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Double Obsessions

Page 4

by Charlotte Sloan

Ah, there it was. It was exactly as he had thought. He felt the immediate stirrings of arousal. He was certainly not going to turn this one down.

  “Why don’t we do just that?”


  Russian Mobster’s Hired Wife

  Chapter One

  Chloe Parker was ecstatic about the phone call she had received from the secretary at Belikov Marketing Corporation. Marketing was not really her thing, but the corporation was one of the most prestigious in Chicago, and the pay would be exactly what she wanted. Being a waitress did nothing to support her desire for pretty and expensive things; she was barely skating by to pay for rent as it was without buying the things she wanted. That was the price of living inside of a big city. Regardless of it being a marketing company, it was the first real job she had received a call about since she had graduated, and there was no way she was going to pass it up.

  She told her best friend that night about the interview, and while Anna had been suspicious because of her lack of experience in marketing, she had given Chloe her full support and encouragement, even helping her pick out exactly what she would wear. When she had crawled into bed that night, she could hardly sleep from her excitement.

  The next morning, she walked through the automatic glass doors of one of the tallest buildings in the city with her head held high, in her black suit. She was nervous, but she would never let it show. There was nothing that would stop her from fighting for what she wanted, and that was exactly why she was determined she would get the job.

  A secretary at a large, beautiful, dark wood desk sitting outside of a set of tall, double doors smiled up at her when she exited the elevator. “You must be Chloe Parker?”

  Chloe nodded and smiled, looking at the nameplate on the desk. “I am. I’m here to interview for the position.” It was then that she realized that she did not really even know what the position was that she was interviewing for. It had not been listed, and the description had been rather vague. She hoped she wasn't out of her league, but she was good at talking her way into things.

  “Certainly. Please, take a seat. We’ll be with you shortly.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Krupin.”

  Sitting down in a chair across from the secretary, Chloe crossed one ankle behind the other and waited. The secretary paged someone through the intercom, then only a moment later, stood and motioned for her to follow. Chloe stood, too, following her through the double doors into a lavish office with a huge desk, and a gentleman old enough to be her grandfather sitting behind it. Ms. Krupin left, and the gentleman spoke.

  “Have a seat, please.”

  Chloe did, sitting in a chair across from him and smiling. The man said nothing to her, just looked over her as he sat in his oversized chair, his hands folded together over his lower abdomen.

  “Hello. I’m Chloe Parker.”

  “Yes, yes. It is nice to meet you. How old are you, Miss?” he asked.

  “I’m twenty-three. I graduated from The University of Chicago last fall.”

  “I see. Twenty-three is a lovely age. Is that your natural hair color and skin tone?”

  She tilted her head in confusion, but nodded slowly. She didn’t understand why he had nothing to say about her education. “Yes. Anyway, I know my resume doesn’t have much on it for professional environments, but if you look at the letters of recommendation I included with my application, you’ll see that I’m an excellent candidate.”

  “Do you eat a healthy diet? Exercise?”

  “Yes,” Chloe answered again, though she was growing annoyed. What kind of questions were these for a job interview? He hadn’t asked her a single thing about her work history or for more about her education. “I’m sorry, but what does this have to do with a job?”

  The older man smiled as though he was keeping a secret, then he let out a small chuckle. “Oh, my dear, this isn’t an interview for a job. This is an interview to see if you’re a good fit to marry Dimitri Belikov. I trust you know who he is?”

  Chloe nodded slowly, her jaw dropping in shock.

  Chapter Two

  Dimitri walked to the alcohol cart in his office, buttoning his suit jacket as he did. Pouring himself vodka and sipping from it, he sighed. His family friend’s secretary had called him, letting him know that they had successfully found him a suitable wife. He was not the type of man who could be held down, something he was well known for in Russia, but that reputation could not follow him here. Not if he wanted the American people to take to him, and he needed them to. His father would have no problem giving his adopted brother, Nikolai, the position otherwise, and Dimitri would not have that. At the very least, he hoped his wife-to-be would not expect faithfulness. He was not a one-woman man, and he never would be.

