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Page 11

by Elise St. George

  I pull up to the restaurant and it’s a quaint little bistro. I park and see that Steve is already waiting outside the front door for me, and my heart starts beating very quickly. Here goes nothing. Steve spots me and immediately starts smiling.

  “Hey, Harley. Thank you for coming to dinner with me,” he says.

  “No problem,” I respond. “I was too drunk to have a real conversation with you so I may as well give you the opportunity now.”

  “I really appreciate it,” Steve says. “I want to be in a relationship with you, but I’m ok with being just friends too. All I know is that I want you in my life, and I’m not going to let anyone stop me again.”

  He grabs my hand and I start getting nervous. He once again renders me speechless, and I’m not sure how to respond to him. I decide to change the subject matter, and of course, my dumb ass picks the most awkward thing to speak about.

  “I didn’t know you and Loki were still cool,” I blurt out.

  “Yea,” he says. “He contacted me once you got accepted to Georgia Tech and told me that he was moving to Atlanta. He already knew I was here because I told him that I was moving here right before graduation. We’ve been talking ever since.”

  “Oh cool,” I say. I’m still not sure how I feel about it though. “So, you’re a police officer now like your dad.”

  “Kinda,” he says. “My mom had a childhood friend who was a longtime member of the Atlanta Police Department, and he was willing to let me live in his basement apartment so I could apply to the police force. I got in, obviously, and I’ve been doing that ever since. Ironically, it’s the department my dad started in but he left because he wasn’t moving up in the department.”

  That doesn’t surprise me. Steve’s dad is really ambitious. Hell, he’s running for sheriff right now, and it’s the whole reason he wanted his son to hook up with Crystal in the first place.

  “How are you doing in the department?” I ask curiously. I have a feeling he’ll be a better cop than his dad could ever be.

  “It’s funny you asked that...the chief pulled me in his office the other day and asked if I was going to take the detective’s exam once I turn twenty. He wants me to encourage my partner, Doug, to take the detective’s exam too,” he says.

  “That’s cool. Are you going to do it?” I ask.

  “I think so. The regular patrolling gets a little boring after a while and detective work is more challenging,” he admits. “I’m just not sure if Doug will do it. He’s stubborn as hell.”

  “I’d like to meet him someday,” I say softly.

  “Of course! I’d love for you to meet him!” he exclaims.

  He then proceeds to talk about Doug with so much energy, and I can tell that this man has become a father figure for Steve. I’ve never met Steve’s dad, but from what Loki tells me, he’s a social climber. Unfortunately, he doesn’t care whose life he fucks up on his way to success, and I’m glad he has someone in his life to make up for what his dad lacks. The food at the restaurant is really good, and we have some great conversations over dinner. I’d totally forgotten how easy it was to talk to him.

  We’re so stuck in the moment, we didn’t realize the restaurant was about to close and we had to leave, so he walks me to my car. He grabs my hand, pulls me close, and kisses me softly. I’m breathless and my body is on fire. He pulls away and lets me go.

  “Good night, Harley,” he whispers. “Text me when you get home.”

  “I will,” I whisper back.

  I drive back to my apartment in a bit of a stupor because I can totally see myself dating Steve. I think we’ve both grown and matured a lot and it could really work. I have so much on my mind that I walk straight to my room, and don’t even stop to talk to Livy. I lay down in my bed and text Steve to tell him I made it home, and he texts me good night. I lay down feeling like I’m walking on air.

  * * *

  The semester is coming to a close, and Steve and I are actually doing really great. We’re now officially dating, but we pretty much go out on all our dates. I haven’t been to his place and, other than dropping me off, he’s never really been to my place. Livy and I squashed our beef with Loki and I think they may be dating, but keeping it a secret. Brandon is still our friend, and he met momma when she came to visit us one weekend and, as predicted, momma basically adopted him too. So much so that Brandon is coming home with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I think he’s really excited about it.

