The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 27

by LJ Andrews

  Killian's mind drifted to the darkness below the building. The pull to venture to the mysterious underground prison was relentless. Almost as if it was beckoning him.

  I'll be waiting.

  The hushed voice was so vivid and clear Killian whipped his head over his shoulder looking for the source. No one was there.

  "What is it?" Mercedes asked when she noticed his change of attention.

  "Nothing, I just thought I heard..." he looked at her curious eyes and forced himself to smile. "Never mind, it was nothing." Killian kissed her forehead and pulled her close to him, ignoring the murmurs from the others. He knew the voice. Nathaniel. It only solidified what he had to do. The battle was about to begin, he could feel it. Nathaniel held secrets crucial to understanding the Trinity.

  Killian stared at the dim sky with the colorful twinkling stars. His body burned in anticipation and excitement for his secret mission. Soon he would find his way to the underground prison, which was surely heavily guarded. It was time to put the unbeatable power to good use. He would find Nathaniel and force him to reveal the truth; the old man deserved a visit from him. He would consider it payback for the multiple scars covering his body. Killian smiled. This time he would be ready for the Trinity, but they wouldn't be ready for him.

  The Lost Relics

  Trinity Rises

  By: LJ Andrews

  Copyright © 2016 by LJ Andrews

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review

  Dedicated to: Katie and Aubrey, for being the first to read this adventure.

  Chapter 1

  The New Infinium

  A cool breeze rushed along a dark corridor as the Architect stared into the soft lavender sunlight rising beyond a tangled wilderness of foreign plants. Infinium was an abomination, just like Terrene, and the thought left a heavy weight of disgust in the pit of the Architect's stomach.

  "Nathaniel betrayed us; the Ponderi will pull all their resources now," the deep voice of the First Lieutenant came up from behind. "When should we act?"

  "We continue forward as planned. All we need to do is confirm my suspicions about the Glacien relic—"

  "Does that mean you've discovered Thomas's relic?"

  The Architect sneered, wickedly shaking the bulky hood covering their head. "No it is still lost to me, but I will find it.”

  A scowl darkened the already shadowed face of the Architect as they thought of their traitorous companion. “Nathaniel knew there was something added on the relic, and it was my mistake not to recognize his weakness when he couldn’t kill Thomas as a child before the power activated. But alas, we must now deal with the putrescence of Infinium.” The Architect’s breathing slowed. Staring at the Lieutenant, the master smiled calmly. “Our plans have not changed. We'll allow Thomas and the Ponderi to believe we are ignorant to the extent of the power he has. If I am true in my intel, the old man will soon be sending Thomas to seek the remaining relics. He will eventually lead us to all remaining pieces. I have already placed agents on the search for all the relics simply to tighten the bond between Thomas and the charm.”

  “What good would that do if you plan to have Thomas lead us to the relics anyway?”

  The Architect hissed the response, annoyed at the Lieutenant’s question. “The bond is impossible to ignore, especially when the relic is at risk by others seeking to obtain it. The guardian will be forced to find it. Merlin was no fool. He made sure the relic bonds would be strong enough to keep their guardians close. But without the Green Pearl on our side, if the worst should happen and Thomas is reunited with his charm, it’s possible Infinium could over power even me."

  "What have you learned about the pearl?"

  "Oh, you will know with time. If my information is sound I think we will discover something very interesting in the hills of Glaciem. I have my agent in place to dissolve any threat against my power. Though getting to the pearl could prove treacherous." The Architect whispered thoughtfully.

  "Then we should take Infinium. Nathaniel wasn't skilled enough to take it, but with my ability and yours, my Liege, we could have the power of Infinium and the relics! No one would dare interfere with our plans."

  The Architect whirled on the second in command, spitting disgust at his feet. "We will never use that...that vile creation!"

  The Lieutenant shivered under the Architect's steely gaze. The power of his master was immeasurable; still he disagreed about Infinium. It would help their cause; it would bring them to power—together. He bowed his head low at his leader, but internally he yearned for the strength of Infinium, the vast potential it would bring. He knew with time he would convince the Architect that Infinium was necessary for their progression to power. If the Architect didn't want it, he would take it. He would drain Killian until there was no blood left in his body. Infinium would belong to the Trinity.


