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From Stepbrother to Daddy (Stepbrothers Behaving Badly Book 2)

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by Ted Evans

  From Stepbrother



  Book 2

  A Stepbrother Romance


  Ted Evans

  © 2017 Ted Evans

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author's imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  About Stepbrother to Daddy Book 2…

  We went to the Prom and she was acting all funny.

  Refusing to drink.

  Telling me that she didn’t feel well.

  I thought that she wanted me.

  She as good as showed me that she wanted me, in so many ways.

  We got to the hotel, the one that I’d spent the whole month saving up for, for us to have a special night.

  That was when she told me the news.

  The news that I didn’t want to hear.

  She could be carrying my baby and that she may have to say goodbye to college.

  Being pregnant didn’t have to be the end of the world.

  And it didn’t mean that we had to give up going to college. I had no intention of doing that and she wouldn’t have to either.

  Not if I could help it.

  Chapter One


  Laurie, Adele’s mom, said as we were about to get into the limo. My hands were around Adele’s waist. I was fucking smiling. I wasn’t sure what Adele was doing; all the make-up in the world couldn’t hide the distressed look in those dark eyes. She looked the most beautiful woman in the world and yet the most miserable one all at the same time.

  How was that even possible?

  We’d spoken the previous night and she was excited about it. She’d said that she hoped I’d like her dress. I even joked and told her that she could be wearing a paper bag and she’ll still be the prettiest girl there.


  That was before I saw her coming down the stairs. I was fucking speechless. I’m not the Prom type of guy. I think that the whole thing is a fucking show. One that I could do without out going to, but she wanted to go. And I thought that for once in my life I would go out on a limb and do something for someone else. Instead of always doing what I want to do.

  Now, I could see that I was fucking delusional. Maybe if she’d worn a paper bag over her miserable face then she’d pass as the most beautiful girl at the Prom. But with the tears that she was holding back and the awkward way that she moved down the stairs, I felt like getting my motorbike and going around town. Fuck the Prom. At least I would have a better time.

  “Don’t you want to go anymore?” I whispered to her, but she ignored me as her mom yelled out, “Cheese!”

  Great: she was making memorabilia that I wouldn’t ever want to see in my life. A constant reminder of the fact that I took the most miserable date to the Prom. What happened to her being the most beautiful one?

  Shit, she looked so fucking hot. She had on a gold flowing dress, with a high neckline and an oval-shaped back. She looked like a mermaid with the sequins glittering as she came down the stairs and bits of glitter in her hair. I felt like the proudest man in the room, just watching her come down, until my eyes fixated on her face.

  No smile.

  Not even any sign of joy.

  Only misery and that same sad and painful expression, as we left the house and entered the limo slowly.

  “Prom here we come!”

  Chanel looked hot in her little red number. Chanel exhibited the joy of someone who was going to a Prom; not like my date, who looked as if she was going to a funeral. Chanel held Dwayne’s hand as she entered the limo. I felt fucking jealous of my best friend and I have never felt that way about anything.

  I winked at him, “Want to swap dates?”

  He laughed. I’d had visions of tonight and they were nothing like this. A date that didn’t want to talk to me and had spent the best part of the short time that we’d been together ignoring me. I’d been working hard at the bike shop, just to get a limo. A tux and the fucking hotel. Shit, I wondered for a split second if I could get a refund.

  “Keep dreaming!” He laughed as he got in the other side. Then he came back and said, “Give her time. Maybe something happened. You know what women are like.”

  “Of course, it must be that time of month. That’s why she’s miserable. Thinking that she’ll spoil it.”

  Shit, she didn’t have to act like this. It wasn’t as if she was going to lose her virginity or anything. We’d already done that more than enough times. I would be content just to get to the room and just cuddle with her all night. Soon, we’d be out of this miserable town and on our way to college. I didn’t know what was going to happen after that, but I was a kind of a live-by-the-moment type of guy. Tomorrow was another fucking day. One that I would take as it came, as long as nothing stopped me getting out of here.

  Laurie grabbed my arm before I got in the limo, “Not sure what’s up with Adele, but maybe when you get there she’ll cheer up.”

  I smiled at her, thinking that there was only one way for Adele to cheer up and that was with some Liam magic. It had done the trick before, and as I hopped into the limo I had no reason to think that it’d fail me.

  Chapter Two

  “Liam, I’m sorry. I was just feeling a bit down about it all coming an end.”

  I kissed her on the lips as we moved into the main hall.

  “Shit, I thought that someone had died, Adele. You kind of scared me. I’m glad that you had a bit of champagne. It seems to have lightened you up a bit.”

  She nodded, but maybe the champagne hadn’t completely done the trick, because her eyes started to fill with tears again.

  “Adele, talk to me. What’s up with you?”

  Then Chanel came up behind us and said, “If you guys walk any slower, by the time we get inside the Prom’s over!”

