A Wolf's Oath

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A Wolf's Oath Page 18

by Alli, Jennifer T.

  The sound of his mobile ringing, distracted him from his thoughts and he pulled away from his wolf grateful beyond belief to the person on the other end of the phone for sparing him from having to further discuss Erica's situation with the one-track minded wolf. Reaching into his slightly damp pocket he was relieved that the phone still worked, he hadn’t thought about the potential damage he might cause it when he had thrown the first snowball at Erica. He answered it quickly placing the cold instrument against his ear. “Sebastian?”

  He smiled, glad to hear a familiar voice. “What is it Ryan?”

  “You’ve got to come home.” His brother’s voice was panicked and it made Sebastian sit up and pay attention, Ryan rarely got worried and even when he did he showed his concerns even less.

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  Ryan sighed heavily into the phone, taking a deep steadying breath before proceeding to tell Sebastian of his situation. “It’s your mother.”

  Sebastian groaned. He knew that tone of voice well and when Ryan started distancing himself from their parents it usually didn’t bode well. “What has she done?”

  “It’s not just her, it’s your bloomin’ aunt as well! They seem to have become infected with baby fever and it’s all your fault.”

  “How is it my fault? I’m miles away from you.”

  “Exactly!” Ryan shouted triumphantly.

  “I don’t get it.”

  “Let me explain it to you then. I don’t know which one of them started it but judging from the way your mother is doting on Wyatt and Dylan I’m guessing it was her. Anyway, with those two around and both you and Tobias having found mates, they started discussing grandchildren. That was fair enough, the first grandchild is meant to be a big deal, so I wasn’t so worried back then. But then one of them must have told the other that their grandchild would be cuter and that’s where my problems started. Because you aren’t here I’m being used in your place as a genetic sounding board. If you could hear them talk…” He groaned before the pitch of his voice changed as it tried to mimic the words that he had heard so often recently. “Sebastian was a gorgeous baby. I’d really like for him to give me a granddaughter, can you imagine, a little girl with bright red hair and those wonderful blue eyes I’ve heard so much about? Then aunt Yvonne would obviously have to step in and explain how adorable Tobias was as a baby. She’s hoping that her grandchild will have Alex’s eyes. You’re probably wondering why this bothers me right?”

  “Yes actually I am. If they want to talk about the possibility of grandchildren then let them.”

  “I would if it was just talking but it’s not! They keep grabbing me out of nowhere and prodding and pulling at me as though I’m a piece of meat. Their excuse is that because you’re not here they have to work off of me to try and think what your kid will look like. Dylan and Wyatt bless them don’t understand what they’re doing when they start eyeing them up but me, me they aren’t content to simply look at, they have to touch as well, pulling at my cheeks as though I were some sort of fruit they’re testing for ripeness. Examining my body with more intensity than even a doctor would, it’s driving me mad. You have to come home! I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

  Sebastian laughed at his brother’s plight. It took a lot to stress his brother out but when it eventually happened he couldn’t help but find it amusing.

  “It’s not funny,” Ryan groused.

  “Ryan who are you talking to?” Sebastian could distantly hear the sound of children’s voices from the other end of the line.

  “No one,” Ryan answered hastily.

  “Ryan is that Dylan? What’s going on?” Sebastian questioned upon recognising the small inquisitive voice.

  Ryan groaned loudly into the phone. “Now you’ve done it.”

  “Wyatt come here,” Dylan shouted excitedly. “It’s Sebastian and Erica! Ryan give me the phone, I want to talk to Erica.”

  “Me too!” Wyatt shouted.

  The sound of a scuffle floated to him across the phone and Sebastian laughed as he imagined Ryan trying to fight off the two small children.

  “No,” Ryan said forcefully but the shouting continued.

  “Give us the phone we just want to talk to Erica. Why are you being so mean?”

