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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

Page 6

by Ryan, Rebecca J

"He was tall, fit like a soldier, dark hair. He wasn't dressed in black or wearing a mask. He was good looking, but still I got scared. I watched him walk down the street.

  I had to smile, seeing she was blushing because Candy Cop did that to women.

  "Listen, if you see him again call me, I’m pretty sure it is an old friend,” I say.

  “Actually I called when I found my phone, but you must’ve gone to sleep because the call went straight to voicemail."

  I reached in my pocket to see it was still off, pushed the power button on. I began to wonder if he tried calling too.

  "Joan, thank you, for letting me know about this."

  "Well, I feel much better getting this out of my system."

  "Thanks...have yourself a nice day and remember call me if you see him again."

  I drive to work with a smile like no one else's business.

  I arrive to an empty office. The office staff arrives at eight thirty and I have at least fifteen minutes alone, until they start trickling in. Then the office transforms into chaos; staff starting on new cases and trying to wrap up ones that seem to be dragging. My goal today to get the Brady case on its way to trial or a settlement and avoid any more roadblocks.

  My phone rings, it’s Robert.

  "Hello Julie, are you in the office, or are you running somewhere?" He asks with a chuckle.

  I realize he is teasing me from the response I said yesterday. "Yes I am, how is it going?"

  "I hope you are available at 11:00 a.m. because I was able to reschedule Paul Brady's deposition for this morning. They already have him isolated at the prison to prevent him getting mixed up in a fight.

  This was music to my ears. "Yes, I am and I am looking forward to getting this case moving."

  "I like the sounds of that, and I am sure so will the Brady's will appreciate this."

  "See you at eleven."

  I take a deep sigh, I walk over to the office lounge and make some coffee and start brainstorming about the angle of my questioning. After making my cup, I walk to my office, stare out of the window, seeing the parking garage. I think of Candy Cop. I can't help but smile thinking he may have seen me going up and down the water jet, yet if he only knew I was thinking about him the whole time. I wonder if he will return tonight, and if he does, I will be waiting.

  Ok, lets get thinking.

  I take a sheet of white copy paper and create a web. Paul Brady is in the circle, and around him I create a mini circle with possible links to Paul.

  So far I have Sal in one circle, claiming Paul pointed a gun at him to rob him, money found in Paul’s bank account. Second circle lists character traits of Paul; loyal worker, no criminal record, good student. Third circle, Paul said he didn't point a gun or steal money from Sal. Fourth, possible motive, Paul and Nicole's relationship. Fifth, Paul getting roughed up in prison more than the average inmate.

  I realize I have to take this real slow and piece what I can.

  Chapter 20


  My feelings for her have not let up, if anything they have increased.

  Even when I met Alexandria, a playboy bunny, who was vacationing here from California last December. I did not have Alexandria withdrawal when she left, but I have it bad with Julie; and we only did it once. Maybe it’s because I saw her twice get on by herself.

  Man, watching her was hot, made me want her so bad, My sexual desire for her was off the wall, I can't even think about her without having a raging hard on. Even now my dick is springing into form ready for action.

  With my morning coffee at my side, I start my morning routine, enjoying taking sips as I check my emails, then look at my usual online sites, first seeing the latest news and weather on

  Channel Five News.

  I type Julie White, Miami, in the search engine. I nervously wait like a nervous bitch to see what it comes up with. There are four in the Miami Beach area, I narrow it down to two, after seeing two are over the age of 60.

  The first possible Julie White is 30, thinking the age is close enough, she is married and a postal worker. I click on the last possibility, age 27, a prosecutor at the Miami State Attorney office. Bingo, it has to be her.

  I scroll down looking for a picture, but there isn't one. The next link is a newspaper article highlighting her winning a high profile case about a rich, influential man who killed his wife, even when there wasn’t any physical evidence, only circumstantial. It was noted in the article, that it was her tough questioning that cornered the man, to where he didn’t realize he was incriminating himself.

