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Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)

Page 14

by Flynn, Donna

  “No…No!” Mercy screamed, thrashing about on the bed, a cold sweat dampening her skin as tears flowed down her cheeks and her breathing became labored.

  Alec flew through her bedroom door and to her bedside, terrified by her screams. “Mercy, wake up,” he said, shaking her shoulder.

  “Don’t leave me,” she pleaded pitifully, her loud sobs filling the room. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “I won’t, baby, I swear I will never leave you,” he told her lifting her in his arms, cradling her in his lap as her brothers stood in the doorway wearing panicked expressions. Her tears soaked his bare chest and her body trembled, as she whimpered like a wounded animal and he pulled her closer, wanting to comfort her.

  “No,” she moaned pitifully, struggling against his hold.

  “You killed him,” she screamed, her voice hoarse and filled with horror.

  It was clear she was still caught up in her dream and he knew he had to wake her up before she got any worse. “Mercy wake up!” he commanded. She didn’t open her eyes and he forced his Alpha outward knowing her wolf would respond to it. “I told you to wake up, do it now,” he ordered.

  Mercy’s eyes shuddered then slowly opened and she looked around the room uncertainly. “Alec, what’s happening?”

  Alec hugged her close, thankful she was finally awake. “You were having a bad dream. Can you remember what it was about?”

  “We were at our Bonding Ceremony and we were attacked by a group of wolves.” Her body shook as she recalled the horrifying images of her family and friends lying on the ground blood covering their broken bodies as a man dressed in hunting fatigues dragged her away from the scene. Tears filled he eyes and she laid her head on his shoulder clinging to him desperately. “They killed everyone, tore them to pieces before they could even shift.”

  “It was just a dream,” he said feeling her terror even though she had woken.

  “It seemed so real,” she sobbed, her breathing ragged, her heart racing so fast it felt as if it would burst out of her chest.

  “It wasn’t, Angel, it was just a nightmare.”

  Mercy nodded, but she knew it was more than that. The dreams she had been experiencing had become more vivid, more real, and detailed each time she had them and she began to wonder if they were a premonition of things to come.

  Alec brushed her sweat-dampened curls from her face and kissed her forehead. “It’s alright, you’re awake now,” he said, hugging her close. “With all the things going on, I’m not surprised you’re having bad dreams, but that is all they are. You are safe. I won’t let anyone harm you.”

  “Yeah, it was just a bad dream,” she murmured, wishing she could make herself believe that was all it was. Something inside of her, though, told her they were significant, and she was missing some key element she was supposed to figure out. She lifted her head to where her brothers stood and froze when she saw the woman in white standing behind them staring at her sadly. Her form was translucent and flickered in and out but the spirit said nothing. Cade followed her gaze and turned to look behind them, but the woman simply vanished from view and he turned back to look at Mercy with a frown.

  “Why don’t we get you some hot chocolate and see if we can calm you down enough to go back to sleep,” Lucan said worriedly.

  Mercy rubbed her hands down her arms as a cold breeze blew across her body and nodded. The last thing she wanted was to be in her room at that moment.

  Alec felt a chill run over his body and looked around for an open window, but saw nothing ajar. “It’s chilly in here, Angel, let’s get you downstairs and warm you up.” He stood with Mercy in his arms and carried her downstairs despite her protests she could walk. Soon she found herself snuggled in his lap with a blanket wrapped around her, sipping hot chocolate in their kitchen.

  “I’m off to bed,” Cade said with a yawn after downing a large glass of milk.

  “I have some paperwork to look over, so I’ll be in my room, come and say goodnight before you go to bed,” Lucan said to Mercy.

  “Goodnight,” Mercy murmured as they left the room. They sat in silence for few moments then she turned to Alec wanting to know what happened with his grandfather. “So how did your talk with Alaric go?”

  Alec sat back, his fingers nervously tapping on her leg. “He explained what happened between him and my father, but I’m still not ready to trust him.”

