Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series) Page 11

by Ryan, Rebecca J

  "Fuck that was good," he says.

  I smile because I thought the same thing.

  Chapter 40


  Are you going to stay the night? I ask.

  Julie smiles, her face turns red. She is acting shy, like we didn't just have the most incredible sex.

  "I'd really like it if you did."

  She smiles again.

  "Are you turning shy on me? I ask. "Julie you really are a mystery.

  "And so are you, I’ll stay the night."

  I pull her close to me, she melts right in my arms and I realize how much I care for her.

  "I'm tired, is it OK if I go to bed?"

  "Of course, my bed is your bed."

  "How sweet."

  I stay up to watch a little TV, feeling a happiness I never felt in a long time. It’s nice to know there is a person keeping the bed warm for me.

  I wake up at three in the morning, she’s inches away, still sleeping. I could spend hours looking at her. Watching her breathe calms me, having me inhale her breaths as she exhales.

  I wonder why she is sticking around, is it because I rock her world? Or could it be more? I just know I am head over heels for her. Could she be the one? Or is this just a game to her?

  I continue to stare at her until I fall back to sleep.

  A few hours later, I wake up to the smell coffee. I look over to see that Julie is not in bed anymore. My stomach sinks, to the awful feeling that she may have left.

  I walk out the bedroom to see Julie sitting on the couch, I had my way with her last night. I’m surprised it isn’t broken.

  "Hey," I say, excited to see her, feeling like I have a chance with her. A chance to be more than just a hook-up partner. Yet, she is so hot, that I can’t help but have a woody when I am around her. I wonder if she feels the same way. Could she be wet right now? Wanting to feel me inside of her?

  "Hi, yourself.”

  "Is there any coffee left?” I ask.

  “Yes, would you like a cup?” She says, smiling, taking a slip of coffee from my favorite coffee cup.

  She is being a tease, and I just can’t control how strong I feel for Julie.

  “I want to taste you first."

  She smiles, placing her coffee cup on the side table. Laying back on the couch.

  “You do?”

  “I’ll show you how much.”

  I walk over to her on the couch. She doesn't waste anytime, getting my juices flowing, as she reaches under my robe, her warm hands on my knees first to tease me. Slowly rising them up to my dick.

  I’m aching for her, wanting to dive in her juicy self. She is playful, with my genitals, her soft fingers, feeling like feathers, giving me pleasure only she can give. I want to take the lead, but her directness is fucken hot.

  Next Julie takes her hands back, looking up to me as she unties my robe, wearing a sexy fuck me look. My hot and heavy dick springs in her face, where her eyes light up as she leans forward, opening her mouth she takes me in. Little by little she takes more of me. My knees weak in want of her.

  She keeps at it, her teeth are teasing my penis, feeling like she will bite it. Ah the thrill has me wanting to come. Julie, puts her hands on my butt cheeks, pushing me hard into her mouth. Just as I feel myself come, she stops.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  She gets up to push me on the couch, where I am now laying on the backrest.

  “I’m going to fuck you.”

  “Do it.”

  She moans as she sits her wonderland on my hard on.


  Fuck, this is heaven. She rocks her hips in perfect motion, staring right at me, letting out moans that has me lifting my bottom into her, wanting my penis to tap into her, wanting to tease her sweet spot.

  “Harder,” she says.

  Those words click a switch in me, having me pounding with more force, our moist bodies touching each other. I watch her expressions and they have me coming. She looks at me, letting out a moan. In that second we both come.

  Julie lays on my chest, happy as hell. Fuck, I’m one whipped son of a bitch cop.

  The question is where do we go from here?

  Chapter 41


  It’s way early in the morning and the roads are not busy yet. I get home in 20 minutes. There is a package on my front door. It feels like a thick file or book. I take it in and leave it on the kitchen counter.

  Rush, rush. I race to get up to my room. It feels warmer than an other part of the house. I look to see the bay window is opened. Strange, how did that happen?

  I walk to the window to see that the latch is broken, which is double strange because I never open the window. I take a deep breath, terrified to think a robber could have been in the house.

  Chill Julie, remember the window is old. I take another deep breath, taking a closer look around the bedroom. Everything seems normal. The bed is still made, I look at the nightstand where my IPAD still is, believing if there was someone in the house looking for valuables it would have been gone.

  I rush to take a shower, seeing it is now 6:15 am. I have to be on the road by 8:00 am or I will be late. I just took the fastest shower I have ever taken just to get my frame of mind ready for work.

  Looking through my underwear drawer, I see the black bikini bottom I wore on the trip to Santa Barbara with Kevin. I take it out and toss it in the wastepaper basket. I was so codependent then; a term I learned from my therapist Violet.

  I started therapy when Kevin cut me out of his life after the Kemp trial. I felt like I was going mad, trying to figure what had happened to him. Did I do something so awful that he didn't want to talk or see me again? Was I such a bad person? He left me high and dry that I had a hard time getting out of bed, and now he wants back.

  I start to get upset, my heart races. The thought of him fills me with anxiety. I can't believe he’s in town, and that I even spoke with him as nicely as I did yesterday. What was I thinking? Fear overshadows me remembering I promised him we would have lunch today. I really wished I hadn’t been so nice.

  Remembering Violet's words, "You don't owe him anything,” and she is right, but I feel I need to be careful around him.

