The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 26

by LJ Andrews

  "I'm not going to be the only one looking for them, but sir, for months now you and others have told me about the bond with the relic. I'm the logical choice to find at least one of them. Maybe we can find the other guardians and they can help find the remaining two." Killian spoke softly, still confused at Miller's strange request.

  Miller nodded. "I just...can't lose you I lost your mother."

  Killian gaped at the man. He remembered Nathaniel saying Miller was close to his family, but he didn't know what kind of relationship Miller had with his mother. "What do you mean, sir?" His voice was shaky as he anxiously waited for the reply.

  Miller stood and squared his shoulders confidently toward Killian. His deep blue suit shimmered in the bright sunlight. "Killian, I'm your grandfather. Your mother is...was my daughter."

  Killian's heart skipped a beat as he gawked at the man. Miller's shoulders visibly relaxed as if it was the greatest relief to finally unload the secret. Killian was speechless, though questions bombarded his mind. Miller stroked his thick mustache and returned to his seat in front of Killian.

  "Forgive me for not telling you. I thought it would keep you safer if others weren't aware of our connection. I know I'm being selfish for asking you to stay out of this fight, are my only family." Miller gave a sad smile and chuckled. "And because of that, I know you will not sit out from the fight. You are so much like your mother and father. Strong. Brave. But, I want you to understand everything before you make your choice."

  "Miller...I..." Killian didn't know what to say. He looked at the man and could feel his love and concern for him. It made sense why he had been so protective since he'd arrived, but there was one question he needed an answer to. "Why didn't you keep me here? Why did you send me away? I know you and Nathaniel were the ones that separated me from my grandmother."

  "Yes, but I also helped Rhetta run with you." Killian stopped and stared at the man.

  "You what?"

  "After your parents' and Grandfather's deaths, Rhetta and I decided you had to be taken from the Praetorium until we could uncover the traitor. I introduced her to Dalia several months earlier when Dalia was brought in as an advisor for the Relic. Dalia agreed to help conceal you both since she believed the relic was infused with a stronger power and had heard rumors the Trinity was seeking the relic. If I had known Infinium was infused in it, I never would have left your side. But it was so concealed even Dalia, the foremost expert, didn't recognize the power immediately."

  That was the one secret I kept from Nathaniel, that I was an accomplice to your disappearance. I played ignorance when we finally found you. Nathaniel was so adamant we find Rhetta and the relic and I thought it was because he was worried about the Trinity finding it. Now I see what a fool I was. He wanted the power for himself. I should have caught on when he wanted to execute Rhetta. I objected and she was banished. Then I asked him to send you to Terrene. I still believed the Praetorium was unsafe for you. Nathaniel agreed and promised to keep guardians for you. Every few years we gave you a new one, in the event the Trinity compromised a guardian. I wanted you so completely safe even I didn't know where you were." Miller hung his head and quickly wiped his eyes. "If I had known the life you were subjected to, I would never have allowed it to go on for as long as it did. Nathaniel assured me you were safe, so I never pressed the issue. It caused somewhat of a rift between us when you came home and I discovered how you were raised." Miller sniffed and returned to the grand window again, obviously trying to hide his emotion.

  "Miller," he began quietly, "it wasn't your fault. And I wish I could sit this out, but after the lengths Nathaniel went for Infinium and the relics, I can't imagine what the Architect of the Trinity will do. I can't let them destroy Terrene. And neither can you."

  Miller smiled at him and nodded. "You can't blame me for asking. So, with this information about our true relationship, I hope we can get to know one another better." Killian nodded in agreement. Miller cleared his throat and his demeanor shifted away from loving grandfather back to dedicated Ponderi leader. "Right then, if you wish to go against the Trinity you have to go through training with Infinium. It is the strongest power we know of, and it will place a target on your head. But when you learn to use it and control it, you will become their greatest threat as well."

  "Dalia told me when it's dormant I only have side effects, it's pretty difficult to control."

  Miller signaled him to come to an enormous, gold framed mirror on the wall. "Take a look Killian, do you think you bested Nathaniel with so much blood loss on luck?"

