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Dinosaur Love (Story Collection #1)

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by Black, Natalie

  The T-Rex reared back, revealing his desire. Dripping with saliva, she licked it as it ran down her soft, full lips and found her hands moving down her body, first they clutched at her breasts then she slipped her fingers inside her, aroused by the knowledge that she had had such an effect on such a mighty being. She gasped as she pleasured herself for the T-Rex, and as she opened her eyes they locked with his. In that moment they were connected beyond any physical plane and Lura knew what they both wanted.

  Tentatively, she stepped forward and first placed her hands against his thick legs. She ran them over the scales; they were surprisingly smooth and made a nice sound as she dragged her fingernails along them. Pressing her body against his leg, she kissed it softly and she knew by his movement that it pleased him. She gazed up and laughed with delight, still astounded that a creature of such magnitude had chosen her over everything else. She walked underneath his belly and swelled with desire as she approached the throbbing cock that was waiting for her touch.

  She stood in awe of it for a moment or two, and then placed her hand on the shaft, running it up to the tip. The dinosaur jerked so she slowed down and stroked him gently, kissing it softly, wondering how the scales would feel inside her. Excitedly, she ran her hands along it one last time and then skipped out in front of him, kneeling down and crawling over the grass, baring himself to him.

  He didn’t hesitate.

  She was apprehensive as she felt him come toward her, as she wondered whether she could handle the sheer size, but the anticipation was like nothing she had ever felt before and she was discovering previously hidden realms of exhilaration. By now her thighs were slick with her own juices and the dinosaur entered her. It hurt at first, but soon her mind was exploding with pleasure as she adjusted to accommodate him. Each thrust was powerful and she had to grip fistfuls of grass to not be hurled forward, but everything was a blur as they gave each other everything. She screamed louder than she ever had before as was overwhelmed by the pleasure of the moment, both the feeling of him reaching deep inside her and her hair and back being blasted by his hot breath took her to the point of orgasmic pleasure where she writhed and shuddered as her body was flooded with waves of passion. He, too, was overwhelmed and it wasn’t long before she felt him erupt inside of her, his hot stream filling her and gushing out like a tidal wave, the moment made even more intense as he roared, proclaiming his dominion over everything that existed. After a final few thrusts he released her, she spun and lay on her back, utterly satisfied and breathless.

  Lura watched him lie down too; it seemed he was satisfied for the moment. She crawled over and rested against him, her body still sticky from his saliva. Her hands crept down and rubbed herself, catching some of their mingled fluids on her finger. She brought it up to her lips and tenderly licked it, letting out a soft moan as the sweet liquid rolled down her throat. Never had she felt so free, never had she felt so happy.

  Shac was leading his group through the depths of the jungle. The tracks were not hard to follow because few things left footprints as big as a T-Rex.

  ‘I will not let her be taken from me,’ he thought, ‘no-one can take anything from me.’ His grim resolve drove them on, even after some of his party voiced their doubts.

  “Turn back now? There is no place for cowards in my tribe. If you want to turn back then go, but do not think about returning to camp. Cowards get exiled.” Nobody voiced any doubts after that. It was a long trek but Shac showed no signs of slowing, and he wouldn’t allow anyone else to show any sign of weakness either. At one point though he wondered just how long they would have to follow the tracks for, when they heard screams in the distance followed by a terrifying roar.

  “Come on!” Shac urged, running towards the sound. ‘I knew she was still alive,’ he thought, ‘after this she will have no choice but to marry me, and then I will have everything.’ But he had no idea what he was about to stumble upon. As they made their way through the plants and trees they finally came to a place where they could see the area, and all but Shac gasped.

  They saw Lura lying naked against the dinosaur, and they were filled with disgust.

  “What do we do?” Jheri asked in a whisper.

  “We kill it,” Shac replied grimly.

  They crept up quietly and readied their spears; the bowmen stayed to the rear and angled their weapons, ready to strike. When everyone was in position Shac gave the signal, and they burst forth. Arrows were loosed and swept through the air, hurtling down around Lura and the dinosaur. She screamed as she realized what was going on and the T-Rex rose, although his hide was already peppered with arrows. Shac and the others ran forward, hurling spears towards the monster, who reared and cried out in pain. Lura was screaming for them to stop but they paid no heed to her.

  The T-Rex fought back, swinging his tail and roaring but the relentless barrage of arrows and spears was too much. Ignoring his fear, Shac drove forward and plunged his weapon into the beast’s underbelly. The dinosaur howled in pain as it crumpled to the floor, and so too did Lura. The arrows and spears still didn’t stop though, not even when the dinosaur had taken its last breath. With tear-stained cheeks Lura ran to the dinosaur and hugged his bloodied body, that body that had brought her everything she wished for now was just a lifeless carcass with arrows and spears sticking out. Splintered wood surrounded her and the blood seeped into her hair as she tried to will the creature back to life, but it was entirely hopeless.

