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Peyton's Path: Fighting Fate Book 2

Page 7

by SM Olivier

  Zane’s large, warm hands gripped my hips, temporarily halting my movements. A slow smile curved his lips. “How much have you had to drink tonight, beautiful?”

  Crew snorted, and my gaze turned his way.

  “Stop being grumpy.” I mocked-frowned at him before I gave him a flirtatious smile. “Wanna dance too? Who’s winning? Did you guys win? I won. Six times!”

  I could hear laughter around me, and I looked over my shoulder. “Oh, hi, guys!” I chirped. “Can I borrow these guys for a little bit, after I eat?”

  “Sure but you should let me give you a tour of the house, Peyton. There are rooms upstairs.” Thomas wagged his eyebrows at me. “I’ll show them to you, if you’d like.” Thomas was one of the most prominent players on the team, and by player, I didn’t necessarily mean a star player. I meant he kept a list of girls he hooked up with, and he was trying to fill up a notebook of all his conquests. He didn’t even keep it a secret, and it was well known at school.

  Crew stood up and growled. “Excuse me?”

  Thomas’ eyes widened as he took a quick step back behind the other guys. His leering grin disappeared.

  “No one’s going to protect you with a stupid ass comment like that, Thomas.” Smith snorted. He turned back around.

  Smith and I had a little run in a few weeks ago when he looked the other way as my half-brother bullied another boy, but since then, he seemed to be repentant. He had picked me up after Sean had clotheslined me shortly thereafter. Then he had my back against Leah and her lapdogs another time.

  “Sorry, Crew.” Thomas held up his hands beseechingly.

  “Apologize to Peyton,” Crew growled. “And if you ever even glance her way ever again, I won’t be as forgiving.”

  “Sorry, Peyton,” Thomas immediately stuttered. “I was just joking, that was a crass joke.”

  I shrugged. Not caring. Maybe sober me would have, but I was past that point. “Wanna dance?” I asked Zane again.

  Zane chuckled before he lifted me with ease. I looped my legs around his waist. “Sure, but water and food first, okay?”

  “Okay.” I nodded eagerly. “Think the DJ has I had the time of my life?” I teased him.

  His mother Anya, the owner of the dance studio I attended, had taught him Patrick Swayze's part in Dirty Dancing. He had learned it as a child to please his mother, but it was a source of embarrassment now. I had learned the dance for fun, and a couple of weeks ago, we had performed the dance for Anya’s grand opening.

  He groaned as he walked with me. “We’ll catch you guys later,” he said, totally ignoring my inquiry.

  Most of the guys started heckling Zane about being whipped, but he shrugged them off.

  “How much did she drink?” Crew asked Golden and Paxton as we joined them.

  “And where are her clothes?” Zane asked. “She’s soaking wet, and she has goosebumps.”

  “She’s right here. Again. She only had a little bit,” I said tartly. “I’m A-Okay, and I’m not sure where my clothes are.” I shrugged as if I didn’t care, but I really did. I really liked that cover up.

  I knew earlier we were headed in the direction of our stuff, but then we got distracted.

  “I’ll go get our clothes,” Paxton volunteered.

  We arrived at the kitchen, and Zane set me on a free counter. Crew immediately grabbed a plate and started loading some food on it, while Golden went over to one of the many coolers lining the kitchen. They both came back over to me and handed me a plate of food and a bottle of water.

  “Thanks, guys,” I said with a smile.

  I began to eat my food with gusto, not caring about how unladylike I may appear. I had made breakfast after six this morning, although I only had time to eat four bites of my eggs before rushing out the door to get the children dressed for the day.

  Then I’d taken the Denali that Mr. Isaacs had as an extra vehicle, and got off to school while Paxton and Golden took Clay to daycare. Then I went to dance class.

  I had a chance to eat a protein bar during one of our breaks today but not much else. After dance class, I went to school. I met Heather and the others at the gym and skipped lunch because we had to go over our routine again. Golden made me eat a granola bar on the way to classes, but it only curbed the hunger.

