A People's History of the Supreme Court
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DeLaine, Rev. J. A.
Dennis, Eugene
Dennis v. United States
Desdunes, Rodolphe
Dewey, Thomas
DeWitt, Gen. John L.
Dickinson, John
discriminationin public accommodations reverse
Diversity Clause
Dobie, Judge Armistead Mason
Doe v. Bolton
Doe v. Commonwealth’s Attorney
Dole, Sen. Robert
Double Jeopardy Clause
Douglas, Sen. Stephen
Douglas, Justice William O.
Douglass, Frederick
Doumar, Judge Robert
draft law
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Dubofsky, Jean
Du Bois, W. E. B.
due process: proceduraland state law substantive
Due Process Clause
Dunham, Frank
Dunne, Finley Peter
Duvall, Justice Gabriel
Eastland, Sen. James
Eighth Amendment
Eisenhower, Pres. Dwight
Electoral College
Eleventh Amendment
Ellsworth, Justice Oliver
Emerson, Dr. John
Emerson, Thomas
Emerson v. Board of Education
Endo, Mitsuye
“enemy combatants”
Enforcement Acts
Engel, Steven
Engel v. Vitale
English law
Ennis, Edward
enumerated powers
Epstein, Henry
Equal Access Act
equal protection
Equal Protection Clause
Equal Rights Amendment
Espionage Act (1917)
Establishment Clause
Establishment of Religion clause
Evans, Harold
Evans, Richard
Evarts, William
Everson v. Board of Education
executive power
Ex parte Endo
Ex parte Milligan
Fahy, Charles
Fairfax’s Devisee v. Hunter’s Lessee
Faubus, Gov. Orval
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federalist Papers, The
Federal Reserve System
Fee, Judge Alger
Field, Justice Stephen
Fifteenth Amendment
Fifth Amendment
Figg, Robert
Filled Milk Act of 1923
Fillmore, Pres. Millard
Finkbine, Sherri
First Amendment
flag: burning thesaluting the
Fletcher v. Peck
Flowers, Robert
Floyd, Henry
Floyd, Jay
Footnote Four
Ford, Pres. Gerald
Fortas, Justice Abe
Foster, William Z.
Four Horsemen of Reaction
Fourteenth Amendment
Fourth Amendment
Frankfurter, Justice Felix
Franklin, Benjamin
free blacks
Free Exercise and Free Speech Clause
freemen, white, rights of
Free Speech Clause
Frémont, John
Freuhauf Trailer Company
Freund, Ernst
Fried, Charles
Friedan, Betty
Friedman-Harry Marks Company
Fries, John
Fugitive Slave Act (1793)
Fugitive Slave Clause
Fuller, Chief Justice Melville
Fullilove v. Klutznick
Gaines, Lloyd
Gaines v. Canada
Gardner, George K.
Garfield, Pres. James
Garre, Gregory
Garrison, William Lloyd
gay rights
Gebhart v. Belton
General Motors
General Welfare Clause
George, Henry
Georgia v. Brailsford
Gerry, Elbridge
Geyer, Henry
Gibbons v. Ogden
Gibson v. Mississippi
Giddings, Rep. Joshua
Gideon, Clarence Earl
Gideon v. Wainwright
Giles, William
Ginsburg, Judge Douglas
Ginsburg, Justice Ruth Bader
Gitlow, Benjamin
Gitlow v. New York
Glucksberg, Dr. Harold
Glucksberg case
Gobitas, Walter, and family
Goldberg, Justice Arthur
Goldberg, Judge Irving
Goldberg v. Kelly
Gonzales, Alberto
Gonzales v. Carhart
Gonzales v. Oregon
Goodwin, Judge Alfred T.
Gore, Vice Pres. Al
Gorham, Nathaniel
Gould, Jay
government: branches ofchecks and balances
Graham, Rev. Billy
grain storage companies
Grange, the
Grant, Pres. Ulysses S.
Gratz, Jennifer
Gratz case
Gray, Justice Horace
Grayson, Sen. William
Great Compromise
Great Depression
Greeley, Horace
Greenberg, Jack
Greenleaf, Simon
Grier, Justice Robert
Griffin, Anthony
Griswold, Erwin
Griswold, Estelle
Griswold v. Connecticut
Grutter, Barbara
Grutter case
Guffey Act
gun control legislation
Gutterman, Rabbi Leslie
Guttmacher, Dr. Alan
Habeas Corpus
Hale, Sen. John
Hale, Lord Matthew
Hall, Judge Robert
Hall, Ves
Hamdan, Salim Ahmed
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Andrew
Hamlin, Hannibal
Hancock, Gov. John
Hand, Judge Augustus N.
