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Her Master's Teacher

Page 25

by Lily White

  The men squirmed in their seats, hearing for the first time that Aiden had intentions for more than just simple entertainment in the coming hours. I wasn’t exactly sure what the business portion of the evening entailed, but, like the other men in the room, it made me nervous to hear it. Aiden had been non-specific in anything he’d told me throughout the day, giving me nothing more than cryptic warnings with a charming smile plastered across his face.

  “I don’t want to sully the festivities early on, so I’ll save the business meeting for after the entertainment we have planned, but please understand that tonight will not be a short one for those in attendance.”

  I was uncomfortable in my chair, trepidation creeping along my skin at the possibility of what Aiden had planned. I knew it involved me and that it involved my stepfather, but for what purpose I wasn’t sure. Looking at the men at the table, I quickly scanned their faces noting the presence of James and my stepfather, my stomach growing sick at the sight of both of them seated casually at the table.

  “So let’s begin. The courtesans will be serving our meals this evening. Please feel free to experience them as much as you’d like while still allowing them to move about freely and complete their tasks.”

  All the men joined in laughter at Aiden’s request and he nodded his head in approval. “I know you all are a group of dirty-minded bastards, so let me be specific. Do NOT throw any of the courtesans on the table and commence fucking them with reckless abandon. We’re eating and prefer not to lose our appetites at the appearance of any of your pale asses.”

  “Does that mean we can still fuck them as long as we cover our asses? I have no problem pulling my cock from my fly, if it’s the sight you’re concerned with, Aiden.”

  The corner of Aiden’s lips twitched with humor at Master Nathanial’s response. “Thank you, Nathanial, but I prefer not to chase my food across the plate due to the table being knocked back and forth.”

  More laughter sounded as Aiden took his seat. As if on cue, Rebecca came strolling in first, turning towards the entrance to the corridor and snapping her fingers for the other courtesans to begin.

  Seven courtesans in total came strolling seductively through the door carrying the first course of the evening on their polished silver trays. Claire was the last to walk into the room and my heart jumped into my throat at the sight of her. Unlike the others, she didn’t have an empty smile on her face. Even from across the room I could see the pain and shame hidden behind her eyes. Her face looked unnatural with the amount of make-up she wore, but the clothes that had been selected for her to wear were unable to hide the beauty of the figure hidden beneath them.

  She didn’t look in my direction at first, choosing instead to serve two of the men who were seated at the opposite end of the table. I watched her expression the entire time, noticing the way she flinched at first when the men groped her body, but would then fake her enjoyment of their attention.

  Aiden didn’t bother watching her as I’d assumed he would and I found it odd that he wasn’t studying the courtesan he was presenting. Normally he observed the new courtesan shrewdly, focusing on every minor error with their mannerisms or behavior in order to fine-tune them prior to sale. Tonight, his attention was focused elsewhere and when I followed his line of sight, I wasn’t surprised by what I found.

  Rebecca watched him from where she assisted in serving the society members. Behind sultry, hooded eyes she spoke to him without words, without the need to voice the thoughts that were so obvious in her stare.

  My soul splintered when I remembered that Claire would never have the opportunity to look at me like Rebecca did Aiden.

  Returning my attention to Claire, I wasn’t surprised to see that she refused to look in my direction. I didn’t know if it was due to anger or sorrow, but she wouldn’t allow herself to connect to me at all. With every hand that touched her body, I grew angry. I fought not to jump across the table at the men who caressed or squeezed her breasts, and especially at the ones who touched her between her legs, or the one man who took the liberty to flick her panties aside to stick his fingers up inside her body. A painful grimace would flash across her face each time before smoothly transitioning into a flirtatious smile.

  Two hours passed, eight courses total served by the courtesans. By the third course, I’d lost my ability to eat due to my anger and by the seventh I was ready to remove the head of each man who sat at the table. Each one had done something to violate Claire’s body, some of them even causing her to squeal in response to the way they touched her. As her pain grew, so did mine, but I was powerless to do a thing about it.

  If it were only my life that was on the line tonight, then I’d have lost it already. Knowing that hers was also in jeopardy was enough to keep me in my seat. Aiden must have been able to sense what I was feeling because every so often he would give me a knowing smile, the brow above his eye lifting in a silent challenge.

  The conversation between the men ebbed as dinner was served and the sound of Aiden’s spoon banging against a crystal champagne flute was heard as each man finished his dessert.

  “I have a toast I’d like to make, gentlemen.”

  The room grew silent, each man hanging in anticipation of Aiden’s words. I looked over Aiden’s shoulder and noticed Rebecca leading Claire into the room. Once they approached the table, Rebecca stood off in the background after placing Claire at Aiden’s side.

  Aiden stood up from his seat. “I like to dedicate this night to a man I’ve been training to become a Master within the society. Holland, please stand up.”

  To say I was shocked would be an understatement, but even more of one to say that I wasn’t terrified of what he would do next. Aiden was too calculating to do anything without obvious ulterior purposes in mind. If he was calling me into focus, he had a reason and it was most likely one that I wouldn’t find pleasant. Standing up from the table, I threw my napkin down onto my plate as I locked eyes with Aiden.

