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Double Obsessions

Page 8

by Charlotte Sloan

  His mood had already been tense. He’d woken up frustrated and needy after dreaming of Amanda all night, and this bad news just blackened his mood even further. Still, he kept his hands gentle on the horse as he finished examining her and then stomped inside to call the vet.

  Two hours later, his mood started to improve considerably. The vet had been busy, it appeared, because he’d sent his lovely assistant, who was on call for the weekend, out to take a look at the horse. If Amanda wasn’t sure of the problem, he would come himself, he’d assured Blake. Blake couldn’t help thinking, as he watched Amanda’s curvy figure moving toward him, that the vet wouldn’t look nearly as good in a skimpy top and cut-off jeans. He’d take the voluptuous assistant any day. She was every bit as competent as the vet after working for him since she’d been a gangly teenager, and she looked a damn sight better.

  She’d changed a lot from the short, scrawny teen with no grace and a love for any animal she could get her hands on. She still was great with animals, but she’d shot up, grown up, and filled out really damn well. He led her out to the barn and explained his concerns. Then he left her to her work, though he wanted nothing more than to stay and watch her. He went to saddle up a different mount and ride the fences, as he’d been planning on doing before he’d had to stop to call the vet.

  Blake couldn’t keep his mind on the task though. All he could think of was how badly he wanted the gorgeous girl who was currently in his barn. He pictured himself taking her again and again as he rode, fighting an erection that was making the saddle damnably uncomfortable.

  By the time he gave up and rode back to the barn to see how she was doing, in his mind he’d tasted her breasts, her stomach, her center, and her thighs. He’d imagined taking her in the hayloft, in his bed, even on horseback…it gave a whole new meaning to the reverse cowgirl. As he neared the barn he tried desperately to tame the thoughts. He was still so hard that he was afraid she’d see if he got out of the saddle, so he stayed mounted.

  She was leaving the barn just as he pulled his mount to a stop. She glanced up at him and their eyes met. He couldn’t look away, even though he was afraid she would look into his eyes and know exactly how badly he wanted her. Finally, he looked away from her to break the spell so that he could think enough to speak, but then his gaze just fell to her lips.

  “Would you like to come inside and get something to drink before you go?” His voice was rough, and he didn’t know where the invitation had come from. He certainly hadn’t planned on offering to take her inside for a drink.

  “You’ve never offered me a drink before, Blake. Why now?” Was her voice a little breathier than usual, or was he just imagining it?

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her lips. “I thought you might be thirsty.”

  “I saw you there, at the pavilion last night. I know why you want to invite me inside.”

  The words made the blood return to Blake’s head—the one that did the thinking anyway; the other had no problem with lacking blood flow at the moment—and he was shaken enough from his lustful thoughts to realize that she was actually blushing. How intriguing, that he could make the woman who was auctioning her virginity off to the highest bidder blush.

  “If you want me, you should have made a move sooner. Now you’ll just have to bid along with everyone else to get what you want.”

  She tried to act nonchalant, but her cheeks were flushed and her nipples were pressing against the front of her shirt. A slow smile spread over Blake’s face.

  “Darlin’, I might do just that.”

  She flushed harder and hurried to collect her things and leave after telling him she’d be in touch with test results. Blake smiled and watched her go. Then he went and pulled up the website. He made a bid that he was pretty sure would guaran-damn-tee she’d be having that drink he’d offered in the near future. Now all he had to do was find a way to keep from spontaneously combusting in the mean-time.

  Chapter Five

  Amanda dropped off her things at the vet’s office and then headed home, knowing that there weren’t likely to be any more emergency calls this weekend. She couldn’t get Blake off her mind. She could almost feel his gaze like a caress when he’d looked at her. For a moment, she allowed herself to wonder how it would feel to be with him, but she quickly crushed the thought.