  There are more write-ups about other prosecuting successes, I keep on scrolling down to her name being included in the Holy Name High School newsletter. I click on the link, the newsletter is from nine years ago. She was voted most likely to succeed, there is a picture of her and a boy, but I really can't make her out because it is so grainy. I can see she is wearing glasses, yet it is really hard to see any other details.

  Scrolling further down, I feel like I was just hit by a Mac truck. It s a pre-wedding website for the future wedding of Julie White and Kevin Ward. What the fuck? Did he know she liked giving head to cops, OK, I am being an ass now for saying that, but seeing this website is a real let down. I was kind of hoping we could hook up again. Maybe going back tonight to her place is not a good idea.

  This has my blood boiling, so much that I get out of my seat, ready to shut the computer off, but decide to get another cup of coffee. The short walk gives me a moment to think and not be so reactive. Of course, she had sex with me, who wouldn't. I am the man. No woman has ever resisted me, and when I think of it, having sex with me is not really cheating. For many it is a one time deal, with a few lucky ladies it was more.

  I walk back to the computer area and sit down again. The screen is black, I click on the keyboard and the wedding website is still on. I see the wedding is scheduled for June 16, and at a resort in North Carolina, nestled between mountains.

  There is a tab called How We Met, I click on it and a picture appears of Julie and Kevin. Julie is much younger, looks about 21 and he looks in his mid twenties. I like how she looks now. In the photo she looks too innocent and I have to laugh thinking she probably was a virgin. Or if she wasn't, she was probably afraid of sex, who would be offended if anyone said the word penis or cock and forget about pussy. She'd probably turn bright red and would be on the verge of a fainting spell.

  Damn, I’m craving hers, the way it tightened in and out, while I was pounding deep in her, still shakes me.

  I look back at the computer screen, Kevin looks like an asshole prick who probably thinks he is all that and more. There is something about him that I don't like, its not his look at me smirk. It something else, I just can't pin point it yet.

  Below the picture is their story written by Julie.

  Yada, yada, I skipped most of the bullshit. I still didn't think they were right for each other. I would bet my life, he has never fucked her like I have. I bet he doesn't know how to talk dirty to her, and she is too afraid to talk dirty to him. I am just saying .

  I am craving her now, like a hot fudge sundae and I won't be satisfied until I lick all of her, every part of her is like ice-cream. I could lick all night and day, now the cherry will be saved for last. When I put my dick in her sweet spot, man I’ am a horny bitch today.

  I think back to last night. There was only one car parked in the driveway, and when I looked in the house there was no sign of a male living in the house. I know if I were living with her, I'd make sure she was satisfied every night, and my stuff would be everywhere. I sense something not right about her relationship with Kevin and I smile.

  I look at my phone to see a missed call and a voice message. I know the number, its Mr. Burns. I click to hear his message, my adrenaline gets going when I hear the deposition is at 11:00 am this morning. I look back at the computer screen, whip out my phone and take a picture of Julie and Kevin. I will do what cops do best, investigate the bastard. I am sure he has ske
letons in his closet and I am going to bring them out.

  Chapter 21


  I arrive at the deposition office a few minutes early.

  After checking in, and settling on a chair to take a breath. I see Mr. Burns and Paul Brady sitting at the far right of the room, an officer next to Paul. He’s in blue prison attire, with his head down, like the world was literally on his shoulders. I wave at Mr. Burns and he waves back.

  The waiting room is full, this part of a pending case is usually the telltale sign if the case goes to trial. The defense and the prosecutor try to work a deal to prevent going to court. However, this is not always the case.

  My first impression of him is that he is scared; he doesn't have the hard edge I often see who have lived the criminal lifestyle. I usually get a stare down from those that have been around the block.

  "Julie White," a woman calls.

