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Ride-along (Bounty County Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Maren Lee

  Before she had a moment to second guess her natural instinct, she turned to her left and started to run as quickly as she could in her flip flops.

  “Stop!” he shouted.

  She ignored his command and continued to run. She heard a loud bang and then everything went into slow motion. Her right leg gave out and she tripped, tumbling hard to the ground. She tried to stand back up, but couldn’t move her leg. Chloe tried to push up once more, but it was impossible. She tried to scream but nothing came out. She only felt pain.

  The masked man loomed over her and grabbed the hair on the top of her head. He dragged her back to the truck. She tried to plead with him to let her go, but again, no sound came out. She saw the shadow of his hand in the dim light of the parking lot. The last thing she saw was the man in the mask bringing down the butt of the gun toward her head. She heard a crack. Everything went black.


  Justin was just finishing up the final chorus line when he heard a loud crack, it sounded like a gunshot echoing off of the canyon walls. He shut the shower off.

  “Chloe?” he shouted. No response. He flung the shower curtain open and pulled the towel off of the rack.

  “Chloe? Babe?” Nothing.

  He opened the bathroom door to the room. She wasn’t there. He scanned the bedroom quickly. The door was propped slightly open. There was a note on the dresser. Went to grab a message for you at the front desk. Be right back. xoxoxo

  A message? Who in the fuck would try to send a message to him through the front desk? He scrambled to get his pants and shoes on. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and ran for the door. He could hear an engine revving and gravel kicking up.

  He flung the door open so quickly and hard it slammed into the wall. That would leave a dent for sure. Justin ran to the lobby door. He pulled hard on the handle and ran inside.

  “Chloe!” He shouted as he ran around the corner to the front desk. There was no sign of her. Where the fuck was the front desk clerk? There was a bell in the middle of the counter. He slapped on the bell continuously until the middle aged overweight woman came out of the back office.

  “Can, I help you?!” she asked, rudely.

  “There was a message for me down here. Justin Hunt. My girlfriend came to get it. Have you seen her?” Justin was frantic.

  “Calm down, son.”

  “I can’t calm the fuck down! Just answer my question, have you seen her?”

  “There hasn’t been anyone down here for hours.”

  His heart sank to his stomach.

  “The message that was for me -- what was it?”

  “Son, there wasn’t any message for anyone. We’ve transferred calls all night long for our guests. No one has called back to leave a message.”

  “Did you transfer a call to my room?”

  “For Justin Hunt? Yes, about 15 minutes ago, give or take.”

  “Do you know who it was?”


  “Do you have a phone number from where they called?”

  “No. We don’t have caller ID.”

  Fucking shit. Fuck. Fuck. Who doesn’t have caller ID nowadays? He needed to find out who had called, and from what phone number. He had a gut feeling he already knew but he didn’t want to let his mind go there just yet.

  “How many guests are staying here tonight?”

  “We’ve got 4 rooms booked, why?”

  “Is your car out front?”

  “No. What’s with all of the questions?”

  Fuck. Panic was sinking in. The red truck. It was a Dodge. He remembered that. What was the plate number?

  “Gotta go.” Justin sprinted back to the room across the parking lot, but a large wet spot on the rocky pavement caught his eye and stopped him. He knelt down next to the puddle. What was it? He scanned the parking lot. There were long streaks in jagged lines heading toward where he saw the truck was parked earlier. It hit him like a ton of bricks. Blood. The puddle, the streaks.

  No. No. No. Fuck! Please, God, don’t let it be Chloe’s blood.

  Justin ran to his patrol vehicle and entered the keyless code to let him in. He got on the radio to Dispatch.

  Justin shook as he spoke, “Bounty County, 2245.”

  “2245, go ahead.”

  “There’s been a kidnapping at the Runaway Inn. Send all available units immediately.”

  “2245, copy.”

  He dropped the mic and ran into the room. His cellphone was still on the dresser, right next to Chloe’s. She didn’t have her phone on her. Fuck. Any hopes of pinging her cellphone to find her were gone.

  Chloe was gone. It was his fault. He should have never left her alone in the room while he showered. He should have told her about the threat. Should have warned her more. Should have...Fuck. He needed to call Brenden. He was on the verge of losing his mind.


  Back in uniform, Justin paced back and forth, waiting for Brenden to arrive with Avery. The parking lot was barricaded to keep anyone from fucking with any possible evidence. State police were on scene asking everyone for their version of events. He hated being part of an investigation. Being questioned about his personal life was not a normal occurrence for him, so giving the state police any intimate details about his night with Chloe just chapped his ass. He was in the middle of snapping at the officer taking his statement about the chain of events when Brenden pulled up. Thank, God. Just as the smug little rookie opened his mouth to start another barrage of questions Brenden called him over to talk.

  “Sorry. Boss needs to talk.” He ran across the parking lot as quickly as possible to get away from the inquisitive prick.

