Hafiz and the Religion of Love in Classical Persian Poetry
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Incident in a Mosque. By Shaykh-Zāda, probably painted in Herāt, AD 1526 or 1527. Painting (recto, text; verso, folio 77r) from a Dīvān of Ḥāfiẓ, left-hand side of a bifolio. Harvard Art Museum, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Gift of Stuart Cary Welch, Jr., 1999.300.2. Photo: Allan Macintyre © President and Fellows of Harvard College.
Lady Belovéd within the Prayer-Niche, Holding A Sprig of Narcissi. By Muḥammadī of Herāt, ca. AD 1565. Detached album leaf. Soudavar collection, on loan to the Sackler Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Majnūn First Sees Laylī in the Mosque-School within the Prayer-Niche. By Bihzād or his fellow-painter Qāsim ‘Al.. Herāt, AD 1494. Illustration to a Khamsa of Niẓāmī.; British Library, Or. 68100, folio 106 verso.