  I get up, knowing the drill well, and follow her to a small glass room. I sit on the left side of the table, and in the center is a microphone. I take out my file and see that Mr. Burns and Paul are on their way to the room. I look down at my thick file, feeling there is more to the case than I could imagine. I look up to see Robert walk through the door with somber Paul behind him. Robert sits across from me and Paul sits on the end of the table, between us.

  After Paul takes oath, he looks at me, I just smile, waiting for the court reporter to give me the clear to start.

  "Hi, Mr. Brady, I am Julie White and I am the prosecuting attorney, and I am going to be asking you questions about the case."

  He shakes his head.

  "How do you know Mr. Salvatore Angotti?"

  "I worked at his pizza place." Paul says with a light voice, yet still noticing his New York accent.

  "For how long?"

  "Three years."

  "I see, that’s a long time."

  He shakes his head again. He’s not much of a talker.

  "How would you describe your relationship with Mr. Angotti?

  He looks at Mr. Burns, then takes a deep breath before answering.

  "It was great..." he says, stopping mid sentence, his eyes getting noticeably teary.

  "Until he lied."

  "What do you mean when you say he lied?"

  "When he said, I pointed his gun at him and robbed him."

  "So you didn't, point the gun or rob him?"

  Paul looks straight at my eyes, "No, I didn't..." Then he looks at Robert, who shakes his head which I take is a sign for Paul to say what what may be troubling him.

  "I am scared of guns."

  "OK, so am I, that is normal."

  "No I am really scared of guns. I freaked around him."

  I just keep my eyes on him, seeing the fear in them.

  "You see...when I was little, around five, I saw a man get shot and killed. I just can't even look at a gun without me wanting to jump out of my skin. Even when my brother, he’s a cop knows this. I rather jump off a cliff than touch one. I am afraid it may go off, ask my brother, Bo, he can tell you too.”

  My stomach drops, could he be the brother of Candy Cop? I see a strong resemblance between them, Paul is a younger version of him.

  “So your brother will confirm your fear of guns under oath?” I smile, thinking what a small world this is.

  “Yes, in a heartbeat.”

  "Ok, lets go back to the day in question."

  Paul shakes his head in agreement.

  "Can you explain why your finger prints were on Mr. Angotti's gun?”I ask.

  Paul looks down at his hands, I can see the question is taking him back to an uncomfortable memory.

  “Well, he’s been trying to get me to carry a gun after the last robbery."

  I strangely look at Paul, Mr. Salvatore never mentioned a robbery or robberies at the pizza place.

  "Really? What robbery or robberies?"

  Paul looks down, "I wasn't there, for neither of them, but Sal told me that a group of men came in earlier just before I arrived at work and robbed him. He was scared after that because they said they were going to kill him, so he said I had to carry a gun to protect the place, but I said no."

  I listen, writing down every word he said, hoping I would find more links to this case. Men coming in the pizzeria to rob him doesn't make sense. I make a note to look into any robberies at the pizzeria or near by.

  "Did you tell Mr. Agnate about your gun fears?"

  "Yes, he knew, but he kept on bugging me to just hold his gun, saying my fear would go away. I still didn't want to hold it. He said I needed to man-up."

  I took a deep breath, feeling sick seeing how terrified Paul was.

  "Tell me about the day, how did your prints get on the gun? Can you do that?"

  "I just went in the back room to get more napkins, and I saw Sal holding the gun. I turned away, thinking he didn't hear me, because he didn't turn around when I walked in, he seemed busy with his gun, but he did, because he said for me to come to him."

  "Did you?"


  "What happened next?"

  "He pointed the gun at me and asked how I felt," Paul says. He then asks for water. Mr. Burns goes out of the room to the soda machine, returning with a bottle of cold water. Paul thanks Mr. Burns and drinks the entire bottle.

  "What did you say?"

  "I begged for him to stop, but he said if I didn't hold the gun he would have to fire me, because he didn't want a pussy working for him."

  I lean forward feeling he was getting to the turning point of the incident.

