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Vietnam, An Epic Tragedy

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by Max Hastings

  Boyd, Preston, 371–2

  Bradley, Gen. Omar, 419

  Brady, Edward, 166, 586

  Braestrup, Peter, 397, 454

  Breen, Phyllis, 373, 615

  Brehm, William, 646

  Brewster, Kingman, 330

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 219, 286, 441, 533, 546

  Britain: and Indian independence, 14; foresees French expulsion from Vietnam, 30; favours diplomacy over military action, 47; non-participation in Vietnam war, 65, 199; non-involvement in Indochina, 78–9; and situation in Laos, 110–11; view of US presence in Vietnam, 122–4; success in suppressing insurgencies, 123; SIS station in Hanoi, 485–6

  British Army, 12–13

  Britten, Benjamin: War Requiem, 162

  Brookbank, Maj. David, 525

  Broughton, Col. Jack, 286, 291, 300, 304

  Brown, Archie, 648

  Brown, Dwyte, 250

  Brown, Maj. Joe, 527

  Browne, Malcolm, 133, 144

  Bruce, David, 521

  Bruggeman, Lt. David, 525

  Brunbrouck, Paul, 59

  Bryan, Harold, 262, 348

  Bù Prang, 504

  Buchwald, Art, 404

  Buckley, James, 558

  Buckley, Tom, 401

  Buckley, William F., 175, 476

  Buddhists: protests and demonstrations in South Vietnam, 143–5, 199, 208, 275; anti-communism, 194; and Ky’s rule, 275

  Bùi Diễm, 172

  Bullock, Dan, 447

  Bumgardner, Ev, 98, 195–6

  Bundy, McGeorge: in Kennedy’s Round Table, 121; as national security adviser, 145; on supporting Diem, 151; suggested as ambassador to Saigon, 179; favours committing ground troops after presidential election, 182, 196, 201; reaction to Pleiku raid, 209; reports on communist view of US indecision, 209; visit to Saigon, 209–10; and Johnson’s not making case for war, 211; on US support for South Vietnam, 223; opposes McNamara’s proposals for massive ground commitment, 226; on warning North Vietnam of action, 283; Rostow succeeds, 287; scepticism over bombing campaign, 290; and Ramsey, 574

  Bundy, William, 191, 198–9, 252, 284

  Bunker, Ellsworth, 327, 485, 524, 590

  Bunting, Josiah: The Lionheads, 335

  Burchett, Wilfred, 577

  Burleigh, Michael, 142

  Burma: independence, 14

  Burney, Capt. Linwood, 455

  Bush, George W., 331

  Butler, Capt. James, 429–31, 438

  Bystran, Sharon, 234

  Cabanier, Adm. Georges, 39–40

  Cai Lậy, 377, 398

  Cairns, Jim: Living with Asia, 461

  Calhoun, Sgt. John, 610

  Calley, Lt. William, 449–50, 505

  Cambodia: Abrams forbidden to enter, 450; Nixon orders bombing of, 476, 582; anti-Sihanouk coup, 480–1; US and South Vietnamese incursions into, 480, 482–3, 494; US air attacks on, 512; collapse, 612; North Vietnamese soldiers leave, 638

  Campbell, Capt. Dan, 264

  Campbell, Capt. Denis (Australian), 413

  Camper, Lt.Col. William, 527–8

  Camranh Bay, 149, 503; falls to North Vietnamese, 608

  Cần Lao (political party), 98

  Cần Thơ, 610

  Canada: US draft refusees in, 332; South Vietnamese refugees in, 630

  Cao Bằng, 26

  Cao Đại (religious sect), 20, 93

  Cao Văn Khánh, 70

  Cao Văn Viên, Gen., 494, 498, 500–1, 524, 537, 599, 601, 621

  Capodanno, Fr. Vincent, 347

  Cappelli, Maj. Charles, 292

  Caputo, Lt. Phil, 213, 234, 237, 250, 339, 341

  Caravelle Manifesto, 107

  Carey, Capt. Arthur, 463

  Carroll, Camp, 528, 532

  Castries, Col. Christian de, 37, 41, 44–5, 48, 50, 52–6, 60, 62–4, 67–70

  Castro, Fidel, 329, 378

  Central Highlands: campaign in, 529–39

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): finances South Vietnam factions, 93; interest in Laos, 109–10; flies medical supplies to Mekong delta, 111; inadequate understanding of communist leadership, 122; pessimistic assessments, 212; establishes radio station House 7, 240; estimate of communist armed power, 406; and Phoenix programme, 488; and collapse of South Vietnam, 613