  She swept up Adele’s hand and then walked in front of us. Chanel’s the kind of girl that I love to hate at the best of times. Sometimes she just has too much energy; I think that she’s on a high most of the time.

  “Did you give her anything?” I asked Dwayne as he walked up to me, with his eyes firmly fixed on Chanel’s ass.

  He patted me on the back, “Just some loving.”

  “Fuck when?”

  He laughed, “You need to give that to Adele too. That’ll get her in the mood.”

  I shook my head, “Do you think of anything apart from sex?”


  Once we got inside the hall, I did a quick scan and saw exactly what I’d expected—the flashing lights, the loud music—and I felt like turning away. Dwayne knew what was going on in my mind as he blurted out, “For once in your life Liam Wilson. Have a good time?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, maybe Adele’s so fucking miserable because you always look as if you have a chip on your shoulder.”

  Then he brushed off my shoulder as if I had something in it. Only fucking Dwayne would wear a white suit to the Prom. His parents should have named him Vanity. I’m sure that he spent more time getting ready than any of the women here. I’d gone to his place on my bike before we got into the limo.

  Shit, one spin to make me g
et into the spirit of things. Maybe he was right. I’d come to have a good time. That was the problem: my idea of a good time was sitting on my bike and just driving. Not fucking jumping and down as if I have fireworks up my ass, which is what most of these guys were doing. Thank God high school was nearly over and I didn’t have to associate with any of them anymore.

  Dwayne may not have been the brightest spark, but every so often, he seemed to make perfect sense. Like he had at that moment, as I went up to my date and took her hand. I decided that I was going to dance as if there was no tomorrow, because it was the end of an era. One that I couldn’t wait to turn my fucking back on.

  “I was going to go and say hi to…”

  “Fuck that! You can say hi to whoever you like after you’ve danced with me. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  Adele laughed, “Really?”

  And right then I thought that my date had come back to me. The one that I’d been sneaking off to see the last few days, the one I thought had disappeared, came back in the flash of a smile.

  “Fucking right!”

  Then I spun her in my arms and smiled at her. She exclaimed, “Liam, it’s not a slow song!”

  “I don’t fucking care. You look hot. I look good and I want you in my arms.”

  “Damn! Are you competing with Dwayne for the most arrogant man at the Prom?”

  I shook my head, “He beats me hands down, because he’s so fucking vain!”

  I pulled her closer as we watched Dwayne thinking that he was Justin Timberlake and I don’t know who the hell Chanel thought she was as she was jumping up and down on the floor; although possibly Taylor Swift. There were similarities between the two of them.

  “How the fuck does she jump like that in her heels?”

  Adele smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck, “Days of practicing.”

  “They really are a match made in heaven. They’re as bad as each other.”

  “And us?”

  “Adele, we’re the best looking couple in this Prom and after it’s all done, then I’ll just show you how hot you’re looking tonight.”

  She didn’t say anything as she pulled in closer to me. I could feel her body pressed against me and all I could think about was taking her to the hotel now. I wasn’t sure how long I could keep my cock under wraps. It wanted to let loose and feel her sweet pussy.

  I would take a step back. I could keep it under control for at least an hour. Or maybe more. One thing was for sure: whatever had been bugging her before seemed to be a thing of the past as we swayed slowly to the rhythm that our bodies were creating. Everyone else was dancing to the music that the DJ was playing and they all seemed to be having a good time. But I was having the time of my fucking life and it was because of Adele.

  Sweet Adele.

  The girl that I was just starting to love.

  Chapter Three

  My dick could only stay under control for so long. I decided that we had to go. It was at around the time Chanel and Dwayne were announced the king and queen of the Prom and Dwayne took out his seven-page speech, and everyone stood and listened to him as if he was the president.

  It was all about how great he was and how great high school was. As everyone agreed, I decided that they must have gone to a different high school. As far as I was concerned, the best part of it was leaving. There was nothing that was going to get in my way. I studied; that was the main reason that I was on my bike most of the time so that I could escape to somewhere quiet and open a book.

  No one knew this about me. They thought that I was some moody guy that loved hanging out with Dwayne and playing ball. I wasn’t naturally talented like Dwayne and I needed reassurance to make sure that my stay here was temporary. I had a scholarship to go to Princeton. Only Dwayne knew about it. The rest of the school could go fuck themselves.

  “Liam if you drag me any faster my arm will fall off,” Adele said as she tried to keep up with me. She wasn’t doing a very good job, so I lifted her up and put her over my shoulder. Like a fucking caveman. I was a man on a mission and that mission was to get out of here and enjoy the pleasures of her beautiful body.

  “Dwayne’s my best friend and all that, but if I have to listen to him go on about how great everything is, then I’m going to be sick.”

  “The guy’s enthusiasm is so infectious that no one picked up on it,” she said as she bobbed up and down on my back.

