The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 25

by LJ Andrews

  “But…” Killian began, circling the furniture avoiding Nathaniel. Suddenly he heard faint pounding on the walls outside the room. Nathaniel seemed to hear it too and immediately pounced on Killian, pinning him hard against the wall. He dug his sharp point into the other side of Killian’s neck. Killian’s eyes were blurring against the burning pain. He could feel the warm blood seeping out of his neck and down his other arm. He looked at his gray shirt, it was soaked in hot, fresh blood. “If…you kill me…you won’t…fi…find the relic,” he whispered close to Nathaniel’s face.

  Nathaniel swung his hand hard across Killian’s jaw, causing him to spit blood. Pulling a clump of Killian’s short, mud-colored hair Nathaniel pushed his bearded face close to Killian’s. “I won’t need you to find the relic once I have Infinium.”

  He released his hair harshly and Killian landed hard on the steel floor. He could feel himself fading into unconsciousness, slowly drifting. Nathaniel held a small glass jar next to his neck as he began collecting his flowing blood by painfully pressing along the gashes.

  Killian’s mind drifted to different thoughts. He pictured Mercedes, he hoped she would miss him…he smiled even if it was a selfish thought. He thought of Blake, Dax, and Sophia. They were his truest friends and hoped they wouldn’t see him after Nathaniel was finished, he imagined it would be gruesome. Something inside him burned, part of him had resigned to death, but there was a strange desire inside that urged him to fight…to survive.

  The burning was becoming unbearable as he watched Nathaniel straddle across his mid-section and raise the blood-stained dagger over his throat. He heard shouts from beyond the walls, but he knew his rescuers would be too late. Nathaniel was being careful not do damage the heart so it would continue pumping blood even after death for a few seconds. Killian moaned in agony as the fiery sensation filled his veins; he felt he may die from the burning if Nathaniel didn’t finish the job soon. The back of his neck bubbled and seared. Killian closed his eyes trying to be calm before he was murdered, and also to block out the pain that had moved to his skin.

  “I’m sorry, my boy,” Nathaniel said greedily. Everything seemed to slow down; Killian convinced himself he could hear each ragged breath as Nathaniel shamelessly aimed to take his life. He could almost hear the whistle of the dagger flying through the air toward his exposed throat. This was it.

  “What…is…hap…” Nathaniel’s voice came out with a struggle. Killian dared crack his eyes open slightly. He saw Nathaniel’s dagger inches away from his neck, but it had stopped. Opening his eyes wider to see what had blocked it, his breath stopped—he had been the one that had halted the attack. His blood soaked arms were holding tight to Nathaniel’s wrists. Nathaniel quivered in exertion as he fought against Killian's sudden strength. Yet, with all Nathaniel’s exertion, Killian felt no pressure, as if holding Nathaniel at bay took no effort.

  Fight back!

  Something inside him, a voice clearly not his own, urged him to defend himself. With all his strength, Killian pushed back against Nathaniel. The older man exploded off his body and landed in a sick position a great distance across the room. Killian couldn’t believe what he’d just done. He heard Nathaniel groan and try to move his twisted leg, but it was bent in the opposite direction, clearly broken. The older man looked at Killian in bewilderment. His eyes widened as Killian pursued him. In a final effort, Nathaniel raised his arm with his dagger and threw the weapon as hard as he could, and with great accuracy.

  Somehow, something told him that he could stop the dagger if he wanted. He didn’t have to die here. He knew Nathaniel was using his personal bond with the weapon to hit him with a direct shot, but Killian knew beyond reason that somehow he could overpower even Nathaniel’s bond with his weapon.

  “Stop,” Killian shouted at the dagger. He felt ridiculous but knew he could control it. He wanted to see the dagger disappear, it was too much of threat to him and had done too much damage already. As if on cue the sleek, red-tinted dagger burst in midair into fine silver dust and flurried across the sleek floor. Killian turned on Nathaniel and darted over to him. The older man’s eyes were filled with fear for the first time since he’d taken him from the simulator.