  Chaisson, Brig. John, 255, 395, 401, 404, 405

  Chalamont, Sgt., 59

  Chapman, Frederick Spencer: The Jungle is Neutral, 340

  Charlie, Firebase, 530–2

  Charton, Lt.Col. Pierre, 26–7

  Châu Phát (Frank Jao), 628, 638, 642

  Cheatham, Lt.Col. Ernie, 390

  Checkmate, Firebase, 535

  Chennault, Mme. Claire, 444

  Cheo Reo, 600

  Chernevak, Lt. Michael, 354

  Cherry, Col. Fred, 300, 579

  Chiang Kai-shek, 6, 13–14, 23

  Chiffons, the (Australian singing group), 456–7

  Childs, Fred, 341

  Chín, Mrs (of Saigon), 401–2

  China: rules Vietnam, 2; Chiang’s troops in north Vietnam, 13, 15; communist government under Mao, 22; supports and supplies Vietminh, 22–3, 37, 42, 71, 79, 86, 157, 166–7, 193, 325, 379, 495; treaty with Soviet Union (1950), 28; proposed as participant in conference on Vietnam, 47; delegation at 1954 Geneva conference, 72, 73, 75; Great Leap Forward (industrialisation plan), 103; rift with Russia, 103, 107, 167, 319, 377; tests nuclear weapon, 193; Nixon visits, 220–1; advisers and technicians in North Vietnam, 242, 319, 320–2; personnel killed and wounded in Vietnam, 322–3; withdraws personnel from Vietnam, 441, 486; Nixon’s détente with, 516–17; and Kissinger’s settlement negotiations, 557; seizes Paracel Islands, 591; turns against North Vietnam, 637

  Chivers, C.J., 352

  Christian Science Monitor, 404

  Christianity Today (weekly), 328

  Chu Huy Mân, Brigadier, 246

  Chu Nghi: At the Ta Con Perimeter Wire (play), 408

  Church, Frank, 227

  Churchill, Winston S., 30, 46–7, 61–2, 64–6, 650

  Clark, Robert, 564, 570

  Clay, Gen. Lucius, 495

  Clement, Pte. ‘Pop’, 400

  Clements, Earle, 60

  Clifford, Clark., 226, 290, 417, 419, 585–6

  Clifton, Maj.Gen. Chester, 178

  Clinton, Bill, 330

  Clodfelter, Mark, 287, 570

  Cochinchina, 2, 15, 73, 75

  Cogny, Maj.Gen. René, 39–41, 44, 48, 51, 53, 56, 59, 63, 66, 68–9, 79–80

  Colby, William: on South Vietnam land ownership, 99; background, 116; as CIA station head in Vietnam, 116; living style in Vietnam, 118; accepts Diem’s rule, 120; contempt for Buddhists, 145; on South Vietnam government, 145; hates Lodge, 149; speculates on Kennedy’s policy in Vietnam, 154; on US covert missions in North Vietnam, 184; devises Phoenix programme, 487–8; home in Saigon, 487; leaves Vietnam, 518; directs Langley base, 590

  Collingwood, Charles, 420

  Collins, Gen. Joseph (‘Lightning Joe’), 94

  Comer, Capt. Andrew, 235–6

  Comintern: recognises Indochinese Communist Party, 6, 486

  Commercial Import Program (US economic aid), 270

  communism: in Vietnam, 12, 229, 641–3; US sees as threat, 28–30; savagery as weapon, 131, 161; demoralised in 1969, 453; see also COSVN

