The Lost Relics Box Set

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The Lost Relics Box Set Page 28

by LJ Andrews

  "So," he turned toward Mercedes as they stepped into the open elevator, "has Egan been lurking around recently?" Mercedes smirked. They couldn't speak of the Ignisian chief's odd fascination with Mercedes in front of Dax without offending him.

  "I see him at least once a day, but I always feel like he's there...just watching. I don't think he's doing it with bad intentions...he looks at me like he's just looking out for me. It's strange."

  Killian pursed his lips. Mercedes had started to brush off the odd behavior from the chief, but it still bothered him. A lot.

  The shiny steel doors dinged open at the Beastian floor. Mercedes turned toward Killian before stepping off.

  "This is my stop," she said coyly.

  Without waiting for his response Mercedes pulled his face toward hers. He held her close and pressed his lips hard against hers. His heart pounded as he felt the tingling burn along his neck and their passion increased.

  After several long moments Mercedes pushed him away gently, leaving him breathless. "Goodnight Killian," she smiled and pecked his lips. His eyes pulsed heat and Mercedes let out a soft breath. "That is so captivating," she said brushing the loose strands of his sandy hair out of his eyes.


  "Your eyes. The orange circle brightens sometimes, like it's connected to your emotions. I love it." She smiled before turning around and stepping out of the car. The doors closed and Killian's knees were weak as he leaned against the glass walls of the car. The recruit floor was only one floor down so it took no time before the doors dinged open again.

  The plush carpet wrapped around his feet as he left the car. Everything about the Praetorium boasted the finest materials, but Killian still reveled in the simple things, like carpet soft enough to sleep on. Placing his open palm on the thick wooden door leading to his room the unseen sensors scanned his prints unlocking the door.

  "They're going to find out," he heard Sophia's voice from around the corner.

  Peering around his eyes widened as he saw Dax standing next to her brushing her ebony hair out of her face.

  "They won't, but if they do I don't really care to be honest," he said kissing her forehead. She smiled and pushed him playfully.

  "Maybe it isn't such a big deal," her voice sounded more like a hopeful question.

  "I don't want to risk being separated from you," Dax said kissing both her cheeks. Killian gaped, he'd never seen the two show such affection and it was strange. He felt a little guilty spying on them, but he couldn't seem to peel his eyes away.

  "You know what has happened in the past," Dax continued. "They separate recruits of different races."

  Sophia huffed. "Dax that was hundreds of seasons ago," she said referring to Cimmerian time. "It might be different now. I just don't want to keep pretending I don't have feelings for you. I want Miller to know we love each other. Isn't the whole purpose of the Ponderi to free the realms from oppression? I don't want to hide us like we are a dirty secret."

  "I don't either Soph. Let's just wait a little longer okay? Besides it's kind of fun sneaking around in the dark." He chuckled before kissing her lips.

  Killian leaned against the wall, unsure if he should reveal himself or give them their precious time to be together. After a short moment he heard them shuffle away toward their rooms. Slowly he stepped out from behind the wall but a terrified scream from the floor above him made his blood go cold.

  "Mercedes," he gasped and ran to the elevator.

  Chapter 2

  A Royal Secret

  Hot fury pulsed through every inch of his body, the back of his neck seared in a painful burn as he rode the swift elevator back to Mercedes' floor. Before the steel doors had fully opened Killian rushed out onto the polished wood along the Beastian hallway. He paid little attention to the curious gawkers peering into the hallway to see the commotion.

  Anger seared through him as he watched a large cloaked figure hunching over Mercedes who flailed on the ground swinging her small daggers in a rage at the billowing fabric. Immediately Killian grabbed the rod on his back and released both ends. Flying down the hall he braced his spear ready to launch it into the air, the figure turned in his direction, allowing Mercedes time to struggle back to her feet. She clutched a gaping wound along her side, though it released a lot of blood, Killian could see the wound was superficial.

  The cloaked, hooded figure raised a long, gold-hilted sword to thwart Killian's attack. Without hesitation Killian let the long spear fly. He commanded it inwardly where to hit the attacker—through the heart.

