A Wolf's Oath

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A Wolf's Oath Page 19

by Alli, Jennifer T.

  The low growl that rose from deep within his throat startled her and she began to pull away from the kiss. Releasing her from his arms, Sebastian allowed her to take a step away from him before turning her to face away from him.

  He could feel his body changing the longer he kissed her and the more intense his desire became. His gums ached as fangs threatened to erupt from them so that he could mark her flesh and show the world his claim upon her. Even if she failed to notice the increased sharpness of his teeth, he knew that his eyes were now undoubtedly amber. Nothing would give away the fact that he wasn’t human faster than the golden hue that his eyes had taken on.

  Pulling her back to his chest he began tugging frantically at the hem of her towel pulling it from her before wrapping an arm around her waist and holding her tightly against him. She could feel the heat that his skin emitted despite the layers of clothing that separated them, the barely there sensation made her long for true contact and she struggled to turn in his arms.

  “Stay still sweetheart.” His warm breaths feathered over her ear and she shuddered at the feeling, shocked that he was capable of arousing such intense sensations in her with so little effort.

  “But Sebastian…” she pleaded, reaching around herself to gently pull at the fabric of his shirt.

  I need as many layers between us as possible, he reasoned. Otherwise I might try to take her regardless of the consequences. He eyed the soft skin of her shoulders his decision made. “I’ll take it off as long as you promise to stay still, don’t turn around.”


  Because I don’t want you to see me as I truly am, he thought. “Because I say so,” he stated firmly, his tone brokering no compromise and demanding complete compliance.

  “Fine,” she agreed. At that point she would have said yes to almost any request he had asked of her so long as he agreed to touch her.

  He took a single step away from her, his eyes trained on her still form ensuring that she didn’t turn and see the amber of his eyes. The shirt was removed quickly from his body, thrown away carelessly before he moved close to her once more. His skin felt as though it were on fire the instant he touched her, his hardened member pulsating against the confines of the material he wore. He rubbed his shaft against her bottom, seeking relief while his hands rose to cup the soft skin of her breasts. They fit perfectly within his palms and he lightly rubbed his thumbs against the straining peaks of her nipples, smiling as Erica's body trembled within his grip at the light contact.

  She thrust her chest into his hands trying to force his touch to become firmer but he easily thwarted her attempts to gain relief, chuckling lightly into the curve of her neck, not giving her more than he chose. His thumbs occasionally grazed her sensitive nipples and she moaned in pleasure. His grip finally tightened and she sighed in relief, her sigh quickly turning to a gasp as he pulled and twisted her nipples with his thumb and finger. The ache between her thighs had multiplied and she knew that if he were to touch her there he would find her wet with desire for him. She rocked her hips back against his shaft. Apparently he was reading her thoughts, as one of his hands left her breast and moved slowly down the curved slope of her stomach. His fingers played at length with the small dip of her belly button and she groaned in frustration, needing his hand to continue its downward descent. Her legs parted in invitation and he took the hint.

  His fingers stopped teasing her, delving into her moist heat. She moaned loudly at the sensation of his fingers moving lightly over her sensitive flesh. The tip of his finger grazed the small bundle of nerves assured to pleasure her and she shuddered against him. He thrust two fingers within her tight sheath and the shudders transformed into full body tremors. When his fingers left her she felt distinctly empty but as they began to move firmly against her she found she no longer cared. Sebastian groaned as her hips began to move against him, her ass rubbing against his shaft. She surprised him when she twisted within his embrace and leapt into his arms. He thanked God for small miracles as his eyes were closed and she didn’t see the strange amber colouring.

  The new position brought her centre into intimate contact with his shaft and he groaned aloud, he could feel how hot and wet she was despite the fabric that separated them. He rocked his hips against her and she groaned. Moving across the kitchen he lay her down against the counter top, exposing her to his gaze. He kept his eyes averted from her face, hoping she wouldn’t notice the change in his appearance before his head descended and he took one of her rosy nipples into his mouth. She moaned loudly, her hands rising to keep his head in place as her hips rocked against his.

  Regardless of the layers of clothes that separated them, Sebastian was revelling in the sensations his mate’s body was causing in him. His shaft throbbed, desperate with the need for release and yet he refused to stop thrusting against her despite the fact that each meeting of their sexes brought him closer and closer to the edge. The need to claim her was strong, the instinct demanding that he do what was natural to their people. He lifted his head from her breast, groaning as her nipples stabbed at his chest before moving upward to her neck.

  “Sebastian,” Erica groaned as pleasure continued to rise within her. She rocked her hips against his, longing for the feel of his bare skin against her. While the material of his trousers was deliciously abrasive against her core, she knew that if Sebastian were as naked as she, things could only become more pleasurable. Her hands descended to the tight muscles of his ass before reaching around for the button on his trousers that would free him from their confines and expose him to her.

  He nipped at the skin of her neck in retaliation for the move. I’m already in enough trouble with her as it is. There’s no need to make things worse. “No Erica.”