  The sound of Sebastian's laughter had floated down the hall and reached Erica's ears in the shower and as she stepped out, draping a towel around her wet body she found herself wanting to know what had caused it. Walking out of the bathroom and down the hall, she watched as he continued to chuckle in response to what was being said on the other end of the phone line. The unrestrained joy on his face brought a corresponding smile to her face. He was usually so serious, it was good to see him relax and his smile made him seem even more attractive though she hadn’t thought that possible.

  “What’s going on Sebastian?” she asked curiously.

  At the sound of Erica's voice calling him, Sebastian turned around to face her and as he did his laughter died in his throat. The towel that she wore left little to the imagination and his mouth became dry as he looked at her. His body, already in a semi-aroused state from his wolf’s visual images became even more so. The exposed skin of her long legs seemed to be begging for his touch and the rounded curves of her breasts that were just visible above the white material of the towel seemed to be pleading for freedom. He ran the heel of his palm over his now fully hardened shaft, hoping that Erica wouldn’t notice his current predicament.

  “Sebastian?” she called lightly. “Are you ok?”

  With their superior hearing Dylan and Wyatt easily heard Erica's voice enter the room and doubled their efforts to speak to her. “Sebastian let us talk to Erica!” They shouted in unison.

  Their loud voices jolted Sebastian back to awareness and he forced his gaze away from Erica and the dangerous path his mind was headed down. “Calm down you two, you’re hurting my ears. Ryan, give them the phone.”

  “Are you sure?”


  The next voices he heard were Dylan and Wyatt’s. “Can we speak to Erica please? We miss her.”

  It must be hard on them, he mused. She’s been with them for their entire lives and now she’s gone. He covered the mouthpiece of the phone in a futile attempt to shield Erica from their demands. “Erica, your brother and sister want to talk to you, do you feel up to it?”

  She began pulling at the edge of her towel nervously and Sebastian groaned softly as the tops of her thighs were momentarily exposed to his eyes. Is she trying to see how far she can push me before I just give in and take her? At this rate I’ll have her naked in seconds.

  Now we’re thinking along the same lines. His wolf smiled, pleased with the way Sebastian's thoughts were headed.

  “I’ll talk to them,” she answered holding out her hand for the phone.

  “Now remember the rules you two, you can only talk to her about things you’ve done recently. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, yes,” they agreed. “Give Erica the phone please, we want to talk to her.”

  “Fine.” He handed the phone to Erica and sat back as she walked around the space of the living room and kitchen.

  “Hey guys.” Her voice was nervous. These children were meant to be her family and yet she couldn’t remember anything about them, would they be disappointed in the progress she had made since leaving them. She couldn’t be sure and that thought made her even more nervous.

  “Erica!” They screamed into the phone joyfully.

  Their happiness at the simple sound of her voice shocked her. Wow, from the sounds of their voices you’d think that speaking to me was in the same category as Christmas or something. They must really care about me.

  “Erica, we miss you when are you coming home?”

  “Soon,” she hedged.

  “Ryan said that if you don’t get better soon we can come and visit, is that true?”

  Sebastian had mentioned something similar when they had still been at the large estate t
hat she had woken in. “Yes, it’s true.”


  The vehemence in that one word was stunning. Why would they be so eager to leave? “Are they not very nice there? Is that why you want to leave?”

  “No, they’re very nice here but we miss you. It’s weird being without you. When we come visit you have to promise to make us your special cake ok?”

  “Special cake?” She gulped, surprisingly unwilling to disappoint them.

  “You know the one Erica, the one we get on our birthday,” Dylan laughed.

  “Is it your birthday already?” The short conversation with her siblings was making her more and more nervous. There were so many things that she didn’t remember and it was so easy to overlook her lack of memories when alone with Sebastian that she had almost forgot that there were other people in the world that expected her to remember things.

  “No,” Wyatt answered solemnly. “But we figure that you should still make it because, well just because. We’ve been really good. Don’t you think we deserve cake?”