  He smirked before raising his glass. “To Holland. If it hadn’t been for him, we wouldn’t be here this evening.”

  Each man at the table glanced at me before returning their attention to Aiden.

  “To my side you will see the courtesan that Holland not only hand selected, but also stole from the world in order to train her for the pleasure and use of the society members.”

  A few catcalls sounded along the length of the table and the color in Claire’s face drained. The painful look in her eyes, however, was not a result of the attention she was receiving from the men, but because of what Aiden was saying.

  Turning to Claire, Aiden instructed, “You should thank Master Holland for his kindness in selecting you, Courtesan.”

  For the first time that night, she looked directly at me, moisture welling in her eyes and a single tear slipping down her cheek when she feigned a smile and complied. “Thank you, Master Holland.” Her words broke apart on the emotion she fought to contain.

  Aiden smiled. “Claire is one of the courtesans we’ll be presenting this evening, the other one coming from abroad from what I’ve been told by Master Nathaniel.”

  Retaking my seat, I refused to look away from Claire as Nathanial stood to speak.

  “That’s correct, Aiden, and I feel confident to say that my courtesan, Kai, is rare enough to compete against your lovely Rebecca.”

  “Then I see no reason for a delay. Let’s begin the entertainment portion of the evening. Shall we, gentlemen?”

  Each man nodded and murmured with their enthusiasm to get to the purpose for tonight’s presentation. I wouldn’t look away from Claire, wouldn’t allow her to hide from me until Rebecca escorted her from the room.

  Shuffled into the entertainment area behind the rest of the group, I immediately noticed the small stage that had been constructed at the front. On its surface sat a plain leather bench that was wide enough to allow one person to lie across.

  Aiden and Nathanial approached the stage, each man turning to view the audi
ence, waiting patiently for the society members to take their seats.

  With a neutral expression that gave away nothing about what he was thinking, Aiden watched me like a predator would its prey. I stared back at him, refusing to let him intimidate me.

  Once everybody was seated, Aiden began, “Rebecca, bring in the courtesan.”

  My breathing sped in my chest and my jaw hurt from how tightly I clenched my teeth. It wasn’t until Rebecca walked Claire into the room, up onto the stage and started removing her clothes that every muscle in my body tightened along my spine. Even though I knew this would be happening, that she would be presented just like every courtesan who came before her, it still didn’t help ease my anger at the display.

  Claire’s body trembled visibly once she was completely bare to the room and the men around me grunted their approval at the view. Aiden stepped up onto the stage once Claire was naked and he set to securing her in place over the bench. Her hands and feet were chained in place on the feet of the bench, leaving her face exposed on one side and her ass on the other.

  He stepped down, motioning to Nathanial to continue the show.

  Nathanial’s deep voice reverberated throughout the room as he spoke. “As many of you know, I was traveling the world over the past year and a half. During that time, I received an order for a male courtesan. I found one that fit the criteria and was delighted to begin training him while I was abroad. It was what I discovered about him on the first night of training, however, that made me realize just how valuable he was.”

  “Quit your preening, Nathanial, and get on with it already.” Aiden interrupted, half joking with the other Master.

  Nathanial laughed before calling his courtesan into the room. “Kai!”

  A dark-skinned man walked in, appearing from the same doorway that Claire had used just moments before. His features were exotic, cut in such a way that he appeared feminine in his beauty.

  Nathanial continued once Kai had taken his place at his side. “I’m not sure if any of you have heard the term ‘diphallia’ before, but that is exactly what I intend to show you tonight.”

  James straightened in his chair at what Nathanial had announced, the bored expression on his face suddenly one of cautious interest.

  “Kai…” Nathanial ordered. “…drop your pants.”

  The courtesan did as instructed, not hesitating for even a split second at his Master’s command. The gasps that echoed in the room were quickly followed by a confused silence as we all attempted to realize what it was we saw.

  “That’s right, gentlemen, Kai has two…” He held up two fingers on his hand. “…penises. Although the anomaly is rare to begin with, Kai is an especially unique example of the condition because both of his members work and can be used independently and simultaneously.”

  My jaw dropped.

  James stood up from his chair, peering closer at Kai’s two cocks. Nathanial chuckled at the reaction. “I told you, old man. I have something that not even you can say you’ve seen before. Sit back down and enjoy the show and I promise you that you’ll have the opportunity to examine Kai once the presentation is complete.”

  For the first time since I’d known him, James smiled as he sat in his seat.

  Aiden remained patient for the murmurs and excited exchanges to quiet down before he spoke again. “I promised you a demonstration of two courtesans this evening and that is exactly what I’ll deliver.”

  Understanding hit me like a speeding train and I glared at Aiden for what he planned to do. He locked his eyes with mine, keeping his expression blank before turning to walk up onto the stage. Kneeling down at Claire’s head, he stroked his hand over her hair, whispering something in her ear. Standing again, he moved to the side allowing Kai to pass him in route to the other side of the bench.