  Killian looked at Miller skeptically as he peered at his reflection. He stepped back in surprise. His physique had always been athletic, with lean, toned muscles. But now his shoulders were more broad, his arms bulged beneath the thin fabric of his shirt. Even his face seemed more defined, and his blue eyes had a faint orange circle that surrounded the pupil. His hair had lightened to a bright auburn, and fell into his eyes as it had before prison. But it wasn't just his physique that shocked him. Along the sides of his neck he saw strange marks. They were pointed, almost like several arrows pointing upward. The marks were a light reddish color, like they had been carved into his skin. The skin rippled like a scar as he rubbed his fingers along them. Placing his hand on the back of his neck he felt the same raised arrow-shaped marks rising from the area between his shoulder blades to the base of his head. The marks spanned the width of his neck and with three coming to the front of his body from the center of his neck on each side.

  "What are these," he asked anxiously, rubbing his hands along the red, raised marks.

  "Infinium activated during the attack from Nathaniel. Dalia informed us that is the mark seared into your skin. The activation pulses through your body, so you actually physically change. It's like a brand from the formula. The active formula has altered different aspects of your body, but more importantly, has accessed more of your brain which allows you to be more powerful. You have more brain capacity than normal people. The phenomenon of the marks and the physical changes appear to be your body's reaction to the chemical change."

  "It's active?" Killian asked fearfully. He didn't feel confident enough to control it. He had wanted more time to learn about Infinium so he could avoid the formula destroying his brain. His thoughts drifted to the tale of Axel, he'd lost his mind and he was the creator of the formula.

  "Yes, Killian, that is how I knew you were feeling things with more intensity. When we saw you after we took you from Nathaniel, we knew something had happened. Dalia instantly recognized the marks and told us. Infinium fought back, it didn't want to die since it is a part of you. The power activated to energize you. Didn't you wonder how you destroyed the dagger?"

  "My mind was so foggy, I didn't really think about it."

  "The human mind is the most powerful thing in the Hemisphere, but we don't use all our potential. Different races, like Cimmerians use different areas of the brain, which is why they have magical abilities. Glaciens use a different area, making them masters of the environment and elements. Ignisians are strong and fierce, the best warriors in the Hemisphere. You, Killian, have Infinium which was designed to unlock all of those areas. You have the abilities of each realm, but magnified and stronger. You can control elements and the environment even better than the Empress, so Infinium destroyed the minerals that made up Nathaniel's dagger at your command." Miller's eyes were twinkling in excitement and awe at the significance of the power.

  "This is unbelievable. Dalia didn't explain all of that in detail when we spoke."

  "I didn't know you had spoken with her, but Dalia is quite leery to share much detail, with good reason. She doesn't know who to trust either and she has seen the negative aspects of the formula. She probably didn't want to overwhelm you with too much."

  "Miller," Killian said in a hoarse whisper. "Nathaniel got to Dalia. That's how he knew how to take Infinium. But he told me he wasn't the only one. We need to talk to Nathaniel a
nd find out who else he's working with. He insinuated they were here in the Praetorium."

  "Killian," Miller said rubbing his forehead as if trying to push out a resilient ache. "Nathaniel isn't talking. He won't say a word to anyone. We have him locked in the holding cells beneath the building. I wouldn't recommend speaking with him. I...I've never seen him like this to be honest. He looks...evil. He's been totally corrupted. I wouldn't trust a word he would say anyway at this point."

  Killian nodded and paused for a moment before speaking. "Miller, do you mind if I take some time to process all of this before I meet with all the other leaders?"

  "Of course, Killian. I'm sure you're overwhelmed. Take all the time you need. I'll find you when the council meets again." Miller walked over to him and put his hands on his shoulders. "I'm glad you know the truth. I know you've been through enough betrayal to last you a lifetime, but I need you to know you can trust me. You are my only grandchild and remind me so much of my sweet Marie. I'm very grateful you are safe, and I will do all I can to ensure you stay that way." Miller wrapped his arms around Killian's shoulders and embraced him tightly. Killian returned the embrace, overcome with the affection he could sense from both himself and Miller. He knew Miller could be trusted, the emotion was genuine and real. For the first time, he was grateful to have Infinium activated. Distinguishing genuine emotion among others, he was sure would be useful.