  A child’s reasoning was really an amazing thing, she thought reaching up to open the cupboards in the kitchen, checking to see if she had the necessary supplies to make a cake. The cupboards were empty of the ingredients necessary to make a cake and she sighed in disappointment. It really isn’t as though I should have expected something different, I didn’t factor having to bake a cake into our shopping list. “Of course you deserve a cake, this whole thing must be really difficult for you and the pair of you have taken it all very well.”

  “We get cake! We get cake! We get cake!” They chanted happily down the phone.

  “Do you know where the recipe for the cake is?” she asked, her tone hopeful.

  “There isn’t a recipe Erica. You’ve never used one, you just make it.”

  “But I can’t remember how to make the cake,” she groaned quietly.

  Apparently she hadn’t been quiet enough for the twins who responded quickly to her problem. “Don’t worry Erica, we’ll help you. We’ve seen you make it before lots of times.”

  You can’t be older than six; just how many times can you have seen me make a cake that apparently was reserved for birthdays? Children really are odd. “Thanks, I’m sure we’ll muddle through somehow.”

  “Is it nice where you’re staying? Ryan won’t tell us anything about it.”

  “I think you’ll like it here. There’s snow and you two like snow don’t you?” She hoped that the one little titbit of information she had managed to remember would help make the situation less bleak for them.

  “Snow? Really?”

  Their laughter was infectious and she found herself chuckling alongside them. “Yes, real honest to God snow, and it’s thick too.”

  “Will it be gone by the time we get there?”

  “I don’t know, Sebastian when are they meant to be coming?” She turned to look at him, a slight frown creasing her brow as she noted his heavy lidded eyes.

  “Soon,” he answered casually. “Within the next few days. If you want me to go and get them before that then that isn’t a problem.”

  “No, the snow will still be here when you arrive. If it looks like it’s going to melt before you get here then Sebastian has offered to come and get you early so that you don’t miss out on it. Although since it’s very cold up here so I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

  “Yay, we get snow and cake,” they cheered.

  “Let’s go and pack,” Wyatt suggested.

  “Yeah, I’m sure we can get Ryan to agree to taking us early,” Dylan agreed.

  “Wait guys, I need a little time to get things together and prepare for your stay.” Her arms moved around frantically as though they were in front of her and could see her trying to change their minds. Her towel slipped slightly but she pulled it up quickly before it had exposed too much of her.

  Her concerns fell on deaf ears as they continued to plan how to push forward their trip. “Bye Erica, we’ll see you soon.”

  “Wait,” she called out but they had already hung up. “Dylan and Wyatt might be coming here a little earlier than you planned for Sebastian.” She turned to tell him the news, expecting to find him sitting on the sofa. She gasped in shock when she found that he was right behind her.

  “I’m sorry Erica, I know I shouldn’t do this but I just can’t seem to help myself.”

  “Sebastian, what’s wrong?” She took a step back, his eyes were intense as they looked at her as though she were the best item on the menu and she shivered though she wasn’t sure why.

  He pulled her close against him, so that their bodies were pressed tightly against each other. “I’m sorry Erica, forgive me.” His head descended and his lips pressed harshly against her own.

  She moaned as their lips met and pleasure began to course through her. Her thoughts became increasingly foggy as the kiss continued and she couldn’t understand his words. What on earth do you have to be sorry for?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Watching Erica move about the kitchen dressed in nothing but a towel that revealed more than it hid had been a lesson in self-restraint, one that Sebastian had failed. He could feel his body reacting to her state of undress, helpless to prevent it and the longer he watched her, the less he wanted to. His mate was beautiful, that he already knew but he hadn’t expected her to be so comfortable around him so quickly and the realisation that she was pleased him greatly. She continued talking to her siblings, allowing him to watch her unobserved, but when she reached for one of the cupboards overhead he could barely stifle the groan that wanted to slip past his lips. As she stretched up to reach it, the gentle curve of her buttocks was revealed to him and his heart sped up in anticipation. He rubbed the heel of his palm against his engorged shaft, desperate for release. She continued reaching up to open the many cupboards in the kitchen and he felt his self restraint slipping with each tantalising glimpse she unwittingly gave him of her flesh.