  Killian landed hard on his shoulder onto the soft grass coating the extraordinary athletic field. The manufactured weed tickled his face much like live grass, but it smelled strongly of rubber and plastic. Licking the inside of his lower lip, he grimaced against the bitter taste of tarnished coins as blood flowed from his gums.

  "You're not concentrating Killian," Dalia sang in her poetic voice. The tall, silver-eyed Cimmerian woman sauntered toward him and pulled him off the ground by his elbow. She lifted the protective glasses covering her light-sensitive eyes for a moment to inspect that he was okay. "The blow was harder than intended, though."

  She gave him a mischievous smirk and her mysterious eyes twinkled before she lowered the glasses again.

  "I don't know how to make it work against you," he huffed, spitting a small spurt of blood out of his mouth. The back of his neck flushed in heat along the strange arrow-like scars that branded him as Infinium. Inwardly, he scolded the power that had linked with his body. For weeks he'd tried to unlock areas of his mind hoping to pulse the unique power through his body. Memories of each of his friends pushing him to the ground with arrogant swords, or tangling his arms into knots behind his head caused his face to flush in frustration.

  Dalia had been training him for nearly two months on Infinium. Shortly after arriving to the Praetorium and Ponderi, the parasitic formula had activated and linked itself to every part of him. Killian wasn't sure yet if it was a curse or a blessing he'd absorbed the power from his gold relic. The Trinity society desperately wanted the powerful relics responsible for creating Terrene, his home, but the ancient creations were also burdened with enough magic to destroy the realm. Infinium was the one thing powerful enough to stop the power-mad secret society, and being its host had put a deadly target on his chest.

  Bending down he handed Dalia the sleek black club made up of rock and iron. It was shaped like a thick baseball bat with glossy black rock and shimmering silver, but hit like a ton of granite. Dalia was one of the few Cimmerians that used such a primitive weapon. Her fellow countrymen had advanced toward the sleek steel bows and spears used throughout the Hemisphere.

  “I don’t care if every realm changes to advanced weaponry, I’ll never feel safe without my club,” she had told him once after she’d crushed one of his front teeth.

  Dalia was the foremost expert on Infinium, since she had been the guardian of its creator. The woman had vowed to help him use the power and not allow the power to overtake his mind like the first Infinium, Axel. He’d never learned to control the exceptional strength and pull of the parasitic formula.

  "Remember Killian, Infinium was designed to naturally—”

  "Open up all parts of my brain. I know," he said rolling his eyes.

  "Then what is stopping you?" Her eyebrows furrowed underneath her protective eyewear.

  Killian stared blankly at the manufactured grass, tapping a loose patch
with his toe until it broke free.

  "You aren't going to end up like Axel if that's what you're worried about," Dalia said, somehow knowing his secret fear. "You know the story. Infinium didn't destroy him; it was his lust for power. It can destroy anyone, think of Nathaniel."

  Killian glared at her as memories of Nathaniel's brutal attack months earlier flashed across his mind.

  "That move was a little harsh don't you think Dalia?" Mercedes jogged across the field, wiping away the painful memories.

  Her perfect white teeth stood out against her brown skin as she chuckled under her breath. Killian's heart skipped a beat as he gazed over her athletic form. The tight, tan and gray material that made up the Ponderi uniforms always molded to her curves perfectly.

  Mercedes had been violently thrown into this world with him by accident. A part of him still blamed himself for the vicious attack that sealed her fate with the Ponderi and also killed her aunt and uncle. Often he would notice Mercedes drifting in her thoughts, and soft tears would well up in her stunning emerald eyes. She didn't like to speak of it, but he knew she still mourned her lost family.

  Mercedes wrapped an arm around Killian's waist and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Her long chestnut hair was pulled up high and tight in a long wavy ponytail. She gave him a quick wink before stepping on a hidden sensor in the grass that lifted several small animated targets to work with.

