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Debra Webb - Depraved (Faces of Evil Book 10)

Page 21

by Unknown

  Radius… arm bone.

  “What the hell?”

  Memories fired one after the other. Going into the garage below her apartment to flip a breaker, stubbing her toe on that big wooden box, and finding that silver wedding band on the floor. Her apartment being broken into. The hole in her bathroom floor that wouldn’t stay filled. The missing pregnancy test. George painting over the message written on her door. Him swinging an andiron to rescue her from a killer who’d come here looking for her. Rushing out to warn her that a stranger, a woman, walking bare foot with a gun, had gone up to her apartment.

  Jess stared at the bone in her hand. She was no forensic anthropologist, but this bone didn’t look as if it had been buried for very long. Had he seen Captain Allen tampering with her car and done something to protect her?

  George Louis was an old man. A hermit, for the most part. He wasn’t a killer.

  Was he?

  Jess had spent nearly two decades chasing and profiling killers. She couldn’t have missed that kind of evil living right next door to her.

  The creak of hinges drew her attention upward. George stood in the open doorway.

  “You should come inside, Jess.”

  Her gaze lowered to the weapon in his hand.

  For heaven’s safe.

  “What’re you doing, George?” Next to her the puppy kept digging.

  “Come inside and we’ll talk,” he said, his voice oddly calm.

  “All right.” Jess stood. She dusted off her hands and knees. “I haven’t had a cup of coffee yet.” Whatever was going on in that head of his, she needed to ensure he didn’t get excited.

  “I have decaf,” he said, a note of hope infusing his tone. “Isn’t that better for the baby?” He stepped back, opened the door wider for her to come inside.

  Jess pushed a smile into place. Oh yes, he’d taken that pregnancy test all right. “It sure is. I’d love a cup of decaf.”

  George closed the door behind her, leaving Bear still digging madly. “I have your favorite blend.”

  “Columbian dark roast?” she asked, going for hopeful.

  “Oh yes, it’s very rich.”

  He’d been in her apartment snooping—a lot, it seemed. “I should wash my hands.”

  “Of course.” He busied himself at the coffeepot, his attention divided between her and his preparations. “I read that during pregnancy you should wear gloves when working in the yard. It’s safer that way.”

  “I should’ve thought of that.” She went to the sink, not three feet from him, and turned on the water. “You think the weather’s going to start cooling off?” She pumped soap into her hands and rinsed them under the running water.

  While George offered his thoughts on the sort of fall they could expect, she scanned the counter for a weapon. Dammit. Why couldn’t he have a knife lying handy?

  Her attention lit on the stove and the cast iron skillet of bacon sizzling there. Lying next to the skillet was the fork he was using for turning the meat. Jess glanced at George then reached toward the—

  “While the coffee brews, you must come see what I’ve done.”

  Jess jerked her hand back then wiped both on her t-shirt. “What have you done, George?” She felt confident they weren’t talking about the same thing.

  “It’s a surprise.” He smiled that bashful smile of his. “Just for you.”

  Jess glanced at the gun he still held. “We don’t really need that, do we, George?” She shrugged. “It’s just the two of us.”

  He glanced at the gun. “Don’t try to fool me, Jess.” His gaze leveled on hers. “I’m not nearly as naïve as you think.”

  “If it makes you feel more confident, then keep it.” She forced her lips back into a smile. “Just be careful where you point it. We have to keep the baby safe.”

  He adjusted his aim ever so slightly. “Yes, of course.”

  “What do you want me to see, George?”

  “This way.” He gestured with his weapon. “It’s the basement. You’re going to love what I’ve done with it.”

  Hoping Dan would wake up and come looking for her, Jess walked toward the door beyond the table. She hadn’t been in the basement before so she wasn’t really sure if the door led to a pantry or to the basement. “Here?”

  “Yes. The switch is to your right on the landing.”

  Jess opened the door. A short landing stood between her and a set of stairs that led into the darkness.

  “Turn on the light and watch your step.”

  Jess flipped the switch and then grasped the railing. Taking her time, she descended into the basement. It was huge. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she realized the main area was an almost exact replica of her apartment. Same bed, similar sofa, and tables. The little kitchen nook and closet area were the same. There were two interior doors. In her apartment there was only one that led to the bathroom.

  “I worked hard to get everything right.”

  He ushered her toward one of the doors. When he opened it she could have been looking at her own bathroom.

  “I wanted you to feel at home.”

  I suppose, when the time comes, you’ll be moving with him.

  George’s words echoed in her head. He’d asked her just last week if Dan had found a new house and if she’d be moving.

  I’ll miss you, Jess.

  She thought of all the things he’d done to make her more comfortable. The motion activated light on her landing and the porch glider she’d enjoyed so much.

  Your presence makes life interesting, Chief Harris.

  George Louis was lonely. He didn’t want Jess to move away. She turned to him. Was that his only motive?

  “You’ve done a wonderful job, George. I can’t tell you how much safer I feel knowing you’re here to take care of me.”