  “Save your energy, no talking. You need every ounce of it, for what I’m going to do to you!”

  “Why? What are you going to do to me?”

  She laughed knowing the answer to her question.

  “Oh, because what I’m going to do to you in the hotel will need your energy.”

  “Really? And Dwayne’s the only arrogant one.”

  “I ain’t arrogant darling. I’m just fucking cocky.”

  Shit, even saying the word fuck had got me in a state of arousal. Maybe I couldn’t wait until we got to the hotel.

  “If you keep talking that way, I’ll have to take you in one of the classrooms.”

  She didn’t say a word. Not a sound and I knew what was on her mind. “A parting gift?”

  I put her down delicately and said, “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

  She nodded her head, “I must be turning into a bad girl.”

  I smiled, “You must be.”

  We paused as we looked at each other. The hallway was empty; eerily devoid of the sounds of kids trying to catch up on the latest gossip and teachers telling students to hurry up and get to class. But they wouldn’t leave a room unlocked.

  Would they?

  She turned, and the heels that stopped her walking at speed no longer seemed to hurt her as she started running across the hall as if escaping a fire.


  “What are you waiting for Liam? Check the doors in case someone’s coming!”


  When did my girl get so fucking frisky? And then, as if our prayers had been answered, she managed to open one door. The fucking janitor’s closet. I laughed as she pulled my hand and dragged me into the closet. It wasn’t the most romantic setting but it would do for what I had in mind right now.

  Once we were inside, there was a small table and I pushed her up on to it. The dress that she was wearing felt too long as I shut the door and managed to get my hand up on her left cheek.

  “Fuck! No panties?”

  She laughed, “I have a thong on. Just that it’s…”

  I pressed her lips against mine and within seconds I started to explore her mouth. Teasing and darting my tongue in and out while my hands were looking to take control and my cock was dying to enter her sweet pussy.

  It wasn’t what I’d had in mind for the Prom, but just having her in my arms was incredible, and trying to make this moment last for a few seconds more wasn’t going to happen. Especially because I knew that any moment if there was a drink spilled or if there was some fucking emergency the janitor would come in and get supplies from his closet. I didn’t want to stop until I’d accomplished the one thing that we needed to do right now and that was to come.

  Her body was flinching and her breath caught as my finger started to stroke her G-spot. Then with my other hand I started to stroke her sex softly. Just enough for her to start to come. Her breathing became faster the more I stroked her and I knew her body well enough to know that I’d pushed her to the edge.

  I started to savor every fucking sound that she made as I felt her body stiffen. She was coming so fucking close to the edge. Her wetness allowed my finger to slide against her and as much as my cock was dying to enter, I wanted to hold back. I loved the sound of her coming. Her muscles trembled and I could feel the heat that her body was exuding and it sent me to the seventh heaven. It made me want to fucking come too.

  She was no longer whispering or breathing quickly, but large moans were leaving her mouth as she loosened up completely in my arms. I knew that she’d come. I rested her against
the wall, feeling her body still shaking from her climax. I couldn’t see a thing, but I knew that her eyes were closed. I yanked the piece of string that she called a thong and she yelled out, “Liam!”

  I ignored her as I started to undo my belt, then I paused for a second as I stroked my cock.


  I grunted as I pulled her closer toward me; now her dress wasn’t in the way and my cock was safely heading into her pussy. Her body welcomed me as it had done so many times. It was as if she never stopped growing wet, just so that I could bury most of my cock inside her with one single stroke.

  I seized her hips and pushed myself in further still. I was pressed against her and I started slow. I didn’t want to come straight away. I wanted to relish in the pleasures of the janitor’s closet right now. Shit, it was so fucking hot. So I took off my jacket and threw it down. And then our bodies started to fall into sync as I continued to buck and buck against her. I pushed my cock upward in time to the rhythm.

  “Liam,” she purred as she clung onto me for dear life. Her legs were on the table; she opened them wider and I pulled one leg at a time onto my shoulders. Just so that I could go even deeper. And with her tightly in position, I started to rock harder.

  “Yes! Yes!”

  She screamed and I knew that she was coming closer to the edge once again. I started to fuck her harder. Using the wall behind her as leverage. Wanting more and more, like a greedy little boy in a candy store. Adele was mine. I began to fuck her harder, using her arms as leverage to drive her against me. I was sure that everyone in the fucking Prom could hear us right now.

  I didn’t fucking care. The room was hot and I loved her being so powerless and wanting me more and more. I knew that I couldn’t hold back any longer as I completely let myself go and increased my rhythm. It was as if my body had lost all control as I started to push deeper inside her. I wanted to claim more and more. The only thing I could feel was her body beneath me. Her muscles tightened and I couldn’t hear her screaming any longer as she moved her head from side to side, and that meant another orgasm was ripping through her as the sensation of having my cock pumping into her drove her wild. I could feel her trembling through her orgasm as I continued to seek my own.


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