  "I didn't intend for it to be so hard," Dalia chuckled. "I thought I could see it in his eyes that it would stop the weapon but..." She trailed off, as if she wasn’t sure how to finish without offending Killian.

  "He'll get it," Mercedes answered before looking at Killian fiercely. "You'll get it. I've seen you do it. Don't hold back. You're trying to fight like you did before Infinium, and are blocking the formula from doing its job. Let it in Killian, you're strong enough to keep it under control."

  Killian gaped. Mercedes had a way of knowing his thoughts, even before he did. Though she'd grown up away from this world too, she had taken to Ponderi life with ease and skill faster than anyone he'd heard of. She'd been elevated to a Beastian trainer within the four short months she'd lived in the Praetorium. She now trained the young beasties on fighting the amazing, yet, terrifying creatures roaming across the Hemisphere.

  "I couldn't have said it better myself," Dalia said with fervor. "Now, would you like to give it one more go?"

  "Of course he does, Doll," Blake's loud call sounded behind them. Killian smiled at Dalia's disapproval at the nickname. Blake was his longest friend, and had posed as a regular teenager on Terrene for years before Killian learned he'd really been a stationed guardian for him.

  Blake had been the one to rescue Killian and Mercedes from the vicious, Malumian wolves that Nathaniel had secretly sent. He had been a tease on Terrene, sporting sarcasm, nicknames, and wooing any girl he wanted. Blake wasn't much different in the Praetorium. As he laughed at Dalia's reaction too, the earrings spanning his ear shimmered, and the two mooned tattoos bobbed up and down with each chuckle.

  "Killian wants to show off for us before we call it a day. We're starving so hurry it up, Kill," Blake said with attempted seriousness as he signaled to Dax and Sophia who had trotted along beside him. Dax's brown eyes, with the mysterious flames behind them, lit up in anticipation. His bright red hair once boasted bright blue tips, but Dax had since changed the color for a vibrant, neon orange tip. He'd explained he was going for a subtler look. There was nothing subtle about Ignisians.

  Sophia bounced excitedly next to Dax and gripped his bulky arm. Her pale skin and ebony hair was an extreme contrast to his tan body and eccentric look. Dax looked down at Sophia's touch and Killian noted a subtle smile creep along the corners of his lips.

  Sophia's protective glasses bobbed up and down on her nose as she tried to contain her excitement. Every so often he could glimpse the stunning silver Cimmerian eyes. Each time the light hit her exposed eyes her pupil dilated to the size of a pin head.

  "Calm down Soph," Dax chuckled. "You're going to lose your glasses and blind yourself."

  Dax placed both hands on her shoulders, anchoring her to the field. She beamed and the rest of Killian's friends gazed at him expectantly. They'd seen Infinium in action before, and whenever he succeeded in summoning the power it was the greatest spectacle in the training center.

  "Fine," he said facing Dalia, "but if you hit me like that again, you're going to be carrying me out of here." Dalia smiled and raised her club as her familiar words filled his mind: Reach in, allow the power to work, accept the burn. He knew what to do it just wasn't always easy to bring it out.

  Finish this, Killian commanded the unseen companion in his head. He slowly relaxed his muscles, feeling the uncomfortable prickle of heat sear up the back of his neck along the red brand. Dalia raised the black club and charged. Killian snatched the steel rod off his back and released his double ended spear.

  Feeling the desire of both the spear and Infinium he dug the weapon at the woman's legs. Dalia was skilled and leapt over the rod, but soon, almost involuntarily Killian swung the spear around hitting Dalia hard across one shoulder. She winced at the blow, but smiled, pleased with the move. Dalia moved swifter and harder tapping Killian's kneecap with the heavy club. Pain seared up his leg and into his hip. He scowled at Dalia, though the frustration was with himself for letting his guard down and allowing the blow in.

  Killian crouched low, and focused, feeling the heat surge through his body. He could sense the strange orange circles that surrounded his blue eyes burn bright. He saw Dalia's plan, in his mind an image of her danced revealing her desire to aim the club at the crook of his neck, surely bringing him down and probably dislocating his shoulder in the process. He smiled, pleased the visions of what would happen seemed back on check.