  We didn’t eat on the way to the game, and afterward, my stomach had still been slightly in knots from all the drama that night. Now I was famished, and I didn’t care how much I was eating, or how I ate it.

  “You need to eat more,” Zane grumbled at me as he leaned back against the counter I was sitting on to eat his own food.

  “I know.” I smiled impishly as I wrapped my legs around his trim waist. He turned to flash me those dimples.

  I impulsively leaned forward and kissed his lips. I’ve been wondering for a while what kind of kisser he was. I felt his lips soften against mine. I flicked my tongue out, attempting to gain access to his mouth.

  “Zane,” Crew growled.

  “I know,” Zane growled back as he pulled back from me, his dark eyes steady on me and growing even darker.

  I pouted playfully. “I’m not that drunk, guys,” I insisted. “Just a little buzzy.” I leaned forward and husked in Zane’s ears. “And very horny.”

  “Our girl is feeling…froggy tonight,” Golden said in dry amusement before taking a large bite of his meatball sub.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I started to nibble Zane’s neck. I heard him hiss and groan simultaneously before he whirled on me.

  He pointed a finger of warning at me. “You won’t succeed, Peyton Delaney.”

  I shrugged with a smile, hiding my disappointment. “It was worth a try.”

  Zane shot me a look full of promise, and I winked at him. He groaned and shook his head.

  Paxton returned with our clothes, and I smiled my thanks to him around a mouth full of food. I watched in interest as a group of guys cleared off two tables and placed them near the bar. Others ran into the kitchen, grabbing a bowl of limes and some salt shakers. The hired bartender handed a tray full of shots to another guy.

  “Body shots!” I heard a loud, boisterous voice chant. It was soon followed by a responding mantra of, “Shots, shots, shots.”

  I leaned forward and looped my arms around Zane’s shoulders so I could get a better view of the commotion in front of us. I watched as four guys hoisted a dark-haired girl wearing a triangle thong bikini onto one of the tables, and a red-haired female on the other table.

  A couple of guys trailed salt across the girls’ taut stomachs and up to their chest. A few other men placed the prepared shots between the females’ cleavage. Then the lime wedges were placed in between their lips.

  It wasn’t the first time I had witnessed girls getting body shots taken off of them. It was one of Madison’s favorite party games. She said she found plenty of great kissers playing the game. I had never felt comfortable enough to let perfect strangers trail their lips across my body, bury their heads in my breasts, and then slip their tongues in my mouth as they fished out the tart fruit.

  “Let’s do this!” one of the men bellowed.

  I didn’t recognize any of the men in the group, but it looked like it was a mixture of high schoolers and college guys.

  “Do it! Do it! Do it!” the crowd chanted.

  “3…2…1…Go!” one of the men called.

  Two men swooped down, licked the salt, buried their heads in the females’ cleavage, dug the shots out with their teeth, tossed their heads back, and then sloppily took the limes from the girls’ mouths. I noticed Brennan from earlier as he turned around victoriously with a lime still in his mouth as his buddies high fived him.

  I gasped, realizing I recognized the girls who had been lying on the tables. I didn’t know who I was more shocked at seeing sitting up from the tabletop, Selena or Claire, my newly turned fourteen-year-old half-sister.

  December must have been a busy time for David’s sperm, because all three of his gi
rls’ birthdays were in September. Claire’s birthday was the other day, and mine and Leah’s birthdays were coming up. Yeah, my sperm donor had been skilled enough to impregnate his fiance and his girlfriend the same week eighteen years ago.

  I was distracted from my thoughts as I watched Claire launch herself into Brennan’s arms and shove her tongue down his throat. Any residual feelings of the buzz I had quickly dissipated.

  “Oh, hell no,” I muttered as I slipped off the countertop.


  I walked over to the dining area as two other girls were getting placed onto the table. Brennan had Claire pinned up against the wall as they made out, and Selena had her legs wrapped around one of the guys while another guy was pressed against her back, claiming her lips. Nan had taken Selena’s place on the table, while another girl I vaguely recognized had taken Claire’s.