  Her inexperienced mind couldn’t picture anything in detail, but she was filled with a deep yearning that made her middle feel hollow and uncomfortable. This was silly, and pointless. Blake was hardly the kind of man who would be willing to pay for sex. He could get it for free any time he wanted, she was sure. She wiggled uncomfortably against the tingling sensation between her legs as she drove home.

  “Holy crap, Amanda. You have to come see this!”

  She was barely through the front door when Aimee’s excited voice reached her ears. Amanda wandered into the living room, glad for a distraction from her thoughts about the handsome rancher whose house she’d just left.

  “What is it?”

  “Well, I know that the bidding doesn’t end until Friday, but I think your virginity has officially been purchased.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Amanda grabbed a soda from the fridge and then dropped down on the couch beside her friend.

  “You smell like a horse.”

  “I’m not surprised. I spent my morning in a horse barn, dear.”

  Aimee had a dating website open—it looked like Charlie was going to be replaced pretty damn quickly—but she switched to another tab once Amanda settled beside her. Amanda’s ‘virginity vendor,’ as Aimee had jokingly been referring to it, filled the screen and Amanda scanned the page quickly, trying to figure out what made Aimee think that the auction was a done deal. When she saw the most recent bid, her jaw hit the floor.

  Thirty minutes ago, ‘lonstar27’ had put in a bid…the previous bid had been eleven thousand. His? His was for fifty thousand. No one would be able to top that. It was true, then. She’d been bought and paid for. And for fifty thousand dollars!

  This was huge. She would be able to move out of this town, where memories of her mother’s life and her father’s betrayal crowded her no matter where she went. She would be able to go to college so that she would never have to be dependent on some cheating bastard of a man to support her…she would have to sell herself to the highest bidder. She already had.

  The only thing left now was to go through with it. The thought was terrifying, but she wouldn’t back down now. She’d given her word, and Amanda Bales was no liar. A prostitute? Maybe. But a liar? No sir-ee. Not this girl. A bitter laugh escaped her throat.

  “You know you don’t have to go through with it, sweetie. I’d say you’ve put your dad in his place.” Her voice was soft, and it warmed Amanda to know that her friend knew her so well. She needed the money for college, though, and she would not back down on her word.

  “I’m doing it, Aimee. As soon as I made that announcement, there was no going back. Let’s hope that Mr. Lonestar27 is below seventy and isn’t missing any teeth.”

  “I don’t know…If you get an old enough one, maybe there will be an equipment malfunction, know what I mean? You can keep your end of the bargain and still waltz right out of there, cherry intact.”

  Amanda snorted at the bizarre logic, and Aimee let out a full belly laugh in response. The both dissolved in laughter for a moment, but then Aimee’s face became serious once more.

  “On a serious note, though…your dad stopped by. He seemed really upset, Amanda. I know that was your goal, but he really looks like shit. I almost feel bad for the guy, you know?”

  “I do, but I’m still going through with it. I would regardless of the money, because he deserves it, but fifty thousand? Aimee, I can pay for my entire bachelor’s degree with that if I’m careful and I apply for some grants. I lost almost all my scholarships when I decided to stay home and take care of Mom. And Dad isn’t going to pay for my education. He just wants me to find a good ole boy, pref
erably a preacher like him, and settle down. He never did understand why that life didn’t seem like enough for me. This is my chance to take my future back, to get out of this town. I’m not giving it up because some sanctimonious, two-faced prick is a little upset.”

  “I understand, and you know I’m behind you one hundred percent of the way, girl. It would have felt like lying to you if I didn’t let you know though.”

  Amanda smiled at her best friend. This, she thought, was why she loved her like a sister. “I know…and thank you. Now, let’s start figuring out when and where I can meet up with Mr. Lonestar.

  Chapter Six

  Blake almost couldn’t believe he’d actually gone through with it, but he had. After Amanda had left his place last week, he’d wanted her so bad he could hardly see straight. He’ d gone inside and placed the bid, knowing that it wouldn’t be topped. Then he had waited through the longest week of his life, feeling more desperate for Amanda’s touch by the hour. Now, the day had finally come that he would arrange when and where he would claim her, and he was about to climb out of his damn skin.

