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The Forbidden

Page 1

by Jessie Donovan



  Kelderan Runic Warriors

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Author's Note

  Books by Jessie Donovan

  About the Author


  The Forbidden

  (Kelderan Runic Warriors #4)

  Jessie Donovan

  Want to stay up to date on releases? Please join my newsletter on my website by clicking here.

  Books in this series:

  Kelderan Runic Warriors

  The Conquest (KRW #1)

  The Barren (KRW #2)

  The Heir (KRW #3)

  The Forbidden (KRW #4)

  The Hidden / Vala & Thorin (KRW #5 / 2019)

  The Survivor / Kajala (KRW #6 / TBD)

  The Forbidden Synopsis:

  Princess Kalahn tro el Vallen has wanted a purpose beyond smiling and marrying some strategic connection her entire life. So when her brother proposes a way for her to help protect their family, she jumps at the chance and agrees to training. What she doesn’t expect is for her trainer to be the male she kissed years ago and hasn’t been able to forget since.

  Ryven Xanna is not only one of the best warrior trainers in the Kelderan Army, but he’s also best friend to a prince. When his best friend invites him to participate in a secret operation that will rid the planet of traitors, Ryven doesn’t hesitate to join. True, the female he’s supposed to train is the same one he kissed in the past and wishes to kiss again, but he has the fortitude to resist her and complete his assignment. Only then can he ensure his mother’s future in the colony and the safety of his friend.

  As Ryven and Kalahn work together, the pull between them only grows until suddenly they’re connected in a way that they never could’ve foreseen. However, that connection could end up killing one of them if they continue with their plans. Will they both find a way to survive their mission and be with each other? Or, will duty trump all, including the life of one of them?

  Chapter One

  Princess Kalahn tro el Vallen clenched her fists at her side and did her best to pack away her emotions as she walked down one corridor and then another, toward her brother's office.

  A few hours ago, she'd been part of a video conference with her eldest brother, Keltor, her father, and some family members she'd never known about, complete with a grown niece and three half siblings.

  The shock of her new family was bad enough, but the sight of her father's frail body struggling to sit up had only made his mortality that much more real. He was dying, plain and simple.

  She'd known, of course, but knowing it and seeing it were two different things. While they had never been close, she still remembered him telling stories about her mother, his eyes lighting up with fondness. Since Kalahn had been young when her mother had died, she'd relied on other people's memories for comfort. Recently, her father had even started to type up and send more stories to her. And soon, she wouldn't even have that.

  Tears prickled her eyes and she blinked them away. She wanted nothing more than to curl up inside her quarters and cry. But her elder brother on Jasvar—Kason—had summoned her. And she knew that if she ignored him, Kason would send guards to forcibly retrieve her.

  While many would dismiss Kalahn for not only being a female, but especially for being a princess, Kalahn had plans for the future. Plans that required her to somewhat behave and not upset her brother at every opportunity.

  She finally arrived at her brother's office, entered, and slammed the door behind her. It was the closest to defiance she could muster without angering him too much.

  Her brother looked up with a frown. "Can't you ever act like a normal person and knock?"

  With her head high, she strode toward his desk. "I'm a princess. So, no, I'll never be able to act like a normal person. I may as well play the part." Kason grunted, but she spoke again before he could. "One of your guards said you wanted to see me about something?"

  He put down his notescreen and studied her. "Are you okay?"

  She resisted blinking at her brother's concern. Even a year ago, he never would've bothered to ask her. His human bride really had rubbed off on him. "Honestly? No. Our father is dying and we suddenly have two sisters and a brother we never knew about. Not to mention a niece and nephew only a few years my junior. It's almost as if my entire life has been a lie. However, a Kelderan royal must always put duty above all else and keep their emotions in check. Isn't that what you and Keltor always say?"

  Kason stood. "It's just me, Kalahn. There's no need to put on a brave face."

  She raised her brows. "Of course I must. Or you'll try to lock me away again."

  Sighing, he shook his head. "That was for one day, to ensure you didn't run away before the video conference."

  Trailing her fingers along the edge of his desk, she replied, "I wouldn't run so much if you merely asked me to do things instead of ordering me, brother."

  He crossed his arms over his chest. "Taryn keeps saying the same thing."

  Taryn Demara was her brother's bride and also the human female leader on Jasvar, who happened to be a highly skilled warrior in her own right. Kalahn admired her more than almost anyone else. "Then listen to her."

  "I try, but there are dangers you don't know about, Kalahn. Sit, and I'll explain some of them to you. Maybe then you'll understand my need for caution."

  Her curiosity burned to know what he was talking about, so she sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, while Kason sat on the edge. Her brother spoke again. "I should preface this by letting you know that the information I share can't leave the room. Understood?" At the seriousness of his tone, she nodded. Kason continued, "We've recently discovered a female assassin working for the antimonarchists, here inside the colony."