  Pulling back from Miller, he smiled and left the room. "Oh," he turned sharply, "someone broke into my room before the Peridus." Miller's face was shocked, and frightened. "They left a warning about enemies at the games. Their face was hidden, but I thought I should let you know someone was able to get in."

  Miller said nothing, but nodded slowly. His face was thoughtful as he pondered who it could have been. The old man gave Killian a kind smile as he stepped into the hallway.

  Killian felt a pang of guilt. Miller as far as he knew was the only person who truly sought his safety, but inwardly he had decided to go against the old man's wishes. He had resolved to find a way to speak with Nathaniel. The holding cells were something he'd never heard of and he had no idea how to find them, but he would try. Nathaniel held the answers to who was behind it all...he held the answers to everything.


  By the time his friends found him in the familiar, comforting entryway, the sun had turned its soft lavender color and a dim twilight seeped across the exotic lawn of the Praetorium. He'd spent several hours planning how he would find Nathaniel and what he would say.

  "Killian," Mercedes' quiet voice called to him. He whipped his head around and smiled, seeing her along with the rest of his friends brought him peace. Mercedes' eyes widened as she took in his face.

  "Wow, what happened to you?" Dax asked in his blunt manner. Killian had forgotten about the change in his appearance and suddenly felt self-conscious.

  "What happened indeed?" Sophia said in a sultry voice, drifting her eyes over his muscular body. Mercedes scowled and Dax pouted behind her. Killian chuckled but felt his face flush in embarrassment.

  "Infinium activated. I guess it changed a few things, like giving me these ugly marks all over me like some kind of demented scar," he answered lightly, trying to brush off the event as if it weren't important. He brushed his hair aside revealing the red, raised arrow-like scars.

  "Sweet, I didn’t notice those when you were covered in all that blood," Blake said running over to look at them. "Now I'm not the only tatted one." Killian laughed thinking of Blake's tattoo on his neck.

  "I guess you can call it that," Killian said. Mercedes had slowly made her way over to him and took his hand in hers. Killian squeezed it harder remembering their passionate moment after the attack. “I never asked you and Sophia if you were okay after you were taken out of the Peridus.”

  “It was fine. The pressure sensors slowed me down. Then we just ended up in a dark room until someone ushered us to a hallway where we could join the crowd.”

  “Speak for yourself!” Sophia shouted. “I was dragged away by a horrifying spider-bat creature that smelled like dying fingernails! Then to make it worse, after I finally settled down, Killian comes bursting into the crowd covered in blood!”

  Killian’s face flushed vaguely remembering pushing through the crowd after the attack. “Speaking of all that blood, Blake how did you find me after Peridus?” he asked, curious.

  “We knew something was wrong as soon as we stepped into the simulator,” he explained, and Dax nodded. “All the finalists were together in one simulation, but not you. Somehow your door diverted you. Now we know Nathaniel programmed it to divert you into an enclosed portion of the room when you crossed the threshold. I wanted to turn around and find you right away,” Blake admitted angrily, “but once you’re in the simulation, you have to finish it before you can get out. As soon as we made it through I found the leaders. Gwyniera didn’t show much interest, but Egan and the queen left with me immediately. I admit I never expected to see Nathaniel behind that door.”

  "We've been worried about you," Mercedes said. "I can't believe Nathaniel tried to..." She seemed to struggle with the words.

  "Kill him?" Dax bellowed. "Traitor. We all were duped, no one saw it coming. He had the entire Peridus set up to get you alone. If you didn’t make it to the simulation, he had it programmed to divert you to that same room. You didn’t stand a chance." He folded his bulky arms across his large, bare chest.

  “Honestly it was Lucan that found the right room,” Blake admitted.

  “What? Lucan, the recruit Lucan who hates me?” Killian said amazed.