  “Is that−” Golden started to ask in surprise behind me.

  “Yup,” I said sardonically, cutting him off before he needed to ask.

  I noticed Zane, Crew, and Paxton had followed me into the room as well. I knew I was still feeling a little bit of the alcohol, but I had my wits about me…somewhat. I was glad to see they seemed as disturbed at seeing Claire dry humping Brennan, and Selena making out with two men in front of at least a quarter of the students that attended our high school.

  Selena made eye contact with me and quickly slunk behind one of the guys she had been making out with. I knew she was still young, and I said “to each their own,” but shouldn’t her personal life and professional life have a little bit of separation? Was it really right for her to teach us during the day and then be partying with us at night?

  “Classy,” Smith muttered, his eyes fixed on Selena.

  I hadn’t even realized the big defensive back had joined us. He was really growing on me lately.

  I gave him a smile with a shake of my head.

  I saw no less than ten camera phones out. Wasn’t she worried that any of those recordings could get leaked out to the school board? She was openly partying and allowing potential minors to do body shots off her in the open? This wasn’t Mardi Gras, this was at one of her student's houses while their parents were away.

  My eyes continued to take in the scene, wondering if Leah even knew her younger sister was here, and sure enough, I spotted her. Three guys were draped all over Flossie and Leah. They were giggling and flirting with the guys. She didn’t seem to care to that Claire was wrapped all over a college boy. I might have been slightly hypocritical, but I didn’t feel that a fourteen-year-old girl should be exposed to all this. She was clearly inebriated, and no one was looking out for her. I didn’t want her to get taken advantage of or worse. These types of parties were the breeding grounds for creeps to take advantage of a young girl that still wasn’t even in high school.

  “Okay, the party’s over for you,” I hissed as I grabbed Claire. “I think we need to take her home.” I gave an apologetic smile to the guys. “Daddy and Mommy might not care where or what she’s doing, but I do.”

  Crew and Zane were already nodding as if they knew that’s what I wanted to do.

  A part of me thought I should care less about what happened to her, but the other part knew I had to do something about her presence. I also wondered if she let Brennan know how old she actually was. Her makeup had been applied heavily, so she looked at least five years older−hell, she looked older than me, even−and her tiny mini skirt and bikini top could fool you into believing she was older. She was a lot more developed than I had ever been at her age.

  I’ve danced since I was three years old. I was part of a competition team since I was six. I spent hours in the studio. Puberty had come slow to me. I hadn’t even started my period until I was sixteen, and I was still waiting for my breasts to develop—well, not really… I knew I was stuck with my high A/low B cups until I stopped dancing, and that wasn’t happening anytime soon.

  Her eyes took a few seconds to focus on me before she sneered. “Screw you,” she hissed at me. “Get your hands off me, you little slut.”

  I dropped them, but I crossed my hands over my chest and glared at her. I refrained from pointing out that her behavior wasn’t far off from her perception of me.

  “Let go of my sister!” Leah marched over to us, yelling over the music.

  “She has no business being here. She should be home,” I argued. “Do your parents even know she’s here?”

  “What does it matter to you, Peyton?” Bailey sneered as she came around the corner, and I immediately recognized her younger sister Kayley beside her, plus a few other girls that hung out with her. “She’s not hurting anyone.”

  I cringed. Maybe I should have thought this one through. I really didn’t need a family reunion right now. I already realized that the Delaneys were like rabbits in this town. They were everywhere!

  “Do you know how old she is?” Zane calmly asked Brennan.

  Brennan looked relaxed but far from tipsy. He was stable on his feet, his arms crossed over his chest, and he looked confused as he looked at us. I noticed a small crowd had gathered, and I nearly groaned. If I had my wits about me, I would have thought this one through better.

  I could see Zach casually leaning against the archway. His sunglasses still firmly in place and an amused smile on his face.

  “Shut up, Zane,” Claire scoffed. “It’s none of your business!”