  With a small delay the mysterious attacker swung their sword knocking the deadly point of the spear off its fatal course, but the sharp, jagged point stuck hard into the shoulder of the figure.

  A deep voice cried out from beneath the cloak in fury and pain.

  "Killian, take the left flank," a soft, but powerful voice called to him. Turning quickly, he saw Speron, another Beastian, rushing toward him fumbling with his own set of knives.

  "No, I've got this," Mercedes’ shrieked.

  Ignoring the two men who'd come to her aid, Mercedes lunged again at the injured figure, who raised his sword and slashed viciously at her. Mercedes impressively ducked and dodged without injury, indicating the cloaked intruder must have attacked her from behind or he would not have gotten a clean shot at her side to slice her skin.

  Coward, Killian growled inwardly as he pictured the man sneaking up behind her. Holding out his open palm he called mentally to his spear. The deadly weapon tugged and pulled itself from the tendons and muscles of the attacker. He released growls and moans of pain until the spear was finally free and flying toward Killian.

  Mercedes swiped one dagger with such force it carved an angry gash along the attacker’s cloaked forearm. Briefly Killian halted his pursuit and watched Mercedes fight back against the man. The cloaked figure swiped his deadly blade awkwardly, while splitting his focus toward his bleeding arm. In one fierce blow, Mercedes stuck one of her daggers high in the thigh of the man, bringing him to his knees. She gazed proudly at her shot from a low crouch, ignoring the fact the hooded man had raised the long, deadly blade above her head and lowered it, surely aiming to end her life.

  "Mercedes, WATCH OUT!" Speron screamed. Mercedes looked up, frozen as she watched the sword descend.

  "STOP!" Killian shouted, not at the man, but the weapon as he made a desperate, futile attempt to reach her. The blade exploded in a fury, responding to the desperation of his plea. Dozens of sharp, metal pieces fell, scattering themselves along Mercedes' hair and face.

  The man landed hard on the ground holding what was left of the hilt. A small piece of the disintegrated blade had lodged into his hand. Killian saw the man's chest rise and fall in great heaving breaths. Ignoring the mysterious person, he ran toward Mercedes, scooping her up and away from her attacker.

  "Are you alright?" he breathed loudly, holding her face in his hands and inspecting the small cuts and scratches from the falling blade shards.

  "I'm fine." She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly.

  Speron had rushed over to the bleeding, gasping figure and wrenched the hood from his skull. A muscular man, with flaming red hair glared up at them. The familiar Ignisian flames billowed behind his brown eyes. He lacked the normal piercings of other Ignisians, but the eyes gave him away. Killian glared at him, but then glanced at Mercedes. She had held the man at bay until help had arrived. The attacker had come at her from behind, and Ignisians were the greatest warriors in the Hemisphere. He couldn't help but feel a little impressed at her strength.

  "Are you Trinity?" Killian growled. The man just sneered.

  As Killian stepped toward him, full of rage, and ready to force him to talk the elevator doors dinged again. Egan and Miller rushed off the car. The burly Ignisian chief soaked in the environment. The white flames behind his strange blue eyes billowed and frothed as he saw Mercedes standing breathless and bleeding and the Ignisian attacker lying, with multip
le wounds, on the ground.

  Immediately Egan snatched the man off the ground and violently shook him before angrily striking his face. The man laughed and spit blood from his mouth.

  "I think your secret is out, Egan," he snarled at his chief.

  Egan growled and lifted the man off the ground again, dragging him toward the elevator. The cloaked man chuckled maniacally and glanced at Mercedes before the chief threw him in the elevator. "You're not safe anymore guardian."

  Egan hit the back of his head again and shoved him into the elevator, but the chief’s face was pale, for an Ignisian at least. He appeared worried, as if the man had divulged something top secret to the growing crowd.

  "Guardian?" Mercedes whispered more to herself than anyone. "Of what?"

  Speron joined Killian next to Mercedes. He watched as the toned Glacien grabbed hold of her hand.

