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The Lost Relics Box Set

Page 76

by LJ Andrews


  The Wedding

  The rainbow blossoms bloomed in the rose-gold light. The sun was painted in beautiful shadows from the realms as a white-haired gardener trimmed the grass.

  The river bed plants were cut back so the crystal blue water was seen from the entire yard. In front of the water, a large archway was covered in white flowers and dusted in red Ignisian crystals so they glittered in the light. Controlled fire wisps bobbed in glass lanterns along the aisle creating a serene ambiance across rows of white chairs. It was ready.

  “Thanks for being here for this, Dax,” Killian said as he adjusted his bow tie in the mirror. Killian’s hair was well below his ears now and he tried to slick it back, but it relentlessly fell in his face. The glowing ring around his pupils brightened as anticipation for the afternoon grew.

  Dax’s fire red hair was spiked and styled and he wore a blue jacket over the red Ignisian army uniform. His leather strap was clad in daggers and swords, and Sophia’s bow still hung in between his shoulder blades.

  “Of course, but it wasn’t hard to sneak away, pretty much everyone in Ignisia is coming. So what does it mean to be a ‘best man’?”

  “It means you do everything I tell you to do,” Killian said, lifting his eyebrows.

  Dax met Killian’s eye in the mirror, notably confused, but eventually he shrugged. “I guess I can do that for one day.”

  Killian smiled and turned his attention back to his unruly hair.

  “You sure this is what you want to do?” Lucan said, leaning casually against the wall. “With the barriers down we could go out on a bachelor trip for…well as long as we want.”

  Killian chuckled and turned away from his reflection. “I’m sure.”


  Soft music played as crowds of people began filling the outdoor area and taking their seats. Killian’s leg twitched nervously as he stood next to the flowering archway. After several moments of noticeable anxiety, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

  “You’ll be fine, son,” Owen said. Marie smiled next to him before wrapping her arms around Killian’s broad shoulders.

  “We’re so proud of you,” she whispered next to his ear before sitting with Owen in the front row.

  Dax and Lucan whispered behind him, intentionally rattling his nerves, and laughing with one another like children as they stood in line.

  “You two are the worst groomsmen ever,” he said under his breath, but it only made them laugh more.

  Killian scanned the crowd. Connor and Shannon were near the front. Connor gave him a thumbs up and bounced his baby daughter, Sophia, on his knee. She had golden hair and chubby legs as she awkwardly reached for the glittering fire bugs that had migrated from Ignisia.

  Rhetta sat next to Marie and she dabbed her eyes with a white handkerchief. Gwyniera and several Galcien noblemen sat next to the new king of Cimmerian and his wife. Killian recognized him as one of the guards who had protected the city against Speron’s attack.

  Fia was next to her mother and made faces at him, while Angus and Lydie tried to quiet the boisterous former Deshuit clan that took up several rows.

  The sun was setting, and Cimmerian’s two moons were visible behind him, but also the Praetorium’s large greenish moon began to brighten. Ignisia’s bright warmth created the ambiance that began calming the unique crowd, and Glacien’s fresh breeze filled him with excitement. The only sky not visible was Terrene, once again closed off from the world of the realms; a choice made to allow the people to continue their lives in peace.

  He smiled. His guests were filled with bright colors and gold jewelry, silver eyes and dark robes, and white hair adorned in silver crowns and tiaras. Everyone was together for the first time since the battle the year before. And a feeling of peace tickled the back of his neck as Infinium picked up on the emotions.

  Killian’s heart pounded harder when Miller stood next to him. His grandfather gave him a brief hug before standing in the center of the archway.

  The soft music ceased and Miller’s voice carried over the hushed final whispers of the guests.

  “Welcome, everyone to this wonderful celebration. Although I am no longer director here, I was asked to officiate. I am honored to do so.” Miller’s eyes twinkled as he glanced at Killian. “In honor of their upbringing, thank you for joining us for a traditional Terrenian wedding.”

  The crowd murmured and took in the different décor with interest. Killian’s jaw clenched and he cracked his fingers nervously, when the music played again. Two men at the back of the crowd pulled back the thin white curtains and Killian thought his heart would burst.

  Egan was dressed in a blue coat like Dax, but his was trimmed with gold and silver, as per Ignisian royal tradition. He was coated in gold straps with military medals pinned along them. Everyone was directed to stand, though some in the crowd seemed confused and unsure by what was happening.

  Killian locked eyes with Mercedes as she clung to her father’s arm. She was exquisite. She was dressed in a long white gown with a gold and blue sash tied around her thin waist. Her long hair was flowing down her back in soft waves with a single blue streak in the front. On her fingers she still wore the dead firestone, but also the blue sapphire from her mother. She was crowned in a glittering diamond tiara with both Ignisia’s and Glaciem’s symbols entwined in the front of the delicate metal.

  She smiled at Killian as Egan led her down the aisle toward him. Killian beamed back, everything around him fading until it was only her. His chest filled with warmth and his neck tingled in comfortable heat, no warning of danger only peace. Life was finally as it should be.

  The End

  Secret Story

  Thank you for your support through the Lost Relics Series. This has been my first adventure with writing anything. I know I haven’t been perfect, but as thanks from me for sticking with me until the end, enjoy this “secret story” for free. It is exclusive to readers of Rise of a Black Dawn, and the Lost Relics Series. Thank you again. Enjoy.

  (This will never be published, so this link is exclusive to you)


  This series has been amazing to write and to see it grow with each new reader has been more rewarding than I imagined. Thank you to all the wonderful readers who have read this story from start to finish. I truly hope you’ve enjoyed it. Thank you to my husband, Derek for his love and support. Thank you to my children, Linnea, Andrew, Jarom and CharliJo. You are my inspiration and light of my life. Thank you to my family: siblings, parents and grandparents for your hard work in spreading the word and supporting my dream. Some day we will all fly in a private jet to Hawaii!

  Thank you to Amy Martin for editing this manuscript. Thank you for catching my overuse of words and crazy sentences. Thank you to Debbie Cassidy for a remarkable cover again.

  I am sad to leave this world of the Ponderi and the realms but look forward to more stories that will take readers to different worlds soon. Thank you for riding this journey of my first series with me.

  LJ Andrews

  About the Author

  LJ Andrews enjoys writing and reading books of various genres. She is a lover of musicals and chocolate. She lives with her husband Derek, and their four children in a small town in Utah. She enjoys playing with Legos, coloring with her kids, being a bad guy to her superheroes and snuggling her baby.

  To contact LJ send an email to



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cs, check out my new series, The Djinn Kingdom.

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  Thank you,

  LJ Andrews




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