  They were meeting at Little Italy, an Italian restaurant that was the only one in town that could even come close to fine dining. It was, he mused, a very romantic setting for what was actually happening. Still, he couldn’t blame Amanda for wanting a public setting. She could have ended up with a real psycho, selling herself online the way she had. So the public venue was smart. He secretly wondered if she didn’t crave some semblance of the romance that should accompany every young woman’s first time. If so, he didn’t mind doing his best to oblige.

  He had, as agreed, brought a single yellow rose to replace the usual red ones in the crystal vase on his table. The entire town had known of the arrangements from Amanda’s webpage. Everyone had been avoiding eye contact with him, but that wasn’t the case at all when Amanda walked in. Every eye in the place was on her. The women, for the most part, looked on her with the snide disgust that is reserved only for the most beautiful and carefree of women. He knew without a doubt that they either envied her or hated her because they knew that the men they loved lusted after her just as badly as he did. The men either tried to purposefully ignore her or looked her up and down with bold, condescending leers. Every single gaze was filled with lust.

  Amanda took their looks in and held her head high, her eyes challenging when she made eye contact by chance as she scanned the room for him. He saw the moment her eyes found the yellow rose. He watched as she focused on his face and her jaw dropped with shock. He couldn’t hold back the crooked smile that rose to his face.

  She recovered her composure and made her way toward him. Her strides were purposeful, but she still oozed sensuality. You couldn’t walk without looking like sex with curves like hers. He waited until she was close enough that only those closest to them could hear them conversing.

  “Surprised, Amanda?”

  “You know I am. Not the beginning I’d hoped for, having to pick my jaw up off the floor…I felt like one of those cartoons. You know, the ones where they have to roll their tongue back up and put it away before they close their mouth…I’m babbling.”

  He’d moved around the table to ease out the chair for her—the situation wasn’t going to negate the good manners his mamma had worked so hard to instill in him—and now he was once again sitting across from her.

  “It was cute.”

  “It was humiliating, and decidedly unsexy.”

  He couldn’t help laughing at her dry, self-deprecating tone. “Nothing you do is unsexy, darlin’. You’re turning every man in this place on right now just by breathing.”

  It was true. The men still couldn’t keep their eyes off her. The women couldn’t either for that matter. It made sense, really, considering that the entire town knew what was happening here tonight. He could see that the comment made her uncomfortable, though.

  “Ignore them. They’re either turned on, jealous, or both.”

  “Okay…why did you bid on me?”

  “You told me to; remember?”

  Amanda just looked at him. Damn, but she was cute when she was flustered.

  “You told me to, and I’ve wanted you since way before this. I just was trying to be a gentleman and refrain from seducing the perfect preacher’s daughter.”

  “Okay…why did you bid so much?”

  It was a lot, he could admit that. But he hadn’t been able to handle the idea of anyone outbidding him in the final seconds. He’d never admit it to her, but he didn’t want to think of Amanda with another man, period.

  “I always get what I want, Amanda. Whatever it takes.”

  “Right…right.” Nerves were making her voice shake now. “So, on that note, how do you want to do this?”


  “Yeah. How do you want to take my virginity?”

  “How? You didn’t mention that I was going to have to teach you, but since you asked…when a man and a woman want each other very much—” He felt like a jerk when the man at the next table started laughing and Amanda turned beat red.

  “I’m sorry. That was in poor taste. Look, honey…it’s obvious that you aren’t very comfortable with this situation yet. Why don’t we just take it slow, get to know each other first. The other can wait.”

  If he was a better man, Blake would have offered to withdraw his bid and let her walk away from a decision she was obviously close to regretting, but he wanted her too damn badly to let her go that easily. Besides, then she would just go to the next lowest bidder, and Blake couldn’t stomach the idea of her giving her first time to anyone but him.