  "Mercedes, are you alright? Forgive me; I tried to come as soon as I heard you scream." The white haired young man bowed his head low, the way Glacien's often did to show respect.

  Killian couldn't help but scoff. He was overwhelmed with a feeling of attraction. He'd become an Empath when Infinium had infected his mind. With areas of his brain opened that others didn't have, he could perceive and feel great amounts of emotion, and he didn't like the feelings he was gathering from Speron.

  "Thanks Speron, but I'm fine. I appreciate the both of you," Mercedes said.

  "Something's going on. We need to figure out why the Trinity attacked you," Killian whispered.

  "It's obvious, isn't it?" Speron replied, his soft voice had a tone Killian didn't appreciate. "They must know about your fondness of Mercedes. They will attack anyone to get to you."

  Prickles of heat pulsed up his neck again and his heart pounded hard against his chest. "Are you saying this is my fault?" Killian took an aggressive step toward him, feeling much more like the old Killian than he would've liked.

  "That's enough," Mercedes commanded. "Speron I don't think they were after me because of Killian. Didn't you hear him call me guardian? Did you see the look on Egan's face when he did?" Killian nodded in agreement.

  "That's why I said we need to figure out what's going on."

  "I'd like to help in any way I can," Speron volunteered.

  "I'm sure you would," Killian mumbled. Speron took no notice, but Mercedes glared at him.

  "Mercedes!" Sophia's shrill voice came from behind them making Killian jump. Sophia wrapped her arms around her best friend and furiously asked what had happened. Blake and Dax sauntered down the hall after Sophia, both wearing loose sweat pants and sporting tousled hair.

  "What happened Kill?" Blake whispered to him.

  "The Trinity attacked Mercedes."

  Blake's eyes widened as he yawned. "To get to you?" Killian frowned, and Speron smirked.

  "The attacker called her guardian. I think something else is going on." Just as he'd said the words, Miller came to him, looking weary and frazzled.

  "Killian, I'm glad you and Mercedes are alright." Mercedes had joined Blake and Killian as Miller had approached. "Mercedes, would you please come with me, there's some things we need to discuss." His voice was kind, but Killian sensed he was deeply concerned.

  Mercedes gripped Killian's hand and Miller smiled. "Killian can join you if you'd like. I think your other, trusted friends may be welcome as well." He enunciated the word trusted. Mercedes nodded and rushed over to Dax and Sophia and whispered something to them then nodded at Blake after she'd returned. Killian beamed inside at Speron's dejected expression.

  "Alright come with me." Miller led the way to the open elevator car. The group of friends piled in, staying close to one another as if another attacker would jump out any moment.

  Miller had taken over Nathaniel's office when he'd been put in as director. The furniture was lavish and comfortable. Miller took his place behind the extraordinary wooden desk topped with exquisite marble once inside.

  Killian was surprised to see Egan, along with Empress Gwyniera of Glaciem. The normally arrogant, stone faced woman looked upset and anxious. Her hair flowed long and white down the back of her billowing white night dress. Even Maurelle was in the room. The Cimmerian queen was exceptionally beautiful. Her long ebony hair twinkled as the colorful stars and green tinted moonlight caught the glittering silver that streaked her hair. She smiled up at Killian, her silver eyes were stunning in the dim lighting. Cimmerian's lived in the dark, they thrived in it. And it seemed the queen's beauty was only accentuated in the twilight.

  "Have a seat," Miller said to the group of friends.

  Sophia bowed low to Maurelle before finding her seat next to Dax who remained standing at attention near Egan.

  "Dax, for Heaven's sake, sit down and relax," Miller chaffed, rolling his eyes.

  Dax looked around sheepishly, though Egan took no notice. He sat as well, his knee bouncing up and down in anxiety as his blue flaming eyes bore into the soft white carpet. His tan knuckles were red and coarse, as if he’d hit something repeatedly. Killian thought of the attacker, Egan had been furious at the man, so it was possible that was exactly what happened.

  "Alright, first Mercedes, the attacker is being detained in the confinement cells. So he won’t be bothering you again," Miller said in his most authoritative tone. "Seeing as I was not the one who suggested this meeting, Egan," he said bringing the chief's attention away from the carpet. "Would you like to tell us why you wanted us here?"