  “But Sebastian…”

  Her words were cut off as he ground his hips forcefully against her, rubbing at her core and sending ripples of pleasure coursing through her body. Her back arched from the counter, her hands falling to his buttocks as she pulled him closer and thrust back against him.

  I shouldn’t be doing this. I shouldn’t be doing this. The words ran through his head like a mantra trying to warn him about the consequences of his actions. He could feel his seed rising and knew that if he continued it wouldn’t be long before he did something embarrassing. He had never come in his pants, not even in the early years of his growth but as Erica continued to tug at him, demanding that he continue, her short pants of breath affecting him deeply, he found that he cared less and less about the inevitable end result of this frantic coupling. Damning the consequences he thrust against her harder and faster than before, as desperate for her release as he was for his own. His lips continued to move against the skin of her neck, keeping his inhuman eyes from her while she continued to grab his hips, bucking against him wildly. A final thrust of his hips sent her careening over the edge into blissful oblivion, pleasure more intense than anything she could remember ripping through her.

  He felt her hands go limp as she released him. He stepped away from her, enjoying the flush that had risen to her cheeks and the fine sheen of sweat that covered her body while conspicuously trying to ignore the wetness in his lower regions that was a result of both his and Erica's releases. He sucked in deep breaths trying to calm himself.

  “Sebastian?” Erica called.

  He turned to look at her, forgetting that he could still be animalistic in form. Erica didn’t mention anything however and he sighed with relief. “What is it?”

  “Why wouldn’t you let me undress you?”

  Again with the questions? If I had let you undress me then I would have been buried deep within you without a second’s thought. I’m not even sure I would feel guilty about it and then you would be stuck with me and when you eventually remember who and what you are, it would cause problems in our relationship. “I shouldn’t have done this Erica, I’m sorry. You don’t remember me and I took advantage of you.”

  “Sebastian, I might not remember anything about you
from before the accident, but I have new memories of you and these new memories mean more to me than the one’s I’m meant to have. It doesn’t matter if I never remember. There are people in the world that are far worse of than I am. I have you and with every day that we spend together it becomes more and more clear why I fell in love with you in the first place. I’m falling in love with you Sebastian, there’s no need to be sorry for this.”

  “Erica,” he groaned, her words affecting him deeply. “If you can still say that in a few weeks then we’ll finish this I promise.” Hopefully you’ll have got your memory back by then and I won’t have to worry about you finding about your wolf heritage with the coming of the new full moon because I will change, hunt you down and be buried deep inside you before you even realise what’s going on.

  “Fine,” she stated defiantly. “I know my feelings won’t have changed by then, if anything I’ll just be more solid in my belief of them.”

  “If that really is the case then I’ll be the happiest man alive Erica.” But with my unlucky streak things won’t go that smoothly.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Erica jolted awake, sitting upright in the bed as she finally escaped the fog of sleep. Her heart was pounding within her chest so hard that she was surprised it was still within the confines of her ribs. Her skin was coated in a fine layer of perspiration and the tell-tale moisture she felt on the sheets beneath her fingers told her she had been sweating for some time. Her eyes darted around her room frantically trying to find the faceless enemy that haunted her sleeping hours. As had been the case every other night she had had the dream, she found nothing. The nightmare with the bodiless voice had thankfully not occurred every night she had stayed in her new home, coming and going sporadically. She swung her legs to the side and forced herself from the warmth of her sheets. As was always the case, the light from Sebastian's bedroom called to her. They had been living in the cabin for a little over a week and since the first night that she had had the nightmare, his door was always open, silently inviting her to join him. Despite the fact that he had said he wouldn’t take their relationship further until she was more sure of her feelings towards him, he had never turned her away when she needed the comfort he so easily provided after the horrors of her dreams.

  She quickly crossed the short distance that separated them and walked into his room. His sheets were, as usual, tangled around the lower half of his body, as they had been every night she had walked into his room. One night she had decided to watch him prepare for bed. Seeing him walk through his nightly routine had been surprisingly intimate but she had only been concerned with how exactly he put himself to sleep. Surprisingly she had found that the duvet was wrapped tightly around his upper torso when he had put himself to sleep, telling her that her fiancé was unable to stay still in bed. She had momentarily pondered about what would happen when they eventually started sharing a bed, the thought of being unceremoniously kicked out of bed by Sebastian's wandering limbs had her in hysterics and she had left his room moments later.

  Her hand reached forward as though to wake him but as a thought came to her it froze in mid air. I shouldn’t do this. She snatched her hand back, clutching it tightly against her chest. Our relationship is never going to progress if he thinks that he has to take care of me all the time. All that this is doing is reminding him that I can’t remember anything. Just because I can’t remember what came before doesn’t mean that I’m not perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Yes, it is nice to have Sebastian with me but I want him to know that he can rely on me too. He can’t take everything onto himself.