  As she sobbed the members of her tribe watched on with pity, wondering what turn of events had caused her to act this way. Shac, however, remained merciless.

  “I, Shac, your father, have slain this mighty beast. I am the greatest warrior ever known and all who know the name Shac will know fear. We have done a great deed today and I am proud of you all, but this will not be the last battle we see. This day begins a new era for our tribe, and I will make sure we become the dominant species,” he said, snarling. His surly demeanor unnerved the others yet they could do nothing but offer him their worship.

  Shac turned to the weeping Lura and said, “And you, my queen, you shall become my wife and mother of the tribe or everyone will know what you did here.”

  “I am not ashamed,” she said weakly.

  “You should be, and you will be because I am now the father of the tribe which means I make the truth, and no matter how you try to defend yourself I will come up with a new story and you will be hounded and taunted for the rest of your life.”

  “You’re a monster!” she screamed.

  Shac laughed.

  “No, I killed the monster,” he replied, and instantly picked her up and carried her away back to a life that she thought she had finally escaped from.

  As she was carried back she looked at the dead T-Rex. ‘Shac is wrong,’ she thought, ‘I am already a queen, and I will avenge my king.’ She had tasted the power of being with the T-Rex, and she knew that nothing else would ever compare. She would relive that taste; she had to. It was only a matter of time…

  The End

  ~ Romanced by the Raptors ~

  At the dawn of time humans were spread over the world and stayed in their own little corners of the Earth, rarely, if ever, interacting with each other. The small tribes were close-knit and the communities were there to support, nurture and protect each other because at that time humans were not the only dangerous animals in existence, for they shared the land with the mighty dinosaurs, and each day was a test of survival for those vulnerable people. Danger lurked around every corner and in every shadow was the potential for them to meet their doom; their lives were perennially poised on a knife-edge.

  Due to this, any task or activity they pursued had to be done with at least one other person. This led to strong bonds being formed between certain sets of people, and so it was with Janee and Tara. They were now in the full bloom of womanhood and they had been friends since their mothers had given birth to them mere hours apart. Having been raised together, their kinship was stronger than
most and they couldn’t imagine their lives without each other. Even now they shared the same cave, although they couldn’t have been more different.

  Janee was the eldest and was a tall, slender woman with an athletic frame. Her black hair came down and stopped abruptly at her shoulders; when it started to creep past that length she took a knife to it and cut a jagged path through the strands. She was graceful and gentle and the object of desire for every virile man in the tribe, yet she treated them with extreme disinterest. Tara only wished she could emulate her friend’s indifference, for she was extremely envious of the attention Janee received.

  Tara had always been one to fade into the background. It wasn’t that she was ugly, but anyone who stood next to Janee always appeared ordinary. It didn’t help that Tara suffered from a lack of confidence so she had no way of projecting the same aura that Janee did. But she was opposite; short, with a round face whose cheeks were marked with dimples. Her blonde hair cascaded down, reaching just past the half-way point on her back, and the loose strands draped over her ample bosom. In any other tribe she would have been the most desired, but her beautiful glow was always dimmed by Janee.

  That did not mean she resented her friend, it only meant that Tara saw Janee as a role model; something to which she could aspire. This hero worship led to another layer to their relationship, one that had as yet gone unspoken and unexplored. During the cold nights they lay together in the cave, but underneath their fur blankets their bare skin pressed against each other. They held each other tightly with bodies entwined and their arms clasping each other as if they were both holding onto precious jewels. On some occasions Tara felt a stirring deep within her soul, and she was tempted, oh so tempted to brush Janee’s ruby lips with her own. However, she could never summon the courage and the moment always slipped away, eternally beyond her tentative grasp.

  On this particular day the sun blazed high in the sky and they were washing some of the loin cloths by the river when the hunting party returned. The crystal water babbled gently before them, and they playfully splashed each other, which helped them to keep cool as the sun beat heavily on their skin. Once the cloths were washed they set them out on the nearby rocks to dry, and as they did so Bruc approached them.

  At first their backs were turned to him so they were surprised when a long shadow fell over them, but as they turned and squinted they saw that it was the heroic warrior who led the hunts. His broad shoulders appeared wider than normal and his hair was swept over his forehead, clinging to it because of the sweaty sheen that made his skin glisten. His stature was so impressive that as he stood there he almost looked like a supernatural being that was visiting them from some far-off land.

  “It will be a fine feast tonight,” he said in a booming baritone, “the hog led us on a long chase but eventually we caught him, I hope you will eat with me tonight.”