  Perfect isn’t she? his wolf commented casually.

  Yes, she is.

  Are you going to do anything about it?

  I shouldn’t. When she eventually regains her memories she won’t be happy with me. Besides, I shouldn’t claim her when she doesn’t even remember what she is. There are consequences. Ones she won’t be aware of and she won’t understand what’s happening to her.

  If he claimed her she would feel an irresistible impulse to be in his presence, just as he felt drawn to her. While the insistent need to be near one’s mate was ingrained from birth on male wolves, the same didn’t apply to females. Yet once a female was claimed, the instinct began making new and pressing demands on her. To be without one’s mate for prolonged periods of time left them feeling distinctly uncomfortable and the feeling only got worse the longer they were apart. The instinct was a powerful urge, one that Erica wouldn’t understand in her current state. While following the guidance of the instinct brought great rewards, resisting it was costly as Sebastian could easily remember. Going against the instinct at the last full moon and running from her had exhausted him. I can’t put her through that. She won’t understand what’s happening to her.

  Sometimes I find it hard to believe that you and I are meant to be the same person. She’s right there for the taking! More willing than she ever was before and yet you resist? Why?

  Erica's voice drew him away from his internal conflict and his eyes focused on her once more as he answered her question as calmly as he could. He continued to watch her, trying to content himself with just seeing her in this state, all the while trying to resist his wolf’s urgings to touch her. Her towel slipped, teasing him with a fleeting glimpse of her rosy nipples and his control vanished with it just as she pulled the towel up and locked it in place.

  This is a bad idea. Was the first thought that came to mind as he stood from his seat. The knowledge that he shouldn’t be doing what he was planning wasn’t enough to stop him speeding towards her as soon as her back was turned. />
  Well done Sebastian, you’re finally seeing sense, the wolf purred, pleased beyond belief that Sebastian was going to act on his impulses.

  Shut up, he snapped in retort. Just stay out of this. I’m not going to claim her. I just have to touch her. There’s only so much a wolf can take before he snaps and I’ve reached my limit. I don’t need you reminding me about my lack of control over myself, I’m perfectly aware of that.

  Choosing to stay silent in case any added input on his part caused Sebastian to change his mind and return to merely watching, the wolf retreated to the back of Sebastian's thoughts content to watch for now.

  The distance between them now all but obliterated, Sebastian stood behind her inhaling her delicious scent. Her smell further clouded his judgement, urging him to touch her. Simply being near her was making him want her more, his shaft harder than he could ever remember it being. She turned around, clearly not expecting him to be so close, gasping in shock at his proximity.

  “I’m sorry Erica. I know I shouldn’t be doing this but I can’t seem to help myself.”

  “Sebastian, what’s wrong?” Her eyebrows drew together in concern as she lightly caressed the side of his face.

  So trusting, he thought before closing the distance she had put between them. “I’m sorry, forgive me.”

  Her mouth opened as though to ask him another question but he pulled her close and silenced her with his mouth. Her lips were soft and giving beneath his own and his lips curved upwards in a faint smile as she moaned in pleasure at the first contact of their lips. His tongue easily swept into the open cavern of her mouth, seeking out all its corners as he sought to imprint the taste of her onto his starved senses. She threw her arms over his shoulders wrapping them around his neck as she sought to get closer to him. She could feel her nipples tightening with each sweep of his clever tongue and began rubbing herself against him.

  His hands lowered from her waist, creeping under the soft material of the towel to caress the gentle curve of her bottom. He pulled her forward, thrusting the evidence of his desire against her. She felt herself growing wet between her thighs with the knowledge of what she had done to him with no conscious effort. Her hips began moving of their own accord thrusting against him in invitation.


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