  "I went ahead and held it, putting it right down on the counter by Sal and walked away."

  "You didn't say anything?"

  "No, I just wanted to get far away from the gun. So I went back to the front by the cash register."

  "Did you tell anyone about this?"

  Paul turns red, looking away.

  "Did you tell anyone Paul. This is the time to tell me."

  He looks up, it is clear he is uncomfortable but he shakes his head and says "no".

  "I see."

  I take a deep breath, feeling awful for Paul.

  "Just a few more questions, Mr. Brady."

  He shakes his head, looking at me reminding me so much of Candy Cop.

  "How about the money?"

  "Mr. Sal gave it to me. He said it was a bonus for being a loyal worker. I didn't want to take it but after I told...a friend about it, uh, she, said I should.

  I didn't have to be a genius to realize this so called friend was the one he had told about what happened in the back room with Sal. It had to be Sal's granddaughter, Nicole.

  Chapter 22


  I watch Julie walk out of the deposition office to stop and talk to Mr. Burns. He is leaning into her, I’m sure to get a look down her blouse. I don't like it. He likes to be overly friendly and this doesn't rub well with me.

  I carefully keep hidden behind a partition wall, watching the two of them talk. They seem to be friendly with each other, I would think if Julie didn't like him or thought Paul was guilty she would not be talking with him.

  I take out my phone and call him, I see him reach in his pocket. He answers.

  "So how did it go?" I ask.

  "Great, I'm not making any promises, but I feel his testimony made holes in the case, if you know what I mean."

  "Do you think they may drop it? The charges I mean.”

  “It’s a good possibility."

  "Thanks for the good news, I'm on my way to work."

  Chapter 23


  I take the elevator to my office on the sixth floor. Once at my desk ready to call Sal, it dawns on me that I should tell him the news face to face and see what else I can get out of him. Cornering him would be ideal.

  "So how did it go?" Heather asks as she walks in my office with her right hand on her hip, and her other hand on her chin.

  "Great for Paul Brady and not so for Sal Angotti."

  "Um, so Paul is the
nice guy you thought."

  "It looks like, but I have to talk to Sal and see if I can somehow get the truth out of him. This is always the hard part."

  "What do you mean, hard part Julie? I don't understand, you’re good at that."

  "Thanks, but I usually get the truth before the deposition. So Sal has been playing me from the very start and you know how I dislike that, so now he is on my shit list unless he can prove otherwise. If not, he is in for a a little verbal ass whipping."

  "Girl, you know its true," Heather giggles.

  I let out a laugh, "I just don't like when anyone plays the system, and I especially don't like it when I am involved to look like a fool."

  "Girl, that is why I work for you, and no one else. You don't take anyone's shit."

  I look at Heather, loving her bluntness.

  "Girl, you rock," I say.

  Heather smiles, and l'm thinking how lucky I am that we are more than co-workers. We are friends.

  "Alright, I got files to tend to."

  Heather leaves and I turn to look out the window, thinking of Candy Cop, hoping he plays me a visit later. I hope this time he does the rubbing and not the water jet.

  I glance at my phone and see it’s lunch time, and I’m hungry so I'll kill two stones at once, by going to Sal's. I'll eat and have a conversation with Sal about the deposition. I’m hoping he comes clean.

  I arrive at Sal's Pizzeria's parking lot to see Sal's silver E250 Mercedes-Benz sedan just pull in a few seconds after me just a few spots over.

  While gathering my belongings I look to his car, thinking he may look over seeing it was me. But he is too involved talking to a girl, next to him. She looks young, maybe out of high school matching Heather's description of Sal's granddaughter, her black bob standing out the most. When Sal gets out of the car, he keeps his glance to the floor and points for the girl to go in through the back door which is opened.

  I see him walk by the garbage dump to throw out a little bag. Then he starts to make his way to the front entrance. I wonder why he doesn’t go through the back door the pizzeria.


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