  Even though he looked at both of them, Janee and Tara knew who his request was directed at. Tara tried to keep a smile on her face, but she glanced between Janee and Bruc and felt herself wilting in the presence of the two imposing people. It took a while for Janee to answer, and Tara’s feelings of self-consciousness increased. She wished she could think of something witty to say to bridge the icy tension but her mind was blank, and all she could do was sit there numbly and wait for either Janee or Bruc to drive forward the conversation.

  “Perhaps I will,” Janee eventually replied with a wicked smile, but then she sighed and her expression transformed to one that was far more reticent, “but then again this heat does drain my energy so much, it feels like nature is urging me to rest. The only thing I have an appetite for at the moment is sleep.” Janee turned her head away and gazed at the rippling water while Bruc huffed.

  “Perhaps when the night is cooler you may grow hungry,” he said, struggling to keep his voice even as his frustration bubbled under the surface, “there is always a place for you at my side.” He waited for a few moments to see if Janee reacted, but she remained unmoved. Bruc snorted and moved off, and then Janee exploded in a fit of giggles. Tara’s mouth was agape, astonished at her friend’s carefree dismissal of the most eligible man in the tribe.

  “How could you be so cavalier about him? Bruc asked you to feast with him! Any woman would die for such an opportunity.”

  “Not any woman,” Janee replied, “you have much to learn, sometimes it is not a good idea to give a man what he wants. They are hunters, let them hunt. Besides, Bruc is not really my type.”

  Tara’s mouth fell open.

  “Not your type?! He’s the most handsome, heroic man who has ever lived. One day he will rule this tribe and whoever he chooses as his wife will surely be remembered in legend. Oh, to even be considered, but he never looks at me, only you…” the despondency was clear in her voice and Janee could not ignore it.

  “You place far too much emphasis on being wanted and where you’ll end up. Do not worry so much about the future, enjoy today, for it is full of possibilities that you haven’t even considered. There is a whole world out there waiting for you and you haven’t even taken a sip yet.”

  There was something about the twinkling in her eyes that intrigued Tara, and she wondered if there was any hidden meaning to Janee’s words. However, as she was trying to decipher them Janee reached forward and brought forth a huge wave, soaking Tara. She screamed as the water hit her and sat there in shock for a few moments before she burst into laughter, then, with a malicious grin, she leapt forward and tackled Janee. The two of them rolled around in the grass, giggling, as Tara shook her wet hair in Janee’s face. It tickled the elder, and soon enough they lay there, basking in the sun, chests heaving as they caught their breath from laughing so much.

  The two of them were side by side, and as their laughter dissipated Janee sent her hand across and played with Tara’s fingers. Their eyes met; Tara’s were as blue as the ocean and Janee’s were brown like chocolate.

  “You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, you’re special, you know,” she said, smiling. Tara returned the smile but it was a forced one.

  “I think you’re the only one who thinks that. It’s not as if anyone else really notices me.”

  “That’s their loss,” Janee said quickly, but it was clear that Tara remained unconvinced.

  “Sometimes,” she continued, “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I could never have got through this life without you.”

  Tara scoffed.

  “It’s true!”

  “You’ve never needed me that much,” Tara said.

  “Do you not remember when we were children…?”

  Tara stared at her blankly.

  “You don’t remember when we went exploring at the ravine and I was dancing near the edge? I slipped and fell and just managed to grab a branch, but you crawled over with a long stick and helped me climb out. If you hadn’t have been there or hadn’t helped I would have fallen to my death, there was no way I could have held on any longer than I did. You really don’t remember?”

  Tara tried to think back, and she thought she remembered but it was almost as if it were a dream. Everything was so hazy.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, “the past fades away quickly with me. I don’t remember much of what happened, just general feelings and people. How old were we?”

  “We were no more than five or six. I think of that day often.” Janee turned her head away, but this time it was different than when she had turned away from Bruc. Her eyes seemed to gaze past the fabric of the world, and she was taking Tara with her to an intimate and private place.

  “You can’t imagine what it was like hanging off that ravine, I could feel my fingers slipping and I couldn’t see anything below me, there was just…black. I thought if I fell I would never stop falling, and I would be lost forever. You know when Bruc had that brush with the demon from the skies and he said when he saw it flying at him his life flashed before his eyes, because he thought he was going to die? It wasn’t like that for me. Maybe because
I was so young and I didn’t have many memories to relive, but instead of my own life I saw all the possibilities of the future. I saw myself grow old, and I knew I wanted to live. When you pulled me up I made a promise to myself that I would never hold myself back from anything, and so far I haven’t. That’s why I may seem so different sometimes, and why some things aren’t as important to me as they are to others. Everyone else here feels the same way and they want the same things, and maybe I will too someday, but for now it isn’t enough…there are other things that interest me.”

  “And what are they?”


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