  Condor, Operation, 67

  Conein, Maj. Lucien (Lou), 80, 93, 134, 149–52, 171

  Conlee, Lt.Col. Bill, 570

  Conner, Col. Hendsley, 565

  Considine, Bob, 355

  Convery, Lt. Bob, 468

  Cook, Maj. Don, 575–7

  Cooper, Chester, 148, 221–2

  Cooper, Doug, 220

  Cooper-Church amendment (US, 1970), 495

  CORDS (Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support programme), 253

  Cornwell, L/Cpl. Phil, 437

  Cortel, Jack, 522

  COSVN (Communist Party of South Vietnam): and revolutionary action in South Vietnam, 1
01, 103, 106; celebrates Ap Bac victory, 142; and coup against Diem, 150; issues directive on killing enemy leaders, 243; nature of, 269, 483; affected by malaria, 367; directives on action and objectives, 453

  Coward, Noël, 74

  Crafts, Pte. Charlie, 576

  Crane, Conrad, 331

  Creaven, Pfc James, 505–6

  Creswell, Carl, 448

  Cronkite, Walter, 147, 406, 417–18, 420

  crop destruction: ineffectiveness, 281

  CS gas, 134

  Cù Chi, 620

  Cuba crisis (1962), 125

  Daddis, Greg, 117, 451

  Đại Thế Giới (casino), 93

  Daido (Đại Độ), battle of, 423, 426, 429, 431–6, 438–40

  Daily Mirror, 572

  Đắk Sơn, 356

  Đắk Tô, 376

  Danang (Đà Nẵng): US base, 212–13, 296; fighting in, 275; US excessive supplies in, 337; in Tet offensive, 386; North’s final offensive against, 596, 605

  Đặng Thùy Trâm, Dr, 363, 368, 373–4, 446, 453, 484

  Daniels, Robert, 231

  Đào An Tuất, Lt., 482

  Davidson, Brig. Phil, 380, 388, 453, 483

  Davis (black soldier), 341

  Dawkins, Capt. Peter, 238

  Deak, Nicholas, 272

  Deal, William, 139

  Defense Intelligence Agency (US), 287–8

  defoliation: as US practice, 234, 267–8

  Delafosse, Jules, 2

  Delta, Firebase, 533

  Del Vecchio, John, 349

  Dengler, Lt. Dieter, 307

  DePuy, Maj.Gen. William, 177, 179, 182, 208, 218, 255–6

  Desoto mission, 187–8

  Destatte, Bob, 115, 362, 392–3, 502, 647

  Dienbienphu: French fortify, 38, 48; significance, 39–40, 70; campaign and siege, 41–50, 62, 67; Vietminh transport arms and supplies to, 42–3, 46; bombarded, 50–6, 58; Vietminh casualties, 53, 56, 63, 70; French morale at, 55; French casualties, 56, 63, 68; outposts overrun, 58–60, 64, 68; French reinforcements, 62; conditions, 63; attempted relief, 67; capitulates, 69–71, 74

  Dietrich, Erik, 160

  Dietrich, Marlene, 74

  Đinh Thị Thạch, 536

  Dior, Christian, 18

  DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), 90, 278

  Đỗ Cao Trí, Gen., 498

  Đỗ Thị Thu, 312, 549

  Đoàn Phương Hải, Capt., 1–2, 80, 87, 173, 216–18, 530–2

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 120, 178, 219, 441, 477, 556

  Dodson, Jerry, 417

  dogs: used as scouts, 342

  dolphins: trained to attack swimmers, 503

  Dominican Republic: attempted communist takeover, 228

  Đồng Dù, 620

  Đồng Hà, 426, 435, 549

  Đồng Hà bridge, 526–7

  Đồng Hà line, 535

  Đồng Hoang, 426–30

  Đồng Hới, 513

  Đông Khê, 25–6

  Dooley, Tom: Deliver Us from Evil, 85

  Doucette, Norman, 429

  Doyle, Lt.Col. Bill, 506, 508–11

  drugs: US troops’ use of, 455–7

  Drummond, William, 400

  Duc Lap, 59

  Duck Hook, Operation, 476–7

  Duffy, Maj. John, 530–2

  Dulles, John Foster: and UN delegation at Panmunjom, 40; opposes conference on Asian issues, 47; supports US intervention in Indochina, 58, 60, 74; Churchill disparages, 62; meets Bidault, 64; attends Geneva conference on Vietnam, 71–3; Ramsey criticises, 71; and partition of Vietnam, 75; absent from Geneva meeting, 76; and Geneva Accords, 78; on Vietnam partition agreement, 78; and Lansdale’s role in South Vietnam, 93; authorises removal of Diem, 94; declares South Vietnam a free nation, 95