Hand, Judge Learned
Hapgood, Norman
happiness and prosperity, promotion of
Harding, Pres. Warren
Hardwick, Michael
Harlan, Justice John Marshall (Eisenhower appointee)
Harlan, Justice John Marshall (Hayes appointee)
Harris, Katherine
Harrison, Pres. Benjamin
Harrison, Robert
Haswell, Anthony
Hawley, Joseph
Hayburn’s Case
Hayes, Pres. Rutherford B.
Haymarket Affair
Haynsworth, Judge Clement
Head & Amory v. Providence Insurance Co.
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. U.S.
Heath, William
Heller, Joseph
Heller, Simon
Henderson, Joseph W.
Henry, Patrick
Herndon, Angelo
Herndon v. Loury
Hill, Anita
Hinton, Rev. James
Hirabayashi, Gordon
Hirabayashi v. United States
Hite, Joist
Hitler, Adolf
Hoar, Ebenezer
Hobbs, Michael
Ho Chi Minh
Holden v. Hardy
Holmes, John
Holmes, Justice Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Holt, Louisa
Home Building & Loan Assn. v. Blaisdell
homosexuals, rights of
Hoover, Pres. Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
“hot-oil” law
housing, segregated
Hughes, Justice Charles Evans
Hughes, Sarah
Humphrey, Hubert
Hunt, Justice Ward
Hutcheson, Judge Sterling
Hutchinson, Anne
Huxman, Judge Walter
Ickes, Harold
immigrantscitizenship of
impeachmentof judges
income tax
Indians: removalwarfare with
Industrial Workers of the World
In re Debs
In re Jacobs
interest group litigation
interstate commerce
Iqbal, Asif
Iredell, Justice James
Irons, Peter
Isserman, Abraham
Istook, Rep. Ernest
Jackson, Pres. Andrew
Jackson, Justice Howell
Jackson, Rep. James
Jackson, Justice Robert H.
Jackson, William
Japanese Americansmass evacuation of
Jay, Chief Justice John
Jay Treaty
Jefferson, Pres. Thomas
Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jews for Jesus
Jim Crow laws
John Birch Society
Johnson, Pres. Andrew
Johnson, Judge Frank M.
Johnson, Gregory
Johnson, Hugh
Johnson, Pres. Lyndon
Johnson, Reverdy
Johnson, Justice Thomas
Johnson, Justice William
Jones v. Opelika
judges, impeachment of
judicial restraint
judicial review
judiciary, powers of
Judiciary Act (1789)
Judson, Judge Andrew
justices of the peace
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kennedy, Justice Anthony
Kennedy, Sen. Edward
Kennedy, Pres. John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kerrey, Sen. Bob
Kerry, Sen. John
King, Marsha and David
King, Rev. Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Rufus
King v. Gallagher
Knight, E. C., Company
Kolbert, Kathryn
Korean War
Korematsu, Fred
Korematsu v. United States
Kraemer, Louis
Ku Klux Klan
labor relations
labor unions
Lachowsky, Hyman
Lafayette, Marquis de
laissez-faire economics
Lamar, Justice Joseph Rucker
Lamar, Justice Lucius
land: speculation intitle to
Lamb’s Chapel v. Center Moriches School District
Landon, Gov. Alf
Langdon, John
Lansing, John
Larrabee, Gov. William
Laski, Harold
Latimer, George
Latimer Law
law, English
Lawrence v. Texas
Lecompton Constitution
Lee, Charles
Lee, Sen. Richard Henry
Lee, Robert E. (general)
Lee, Robert E. (school principal)
Lee v. Weisman
Leggett, William
legislative power, delegation of
Lehman, Judge Irving
Lemley, Judge Harry
Lemon v. Kurtzman
Liberty Clause
license fees
Lincoln, Pres. Abraham
Lincoln, Levi
Lipman, Samuel
Lippmann, Walter
Little Rock, Ark., high school affair
Livingston, Justice Brockholst
Livingston, Robert
Lochner, Joseph
Lochner v. New York
Loewe v. Lawlor
Lovell v. City of Griffin
Lum, Martha
Lurton, Justice Horace
Lusky, Louis
Lyon, Rep. Mathew
Lyons, Willie
Madison, Pres. James
Magna Carta
Marbury v. Madison
Margold, Nathan
Maris, Judge Albert
Marks, Morton
marriage, protection of
Marshall, Chief Justice John
Marshall, Justice Thurgood
Martin, Crawford
Martin, Denny
Martin, Luther
Martinet, Louis
Martinez, Jenny
Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee
Marx, Karl
Mason, George
Mason, John
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Matthews, Justice Stanley
Mayer, Julius
McCarthy, Sen. Joseph
McClellan, George
McCloy, John J.