  “And your dad?” she prodded.

  His fingers stopped tapping and began rubbing her thigh. “I can’t deal with him yet. I’m not angry anymore, though. Just hurt he could keep me from knowing what little family I had after losing my mother.”

  Mercy took his hand in hers and laid her head on his shoulder. “He loves you, Alec, and I think he probably thought it was best at the time, but I bet now he is rethinking a lot of things that happened back then.”

  “Maybe, but right now I just want to concentrate on the Elders and making them see that you and I belong together.”

  “Forever,” she said closing her eyes and praying for a miracle.


  Much later that night as she lay tucked up at Alec’s side in the living room as they watched TV, she thought about the woman in white. It was oddly disturbing how similar they were in appearance and it dawned on her that possible it was an ancestor trying to tell her something. “Alec, how did the last Born Were die?”

  “It’s an old tale and has probably been embellished many times, but I was told she had been killed in a fight between two men who wanted to posses her. One male was her rightful Bond Mate and the other wanted her because of her special abilities and her place amongst the packs.”

  “But how exactly did she die?” she prodded.

  “I don’t know,” he said.

  “Who would know?”

  Alec tensed and sat upright, immediately on alert at her odd questions. “What is going on? Why are you asking all of these questions about the last Born Were?”

  “In my dreams I keep seeing this woman. She’s wearing a long white gown and watching everything with such a sad expression.”

  “And you think she’s the last Born Were?” he asked in disbelief.

  Mercy shook her head. “I don’t know, but I feel like she’s important somehow, and I want to know more about her.”

  Alec frowned and ran his finger down the side of her face with a look of sympathy. “Baby, she is not real. It was just a dream.”

  “Still, I would like to see if anyone knows the whole story, or knows what she looked liked.” She brushed her lips across his and smiled. “Please, will you find out if anyone knows more about her?”

  Alec growled and pulled her against him, kissing her thoroughly before responding. “You know I would do anything for you.” He lifted her chin and brushed her lips again. “Even if I think you are overreacting.”

  “Maybe, but it might take my mind off everything else that is going on,” she told him snuggling back against him.

  For that reason alone, Alec vowed he would find out everything he could. She had been under so much stress he knew having a project might help alleviate some of the worry she had about the upcoming meeting with the Elders. He made a note to ask his grandfather about the last Born Were when he saw him next.

  Chapter Twelve

  Mercy was sitting outside amongst the vastly colored spring flowers a few days later when she felt a familiar presence close by. She glanced up from the book she had been reading to see Jaden approaching. The dark-haired beauty was carrying a large cumbersome-looking leather bound book in her arms, looking warily at Mercy, who met her icy blue gaze and frowned.

  “Jaden,” Mercy said cautiously, unsure how to treat the female who had so callously used her.

  Jaden stopped in front of Mercy, looking nervous and uncertain. “My grandfather requested that I bring you this book.” She looked up suddenly as Alec walked out of the house his eyes immediately narrowing when he saw her near his mate.

  Mercy felt his presence
too and was unsurprised when he appeared at her side placing his hand on her shoulder as he stared down Jaden. “Alec, it’s alright. Jaden came to bring me one of the Elders’ journals at your grandfather’s request.”

  “Fine, give me the book and go,” he said reaching out for the journal.

  Jaden shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “Excuse me?” Alec snarled angrily.

  “I can’t leave the book. It was left in my charge and if anything happens to it I am responsible.”

  “Then take it back, because you’re not getting anywhere near Mercy,” he growled taking a step towards her threateningly.

  Mercy jumped up between them, placing her hand on Alec’s chest, pushing him back a few steps. “She has to guard the book while I look at it.”

  “No way, she is never to be left alone with you again,” he roared.

  “Alec, calm down, I really want to see the book so, she has to stay.”

  “Are you out of your mind?” he thundered. “The last time she got you alone she did God knows what to you!”