  That’s the spirit. The mysterious voice within her mind cheered. The voice hadn’t faded away and disappeared despite all Erica's wishing that it would, and so she had reluctantly accept that it was a part of her and one that wasn’t likely to leave anytime soon. As long as the voice didn’t start telling her that the world was against her or that aliens were listening to her thoughts, it could stay.

  The sun was fairly high in the sky telling Erica that others would be awake. Sebastian tended to sleep late on the mornings that she didn’t wake him because of her dreams. It’s to be expected I guess, she sighed. He’s always on the phone until really late talking to his brother. Sebastian had told her that he worked for his family’s business, which was the reason he could manage to take so much time off work but there were conditions attached. He and his brother had nightly conferences where they talked about things she couldn’t quite get her head around and judging from what Sebastian had told her of Ryan, neither could he, which was why they had to spend so long talking.

  I need to get the things for Dylan and Wyatt’s cake, I don’t need anyone with me to do that and that way he can get a little extra much needed sleep. She turned to leave, closing the door silently behind her. I wonder if my body remembers how to drive, she mused as she headed for the shower. I’ll soon see I suppose.

  It didn’t take long for her to shower, dress and leave Sebastian a note in the living room telling him where she had gone and she was soon ready to leave the house. Grabbing Sebastian's wallet and car keys from the living room table, she wrapped herself up in several warm layers of outdoor clothing and headed out to the car. It was easy enough to enter the car and turn it on but as she stared at the various bits of machinery that were meant to make it move she began to have doubts about her capacity to actually drive. What the hell, I’ve come this far so I might as well give it a shot. But what if it goes horribly wrong? her mind questioned, second guessing her resolve to go through with this.

  I thought you wanted to be of use to Sebastian. The unknown voice within her mind snapped, If you want to continue being a useless damsel in distress then just let me know now so I can find a nice corner of your mind to hibernate in until you come back to your senses and start being the Erica I know. What’s the worst that could happen? You crash? There’s nothing to crash into around here. You’ll know soon enough if you’re capable of doing this.

  You’re right. I don’t want to continue being so helpless, Erica conceded.

  Then what are you waiting for? You have a plan, get on with it!

  Right. Closing her eyes, Erica tried to force her body to relax and hoped that as was the case in the kitchen, her body simply remembered what needed to be done. Let’s get on with this. Her hands reached out instinctively for the wheel while her feet rested uneasily on the pedals that would put the car into motion. Her grip on the wheel tightened before she pushed her foot down hard on the accelerator. The car sped forward instantly and Erica squeaked in surprise almost instantly, putting her other foot down on the brake, bringing the car to a halt. I can do this. She reassured herself once again pushing on the acceleration, the car again rushed forward and again she pressed the brake. The start, stop method of transport continued for several moments during which Erica became convinced that she had never even learned to drive. It shouldn’t be so hard to do something that I’ve learnt before. I seem to be able to do everything else just fine, why is it so hard to do this? She growled.

  Her anger apparently served as the catalyst for improvement as she exerted just the right amount of pressure on the accelerator and eased the car into a manageable speed. She resisted the urge to cheer, fearing that any movement that took her limbs away from their current positions would be to take steps back in her driving ability. The drive to the town was longer than it had been when Sebastian had driven her, but given how at ease he seemed in the driver’s seat, that was understandable. She parked just outside the town’s small store and jumped from the car in triumph.

  I managed to drive here all by myself. And I didn’t even end up in an accident. Now that would have been bad, from one accident to another. I don’t think that I’m actually capable of forgetting any more than I actually have but judging from my run of luck I’d end up forgetting how to speak or something.

  Chuckling lightly, she entered the store and headed immediately for the shelves that spanned the length
of the store at the back. If memory served her right those shelves held general household goods and she hoped they would hold the ingredients for a recipe-less cake. Her eyes scanned the shelves, immediately locking onto the flour held on the top shelf. Flour good. She smiled, checking off items on her mental checklist. Next to the flour lay large bags of sugar and that item was ticked off. The eggs were lower down and she reached for them gathering them into her arms before realising that she had forgotten something in her haste to find the ingredients for the cake. Making her way back to the door, she grabbed a basket and placed the eggs inside before returning to the back of the store.

  Placing the basket on the floor, she stretched up and reached for the bag of flour that lay on the top shelf. A frown formed on her face when her fingers struggled to reach it. Standing on the tips of her toes, she reached up once more and tried to bring the flour and sugar down to her level and again she failed. Growling in frustration, she began to jump wildly, trying desperately to reach the ingredients she needed for the cake. If Sebastian were here, he’d be able to reach them, her mind reminded her. Shut up! I’m perfectly capable of doing this myself.

  “Do you need some help?” a voice asked from behind her.

  She turned to face the new comer, smiling widely at him. He was taller than she and would easily be able to reach he higher shelf. Upon seeing her face, the stranger frowned, his eyes wandering over her frame as though she were a unique species of something under a microscope. The longer he looked at her the deeper his frown became but Erica ignored the increased frostiness in his behaviour, intent on making her first trip out alone a fruitful one.


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