  Killian wrapped his abnormally strong hand around Nathaniel’s neck and pinned him against the wall. He glared furiously at the man that had tried to kill him. With each heaving breath, he pressed harder against Nathaniel’s throat slowly feeling his tendons and muscles strain against the pressure. Killian’s neck prickled with heat again, but it wasn’t painful this time, it was comforting and felt natural.

  “Are you…going…to kill me now? I'm not...the only,” Nathaniel gasped in a hoarse whisper, but still found energy to give him a malicious grin.

  Killian’s scowl softened. He loosened his grip on Nathaniel’s neck. What was he doing? He didn’t want to kill the man. He remembered how it felt to take a life; and the thought of experiencing the torment of killing again outweighed his anger and fury. And the threat of others in the Praetorium that could harm him caused his head to pound. He needed Nathaniel alive—for answers. Nathaniel crumpled to the cool floor when Killian released his grasp. The older man gasped anxiously for air just as the door burst open in a furious blast of light.

  Maurelle, Blake, and Egan stood in the destroyed doorway. Maurelle’s stunned expression rested upon a crumpled Nathaniel, but Blake and Egan were gawking at Killian and his multiple wounds. As if their attention to his injuries triggered his own weakness he suddenly felt faint from his blood loss. He stumbled and reached for a nearby chair to steady himself.

  The trio rushed over to him, Egan and Blake steadying Killian and Maurelle inspecting Nathaniel.

  “Killian, stay awake man,” Blake pleaded as Killian’s head rolled to one side. “Kill, what happened? Come on buddy stay awake.”

  “Nathaniel…tried….to…Infinium,” Killian said weakly as all the burning energy he'd had fighting against Nathaniel seeped out of him with the flowing blood from his wounds. He noticed through his half-open eyes Blake looked back at Maurelle as her silver eyes blazed in anger. He hoped from her expression they understood what he had tried to tell them.

  Egan and Blake dragged Killian into the hallway. Curious Ponderi members were crowding around them, trying to figure out what had happened. He heard a girl scream as Killian made his way in front of the spectators. He could imagine what he looked like with blood pouring from every inch of his body and his mouth from the blow to the jaw.

  “Blake, Egan…what happened?” He heard Miller’s faint voice, desperately trying to gain information.

  “Nathaniel,” Egan’s burly voice answered. “Tried to take the boy's power. We assume that is what happened at least.” Miller said nothing more. Killian closed his eyes, all he wanted to do was sleep, but Blake kept pushing his head up, desperate to keep his friend awake.

  “Killian! Killian!” His eyes snapped open at the familiar voice. Mercedes was shrieking above the loud surrounding crowd. He glanced toward the sound and saw her pushing her way viciously through the crowd. Killian stood straighter, feeling the comforting, tingle of the once painful burn pulsing in his veins and helping him gain strength. He just wanted to see Mercedes, the last image he had was her falling through a black hole. He used what little energy he had and gently pushed Blake and Egan off him and stumbled toward her.

  “Mercedes,” he gasped hoarsely. In a short moment, he felt Mercedes pull him against her and help balance him with her body. He felt her sobs as she cried.

  “Killian, what happened…are you alri—” She didn’t have time to finish. Killian took her face between his hands and furiously pushed his lips onto hers. He held her close to him, feeding off her energy and breathing in every inch of her. She strengthened him. And though he knew he needed help soon, he never wanted to let her go. Finally, he felt his feet giving out from underneath him. Mercedes pulled away and slowly lowered him to the ground, stroking his face. He smiled up at her, sh
e had splotches of his own blood on her lips and cheeks, with fresh tears carving defined streaks along her skin.

  Egan and Blake joined next to him. His eyes were fading to darkness and all the murmurs and shouts blurred together until everything faded to black.

  Chapter 17

  Secrets of the Praetorium

  Pale pink light caressed Killian’s face. He squinted against the brightness and tried to sit up, but soon wished he hadn’t. The side of his neck and abdomen screamed against tightly sutured skin. Slowly he lifted the scratchy clinic gown and peered over the wound on his middle. The scar was jagged, pink and hideous.