  “She told me she was eighteen. She’s a student at the University, and she’s an English Major.” Brennan frowned.

  “Age is just a number.” Claire embraced Brennan around the waist. “Experience is the only thing that matters. Wanna go somewhere private?” she asked him brazenly as she licked her lips.

  I gaped at her. Any other eighth grader would probably be embarrassed that they were caught in a lie. They undoubtedly would have wanted to leave immediately. Not a Delaney. Delaneys set their sights on something and went after it with dogged determination. I guess I got some of their traits.

  “How old are you?” Brennan asked as he pushed her away gently.

  He looked over at me and then over at Claire once again. I shared some similarities to Leah, but honestly, Claire and I resembled each other the most. We both had the same slender, tall frames. She was already taller than Leah and only an inch or two shorter than me, and I was about five-foot-eight. We even had the same coloring, just differing shades of green eyes and red hair.

  “Is she your sister, too?” he asked me.

  I nodded at him. “And she just turned fourteen. She’s in the eighth grade,’ I said apologetically.

  He couldn’t fake the shudder that ran through him. “Aww, hell no,” he muttered.

  “An experienced fourteen-year-old!” Claire went to embrace Brennan once more.

  “No!” Brennan said forcefully. “Don’t touch me. You lied to me. Do you realize the trouble you could have gotten me into?” He looked up at Zach suddenly. “Did you realize you have fourteen-year-olds running around here?”

  “Out.” Zach pointed at Claire, no longer amused. “You too.” He gestured toward Kayley next.

  I had forgotten that Kayley was just as young. She didn’t attend our school, or any school for that matter. Diane wanted her daughters to focus on dance, and their education came secondary, with hired tutors at home. Unlike Bailey, though, Kayley was both talented and bright. She didn’t struggle with remembering choreography or following counts.

  “That’s not fair!” Claire stomped her feet like the spoiled child she was. “We want to stay.”

  The music was suddenly shut down, and Zach was on top of the dining room table. “Anyone under the age of sixteen better vacate the premises immediately. Jailbait is a no, no! Leave now. If not, this party will shut down completely.”

  I guess spoiled rich boy had some common sense after all.

  Claire glared at me before she looked over at Leah. “Come on, Leah. You can take me, Kayley, and Bree home.” She turned and snapped at Kayley. “Go get Bre

  I had to give credit to Kayley. At least she looked embarrassed and slightly uncomfortable. “I don’t know where she went,” Kayley muttered.

  “Well, find her,” Claire snarled.

  Leah started to giggle as one of the guys began nibbling on her neck. “Find another way home, Claire, just like you found a way here.”

  “We’ll take her home.” Zane shot Leah a disbelieving look. “Let’s go girls. Ready, Pey?” He lowered his head next to my ear. “Sorry, I guess I should have asked you first.”

  “No need to apologize.” I shook my head emphatically. “You’re doing the right thing.” I rolled my eyes at Bailey and Leah. Neither one seemed to care how their sisters got home.

  “Where’s your friend?” Golden asked Kayley gently.

  “I just texted her.” Kayley smiled up at him. “She says she already got a ride home.”

  “You haven’t texted me back.” Bailey took a step in front of Golden, finally realizing he was standing behind me.

  Recently, I found out she wanted Golden back. She had crushed on Zane for years while dating Golden. When she thought he was available after breaking up with Leah, she had ditched Golden. The timing couldn’t have been worse since he lost his parents and three of their siblings the same weekend.

  Now that she knew Zane still wouldn’t date her, she was trying to get Golden back. She wasn’t as persistent as Leah was, but she was traveling down the same avenues. She had sent him nudes and many other suggestive things before he finally blocked her.

  “And he never will.” I smiled at her as I wove my arm through his and guided him towards the front door.

  Golden chuckled and kissed my temple.


  Claire was beyond outraged at us and our interference at the party. She whined and complained so much, Zane finally threatened to walk her to the door and let her parents know where she was that night. She quickly shut up. Kayley was silent the whole ride and thanked us after we dropped them off at Grandpa’s house.


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