  Dương Quỳnh Hoa, Dr, 483

  Dương Vân Mai (Mai Elliott): on French atrocities, 21; on land reforms and shortages in North Vietnam, 86–7; criticises Diem regime, 98; studies in Washington and marries Elliott, 113; on South’s ignorance of North Vietnam, 128; returns to Saigon, 143; family despair, 214; interviews Vietcong personnel, 244, 278; on corruption, 270

  Dương Văn Minh, Gen. (‘Big Minh’), 149–50, 152–3, 156, 171–2, 194, 517, 623

  Dupont d’Isigny, Paule, 37

  Durbrow, Elbridge, 107–8

  Dyer, Les, 564

  Dylan, Bob, 327

  Eden, Anthony, 46–7, 62, 65–6, 73, 75

  Edwards, Peter, 469

  Edwards, Reg, 232, 259–60, 340

  Eggleston, Sgt. Jim, 436

  Eiland, Mike, 111, 245, 256–8

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.: supports French in Indochina, 30; and use of nuclear weapons, 46; favours military intervention in Indochina, 57–9, 62, 66, 72; requests British support, 61, 65; seeks coalition for military action, 74; and Zhou Enlai, 75; and Geneva Accords, 78; agrees to fund South Vietnam, 92; welcomes Diem in US, 97; briefs Kennedy on Laos, 109; supports Johnson, 211; on nuclear threat to Korea, 283; on Johnson’s decision to retire, 420

  Eisenstein, Lt. Joe, 525

  Elliott, David: Duong Van Mai meets and marries, 113; on US presence in Vietnam, 154; on North Vietnamese recruitment, 167; on Vietnamese peasant life, 206; pleads for extension of Willcox’s time, 238; on US devastation as policy, 279; and Vietcong attack on Saigon, 394; on corruption in South Vietnam, 589; on US failure in war, 641; on North Vietnamese nostalgia for lost sense of purpose, 649

  Elliott, Mai, 394, 584

  Ellsberg, Daniel, 178, 230, 516, 645

  Ely, Gen. Paul, 57, 64, 74

  Emerson, Gloria, 501

  Enkler, Dick, 569

  Estocin, Lt.Cmdr. Mike, 305

  Etherington-Smith, Gordon, 172

  Evans, Rowland, 175

  Evatt, Philip, 267–8

  Ewell, Maj.Gen. Julian, 335, 447–8, 463–4

  Faas, Horst, 260

  Fairchild Aviation, 351

  Fall, Bernard, 21, 66, 85, 135, 147; killed, 333; Street Without Joy, 257

  Faure, Edgar, 92

  Felletter, Capt. Vince, 335, 342, 344–5

  Fellman, Sgt. Manfred, 264

  Felt, Adm. Harry, 175

  Ferland, Lt. Jim, 430, 433

  Fichtl, Capt. Ted, 264, 268–9

  Finlayson, Lt. Andy, 249, 329, 339–40, 344, 346, 362, 488, 492

  Fisher, Roger, 278

  Fishhook, the, 480

  Fitzgerald, Frances: Fire in the Lake, 141–2, 229, 359

  Fitzgerald, Capt. Joseph, 232

  Flute, Cpl. Thompson, 340

  Flynn, Sean, 136

  Fonda, Henry, 247

  Fonda, Jane, 327, 330

  Ford, Gerald, 582, 593, 597, 607

  Ford, Richard, 250, 455

  Ford, Tennessee Ernie, 247

  Forrestal, James, 647

  Forrestal, Michael, 146, 176

  Fortas, Abe, 290, 419

  Fosdick, Raymond, 29

  France: rule in Indochina, 2–5; opposes independence in Vietnam, 12, 18; troops arrive in Saigon (October 1945), 13; imperialist policy, 14–15, 28; US support for, 14–15, 28–30; operations against Vietminh, 16, 19–21; commits atrocities, 21–2, 24; troop numbers in Vietnam, 22; military losses, 23, 25–7, 81; fortifications attacked, 36–7; harassed by Vietminh guerrillas, 57; and Dienbienphu defeat, 66; US disparages, 66; prisoners of war in Indochina, 70; further losses after Dienbienphu, 74; army leaves Hanoi and North Vietnam, 79–81; last soldiers leave Saigon, 100; assumes special position in communist Vietnam, 614