  “Please tell me you’ve heard something. Anything.”

  Brenden shook his head. Justin stood in silence for what felt like an eternity. He closed his eyes and felt his body sink toward the ground. Finally Brenden spoke.

  “You can't blame yourself for this.”

  Justin looked up briefly to make eye contact with Brenden and then quickly looked back to the ground.

  “I should have told her. I did everything I could, and yet I still feel like I messed up. I tried to keep her safe. Tried to be there for her. I fucked up. This is all my fault.” He took a deep breath in an attempt to hold back any tears he might have coming.

  “Hey. Look at me.” Brenden ordered.

  Justin could tell that wasn't an optional request.

  “This isn’t on you. Sullivan is clearly not a stupid man. Crazy, yes. But not stupid. Every move this guy’s made has been calculated. He’s always been one step ahead of us.” Brenden moved next to Justin and put his hand on his left shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

  “I get that. I know he is smart. But dammit, I let her down. Why didn’t we tell her about the risk? She wouldn’t have left the room if she knew the extent of his stalking. I promised her she was safe with me! I fucking promised her and I didn't keep that promise! She's missing. Gone! And these state police pricks aren’t letting me fucking leave to look for her. I’m going to freak the fuck out if I can't do my part to find her.”

  “Justin, stop. You. Can't. Control. This. What's done is done. I’ve got all units out looking for her. All we can do now is let them finish the investigation here. Then we can continue putting together the pieces as we find them.”

  “That's not good enough!” he shouted. Loudly. Justin had never spoken to his boss in that tone before.

  Brenden got right in his face, “Calm the fuck down, Hunt!”

  “I can't. I fucking can’t. It's like a part of me is missing. My heart. It aches. I was messed up when my ex screwed me over, but this...every second that goes on without her is a thousand times worse than anything else I have ever felt.” Justin couldn't fight back any longer. No matter how hard he fought to catch his breath and keep it from happening, tears started to fall slowly.

  Brenden squeezed his shoulder with his hand, “I get it. There's only one woman in my life that makes me feel the same way.”

Justin nodded his head, “I… I love her.”

  “I know you do. Why else would you go so far out of your way to be there for someone?”

  Justin shook his head.

  “Exactly, you wouldn't. When you know, you know.”

  “Fuck. You’re right. I should have told her, I shouldn't have chickened out every time the words were on the tip of my tongue.”

  “I know I'm right. Don't beat yourself up about it. I'm sure she knows you love her. I've been without Sierra before, it was the worst year of my life. When she came back to me we didn't waste any time on the petty bullshit drama of relationships, or the past, we just started making our future together. I wouldn't change it for anything.”

  “I just want Chloe back now, I don't ever want to be without her.” When he had her in back in his arms again he was never letting her go. He was going to make her his, forever.

  “Good. Then use that energy to keep your focus on what needs to be done now. Stressing about things that you can’t change only wastes more time that could be used to find Chloe. Enough of this standing around crying bullshit.”

  Justin nodded, “You’re right. Thanks.”

  “Any time.”

  Just as Brenden was turning to walk away, Jake walked up, accompanied by a pissed off look on his face. “What the fuck is going on around here? Stalkers, kidnapping, death threats. We could have our own fucking episode of COPS here in Imminence.”

  Jake’s shitty joke couldn’t have come at a worse time. It was all Justin could do to keep his mouth shut. Making piss poor jokes about Chloe’s situation wasn’t what he wanted to hear right now. “Shut your fucking mouth, Jake.”

  “Jesus, what’s your problem Hunt? I’m just fucking around, trying to lighten to mood.”

  Brenden gave Jake “the look,” telling him also, albeit without words, to “shut the fuck up.” Jake wasn’t getting it.

  “Jesus, Justin, when did you go all soft on me?” Jake snapped.

  When my fucking girlfriend was kidnapped by a psychotic piece of shit that’s when! He was proud of the fact that he didn’t say it to Jake, screaming it in his head was a better stress and anger release technique at this point. “Are you fucking kidding me, dude?”

  “Come on. You know it’s not your fault, right? She was acting like an idiot for leaving the room anyway.”

  That was it. Justin saw red. He clenched his fists and grit his teeth together, “Fuck you. Don’t you ever talk about her that way. Understand?”

  “Oh, I get it. You fell in love with the sex goddess, didn’t you? Now I can’t say shit about her?” Jake smiled smugly at him. What the fuck was his issue tonight? Jake was a smart ass, but never usually so goddamn stupid when he talked about women.

  Justin looked him dead in the eye, “Fucking damn right I’ve fallen in love with her. But it’s not like some fucking mattress hopper like you would ever even recognize the feeling. You feel with one thing only, asshole, and it sure as fuck isn’t your heart.”

  “You’re right. I think with my dick,” he countered sarcastically and then added for good measure, “ dick that just so happened to be inside your girlfriend a few days ago.”