McCluskey, Henry
McCollum v. Illinois
McConnell, Michael
McCord, Rev. L. B.
McCormick, Charles T.
McCorvey, Norma (“Jane Roe”)
McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky
McCulloch, James
McCulloch v. Maryland
McGovern, Sen. George
McKenna, Justice Joseph
McKinley, Justice John
McKinley, Pres. William
McLarin v. Oklahoma State Regents
McLaurin, George
McLean, Justice John
McReynolds, Justice James C.
Medina, Judge Harold
Meldahl, Horace
Mercer, John
Meredith, James
Mergens, Bridget
Mergens case
Miers, Harriet E.
Milford, Del., high school affair
military, segregation in
Mill, John Stuart
Miller, Judge John E.
Miller, Justice Samuel
Milligan case
Milligan, Lambdin P.
Minami, Dale
Minersville School Board v. Gobitis
minimum wage
minorities: jobsrights
Minton, Justice Sherman
Miranda, Ernesto
Miranda v. Arizona
Missouri Compromise
Mitchell, Sen. George
Mitchell, John
Mobbs, Michael
Monroe, Pres. James
Montgomery bus boycott
Moody, Justice William
Moore, Justice Alfred
Moore, Justin
Morehead, Frederick
Morehead v. Tipaldo
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, Margaret
Morrill, Sen. Lot
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, Robert
Mosaic Code
Mugler, Peter
Mugler v. Kansas
Muhlenberg, Rep. Frederick
Muller, Curt
Muller v. Oregon
Munn, Ira
Munn v. Illinois
Murphy, Justice Frank
Murray, Donald
Mussolini, Benito
Myer, Dillon
Nabrit, James
Nation, Carrie
National Abortion Rights League
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Consumers League
National Industrial Recovery Act
National Labor Board
National Labor Relations Act
National Labor Relations Board
National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.
National Organization for Women
National Popular Government League
Naturalization Act (1798)
Nebbia, Leo
Nebbia v. New York
“necessary and proper” clause
Nelson, Levi
Nelson, Justice Samuel
New Deal
Newdow, Dr. Michael
New Jersey Plan
New York Times v. Sullivan
Nicholls, Carleton
Nicholls, Judge Francis T.
Niles, Hezekiah
9/11. see September
Nineteenth Amendment
Ninth Amendment
Nixon, Pres. Richard
Northwest Ordinance
O’Brien, David
O’Connor, Justice Sandra Day
Ogden, Aaron
Ogden, George
Ogden v. Saunders
O’Hare, Kate Richards
Olney, Richard
Olson, Theodore
one-law-in-war-and-peace doctrine
one-person-one-vote standard
Pacific Legal Foundation
Padilla, Jose
Palko v. Connecticut
Palmer, A. Mitchell
Palmer raids
Panama Refining v. Ryan
Panics: (1819)(1837)(1873) (1893)
Parker, Judge John
Parks, Rosa
Parrish, Elsie
Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act
passenger accommodations
Paterson, Justice William
Patterson, Joseph
Payne v. Tennessee
Pearl Harbor attack
Pearson, Levi
Peck, John
Peckham, Justice Rufus
Pegler, Westbrook
Pennover, Gov. Sylvester
Pequot Indians
Perkins, Frances
Perlman, Philip
Peters, Judge Richard
petition, right of
Pickering, Judge John
Pierce, Pres. Franklin
Pilpel, Harriet
Pinckney, Charles C.
Pinkerton Detective Agency
Pinkney, William
Pitney, Justice Mahlon
Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Pledge of Allegiance, challenge to