  He received another call that they were ready for him, so he knocked back the rest of his vodka and headed out of his office. Dimitri hoped that she was at least worth looking at; he had no desire to get married, so he certainly would not be happy about it unless this woman was entirely worth having on his arm for show. When he arrived at the other man’s office, he gave a single knock and entered. Dimitri looked directly at the other man, nodding.

  “Alexei.” His gaze shifted then to the woman in the room. His steel blue eyes met her bright green ones and he was immediately intrigued. She was gorgeous, which was more than he was expecting. And she didn’t look uptight or boring.

  “Dimitri, my boy. This is Chloe Parker,” Alexei told him, standing to make the formal introductions.

  The younger man nodded, taking in the sight of her once more. “Indeed, she is… lovely. But I am afraid I’ll need just a little longer to decide if she’s… a good fit to be my wife.” His eyes grazed over her body, and he knew that his decision merely relied on how well she performed for him. Regardless of his refusal to only have one woman for the rest of his life, he certainly did not want a wife who would bore him in bed. Otherwise the prospect of making heirs would be too boring to entertain.

  “Dimitri, you are running out of time,” the older man urged, but was cut off before he could say anything more.

  “Oh hell no. Wait, no, I haven’t even agreed to this yet!” Chloe scoffed, standing up. Her legs were just about ready to carry her from the room.

  Dimitri held up one hand, smirking. “’Yet.’ You said you haven’t agreed this this ‘yet.’” He should be glad she didn’t want to agree; it meant that he would not be required to take her as his wife. But there was a fire in her that reminded him of himself, and he wanted to at least get to know her. He was going to have to marry someone; it might as well be someone he found himself attracted to. And maybe she would use some of that fire in bed.

  “What’s your point?” Chloe asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

  “My point, dear Chloe,” he started, moving closer to her, “is that perhaps you should have lunch with me before you make your decision. This way we can see if we find such an arrangement to be agreeable.”

  She wanted to say no, to tell him she had no interest in hearing his offer. But he was gorgeous, and she would be lying if she said she had no desire to run her fingers through that dark hair and see what his body looked like beneath that suit of his. Even though she had seen him on the news, and several times in the newspaper, he was so much more attractive in person. After a long moment of thought, she nodded slowly. “Very well. I promise nothing more than lunch, though.”

  Dimitri was satisfied enough with that answer. She would be easy to persuade, he thought. “Lovely. You may go to your home. I will have a driver pick you up for lunch at precisely eleven-thirty.”

  Chloe nodded. She turned, dipping her head and murmuring a thank you to Alexei. Chloe then moved around Dimitri to head out of the office. She was in too deep already, and she knew it.

  Chapter Three

  Chloe changed from her suit into a day dress the moment she got home. She was nervous about the lunch with Dimitri; she had no idea what exactly to expect. Looking over her appearance in the fl
oor length mirror on the back of her bedroom door, she tugged the bottom of the dress to straighten any existing wrinkles. It was simple – black, mid-thigh length, and just tight enough to show off her form without being restricting.

  There was still a little time before Dimitri’s driver was expected to pick her up, so she went into the kitchen and pulled out a packet of crackers. She nibbled on a couple, uncertain if she’d be able to eat during her lunch. It was a lot to try to live up to, and she didn’t even know yet if she was interested in marrying him. Hell, she’d only just met him. But at the very least, it would be amusing to hear him out.

  When the buzzer rang for her intercom, she buzzed back down. A man told her that he was waiting for her downstairs, and to please come quickly, they only had half an hour until she was due to meet Mr. Belikov. She assured him she would be down momentarily, grabbing her purse and slinging it over her shoulder. Chloe let herself out of the apartment, locking the three locks before heading for the stairs.

  The driver had said little to her, same with the gentleman who had led her from the car up to a penthouse suite, one she assumed was Dimitri’s. She was escorted to a room that was surrounded from floor to ceiling in glass and told to sit at the table there to wait for her meal and for Mr. Belikov. Then she was left alone.