  “Shut your fucking mouth! You’ll never have this! You’re too fucking selfish!”

  “Are you saying I’m not capable of loving someone, is that it?” Jake snapped

  “I’m saying a fucking asshole like you is incapable of it. You only think about yourself.”

  “And what’s so different about you?”

  “I found what I needed! What gives me purpose. And right now she’s gone! And your dumb fucking ass has the nerve to come up here and make jokes about it? Not happening, bro. That’s fucking low.”

  Jake took a deep breath, “Are you saying you’re better than me? That I’m too fucking stupid to understand the situation?”

  “I’m saying that I know I’m better than you, dumb fuck.”

  As soon as the words ran off his lips he knew it wasn’t true. He wasn’t better than Jake, he just wanted to hit him where it hurt, so that he wasn’t alone in his pitiful state. Unfortunately, it was too late. Jake heard every word loud and clear. The last thing he remembered was Jake's fist connecting with his jaw. Hard. Lights. Out.

  Chapter 18

  Justin tossed and turned in bed. It didn’t seem to matter what position he was in, he couldn’t get comfortable. His bed was so lonely without Chloe. What the fuck was he even doing laying in bed waiting for her when she was being held against her will? She could be in a shit hole for all he knew and he was just laying in bed, his head aching. He sounded like a whiney little bitch.

  He couldn’t understand what had gotten into him. Why was he turning Chloe’s situation and into a pity party for himself? What a selfish asshole! He promised himself he wouldn’t act like this anymore. He’d finally set his heart on Chloe and realized he loved her. She would be disgusted with his behavior.

  He couldn’t understand why Brenden forced him to go home and rest, but for some reason he felt he couldn’t argue with a direct order. What is going on? How Brenden thought he could rest while Chloe was missing just blew his mind. Would Brenden be able to just “sit tight” if Sierra was in this same situation? Hell no. But yet Justin was expected to just “sit tight”? Such bullshit.

  Justin tossed and turned and turned and tossed. He wasn’t sure how he finally did it, but he was able to ramble his way to sleep eventually. He wasn’t asleep for long. He felt the side of the bed dip and the covers lift. A warm, naked body slid into bed right beside him. It couldn’t be her, could it? Justin rubbed his eyes to try and adjust them to the dark. It was her. Chloe. Holy shit. His prayers were answered. He wanted to know everything. Where she’d been, if she was okay, how she was able to get away from the sonofabitch?? But that could wait. He had something more important to talk to her about.

  “Chloe, baby. Thank God you're here. I have so many questions I want to ask you, but I need to to tell you something first.”

  Chloe pressed her finger to his lips, “Shhh.”

  “No, I can’t right now. I’ve kept my mouth shut for way too long and I can’t do it anymore, baby.”

  “Jus, go to sleep baby. You need to rest. Close your eyes.” She ran the tips of her fingers over his eyelids to help guide his eyelids to close.

  “I don’t want to fucking sleep right now, honey. I can’t I need to tell you I l-...” She slapped him across the face and rolled away from him. She stood at the side of the bed and stared at him.

  “No, please sit back down. I’m sorry if I upset you, Chlo’. Don’t go.”

  She turned around and walked away. She didn’t look back at him. She just walked right out the bedroom door.

  What had happened to her? She’s pulling away from him? Is it because he wasn’t there? He let her down? There was no way he was going to let her just walk out. She was his, dammit! She needed him just as badly as he needed her. Justin threw the covers back and bolted to the door.

  “Chloe, baby don’t go.” He ran through the house to catch her before she walked out on him.

  “Chloe!” He shouted as he ran to the front and back door. Where was she? Both doors were locked There was no way she could have left so quickly. He searched the house, high and low. Nothing. She was gone. He had her back and let her walk out of his life again. This wasn’t possible. How could this be happening? He leaned against the living room wall. His body felt numb. His knees began to shake, forcing him to slide to the ground, but the shaking didn’ t stop. His arms shook, his head, everything was moving. Was he having a seizure? No. This didn’t make any sense.

  “Justin!” Brenden shouted.

  Brenden? Where in the hell did he come from? A quick slap to the right cheek brought him out of his haze. What the hell just happened? He looked around to see Brenden kneeling next to him. Jake was standing over him. How did he get on the ground? Justin moved his hands to his eyes to rub them and attempt to clear his head. Fuck his face hurt!
br />   “What the fuck? Did I fall on my face?”

  Brenden shook his head and Jake glared down at him. “No, you didn’t fall on your face. I wish that would have been the case. You two fuckface hotheads got into a pissing match over some bullshit and Jake clocked you. It was lights out.”

  “So Chloe didn’t come back?”

  “No. You’ve been out, like, five minutes max.”

  It felt like an eternity had passed, but he could feel his nerves calming knowing that everything he just thought about had been a dream. He wasn’t some selfish drama baby who went home and sat on his ass while the love of his life was missing.


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