  The tension between them eased after that. They made comfortable conversation for the rest of the meal as they got to know each other better. Blake was surprised to find that Amanda was warm and witty, with a dry sense of humor that complemented his own quite well. If he could just forget what brought them together, he could almost see himself breaking his ‘no strings’ rule for this lovely woman.

  Chapter Seven

  Blake’s hand was on Amanda’s back as he expertly guided her to the front of the restaurant so that he could pay the check. The touch sent shivers up and down Amanda’s spine. She could hardly believe her luck. Blake was so hot, and she was thoroughly enjoying his company. He was being an attentive gentleman when he had every excuse to treat her like nothing more than the easy lay that she was.

  The thought reminded her of the check for fifty thousand dollars she’d tucked in her purse. Well, maybe not that easy. There was a line at the register, and Amanda decided to take advantage of the wait to call Aimee and let her know that she was okay, and that the winning bidder hadn’t ended up being a total creep.

  “So, is he short, shriveled? Older than dirt? Fill me in, girl!” Aimee was making jokes, but Amanda could hear the tension in her friend’s voice.

  “None of the above. Aimee, it is Blake Daniels.”

  There was silence for a moment while her friend tried to place a face with the name. “The guy that owns the hardware store?”

  “No, the rancher…the one we were ogling at the county fair last week.”

  “Shut up. He is seriously hot. Damn. I gave my virginity away for half a bottle of Boone’s Farm and a date to McDonald’s to a guy who wasn’t half that yummy. You get him and fifty thousand? Life isn’t fair. Forget internet dating. I’m about to start an online prostitution ring…you got the money from him yet?”

  Amanda couldn’t help laughing. “Yes, I did. Let me know how that goes for you. I have to hang up. He’s just coming out of the restaurant. Don’t wait up.”

  “You know I will. I’m going to want details. Bye!”

  Amanda turned just as Blake was pushing the door open. She had to admit he was amazingly good looking. His hair was brown, but this late in the summer it had lightened almost to blond, presumably because of hours spent working outdoors on his ranch. His skin was tanned, and there were faint laugh lines at the corners of his eyes when he smiled, like he was
doing now. His eyes were a warm brown, and at the moment they sparkled with mirth and bit of lust.

  “You, ma’am, are undressing me with your eyes.”

  “Oh! I’m sorry.” She flushed.

  “Relax. Under the circumstances, I’d say it’s a good thing. What do you say we head down to the river for a little while?”

  “Sure. I’d like that.”

  “I was hoping you’d agree. I even already have the fishing poles in the truck.”

  “Do you now?”

  “Of course. I’m pretty sure it’s a requirement. It’s one of those man rules…if you live below the Mason Dixon line and own a truck, there must be either a fishing pole or a shotgun in it at all times. Didn’t you know?”

  Amanda rolled her eyes, but she was laughing. “I had no idea. Well then, lead on, you pinnacle of manliness.”

  The shadows faded into evening. Blake was sweet and attentive. She’d spent countless hours fishing growing up, and the familiarity of it put her at ease in a way that a fancy restaurant never could have. Considering the dread and nerves that had filled her belly at the start of the evening, this wonderful ending was nothing short of miraculous.

  “I never pictured myself ending this evening smelling like a creek with my hands covered in worm guts.” Amanda laughed and wiggled said fingers in Blake’s direction.

  “I don’t know why not. They make the best bait…cheap and affective.” His eyes were warm with laughter.

  “Ha, ha. You know very well why…thank you. For treating me like I’m a prize to be won instead of a foregone conclusion. It means a lot to me.”

  “Oh, Amanda…Never doubt that you’re a prize worthy of a king.”

  Her smile was sad, but she just couldn’t bring herself to smile with genuine happiness. “Thanks for saying so…”

  Soon darkness overtook the sky and they were forced to pack up so that Blake could bring Amanda home. Blake grabbed Amanda’s hand as they walked back up to the truck, and the sweet gesture warmed her heart. He was so sweet, and such a gentleman. She thought in that moment that she could honestly see herself falling for him, but no.


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