  Interesting. She'd never heard of a female assassin before. Leaning forward, she asked, "Are there others?"

  "We're not sure. But while the recent attack on the palace back on Keldera swayed public support in favor of the monarchy, it's not as certain here on Jasvar."

  She put it all together. "So that's why you've been so worried about me running away, because you're afraid one of the antimonarchists is here and will try to kill me."


  "Putting aside that you should've told me that as soon as you knew, why tell me now? Did Taryn convince you to?"

  Kason shrugged. "Partly, but the revelation of our new half sister here on the colony made me realize that if you're going to be looking out for her, you need to know the full truth."

  "Does the 'full truth' pertain to everything or just as it relates to my life?"

  "How about we take it one step at a time? Like with any job, you learn and train on one thing before tackling another."

  "I suppose."

  Kason nodded. "Good. Over the next few days, I'll brief you in more detail surrounding the spy on Jasvar and what we've discovered. But for now, let's talk about your current assignment." Kason reached behind him, picked up a folder, and held it out to her. "This is what we know about our sister on Jasvar."
br />   Taking the purple-tinged materials, she barely noted how strange it was to use paper instead of notescreens before opening the packet.

  She ran a finger over her sister's name—Kajala Mayven. "You think father would've had some sense and used any other letter but K. With the six of us siblings having K names, plus Keltor's son Kelzal, as well as father, it's going to be confusing and difficult to keep track of everyone."

  He grunted. "I didn't select the names. It can't be helped." He gestured toward the papers. "That is Kajala's public record, plus what I could requisition on such short notice from the colony's intelligence arm. I'm sure Keltor will send more information later, but I want you to memorize what's there as soon as possible and burn it."

  Frowning, she glanced up at her brother. "I understand burning the information from the intelligent arm, but why also get rid of the publicly available details?"

  "Because public records on Jasvar entail paper storage. If you burn it, then there will be some time before another copy appears. The lag will help protect our sister for a while."

  She thumbed the twenty-odd pages of information. "I never thought I'd miss technology this much, but computers would've made this easier to sort through."

  Jasvar was a low-tech human colony. While part of the agreement between the people of Jasvar and Keldera called for the slow integration of Kelderan technology, it wasn't something that could be done overnight. It could be years, or even decades before Jasvarian resources could be located that were suited to engineer the complex circuit boards needed. It could be even longer before they could design a new composite material for spaceships and other products.

  Kason grunted. "Perhaps. But you wished to remain on Jasvar, so this is what we must work with. Let me know when you've digested all the information I gave you. I have men locating Kajala right now. Once we find her, I hope that you'll meet with her as soon as possible."

  Kalahn searched her brother's gaze. "That was almost a request. Am I dreaming?" He growled and she smiled. "Okay, okay. I appreciate it, Kason. I truly do." Standing, she clutched the folder against her chest. "It shouldn't take me long to go through this. I'll even remain in my quarters next to yours and not try to slip away."

  She turned to leave, anxious to get to work, but Kason's voice filled the space. "One last thing." Glancing over her shoulder, she raised her brows in question. Kason added, "Until we're more certain that the threats are contained on Jasvar, Ryven will be your guard and will help you with Kajala."

  Keeping surprise from her face, she asked, "I thought Ryven was going back to Keldera with the colony transport ship?"

  "He is. However, there is little for him to do at the moment. Syzel is living onboard the ship, ensuring everything is repaired and ready for the return trip. There are also a few other trainers aboard, keeping the warriors in shape. And since Ryven is one of the soldiers I trust the most, it makes sense that I ask him to help protect our family."

  Somehow, some way, it seemed that Kason had never learned of her long-ago kiss with Ryven Xanna. Otherwise, he never would have assigned him as her guard.

  And if she protested the assignment, especially since she'd known Ryven most of her life, Kason would deduce that something was amiss.

  She'd only just gotten into her brother's good graces and trust circle. She wasn't going to lose her place in either by raising suspicion.

  So she bobbed her head. "Okay. He knows where to find me."

  Rushing out of the room, Kalahn took a deep breath. Protecting Kajala would be the easy part it seemed. Being in close proximity to Ryven and not being able to kiss him would be the challenge. It may have been years since he'd lowered his head and taken her lips, making her body burn in a good way, but she often dreamed of the male she could never have.

  The one who often joked and laughed at her behavior without censure, which was almost unheard of in Kelderan culture. A female wasn't meant to run off and try to seize her own future, let alone stow away on a spaceship and put together a rescue mission for her older brother.

  However, Ryven had almost approved of her actions when she'd returned with her brother and his bride.

  No. Kalahn wanted change, but she didn't want to waste time on revising the marriage laws of princesses. She'd much rather fight for the right to work and maybe even have a career. Both things that were currently denied to her.