  Francis, Sgt. Arthur, 518

  Franco, Gen. Francisco, 28

  Franklin, Lt. Rob, 461, 465, 468, 518

  Franks, Sgt. Lonnie, 514–15

  Freemantle, Lt. Andrew, 459, 464, 467–8, 488

  French Air Force: bombardment of Haiphong, 16; at Dienbienphu, 40, 41, 45, 48, 54, 55, 67; Vietminh night commando attacks on airfields of, 44–5; deaths of airmen, 46; medevac crews, 54; Groupe Franche Comté, 67; Vietnamese in, 83

  French Army: Vietnamese troop
s in, 1–3, 20, 22, 34, 37, 53, 55, 68, 70, 74; in Saigon (October 1945), 13; brutality towards native population, 14, 20–1, 24; Vietminh expelled from urban areas, 14; tightens grip in south, 16; GCMA (Groupement de Commandos Mixtes Aéroportés), 19; infantry sweeps, 19; My Trach massacre (1948), 20–1; North African troops, 21, 22, 25–7, 37, 51–2, 55, 58, 67–9, 80; Hall’s heroic vision of, 21–2; mercenaries in, 24–5; ‘Vietnamisation’, 25; Charton’s retreat, 26–7; defeats/retreat in north, 26–7; US military aid, 28–30; Nghia Lo battles, 37; Thai battalion at Dienbienphu, 53, 68; CIA mercenary resupply missions, 54–5, 67; Senegalese troops, 59, 80; numerical advantage over Vietminh, 75–6; leaves Hanoi, 79–81; see also Dienbienphu

  MAJOR UNITS: 7th Algerian Tirailleurs, 51–2; 1st ‘Korea’ regiment, 74; Groupe Mobile 100, 74, 81, 600

  French Foreign Legion, 20–1; former members of SS and Wehrmacht in, 21; at Dienbienphu, 50–1, 60

  French Navy, 16

  Fromson, Murray, 405

  Fulbright, William, 29, 197, 211, 219, 328, 406

  Fulkerson, Cpl. Orville, 408

  Furci, Frank, 272

  Galbraith, J.K., 155, 247, 327

  Gambiez, Alain, 54

  Garin, Lt. (French officer at Dienbienphu), 64

  Garner, James, 247

  Garwin, Richard, 406

  Garwood, Cpl. Robert, 647n

  Gates, Thomas, 125

  Gaucher, Lt.Col. Jules, 44, 50

  Gaulle, Charles de: and Bao Dai’s abdication, 10; opposes Vietnamese independence, 12, 15; on France’s declining interest in Vietnam, 18; urges US to disengage from Vietnam, 148, 176; influence in Vietnam, 174; disparages Johnson, 214; withdraws from Algeria, 554

  Gavin, Gen. James, 641

  Geneva: conference on Vietnam (1954), 64–6, 71–6; Accords (1954), 78–9, 82, 100; result of conference, 79; Accords revised (1962), 111; British participation in, 123

  George, Alex, 122

  Geraci, Brig. John (‘Mad Hombre’), 448

  Gia Long, Emperor, 2

  Gibson, Lt. Carl, 428

  Giong Dinh (outpost), 241

  Glen, Pte. Tom, 449

  Goff, Harley, 473

  Goldberg, Arthur, 230

  Goldwater, Barry, 196, 578

  Gole, Capt. Henry, 232

  Goodpaster, Lt.Gen. Andrew, 175, 450–1

  Gordon Walker, Patrick, 210

  Goscha, Christopher, 22

  Gouré, Leon, 279–81

  Gracey, Maj.Gen. Douglas, 12–13

  Graham, Don, 330, 347, 355, 639


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