  Kai kneeled down immediately, placing his hands on Claire’s trembling thighs before licking between her legs. Her body jumped in place at first contact, but eventually she stilled, small moans escaping her mouth as he tasted her. Kai became visibly excited and both cocks grew in size between his legs. Once Claire orgasmed and screamed out her release, Kai stood up behind her to display his hard cocks.

  I shook my head in disbelief, noticing immediately how Claire’s shaking body caused the bench itself to rock over the stage. She placed her forehead on the bench in attempt to hide from what was being done, but Aiden stepped forward, wrapping his fingers into her red hair to lift her head from the leather padding.

  “You won’t get away from us that easily, Courtesan. Your mouth is going to be just as useful as your ass and cunt.”

  The men laughed and I straightened in my seat. What was the asshole doing now?

  “Gail Carlisle. Will you please step up on the stage?”

  Aiden spoken the last word before my stomach clenched and my blood began to boil. My stepfather stood up from the group, his pudgy belly hanging over the loose tuxedo trousers he wore. He smiled at the men, reaching up with his hand as he brushed his grey hair into place on his head. My hands gripped the sides of my chair, the bones in my fingers threatening to snap with the strength of my hold. I could feel the veins in my head throbbing with my increased blood pressure and the tendons in my neck stick out from my rage. I looked away from Gail up to Aiden’s knowing smile and I couldn’t help but explode.

  “Stop!” I shouted as I sat up from my chair so forcefully, the chair itself tipped back on its legs landing in the lap of the man who was sitting behind me. “Don’t fucking do this to her!”

  The room was dead silent in reaction to my outburst, a dozen set of eyes now looking between Aiden and me.

  The bastard smiled to finally see my anger reach a level where I could no longer contain it. I realized quickly, it was his intention all along to push me to this point.

  Without losing his typical blank expression, he asked, “Masters Troy and Collin. Would you please secure Master Holland?”

  The men stood up and crossed the room in an attempt to hold me in place. I broke free of both of their holds, determined now more than ever to finally show Aiden just how much I hated him. I had nothing left to lose and this display wouldn’t hurt Claire because it didn’t betray the secrets she’d whispered to me last night. If I could just reach him, I wouldn’t be pulled away until he was left a bloody mess on the floor.

  I wasn’t fast enough and both men tackled me from behind before I reached the front of the room. Struggling in vain against them, I watched as Aiden’s smile grew brighter with my continued rebellion. Once Troy and Collin had me held in place, he winked.

  “And here I just got finished toasting to your success. Troy and Collin, please bring Holland to the front of the room. I want to make sure he has an unobstructed view for the final presentation.”

  My stepfather’s face blazed with anger, embarrassed to see me acting out. He knew I’d be removed from the society and subsequently killed for my display. I didn’t fucking care. I was glad to embarrass the asshole, glad to steal from him the dream he had of being father to one of the Masters in the society.

  Aiden led Gail up the stairs, positioning him in front of Claire before turning towards the audience. He looked at me and sneered, the pure malice of his thoughts clearly visible in his smug expression.

  “Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to Claire’s new owner, Gail Carlisle.” Aiden began speaking and Gail smiled, not realizing what Aiden knew about the arrangement that we’d made.

  “As such, I’m going to let Gail take part in the festivities tonight.” Aiden glanced at Gail from over his shoulder. “Go ahead, whip it out. You know you want to.”

  It didn’t take another word to convince my stepfather to pull out his cock in anticipation of fucking Claire’s face. I looked over at Rebecca for only a second and noticed the hatred that was clear in her expression. Gail had been the source of her own pain growing up and now he was the source of Claire’s.

  “I’ll step aside while you two have fun.” His eyes flicked to
me. “I hope you enjoy the show, Holland.”

  Gail wasted no time shoving himself inside Claire’s mouth and her cheeks dipped in from the way she immediately sucked in his length. The bench rocked in place, the chains on her ankles and wrists jingling together from the terror and movement in her body.

  She didn’t make a sound when Kai inserted one of his cocks into her cunt, but when he attempted to shove the second into her ass, she screamed. Tears were immediately visible on her face, but Gail wouldn’t give her the time to express her pain. Immediately gripping her hair in his hand, he shoved himself back inside her mouth, rocking his hips back and forth as she choked on his cock and her own sobs.

  Helpless to stop them, I watched as Kai finally inserted himself in both holes and the room burst out with the approval and the booming applause of the men in the audience.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  It hurt, the fullness of having him in both my ass and pussy feeling like it would tear me in two as he moved. I tried to relax, tried to remember the techniques I’d learned when Aiden had me for a week, but nothing I did helped ease my muscles from the death grip they held on both his cocks. He pulled out slowly at first, using his fingers to apply lubrication to the shafts before pushing them back in again. I couldn’t help the cries and whimpers that broke free of my lungs in response to the agony. Even those were muffled by the cock of a man whose enthusiasm had him slamming into the back of my throat, laughing as he choked me time and time again.

  Tears poured down my cheeks and my hair burned along my scalp where the man in front of me gripped his hand. He pulled it tightly, not out of necessity, but in order to inflict more pain. I didn’t need to look at him or even talk to him to know he was a cruel son of a bitch. He wore his viciousness like a second skin, making it impossible to ignore when he stood near you.


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