  “If it will make you feel better you can stay with us,” Mercy offered.

  Alec shook his head. “Not possible, I have meetings with some of the nearby Alphas. I’ll be gone all day.”

  “Then we can go into the house and Lucan can supervise.”

  “Lucan left a few minutes ago, and Cade has already left for the airport.”

  Cade was going to the central states to try and gain allies for their cause and Lucan was taking Nina to meet some of the further away Alphas so that left only one other option. “Gregory will be here, right?” It was probably not the best option since Alec had yet to settle things with his father, but it was her last hope.

  “Mercy, this is not a good idea. My dad is busy making calls in the office, he can’t be close enough to keep a watch over you and her.”

  Mercy felt her temper rising and took a deep breath, reminding herself he was just worried about her safety. “Call Rich then, he can babysit me.”

  He shook his head. “Rich is going with me.”

  “Alec, I want to see that book and I’m not waiting God knows how long to do it,” she argued her hands on her hips, her lips pressed firmly together.

  “Well that’s just not going to be possible today,” he snarled.

  “You don’t own me, Alec, so stop acting like an ass,” she argued barely controlling her urge to scream.

  Alec grabbed her arm and pulled her against him, ignoring her fists pounding on his chest as he savagely laid siege to her mouth. Mercy’s struggles ceased almost immediately and before long, she was caught up in the kiss and completely under his spell. She moaned softly and he pulled back with a satisfied grin. “I may not own you, but I am your mate and I won’t allow you place your life in danger.”

  “I wouldn’t harm her,” Jaden said in her own defense. “She is the Born Were, I am here to protect her.”

  “I don’t trust you, plain and simple, so this will have to wait.” He looked down at Mercy who was biting her lip feeling badly for not being able to give her what she wanted.

  “Excuse me,” Mason said walking out of the forest. “I overheard you talking and if you want I can sit with them.”

  Alec looked uncertain so Mercy rushed to assure him that it would work. “That would be great. Mason can sit in the kitchen with us and your father will be just across the hall. Surely you don’t think with the two of them there she could do me any harm.”

  Alec growled and pulled her against him hugging her close. “You’re killing me, do you know that?” he whispered against her ear.

  Mercy smiled, knowing she had won. “Thank you,” she answered twining her arms around his neck and pulling his head down to her, kissing him passionately before taking a step back and looking to Jaden with a happy grin. “Let’s go up to the house and get started.”


  After hours of reading the handwritten, and sometimes very hard to read journal, Mercy’s eyes hurt and her head was pounding. Page after page of werewolf history and she had yet to reach the story of the last Born Were.

  “Maybe you should give it up for the day,” Mason said next to her as she rubbed her shoulders.

  “I have to bring this book back tomorrow,” Jaden told him.

  “What difference does another day make?” he growled.

  Jaden glared at him. “The difference between me living and dying.”

  “Well, some things can’t be helped,” he replied nastily.

  “You’re an insufferable pig,” Jaden countered.

  “Better than a conniving bitch like you,” he answered back.

  “Would you two knock it off,” Mercy said tired of their arguing. They had been at each other’s throats since she started reading and it was annoying. She was beginning to regret allowing Mason to be the one to sit with her and was tired of searching for a needle in a haystack.

  Tired, and ready to quit, she sat back in the chair when a cold chill overtook her and the pages of the journal began to flip on their own. She looked across the table where the woman from her dreams stood staring down on the pages as they moved. She looked up at Mercy and the pages stopped moving abruptly. She pointed to the book and Mercy looked down on a hand drawn image of the woman before her, a woman that could easily be Mercy’s twin.

  Mercy gasped, drawing Mason and Jaden’s attention. They moved next to her looking down on the book with surprise, but Mercy looked to the woman, who offered a thin smile and then disappeared from view.

  “Look, this must be her, the last Born Were,” Jaden said, pointing to the picture.

  “You look just like her,” Mason said, staring at the image in disbelief.