  His smile broadened as he tried to decide what to do with his free hand. “Thank you, Jess.” His smile dimmed suddenly. “I’m sorry you had to find out about that terrible Captain Allen. I was only protecting you. He wanted to hurt you. I caught him in the act.”

  “He can’t hurt me,” Jess reminded him. “Because you took care of him.”

  George nodded. “I did. I hit him over the head with my hammer. I just kept hitting him until he stopped moving.” Fury tightened his lips. “Then I dragged him into the garage and waited until I could clean up the mess.”

  “You cleaned it up so well no one would ever know.” Jess tucked her hair behind her ear. “Allen was an arrogant bully who got what he deserved.”

  George laughed, the sound more like a giggle. “He wasn’t so tough after I got through with him.” His expression twisted into one of pure evil. “I cooked him until he was nice and tender and falling off the bone. He made the best stew and jerky. Oh and the sausage. Everybody loved it.”

  Bile gushed into Jess’s throat. She ran for the toilet.

  She gagged repeatedly, but there was nothing to throw up since she hadn’t eaten.

  “Are you all right, Jess?”

  She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Yes. Sorry.” She flushed the toilet. “The morning sickness is no fun.”

  “Should I get you something?”

  She shook her head. “The coffee will be fine.”

  “I forgot all about the coffee.” He stepped clear of the door. “Come along and let me show you the rest, then we’ll have breakfast.”

  Jess walked past him as she exited the bathroom. If he would just lower that weapon the tiniest bit she could try to take it away from him.

  “Wait until you see what’s behind door number two.” He ushered her to the other door. “I was so worried when you started spending so much time at Dan’s house. I thought you might not come back.” He sighed. “I hope you know I was very careful when I started the fire. You were never in danger. I was watching closely.”

  Shock radiated through her. George had set the fire at Dan’s house? “I… I’m certain you were very careful.”

  “Of cour
se.” He smiled, almost bouncing with excitement. “Now, close your eyes.”

  Jess closed her eyes and he led her through the second door. She heard the distinct sound of a light switch.


  She opened her eyes and her heart lunged into her throat. Another moment was required for her brain to come to terms with what her eyes saw.

  A nursery. George had created a nursery. The image of that Babies R Us packaging she’d seen in his trashcan floated before her eyes. I’m already putting together my Christmas donation for the Children’s Charity.

  Jess moistened her lips. “This is beautiful, George.” She decided to go for broke. “Dan will love it, too.”

  George shook his head adamantly. “Dan can’t be here. This is just for you and the baby. Dan was supposed to be gone by now.”

  Jess tensed. “I didn’t know. Did he tell you he was leaving?”

  “Spears did. He promised Dan would be gone. I did everything he told me to do, including taking care of that nurse. I even let him bring Nina here to stay in your room until he was ready for her to do her part. We had a deal. Spears said Dan would be dead and that I could have you after he was finished.” George puffed out a frustrated breath. “He didn’t follow through on either promise.”

  Her blood going cold, Jess chose her response carefully. “He did a lot of that. Eric Spears was nothing but a liar.”

  “He promised he would kill Dan, but he wasn’t man enough to get the job done.”

  Jess flinched before she could school the reaction. “Dan could still go to jail for Captain Allen’s murder.”

  “I should think so. I certainly did my part. I planted the ring and the phone. Spears had no idea I did that part. I came up with my own plan.”

  “Spears let you down,” Jess suggested.

  “He did.” George stepped closer. “I know why.”

  “Tell me why, George?”

  “He wanted you all for himself.”

  “I think you’re right about that. He was a selfish man.”

  He scrubbed at his face with his free hand and adjusted his glasses. “This is his fault anyway. He made me watch you. I couldn’t help myself. I watched you and I fell in love with you. He made me want you. He promised me I could have you, but he intended to take you for himself all along.”

  Jess manufactured a smile. “Well, he can’t have me now, can he?”

  “No, he can’t.” George smiled. “I’m going to take care of you. It was me who left your mother’s music box at your door. Spears never had it. He was looking everywhere for it, but he couldn’t find it. I kept it safe from him. I only told you he brought it here because I saw the news and I was worried you were out there trying to find him. I wanted to keep you safe.”

  How had George ended up with the music box? “How did you find it?”

  “Oh, that minister came to see you. He was really worried. He left it with me to keep safe for you since you weren’t home. I told Spears about his visit, but not about the music box. Spears killed him.” George shook his head. “I would never kill a man of God. Spears will pay for that.”

  “He will,” Jess agreed. She hoped he was burning in hell right this minute. Why hadn’t Reverend Henshaw come to her office? He might still be alive if he had.

  “You look hungry,” George said, jerking her back to the present. “Come along. I smell the bacon all the way down here.”