  I haven’t told Ace about Steve and me, mainly because I don’t want him punching Steve in the face. Besides, Steve and I haven’t really done anything other than kiss yet and I’m hoping that we do that tonight. I already texted him and told him that I wanted to stay inside and watch movies and that he was more than welcome to come over, and I pretty sure he understood what I was really trying to say. I’m ready to take our relationship to the next level. I’m a little nervous because he’s never had sex before, and I’ve only had sex once and it was awkward. For some reason, I don’t think this will be awkward though.

  Thank goodness Livy agreed to stay at Brandon’s apartment because I’m not sure I’d have the courage to do this if she was here. Steve knocks on my apartment door, I let him in and give him a quick tour

  “I like your apartment and your room. I’ve been wondering what this room has looked like since high school,” he says with a chuckle.

  “I bet you were,” I respond. We sit on my bed and start watching Netflix together. It feels very comfortable, and it seems like we’re both superhero movie junkies. We sit there talking about the movie on the television in front of the bed before he starts trailing his hand up my leg slowly. My whole body instantly starts tingling at his touch and my breath begins to change.

  “Your legs are so soft,” he whispers in my ear. “How are your legs so soft? What do you shave with? God, I could run my hands up and down your legs all day.”

  His hand trails down my thigh, to my ankle, and his finger runs along my foot. My foot jerks and he laughs.

  “Ticklish, baby?” he asks with a chuckle.

  His hand runs back up my leg and goes all the way up my dress without touching me, and my breath catches. He gives me a sexy chuckle and does it again. Once again, my breath catches.

  “You like that, baby? Do you want me to go higher?” he whispers. I nod and he shakes his head.

  “No baby, I want you to say the words. Do you want me to go higher?” he asks again.

  “Yes please,” I respond.

  “So polite,” he says as his hand moves higher and goes inside me while his tongue trails up my neck. I moan a little and my hips thrust forward so his finger can go deeper inside, which gives him more confidence to continue. He pulls his finger out and circles my clit, making my moan louder. He slowly pushes his finger in and out of me while kissing me.

  “I want to taste you so badly, baby. Do you want that?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I hiss out. At this point, I’m so turned on that I can barely speak. Did he say that he hasn’t been with anyone? I find that so hard to believe. I mean, I’ve fooled around with a couple of guys the summer after graduation but none of those guys made me feel like this and all of those guys had sexual experience.

  Steve trails several tongue kisses down my neck and my stomach until he reaches my center and my eyes shut instantly. His tongue starts stroking up and down slowly and my back arches off the bed. He picks up his pace and his tongue goes in circles around my clit. Right when I’m about to cum, he goes back to the long and slow strokes. At this point, my body is on fire and I need him to pick up the pace.

  “Please,” I beg. “I need to cum.”

  Once he hears my words, he goes from licking to sucking my clit and I explode. He keeps licking me until I come down from my euphoria and moves back up my body to kiss me. We make out for a little while before he asks me what I want to hear.

  “You sure about this baby?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I say.

  He grabs
a condom, unwraps it, and puts it on, and then rubs his dick over my clit. Wow. I am overwhelmed and it feels like my orgasm isn’t stopping.

  “Oh baby, you’re really wet,” he says as he slides himself into me. I feel full, but not too full. It’s almost like we fit perfectly together and he can feel it too.

  “Shit,” he says softly. “You feel so good, baby. I’m not sure how long I can last.”

  He pumps in and out of me slowly, and I need more. I start bucking against him, he chuckles and starts pumping faster and faster.

  “Harder,” I hiss out.

  “Ok, baby,” he responds. In addition to going faster, he starts going deeper too. I’ve only been with one other person before this and it was nothing compared to sex with Steve. Steve starts cursing and I know he’s about to come so I squeeze my inner muscles and he starts cursing more and pumps harder, making me moan out in pleasure. The pleasure gets more intense and all he does is stare into my eyes with so much intensity that I can’t hold it any longer, we both cry out in release and Steve lands on top of me. You would think he would be heavy, but it’s actually strangely comforting.