  Mercy’s hand trembled and she reached out touching the book, feeling a jolt of electricity run up her arm. Her vision blurred and she felt nausea as she became intermingled in the last Born Were’s memories. She became the woman of her dreams, running through the forest. Her body battered and in unbearable pain as she looked for a place she could hide. The sound of baying wolves on the hunt filled the air and she pushed herself to run harder despite the agony her body was suffering through. She looked around in desperation but found no place she could hide. The scent of her blood was leading her enemy directly to her and soon they would be upon her. The howling ceased abruptly as she reached the edge of a cliff. She looked over the side seeing only a pile of jagged rock over a hundred feet below and knew she was trapped.

  “Well, well, little princess, you have led us on merry chase,” a tall well-built man said stepping out from behind a nearby tree.

  The light of the full moon shone overhead revealing his face and she cried out. His face was beautiful, like a Grecian sculpture, except for a long jagged scar that came from his right ear and crossed his cheek ending halfway through his full lips. He placed his fingers to his cheek and snarled making her back up a step to teeter dangerously on the edge of the cliff. “I have searched all over for you. Imagine my surprise to find you had run off to bond with your lover, before I had the chance to recover from our last meeting.” He reached out and grabbed her arm pulling her roughly against him so her back was pressed to his chest. His arm snaked around her stomach and he pressed his face into the curve of her neck taking a long whiff of her heady fragrance.

  “Please,” she whimpered, terrified of the man who held her. “Have mercy, you have taken everything from me.”

  “The time for mercy is over!” he thundered. “I tried to do this the right way, but you refused to love me, refused to see that I am the only one who can make the packs great again. With me in control we can own the humans instead of hiding what we are like scared rabbits.”

  “I never wanted that, I just wanted to live my life with the man who was my destined mate,” she told him.

  “Your mate was worthless!” he bellowed shoving her to the ground at his feet.

  “Micah, we must go, the Elders’ guard are coming,” another man said stepping out of the dar
kened forest.

  “Hold them off, I will finish this now,” he snarled pulling a long blade from his pocket and slicing into his palm before turning to the woman on the ground before him. “Give me your hand.”

  She glared at him, making no move to obey and he growled angrily reaching down for her hand. If he mingled his blood with hers, they would be bonded and he would use her status as the Born Were to rule the rest of the packs. She realized then she had only one option if she wanted to save her people and the humans. She scrambled backward until she met nothing but air, as she fell from the edge of the cliff toward the rocks below.

  “No!” Micah bellowed reaching for her desperately, watching helplessly as she fell to her death, her arms legs flailing until she hit the rocks below with a soft thud that echoed off the walls of the cavern. He scrambled down the cliff to her side and knelt next to her, reaching out one shaky finger, which he ran down the side of her cheek, his expression filled with rage. “You were supposed to be my mate! You were supposed to make me strong enough to take over the packs and make them mine.”

  Blood dripped from her lips and she looked to the heavens with a half smile as light shone down upon her. “Mercy,” she murmured, her eyes closing and her last breath leaving her body with a shudder.

  “No! I will find you again, and when I do I will make you pay for abandoning me,” Micah bellowed, shaking her ravaged body violently.

  Mercy came to, gasping for air much to the dismay of Mason and Jaden, who were flustered and screaming at each other about how best to handle her condition. Gregory ran into the room just as the back door slammed open and Alec flew to Mercy’s side.

  Mercy looked up at him wild-eyed, struggling to breathe and panic filled him.

  “Alec, you’re her mate, you can regulate her breathing with your own,” Gregory said behind him.

  Alec closed his eyes and placed his hand on her chest, melding their minds, synchronizing their breathing until she was able to breathe on her own once again. Once he was assured she was alright he pulled her into his arms and hugged her close, breathing in her scent, allowing the familiarity to calm him. “What the hell happened?” he bellowed, looking to Jaden accusingly.


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