  Jess climbed the stairs slowly. She prayed Dan was looking for her already. As she reached the door into the kitchen, she spotted him outside and her heart did another one of the frantic lunges. Dan was at the back door peering into the kitchen. Jess held up a hand and made a gun with her thumb and forefinger the way kids did when they were using their imagination.

  Dan backed out of view.

  “Would you like eggs with your bacon?” George asked as he moved to the stove. He turned off the flame under the skillet with the bacon and reached for a nonstick pan. “I love mine scrambled. I use a little of the bacon drippings instead of butter. My sister taught me to do it that way.”

  Keep him distracted, Jess. “You must still miss her. Your sister, I mean.”

  George’s expression turned cold. “Not really. Burying her lovers in the garage grew quite tedious. I can’t tell you how many times I redid that concrete floor.” He opened the egg carton. “She truly was a marvelous cook though.”

  Jess cleared the shock from her face and leaned against the counter. “I have to warn you, George. I’m a terrible cook.”

  With George’s back to the window and door, Jess tried to see what Dan was doing but she didn’t dare move in that direction.

  George reached over and patted Jess on the shoulder. She jumped. “You won’t have to cook. I’ll do everything.”

  The sound of glass shattering caused George to whirl around.

  Jess grabbed the skillet and swung it. Hot grease and bacon flew through the air. The handle burned her palms as the skillet connected with the back of George’s head.

  He hurled forward.

  His weapon discharged.

  Jess dropped the skillet and rammed her full body weight into him, sending him crashing to the floor.

  Dan came through the door.

  “Where’s the gun?” Jess called out.

  One, then two seconds elapsed.

  “Got it.”

  George wasn’t moving.

  Jess’s heart thundered so hard she could scarcely think. She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs.

  Dan checked George’s carotid artery. “He’s alive. I’ll restrain him. You call 9-1-1.”

  Her legs wobbled when she stood. She went to the nearest landline and made the call before collapsing against the wall and then sliding down to the floor.

  With George secured, Dan walked over and sat down next to her. “You okay?”

  Jess nodded. “I think so.” She drew in a big breath. “That’s Captain Allen buried out there. George is the one who planted the evidence against you. He’s one of Spears’s followers.” Tears crowded at the back of her throat as she told Dan the story. She wanted to cry. She really did, but by God she was sick of tears.

  “He can’t hurt us now.”

  Jess searched his eyes and somehow managed a smile. “The way I attract sociopaths and psychopaths are you sure you want to go through with this wedding?”

  Dan got to his feet and offered his hand. She put her hand in his and he helped her up. “Absolutely,” he promised. “Just remind me not to buy any iron skillets.”

  She hugged him hard. “We have to talk about the barbecue and stew we’ve been eating.”

  Dan’s face fell. “I’m not so sure I want to know.”

  The sound of sirens and Bear barking signaled help had arrived.

  “I don’t think I’ll tell Harper either.”

  Jess walked over to where George Louis had started to squirm and moan. Envy was a powerful emotion. Men had been committing murder to get what they wanted since Cain and Abel. George had his place on the evil scale, even if he didn’t look the part.

  As the house filled with cops and crime scene techs, Dan’s cell rang. Paramedics hefted George onto a gurney as an officer read him his rights.

  “That was Harper,” Dan said, putting his phone away. “He and Wells will be here in fifteen minutes. There’s been a double homicide over in Sherman Heights. SPU caught the call. You haven’t even had breakfast.”

  Jess tiptoed and gave him a peck on the cheek. “I’ll grab something to eat on the way.” Right now, she had to get dressed. There were two victims waiting for her to find their killer.

  At the door she glanced back at Dan and smiled.

  Maybe their life together would never be normal, but this was where she belonged.

  This was home.

  Ready for The Wedding we’ve all been waiting for? Read on and find out what’s coming next for the Faces of Evil and the characters you love!

  The Faces of Evil is getting a new lo
ok! The cover may be different, but the characters are the ones you know and love. Follow Jess and her team as they investigate Birmingham’s most evil. Each new title will be a stand-alone story that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Watch for THE DYING ROOM coming in March 2015! Order it now by clicking the cover!

  Click the invitation to order THE WEDDING now for only 99 cents!

  About the Author

  DEBRA WEBB, born in Alabama, wrote her first story at age nine and her first romance at thirteen. It wasn’t until she spent three years working for the military behind the Iron Curtain—and a five-year stint with NASA—that she realized her true calling. A collision course between suspense and romance was set. Since then she has penned more than 100 novels including her internationally bestselling Colby Agency series. Her debut novel, OBSESSION, in her romantic thriller series, the Faces of Evil, propelled Debra to the top of the bestselling charts for an unparalleled twenty-four weeks and garnered critical acclaim from reviewers and readers alike. Don’t miss a single installment of this fascinating and chilling ten-book series!

  Read all the Faces of Evil books!








  SILENCE (A series prequel)

  The Face of Evil (A short story)




  The Wedding (A short story)

  Visit Debra at or at You can write to Debra at PO Box 10047, Huntsville, AL, 35801.




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