only other accommodations were beds in empty cells -- fuck no -- or the patrol break room. It could work. There were a couple couches to stretch out on.

  He was hoping for the Inn, though. He could more easily make up some excuse as to why they needed to stay there.

  When Justin finally got back to the Sheriff's office, the parking lot was packed with patrol vehicles. With everyone here, he wasn’t going to have much of a chance to be alone with Chloe -- so at least that would help him keep his mouth shut about the manhunt. But it would make it nearly impossible to get his hands all over her. We’re gonna need a room.

  When he walked in the door, he got a whiff of garlic and herbs with a hint of cheesy deliciousness. His stomach growled. Most of the guys were sitting in the break room or the kitchen shoving their faces full of lasagna. He growled along with his stomach. That was his lasagna. There better be some left.

  Justin glanced around the room. He heard Chloe’s laugh before he saw her. He turned his head and looked over at her, laughing in the center of a small crowd of his coworkers. Fuck, she’s beautiful. Watching her laugh with some of his best friends -- men he saw as his brothers -- only affirmed his thoughts that she belonged here. With him. Now you’ve got to convince her to stay, jackass.

  She looked his direction and connected her gaze to his. Those stunningly beautiful blue eyes sparkled and she gave him a sultry smile. God damn. As cliche as it was to say, she had him wrapped around her little finger. Chloe walked toward him.

  “Hey, handsome. How was your day?” She reached up his tall frame and wrapped her arms around his shoulders for a tight squeeze.

  He leaned down and turned his head into her neck and took in her scent. She smelled like a floral garden just after summer rain. “My day was alright, but even better now that I have you in my arms.” He kissed her neck softly, goosebumps spread across her skin.

  “Mr. Hunt, don’t start something you can’t finish right now.”

  He whispered in her ear, “Baby, you have no fucking idea how bad I want to eat your... lasagna.”

  Chloe burst out laughing, “Well there is plenty of that to meet your needs. Right this way, Officer.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the counter, “Eat as much lasagna as you want, baby. This piece is yours and only yours.”

  His dick stirred. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He kissed her on the top of her head, grabbed a handful of her ass, and then grabbed a plate.

  He couldn’t believe she made him dinner. And not just him, but everyone else in the office and on patrol today. He took a bite and closed his eyes. It was delicious. He really didn’t expect anything less from her. Chloe was amazing. He was having a hard time not kicking himself for wasting the last year of both of their lives.

  Justin couldn’t help but feel some guilt for the situation Chloe was in. If he hadn’t gotten cold feet last summer, they might have continued their relationship and she wouldn’t have had a chance to connect with that psychotic motherfucker. If he hadn’t walked away from her a year ago, he would have eaten so many more pieces of her lasagna.

  “Justin, what’s wrong?” Chloe asked.

  Shit. He’d been zoning out. “Huh?” He shook his head quickly. “Nothing. Sorry, it’s been a long day.” He avoided eye contact with her. He didn’t want to show his hand just yet. He was too worried about finding her stalker.

  “Ohhhh, so you might not be up for a late night again?” She fake pouted and then winked at him.

  “I will be up plenty tonight, don’t you worry your pretty little head about that, sweetheart.” Fucking hell. This woman knew exactly how to get to him in all the right ways. He quickly shoved his mouth full of food to keep from talking in sexual innuendo. He was starting to sport a semi- and did not want to be walking into Brenden’s office with a full-on boner.

  “I’ve got to go talk to the boss man. Do you mind waiting around with the guys for a few while I’m gone?”

  “I suppose a little while longer won’t be so bad. I’ll get these dishes cleaned up while I wait.”

  “No. Fuck that, babe. Someone else can do dishes. You cooked.”

  “I don’t mind. It’ll make time go by a little faster and keep my mind off of all the naughty things I can’t wait for you to do to me.”

  Justin growled deep in his throat, “Dammit, woman. I was trying to fight off a hard on. Now I’m at full mast.”

  Chloe turned toward him, grazing his thigh with her hand and moving her fingers up to his groin, curling her fingers around the evidence. “Yes. You. Are.”

  Justin looked at her, “The moment I get off duty, your ass is mine.”

  “Promises, promises,” she teased. She slowly turned away from him, moving her hips from side to side so every curve from her waist down was showcased for him to see.

  Focus, Justin. Think about something not sexy! Guns. Tasers. Handcuffs. Sex. Dammit! It was going to take a kick to the balls to get his mind off of Chloe and her sweet, sexy ass.


  The conversation with Brenden was quick. Instead of staying at the office, he
told Justin to go to the Runaway Inn just outside of Imminence off of Highway 27. The Runaway Inn was the only option for a place to stay close to Imminence. It wasn’t fancy, but it would be a much more comfortable -- and sexy -- option for them than the couches in the office rec room.

  The only downfall to staying at the Inn was that the rooms opened to the outside and the only security cameras on the premises were in the lobby at the front desk. Brenden decided he would check into the hotel for them, just in case Justin and Chloe were being followed. He’d be back any minute with the room keys and then they could go relax for the night. Justin hadn’t gotten much sleep over the past couple nights. He hoped this would help him relax. At the very least he needed to spend some time caressing his lady.


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