  Other recruits groaned when the power activated and premonitions led his steps. Killian almost always won when they came. Blake called cheating often, but he'd pushed himself harder during training. Killian tried to point out to Blake’s chagrin it had made him a better fighter.

  Dalia lifted the club aiming for her direct hit on his shoulder, but Killian knew what to do before she did. He sheathed one end of his spear and jutted the closed end of the rod into her midsection knocking the wind out of her. Reaching up he grasped the falling club tight in one palm urging the minerals and metals composing the weapon to separate. Immediately, the iron and rock responded to his call. The weapon disintegrated and fell to the grass in a soft dust, destroyed at the command of Infinium. Only a jagged end of the club remained. Dalia frowned as she held tight to her stomach.

  "Must you destroy my weapon? You know, it's difficult to find a manufacturer for my club." She tried to sound stern, but there was a hint of amusement in her soft voice.

  "I hate that club," Killian teased.

  Dax blew out a long whistle from behind as he tapped the dust pile with his sandaled foot. "Incredible. You broke it up into such a fine powder. There were a lot of chunks last time I saw it."

  Killian nodded. "It hasn't dissolved that much since—"

  "Nathaniel," Blake finished for him.

  Killian said nothing but the memory of the searing pain along the crimson marks as he'd destroyed Nathaniel's fatal dagger with one word flashed through his mind.

  "You've been holding back with Infinium since the attack Killian, or we would've seen this long ago." Dalia whispered.

  "I guess I never realized how much I was keeping in. When I really wanted to do it, I just...did."

  Dalia placed a soft hand on his arm. "Did you feel how effortless it was when you finally relaxed within and allowed Infinium to work with you?" Killian paused thoughtfully before nodding in agreement.

  "Perfect," Blake's loud voice broke the quiet moment. "Great place to end for the day. Now let's eat, we've been in this room for twelve hours, I say we've paid our dues."

  Killian smiled at Dalia, and linked his fingers into Mercedes’.

  The dining hall
was just as glamorous as always, but not as crowded. Ever since the cut of betrayal from Nathaniel regular mealtimes no longer existed. Recruits, analysts, beasties—everyone ate when they could. Every section in the Ponderi put in long hours of training and research hoping to get a glimpse of the relics or their secret guardians. There had been no sightings or rumors of any Trinity activity since Nathaniel had attacked, and the silence unnerved Miller the most. He believed they were planning something big, and soon.

  They ate quickly, each relishing in the exotic foods from each realm. Killian had only ventured into different foods recently. The other realm delicacies were strange looking, but he had found the steamed, lemon crusted gill fish from Glaciem was succulent and had enjoyed it for his evening meal for the last several weeks.

  Swen, the Glacien chef, knew him by name at this point and always kept a hot plate waiting for him, no matter how late he arrived.

  "Killian, I would like to work together tomorrow on hand to hand fighting, if you don't mind," Dax said as he stood to leave. "I don't want you to hold back, but I feel if I can train with Infinium, it will improve my skills against anything the Trinity can dish out."

  Ignisians were fierce warriors, and Dax was no exception. He asked Killian weekly to train as hard as they could, often leaving both bruised and bleeding. But Dax would take the off days pushing himself, staying late in the training center destroying targets with his bow. His over achievement had increased especially since his chief, Egan, had taken up a room in the Praetorium. Dax had said often his life ambition was to be a personal guard alongside Egan. Killian believed he wasn't far off in skill.

  "Sure, no problem," he answered thinking Dax would probably leave him bruised and battered. Even after the show of power with the club, Killian couldn’t shake the self-doubt he spouted to himself daily about his strength. Dax smiled, appeased, and walked away. Sophia and Blake soon left leaving Killian and Mercedes alone to summon the hidden elevators behind the wall. Placing his palm on the wall, the number pad that called for the elevator appeared. They waited for the silent doors to open as the car responded to the sensation.


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