  Chloe set her purse down, taking a seat in one of the cushioned black chairs. The table was huge, clear glass making up the tabletop. It was large enough to hold probably ten people, but had only four chairs. She looked out the glass wall, amazed at the gorgeous view of the city. She wondered what it was like to be so wealthy that you could afford such a place to live. Maybe being his wife wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

  Hearing footsteps behind her, Chloe turned her head to see Dimitri walking into the room. “It is a lovely view, is it not?” he asked, smirking down at her.

  “It is. Very lovely indeed. I can’t imagine waking up to see this view everyday.”

  “The option is there.” He made a motion to the gentleman in the doorway, who then left, returning moments later with a middle-aged woman trailing behind him, pushing a silver cart full of plates of covered food. Dimitri sat at the head of the table in the seat to her immediate right, and Chloe let her gaze fall on him once more.

  “Lunch, Master Belikov, Miss Parker,” the woman said, stopping to Chloe’s left and lifting each plate one by one, setting them on the table, and uncovering them. She then settled a plate in front of each of them and sat the silverware on the right side of each plate. The meal, though fairly unrecognizable, looked delicious. There were dumplings of some sort, bread, a variety of cheeses, fruits, skewers of meat with sauce, and a pan full of soup. Chloe suddenly felt ravenous.

  Dimitri excused the woman and man from the room, leaving them alone with their meal. He reached over, serving her spoonfuls of everything except the soup, and laying a skewer across her plate. “These are all some of my favorite foods from Russia. It’s nice to have meals to remind me of home when I am so far away.”

  She nodded, confused by his actions. He didn’t seem like the kind of man to serve anyone, let alone a woman. “It all looks delicious. Thank you.”

  “Eat.” He filled his own plate, picking up a dumpling and eating it, as he looked her over. They didn’t discuss much other than basic facts about each other. He was thirty-two, had only been in America a short time. He wasn’t certain if he liked it yet, but it was required that he acclimated due to wanting the position at his family’s business. She told him her age, that she went to school for Philosophy, but was currently a waitress. He didn’t seem very impressed with her yet.

  Dimitri intimidated her, but he was gorgeous. No man had ever made her feel like this before. And it was even more so when he spoke again. “Chloe, I should let you know that I am very straight forward. I don’t like games, and I don’t like being told no. I see the things I want, and I take them.”

  “As do I,” she cut in. “I fight for what I want, and I usually win. I have never backed down.”

  “Good then. We have something in common,” he answered, smirking. Dimitri stood, moving toward her and bending, his hands gripping the arms of her chair. He hovered over her, and Chloe had no idea what she was doing, but only half a moment passed before she was standing and forcing him back, crashing her lips to his. Dimitri responded in kind, turned on by her forwardness. He gripped her hips, tugging her lower half to his as they kissed fervently.

  Blindly using one hand to push her plate away, Dimitri lifted her, setting her on the table and standing between her legs. Sliding one hand between her thighs, his fingers found the lace of her underwear. He stroked his fingertips over her and reveled in the moan she released. He didn’t have the patience to fully undress her, but Dimitri pulled back enough to reach under her dress and pull her underwear off her, tossing it to the side. He also unzipped her dress and shoved it down her shoulders, leaving it bunched around her waist.

  Chloe dropped her hands to his belt, undoing it and releasing the clasp on his pants. She shoved down his pants and underwear, watching as his cock was released from its confines and wrapping her hand around it. She stroked him a couple times, but Dimitri gripped her wrist and pulled her hand away, stepping closer and gripping his own cock to lead into her.

  Her head fell back and she moaned as he filled her. She was no virgin, but she had never had sex with someone she had only just met, either. But it was thrilling. Chloe wrapped her arms around his shoulders, turning her face to press kisses to his neck. She was startled, pulling back just slightly at the sight of another man in the room, simply standing there and watching them.