  I don’t know what the future holds, but this moment is perfect.

  Chapter 26 - Steve, 19 years old

  It’s Thanksgiving, and I’m home for the holidays. Apparently, I’ve been summoned by my father to make an appearance since my dad was elected sheriff. Honestly, I’m only doing it because Harley convinced me to go. She’s going home too, and I don’t like being far away from her like that. I also want to go home because I have some people that I need to talk to, and it’s very important that I speak to both of them before I come back to Atlanta.

  I make sure to say goodbye to Doug, and he gives me a letter to give to my mom. They’ve been passing letters back and forth now for a while, and I’m surprised my dad hasn’t found out. Hell, maybe he doesn’t even care. I make sure to put mom’s note in a safe place before jumping in my car and heading home. Harley, Loki, Livy, and Brandon have already headed to Winslow but I only plan on staying home for a few days.

  After being in Atlanta for over a year now, I realize how small-minded the people of Winslow, Georgia really are. Hell, the only prominent black family in the town had to do some pretty shady stuff to be acknowledged as equals in the town and have most of the cops in their back pocket. Being in the city made me realize that there was no way Harley and I would’ve had a successful relationship if we stayed in town. Either one or both of us would’ve had to give up our families. I think living somewhere different has given us both the strength to not care about the people in this town and what they may think about our relationship. Still, Harley hasn’t told her family about me because she’s afraid her brother will kill me for how I treated her in high school.

  Of course, my mom knows about Harley but I’m not sure about my dad. If he does know, he hasn’t said anything about it yet. It takes me a few hours to get home and when I arrive, my mother is there to greet me with open arms. I haven’t seen her in a while, and she looks like she’s lost a lot of weight. I’ll mention it to Doug when I get back because I know he’s the only one that she’ll listen to. I stand there with my arms wrapped around mom for a minute, and casually slip Doug’s note in her hands. She looks grateful and tucks it in her dress.

  “Your father wants to meet with you in his office,” she says. I roll my eyes and she chuckles.

  “Be nice,” she reiterates. She knows that I’ve been getting tired of my father’s shit, and he’s making it harder and harder not to say anything. I make my way into the house and to my father’s office. I knock on the door and a voice tells me to come inside. I look at my father and, for the first time in my life, I feel nothing. I don’t feel mad at him for how he manipulated, I don’t feel the need to prove myself to him….I feel nothing.

  “What do you need?” I ask.

  “It’s good to see you, son,” he says casually. I say nothing...just sit there and stare at him. He shifts uncomfortably and clears his throat.

  “Well,” he starts. “We are throwing a Thanksgiving gala to raise money for the disadvantaged, and I would like for you to attend. Crystal will be your date.”

  “No,” I say. “I’ll go to your stupid ass gala, but don’t ever let that girl come near me.”

  “Seriously, son?” he asks. “That girl had your child and you’re going to snub her like that?”

  “My child?” I snort with disbelief. “You know that girl is a whore, right? The way you’re defending her, it sounds like you slept with her too.”

  His face starts getting red with anger, making me think that I hit a little too close to home with that comment. First of all…that’s gross. Second, how long has that been going on and I wonder if her dad knows that his successor is fucking his daughter? At least, I have that in my back pocket if something goes left.

  “Either way,” he continues. “She’s been dropping hints that you’re her child’s father, and I’ve been paying her off to keep her mouth shut. You’re welcome by the way.”

  I don’t know why this man keeps insinuating that I’m the father of this girl’s child. He has lost his fucking mind. I’m not about to be claiming anybody’s child without definitive proof that it’s mine, especially after the girl damn near raped me so she could make that claim.

  “Once again, I’ll go to the gala but keep that girl away from me,” I grit out.

  “Fine. Suit yourself. The gala is the day before Thanksgiving at six o’clock...make sure you’re here early so we can enter the gala as a family” he says dismissively.