  All eyes were on the white-haired Ignisian. Egan played nervously with his sun-colored beard, but the empress spoke first.

  "It isn't necessary for so many people to be present, Miller." She said in her soft, yet harsh Scandinavian accent.

  "I believe, Your Highness, if something involves two leaders Maurelle should be present. You informed me this was very important to the safety of Miss Forino, so I allowed her to bring her trusted friends to support her." Killian smirked up at his grandfather. The Glacien empress was not always easy to deal with, but he had handled her tantrums with grace and respect since taking over the director's chair.

  "It's time everyone knew Gwyniera," Egan said in a hushed voice. The empress looked to be on the verge of tears.

  "Such shame," she cried to herself before hanging her head. Killian had never seen the empress look so torn and upset. She typically held herself in such an arrogant, regal manner; no one dared approach except on their knees.

  "What is it?" Mercedes’ voice broke through the room. She'd grown impatient and stared on the two mighty rulers with frustration. Blake chuckled, as did Maurelle. Mercedes was respectful, but Killian had also noticed she tended to treat people equally no matter if they were an empress or a chief.

  Egan's piercing blue eyes met her bright emerald color. The white flames behind the color of his eyes burned furiously as he just stared at her. Mercedes' gaze didn't falter, but looked at him expectantly.

  "The attack tonight wasn't because you are close with Mr. Thomas," Egan finally said. "The Trinity knows about Infinium and how dangerous it could be; they wouldn't dare draw Killian out while in his comfort zone. They will attack him out of his element."

  Killian gulped at the statement. It was as if Egan believed it to be a fact they would attack him again.

  "Then why would they come after me?" Mercedes asked. Gwyniera let out a small, quiet hiccup. Killian gaped, the empress was actually crying. He relaxed trying to gauge the feelings of the Glacien ruler. Instantly, an overwhelming, wild sense of shame, regret and frustration filled his heart. It churned his stomach and made him sick with knots. He tried to focus elsewhere to disengage with the uncomfortable emotion. He looked at Egan to distance himself from the empress, but the chief didn't share the same feelings. Killian was overcome with worry, and love? It was a strange love, not romantic, but...Killian looked up at Egan with his mouth open, it couldn't be.

  "What is the Trinity looking for right now?" Egan asked the room like a teacher to a class.

  "The relic gu
ardians," Maurelle said automatically, before dropping her chin and gaping at Mercedes. Mercedes' bright emerald eyes widened.

  "Right," Egan answered. "Mercedes your coming here seems more of destiny rather than coincidence."

  "You don't mean I'm a... I mean I couldn't be a... guardian," Mercedes stammered.

  "You are. The Ignisian relic guardian to be specific," Egan said finally. Sophia and Dax gaped at Mercedes, Blake looked thoughtful, almost not believing what he'd heard.

  "How do you know?" Mercedes asked. Killian knew Egan was sure about who the guardian was. He'd almost told Killian their identity several months earlier and had nearly died doing it.

  "I was the Ignisian relic guardian, but I passed it to you, in the hope to unify realms." Egan looked down once more in shame. The empress was nearly shaking trying to hold in her emotions.

  Mercedes' eyes darted around the room, as if looking for another person to answer the question. When no one returned her gaze she finally asked quietly. "How do you even know me?"

  Egan looked up at her, and then glanced at Gwyniera before continuing, "You're my daughter."

  The room was silent. No one took their eyes from Egan. But all at once, in perfect unison, the spectators fixed their gaze on the surprised face of Mercedes. Miller shifted forward in his chair, his jaw dropping. Killian wanted to reach for Mercedes' hand, but now that his suspicion had been verified he didn't know how to behave with her in front of Egan.

  "What? No, my parents died in a boating accident when I was a baby. I was raised by my aunt and uncle."

  Egan shook his head. "No, you were sent to Terrene. I was told you were dead along with your mother. But by the time I found your true location I could only wait until you found your way home, or it might have been dangerous for you."


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