  Chapter Four

  Chloe pulled fully away from Dimitri after a moment, gathering her dress and dragging it up her body to cover her breasts, despite the fact that she was still wearing her bra anyway. She felt too exposed in front of this other man. Dimitri looked confused for a moment, but turned his head to follow her gaze and smirked.

  “Nikolai,” he said, pulling himself out of Chloe and turning, but doing nothing to cover himself up. “This is my fiancée, Chloe. Chloe, this is my brother, Nikolai.”

  “Uh, h-hello.” She tried a smile, but felt so exposed that she was certain it looked more like a grimace. Especially with the way the other man’s eyes were grazing over her body. He didn’t look anything like Dimitri, with blonde hair and gray eyes, but he was quite handsome in his own right. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” the man answered, walking closer to them. “Tell me, Dimitri, do you intend to share her?” Chloe gasped at the words.

  “Of course,” Dimitri said. He looked back at Chloe and smirked. “I share everything with Nikolai. This will be part of the arrangement, if you decide to accept the offer to be my wife, that is.”

  “But you’re brothers?” she answered in confusion.

  “He’s adopted.” Dimitri smirked, shrugging as Nikolai moved in front of Chloe.

  She looked up at him, deciding that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. They were both outstandingly gorgeous. Nikolai pressed his lips to hers, and Dimitri brought his hand back to her core, pushing two fingers into her as his adopted brother’s tongue slid against hers. She was far too turned on to say no to having the attention of two sexy men at once.

  Chloe whimpered into Nikolai’s mouth, her body on fire from the fingers inside of her and the mouth on hers. Nikolai’s hands came up, pulling hers from her chest so her dress dropped once more. He stepped back from her, gripping the fabric in his hands and pulling it up and off her. Next he unclasped her bra, and both men took a step back to take her in.

  “Exquisite,” Nikolai whispered.

  Dimitri murmured his agreement, then motioned for his brother to take a seat. “Now my dear wife-to-be, why don’t you use that pretty mouth to tend to my brother while I continue where we left off?”

  She looked up at him, then over at Nikolai, who was quickly undressing and taking the closest seat. Nodding, Chloe knelt on the floor between h
is legs and gripped his cock in her hand. She turned her head to look at Dimitri, noticing that he had shed his pants and underwear fully, his shirt now unbuttoned and opened to reveal his muscular torso. Chloe turned her head back to look at Nikolai, then she took the head of his cock between her lips and started sucking gently.

  Dimitri moved behind her, gripping his own cock and pushing into her once more. He grasped her hips, holding her in place while he thrust hard into her. It was hard for her to focus on sucking Nikolai’s dick when Dimitri’s felt so good inside of her, but she did her best. Chloe pumped the lower half of his shaft in her fist, while flicking her tongue side to side over the head. She then lowered her mouth around him, taking more of him in as she pumped faster, Dimitri’s thrusts speeding up as well. It was so much to feel at once; she’d never had a threesome before, hell, she had never even fucked two men in the same week before.

  Nikolai brought his hands to her breasts as her mouth worked so deliciously on him. He squeezed, kneading them in his palms and running his thumbs over her pert nipples. There was something so arousing to him about taking a woman with his brother, the two of them fucking her well.

  Chloe moaned around him at a particularly pleasing thrust, and Dimitri reached up, gripping her hair and tugging it back, making her whimper. He smirked, looking up at his brother.

  “Why don’t you fuck her mouth while I finish up here,” he directed his brother. And only moments later, Nikolai was standing, gripping her hair in his hands and fucking his cock into her mouth, the head hitting her throat and making her eyes water. Every time he pulled back, Dimitri thrust deeper into her pussy and she’d never felt so full in her life.

  Dimitri slipped his hand around her hip, fingers finding her clit and circling it as he grew close. He felt her pussy spasm and tighten around him. It wouldn’t take him much longer to come. He sped up his thrusts and fingers, watching as Nikolai fucked her mouth harder, wet sounds filling the air every time he pulled out from her throat to let her breathe.


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