  “Yep, he has a keen sense of hearing, almost animal-like. He heard you arguing and shouting behind the walls. Maurelle used her power to start blowing into the steel trying to find the room. I’m just glad we found you when we did.”

  “Me too. Remind me to thank Lucan,” Killian said softly.

  “I don’t know if I can take much more excitement,” Mercedes said lightly, though there was a tone that seemed quite serious.

  "Well,” Killian began, “I actually just learned Miller is my grandfather." His friends stared at him with wide eyes. Blake laughed out loud after several moments.

  "That makes so much sense now."

  "What does?" Killian asked.

  "For all the years I've been here, I never heard Miller say anyone's name more than Killian Thomas. He was always trying to discover how you were, but your case was so classified no one knew except a few select people. When I was assigned as guardian, the man gave me the third degree on how crucial your protection was. It makes a lot of sense now. I thought he was just a cantankerous old man most of the time...almost a control freak about how we offered protection."

  Killian smiled. In a strange way it comforted him even more, to know during all those years he felt alone and abandoned someone was behind the curtain worrying, and trying to check on his wellbeing. Inside, he wished Miller had learned how he was treated, he knew the man would've removed him immediately.

  "So what does it mean to have Infinium activated?" Mercedes finally asked.

  "I don't really know. I feel stronger, I feel more connected with emotions and things like that. Miller said I need to be trained, he's pretty concerned about people trying to get Infinium after Nathaniel's attack."

  "See Dez, now he's strong enough he can keep an eye on you from your strange admirer," Sophia chuckled. Mercedes glared at her trying to silence her. "What?" Sophia shrugged her shoulders, "it's true. I mean not that you weren't strong before Killian it's just that..." Dax nudged her shoulder to stop her from digging a deeper hole. She shot a fiery glance at him then folded her arms across her chest, pursing her lips.

  "What is she talking about?"

  Mercedes looked embarrassed, but her emerald eyes were genuinely perplexed when she met his. He sensed her anxiety about the subject, and it signaled a protective instinct inside of him. He wanted to know if someone was upsetting Mercedes, and he wanted to put an end to it. "Merce
des, is someone bothering you?"

  "No," she said shaking her head. "It's just a little...strange. Everywhere I go, somehow I see him. The building isn't that big, so it's no surprise when you run into people, but it's just...all the time."

  "Who is it?" Killian said fiercely, his blood burning again, all the way up the strange marks on the back of his neck.

  "Egan," she said in a soft voice. Killian's body calmed quickly.

  "Egan? Ignisia's chief?"

  "I told her it's nothing to worry about," Dax said quickly. "Egan is monitoring everyone with the other leaders. It's just a coincidence." Sophia blew out her lips making a strange noise and rolled her eyes. "It's true. Egan would never do anything dishonorable." Dax huffed.

  "I'm sure he wouldn't," Mercedes said, trying to get the subject changed.

  "Even so, keep an eye on it," Killian commanded. He leaned in closer to her and lowered his voice so the others wouldn't hear. "Seriously, tell me if it makes you uncomfortable. We can't be too careful anymore." She nodded and gave him a grateful smile.

  "Well, it's been a wild two days hasn't it?" Blake said wistfully.

  "Seems like we've got quite a wild ride coming up," Dax agreed.

  "After what's happened," Killian began, a determination in his voice "After what the Trinity proved they're capable of, I'm ready to do anything necessary to get the relics. They won't ever stop until they win. To them it doesn't matter who is killed, children, women, elderly, they're capable of it all."

  "We need to stick together," Blake added. "If we can't trust each other, who can we trust?" The group of friends nodded.

  "Tomorrow training begins," Killian said turning his attention back to the fading, peaceful lavender sun. "Remember who we're training for. An entire realm depends on us for their lives. A storm is coming, but we'll be ready. I know we will." Mercedes gripped his fingers and held them tight in her hand. The others nodded in agreement as a solemn silence filled the entryway. Each finding their own motivations, their own reasons to defend a realm full of innocents from the bloodthirsty, cunning society.


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