  “You lost a lot of blood with your wounds,” Shannon’s kind voice filled the room as she walked in holding a small cup of water. Embarrassed he quickly covered himself up. Shannon chuckled and placed the water on his bedside table. “I don't know how you stayed conscious as long as you did. Nathaniel is an expert weapon handler and knows exactly where to cut to drain blood the fastest." She gave Killian a sympathetic look. “Honestly you almost didn't survive, even with Infinium, your blood loss was frightening. Both sides of your Carotid artery were cut. Any deeper he would have severed them and you would have bled out in a minute. Maurelle had to bond some of her powerful energy to you. It was unconventional, but I'm glad she did it. You were taken off IV’s yesterday since your vitals stabilized beautifully." She sat down and raised the gown to inspect the stomach wound again.

  “Maurelle did what?”

  Shannon frowned as she pushed and prodded the hideous scar. Eventually she brushed her fingers on the back of his neck, pushing and prodding and gawking for some reason before she answered his question.

  “You've learned about Cimmerian magic, the Queen holds some of the most powerful energy in the Hemisphere, so she shared some with you. It was very taxing on her. Be sure and thank her when you get a chance.” Killian smiled as Shannon’s motherly tone took over. “The abdomen scar will get better with time. It was so deep the suture light had to be used several different times. I was afraid I would have to do needle and thread stitches. It’s been such a long time, you would probably look like a patched up monster.”

  “How long have I been sleeping?”

  “About seventeen hours. You blacked out shortly after leaving the training center, but you arrived at the clinic just in time.” She glanced at her impressive rose gold watch before continuing. “I think you’ll be clear to leave here in a couple hours. Can I get you anything before I report to the others on your condition?”

  “Uh…” he stammered, embarrassed. “Can you let Mercedes…and my friends know I’m okay?”

  Shannon smiled. “Yes, of course. You will need to go meet with Miller and the visiting leaders after you’re discharged here. So please don’t run off looking for anyone else,” she glowered sternly at him, knowing exactly what he was thinking and where he wanted to go. “I mean it Killian. The leaders must speak with you about the incident.”

  “Okay, okay,” he said holding up his hands. “I promise I’ll go right upstairs when you clear me.”

  “Alright, good. Now remember, things happened in that room; events that may have lasting effects…so don’t stress too much okay.” She looked into his eyes warily. Killian just nodded, not sure what she was saying.

  Just as Shannon had promised, two hours later he was dressed in fresh clothes and painfully making his way to the upper floor. With each step, his skin stretched and pulled shooting referred pain all over his torso. Shannon had patched up his shoulders and neck to help cover the ugly gashes though they weren’t as painful as his stomach. The throbbing in his jaw where Nathaniel had hit him didn't help either.

  Killian made it to the brilliant cherry door and sauntered in to the huge room. The leaders were all anxiously perched in their own seats. Dalia was included in the group too and Killian met her eye with a forceful gaze. She looked exhausted and ragged, which reminded him Nathaniel had done something to her to gain information. He wanted to speak with her and hear what had happened, but it would have to wait.

  "Killian," Miller said in a hoarse voice. "Come in, please sit down." Miller held onto his arm as if he needed help sitting on the white overstuffed chair. The old man's face was tired and sad. Killian felt sorry for the man, he too had experienced a great betrayal. Everyone in the Praetorium had explained that Nathaniel and Miller had been close friends for nearly fifty years.

  "How are you feeling?" Maurelle's smooth voice asked in a hushed tone, breaking him from his thoughts.

  Killian turned and tried his best to smile at the queen. “Much better, Your Highness, just a little sore. Shannon told me what you did to help me, thank you.” Maurelle beamed her perfect teeth and gave him a small nod in return.

  “Dalia,” he whispered across Maurelle to the shaken woman. Dalia turned slowly and gave him a weak smile. “Are you alright?”

  She nodded slowly. “Forgive me for being weak, Killian.”

  Maurelle leaned in toward Killian’s ear and whispered to him. “The wretched man burned her with bright lights, nearly blinding her.” Killian gulped as he noticed on closer inspection burn marks all along Dalia’s temples and eyebrows.

  “After what you’ve been through, Killian,” Miller began, interrupting his dialogue with the Queen. “We are thankful you are here with us.” Killian choked back emotion and looked at the floor.