  Besides, if she wished to put her plans in motion and work toward the future she wanted, it was better to remain unattached.

  Especially since Kason was finally trusting her with secrets and confidential information, and she wouldn't risk it all by kissing a male.

  Not even for a handsome, charming one like Ryven Xanna.

  Picking up her pace, Kalahn headed toward her quarters and quickly packed away all thoughts and dreams of Ryven. It was time to prove herself to her brother. With that goal in mind, she should be able to treat Ryven as an old acquaintance and nothing more.


  Ryven stood outside Kalahn's quarters and readied himself for dealing with the female he had to resist above all others.

  Kason assigning him as Kalahn's guard and partner was the last thing he'd expected. His friend's bride must really be rubbing off on Kason; otherwise, he never would've given Kalahn a potentially dangerous task, such as allowing her to protect her sister.

  Because until any other spies were located inside the colony and contained, Kalahn could be in constant danger.

  Then protect her, he told himself. After all, he would soon return to Keldera and never have to worry about slipping up and doing something stupid, such as pulling her close and kissing her. Years may have gone by, but her eagerness and responsiveness to his kiss back then still haunted his dreams.

  But an orphaned warrior wasn't a suitable lord for a princess. It was best for him to remember that. After all, he couldn't protect her from a prison cell, which was where he could end up if he acted on any of his fantasies.

  No, the best recourse was to treat this assignment as any other. That meant focusing solely on a successful outcome.

  Drawing on years of training, he slowly packed away and contained his emotions and memories. Ensuring his markings were the deep blue of contentment, he raised his hand and knocked on the wooden door.

  Kalahn yanked it open after a few beats. "It's you."

  He raised an eyebrow. "Why? Were you expecting another male at your door?"

  Rolling her eyes, she turned and walked to the plush chair in the room. "This isn't Keldera. I can receive males and females without a chaperone."

  He shut the door and faced her. "I never mentioned a chaperone. After all, this is a freer society than back home. I suspect it will lead to many a female dallying before taking a lord."

  The second he said the words, Ryven wished he could take them back. He should not be talking about sex with a Kelderan princess.

  However, in Kalahn's usual stride, she didn't bat an eyelash and merely raised her brows. "Good. Because a female should be able to try out everything before committing her life to another."

  Before he could stop himself, he blurted, "Kalahn! You shouldn't mention such things."

  "You can take the male from Keldera, but apparently, you can't take Kelderan ways out of the male," she muttered.

  Not wanting to debate sexual encounters and the different standards for males and females, Ryven stood tall and clasped his hands behind him. "We're on Jasvar right now, not Keldera, which means our top priority should be protecting your sister. One of my warriors saw her return home not long ago. He and another are standing guard until we arrive."

  "Did Kason brief you on Kajala, too?"

  He shook his head. "Kason said you would do it."

  Surprise flashed in Kalahn's enchanting green eyes, but it quickly disappeared. "Well, the public record isn't as full of information as I would've liked. Most of the file was about her school records, awards, and recognitions. Apparently, Kajala is an engineering genius of some kind."
r />   "Isn't your nephew that way, too?"

  Kalahn scrunched her nose. "It's hard to think of twenty-two-year-old Kelzal as my nephew since I'm only three years older than him. But, yes, by all accounts Kelzal is a genius as well, albeit with computers and mechanical items. Kajala focuses more on architectural and structural engineering."

  He gestured with his head toward the file in Kalahn's hands. "What else does it say?"

  "That she's rarely ventured out of her quarters since arriving on Jasvar." She bit her bottom lip, drawing his attention. Since lingering may give her ideas, he quickly met her gaze again as she replied, "Which is odd because she was apparently quite social when she was younger. However, in recent months, she's quit all her social clubs and started working from home. "

  He tucked away all the relevant information. "I think the best way to figure out what's going on is to meet with her. Are you ready?"

  Tossing the folder on the chair, Kalahn took a few steps toward him. "Almost. I just want to make a few things clear, first. I'm in charge of watching over Kajala and you are merely here to protect us. I will be giving the orders, unless it concerns our safety. Then I'll hand it over to you."

  With Kalahn's head high and shoulders back, it was difficult to believe she was a Kelderan princess. Although Ryven had to admit to himself that he rather liked Kalahn's straightforward manner. "I agree to your terms." He took a step toward her and leaned forward a fraction. "However, the second there's danger or I sense a threat, you listen to me, no questions asked. I won't have time to argue."

  "I can follow orders if need be." He raised his brows and she sighed. "Usually. I will defer to your judgment in the majority of situations. However, no one person is correct 100 percent of the time. I hope that if I have a decent idea, you'll listen."

  "I will try, although usually I'm the one giving orders since I train others. It'll take some getting used to."


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