  “Will do. Wouldn’t want your new, stuck-up friends to think less of you now would we?” I say as I’m shutting the door. I don’t need to see his face to know how pissed he was, and I chuckle knowing I got the last word.

  Welp. I guess my plan to visit the Burnt Kings clubhouse will just have to wait until the day after Thanksgiving since I’m sure they’re going to beat my ass for even showing my face, and I need to look pretty for this gala. Instead, I call Loki and ask to meet up with him. I already talked to Doug about my plan, and although he was hesitant about my plan, he just wants me to be happy. There are three other people that I need to talk to before I do what I need to do.

  I decided to bring mom to my meet up with Loki because it seemed easier to talk to them at the same time, and when I pull up to the restaurant with mom, Loki looks confused. I get a table with them and we order drinks and an appetizer.

  “So,” I start. “I brought you to dinner because I wanted to tell both of you that I’m planning on proposing to Harley. I know we’re young, but I can’t really see myself being with anyone else.”

  My mom squeals while Loki leans back with a smirk on his face.

  “I knew y’all belonged together,” he said. “I was just waiting for you to realize it.”

  “I’m so happy for you, baby boy,” my mom says. “Now, I’m glad you told me so I can actively hide this from your father until you two are officially married. He’ll try to sabotage you if he finds out.”

  Loki’s jaw drops and I laugh. This is the reason why I told mom. If anyone can hide something from my father, it would be her.

  “I’m buying an engagement ring with Doug when I get back to Atlanta and plan on proposing to her at Christmas. I still need to talk to her mom and her brother, though,” I tell them.

  “You’re not asking her father?” my mom asks.

  Loki and I look at each other and he nods to let me know it’s cool to tell mom about Harley’s family. “Her dad did some pretty shady stuff to her mom and brother, so they aren’t on speaking terms right now. Her brother, Ace, is the one that basically raised her.”

  “That’s how I know you’re ready to marry, Harley,” Loki tells me. “You’ve been able to crack her hard shell enough to know who she really cares about and who really cares about her. One of those stupid college boys would’ve asked her dad not realizing that they don’t get along. You two have been damn near in love f
or years now, you deserve some happiness.”

  I get out of my chair and hug Loki. This man has been with both of us through everything, and if I want anyone’s approval, then it’s his. He’s the only one who’s really been there for our entire relationship and been there through the ups and downs.

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it,” I whisper.

  “No problem,” he says quietly. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving and I hope those police pay you the big bucks because I’m hungry.”

  Mom laughs and kisses Loki on the cheek. “I will pay for dinner, Adam. I miss you, boys. Honestly, you two were the only ones who made living in that house bearable. I used to love when you would burst through the door wrestling with each other because it gave the house so much life. I grew up in a rowdy environment, so it made it feel more like home.”

  Loki looks at me curiously and I just shrug. Mom already told me that she doesn’t want anyone knowing her connection with the Burnt Kings. She is literally the original club princess of the Burnt Kings and married a man that hates motorcycle clubs with a passion. For that reason, she asked me not to go to the clubhouse in Atlanta once I started dating Harley. Apparently, I look exactly like her father, Ghost, did at my age. If he saw me, then he would know. Hell, the whole club would know. Even Doug cautioned me against it because they hate my dad and there’s no telling what they would do to me once they realized who I was.

  Next, I have to talk to Harley’s mom, which I don’t think will be that bad. However, I need Loki’s help to arrange it because she’s always accompanied by at least one member of the club. I’m leaving Ace for last because he’s going to want to punch me in the jaw as soon as he sees me.

  We finish dinner and mom and I head back to the house. I decide to just sleep at my parent’s and get this gala over with so I can get down to things that matter. I go through the next twenty-four hours of playing the politician’s son and avoid Crystal throughout the whole night. Once the gala is over, I check my phone and see that Loki texted me. He sent me the location of Harley’s mom, who is at the grocery store. I need to talk to her about Harley without anybody recognizing me.


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