  "Do you need me to tell you what happened?" He didn't know why the question slipped out, but found he was quite anxious about being asked to relive the experience. There was too much he couldn't explain. He still had no idea how he overpowered Nathaniel but was suspicious that Infinium had something to do with it.

  "No," Miller gave the soft reply. "Maurelle extracted the memory for us while you were unconscious. We hope you don't mind the invasion, but we had to know how to proceed with Nathaniel."

  "Thanks," he said again to Maurelle.

  Miller stood and began pacing in front of the group. "Nathaniel isn't talking. I admit I never saw this coming, he was always so concerned for your safety and well-being." Miller turned and looked at Killian directly in the eye. "Killian I promise, if I'd had any inkling Nathaniel was seeking Infinium for himself I would never..."

  Miller trailed off, his voice catching on emotion. Killian smiled. During his time in the Praetorium, it had been Nathaniel that had shown him more of a fatherly affection, it was refreshing to know Miller cared for him too. He still wondered about his relationship with his family though and hoped to get answers soon.

  "I know sir," he told the man. "No one saw this coming. It isn't your fault."

  "Vell, I vould like to know vat za next plan of action is," Gwyniera's harsh voice filled the room. "Nazaniel is a traitor, true, but zat also means za Trinity is desperate for za relics. How vill ve find zem first?"

  "The Empress is right, the relics must be our first priority," Maurelle agreed. "Killian is the Cimmerian relic guardian, which should be the easiest to find. And by easy I mean very difficult, but the others without the bond of a guardian are impossibly difficult to locate."

  Miller glanced at Killian, a glimmer of hesitation crossed his face. "Killian, we as a council have been working to figure out a plan of action for the relics, I'm afraid not all of us agree."

  "I thought we needed to search for the relics. I thought since I had the bond and with Infinium, even if it's dormant, I would help find the Cimmerian relic." He noted the Queen and Dalia glanced at one another. Gwyniera stared at Miller in exasperation, but Miller's face was stone. Killian couldn't understand why the man didn't want to search for the relics, or perhaps Miller didn't want him to search for the relics.

  "Would you please excuse Killian and myself for a moment. There are some things I'd like to discuss with him." Dalia immediately obeyed as if she were grateful for the opportunity to leave Killian's presence. Maurelle nodded, but had a look of slight irritation. Still, she left with a floating grace through the door. Gwyniera left with her nose in the ai
r and not a backward glance at Killian.

  When the door closed, Killian looked at Miller awkwardly. The older man stood in front of the grand window that seemed to be his peaceful place. Whenever Miller tried to gather his thoughts he always stared at the unusual greenish-orange sun as it bobbed in the unique atmosphere surrounding the Praetorium.

  "Sir, is there a reason why you don't want my help with the relics?" Killian was surprised at the bitter undertone in his voice. He couldn't help it. He felt his insides harden; he was angry that a man who hadn't shown faith in his abilities was still trying to hold him back. After Nathaniel's betrayal he wanted to stop the Trinity even more; he'd seen what they were capable of.

  "Miller," he raised his voice at the old man, "answer me!"

  Intense, heart-wrenching guilt and anxiety overwhelmed him. Killian toppled to his knees, it had been a long time since he'd been so overwhelmed with emotions, but he never remembered the sensation to be so debilitating. He gasped for breath and tried to gather his senses. Miller bent down and helped him off the ground. His dull blue eyes were misted with tears. Killian clutched his chest, he didn't know how to function with the searing pain of sorrow flowing through his body.

  "Don't fight it, Killian. I'm sorry, I can't help how I feel. I know it's uncomfortable for you, especially now, but accept it in and it will get easier." Killian's eyes widened, Miller had never acknowledged he knew anything about the odd happenings of his dormant power, but he tried to listen.

  "How did you know I was feeling something?" Killian gasped as the discomfort lifted. Miller gave him a small smile.

  "I know a great deal about you, Killian. I know you think I'm trying to keep you back from your potential and I don't blame you for being frustrated, but... I also know how desirable Infinium is. It was enough to corrupt my oldest, dearest friend. I would selfishly ask you to...please reconsider fighting against the Trinity." The old man looked at him with pleading eyes, yet somehow Killian sensed that Miller knew he would have to find the relics.


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