  I get dressed, rush down the stairs to see Kevin standing at the foot of the stairs. Chills roll down my back, seeing him with a salesman smile.

  "Hi Julie," he says. "Where were you last night? I had plans for us.”

  I feel like throwing up, seeing my nightmare just a few feet away.

  “Out,” I say, trying not to appear threaten by him.

  "Come on Julie, don't bullshit me."

  I take a deep breath, feeling like Kevin is about to lunge at me. I stay frozen, awaiting his next move.

  "I was out with a friend."

  "Good as long as he was a friend," Kevin says.

  "I have to go to work."

  "Let's meet later and all will be good."

  "We are not together anymore," I say, cracking a smile, trying to be civil, but the anger in me is ready to rage at him.

  "What about the alone promise, Julie?"

  "Are you kidding...that promise ended when you left, when you decided representing Ms. Kemp was more important than me."

  "A promise is a promise, and you should know how I hate it when one is broken. I have to react.”

  “Not always."

  Kevin laughs, “Ha, you have changed and I like it."

  "I have."

  I want to say, I have changed so get your ass out of my house and life, but I know this would get Kevin all worked up.

  Kevin looks down, suddenly he has this sad face. "Julie I am sorry...I just missed you...and I still love you."

  "I see you need me to prove myself to you and I will, this time I will be truthful,” Kevin says.

  "Where is this coming from?" I ask, my feet leading me past Kevin to the front door. He follows and I can't get out of the house fast enough. I open the door to see Joan tending to the flowers.
  "Hi Julie," she says.

  "Hi Joan, you are up early."

  "Hi Joan," calls Kevin from behind.

  In that instance, I feel that something has transpired between them, finding it strange that he knows her name. I notice she doesn’t greet Kevin, acting like he is even around.

  "Have a nice day," I say to Joan, walking to my car. Kevin is close behind.

  I open my car door, relieved I made it out without a physical struggle with Kevin. He stands next to the driver’s window, bending down, and knocks. I, the stupid one, rolls it down.

  "I am sorry Julie. I just want another chance, that’s all. I'll even forget about the alone promise if you give me another chance. I will leave if you’ll give me one more chance. What do you say?"

  I feel faint, wanting so badly to be able to snap my fingers and have him disappear to another place and time. I have to keep it together, I feel like he has really lost his mind. Or was he always like this and I didn't realize it being under his spell?

  "I don't want to give you false hope," I say. I knew this was not what he wanted to hear, and of course, it goes over his head like I didn’t say it.

  "I'll call you later for lunch like you promised, when your mind has time to think things over."

  He walks to his car parked behind mine. I watch him leave and I feel so much better with him being gone.

  I try keeping my cool, just incase Joan is looking my way. Bastard, I think. Who the hell does he think he is, thinking he can come back in my life and claim me.

  The man I once would do anything for, is now the biggest thorn in my side. I was hoping he would see that by me being out last night and not working as I said, showed I was not interested in him. But it has done the opposite effect. He seems to want me even more; because he sees me as a challenge. And how the heck did he get in my house? How did he manage that?

  I think of Bo and how unfair it is for him to deal with Kevin; an ex who happens to be a psychopath. Maybe I should cool things down with Bo. My worst nightmare would be for him to start something against Bo. I could see him taking it to extremes, like blaming him for our break-up and making me look like a mental case.

  There is a knock on the window, causing me to snap out of my fears.

  "Julie," calls Joan.

  At first I am not sure if I am really hearing her or if I am thinking I am. I turn to see her sweaty face looking at me. I roll down the window.

  "Is everything alright?" She asks.

  "Yes, I just have a lot on my mine, but I’m fine."


  "Well, I am off to work," I say, hoping Joan will excuse herself so I can get going.

  "I know it is none of my business," Joan starts to say.

  I know this phrase real well, she is about to tell me her opinion about something that’s weighting on her mind. This is a nice way of smoothing the fact that she has been spying, and I will say my usual response.

  "Sure, go ahead, what did you see?"

  "Honey you and your boyfriends are none of my business. We live in a different world but..." she says as she takes a deep breath, looking at me.

  "You are a good, hard working girl. You work hard, you don't depend on a man. I admire you, I wish I was more like you when I was younger. But in my days, women always supported their husbands even when they shouldn’t have."

  I just smile and say, “thanks.”

  "Well, I hope I don't get killed for telling you this, but I have see him around."


  "The man who just left, and I am scared that he knows I have seen him sneaking around."

  I stare at her, feeling butterflies swarm around my stomach, feeling nauseous.

  "His name is Kevin and when was this?” I ask, surprised. I would have thought she would have said something sooner.

  "A few months ago was when I first noticed him, it was in the afternoon. I was outside in the garden, when I saw him looking in Edna's car, just a few doors down, thinking he was her nephew, but then he walked to Richard’s car looking in it."

  "That's odd.”

  “So I went inside looking my kitchen window.”

  “What else did you see?”

  “He just kept looking inside each car, until he looked at my kitchen window.”

  “Did he see you?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  I stare at Joan’s fearful eyes. I wanted to tell her that all was well, and that Kevin was not a bad person, but I did not want to lie to her.

  “I’m sorry you went through this.”

  “It’s not your fault dear.”

  I take a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed, not wishing this stress on anyone.

  “Well, I couldn’t help but go back to the window, and I saw him looking in John's car right across the street."

  I look at the rear mirror to see John's house right across from mine.

  "It was like God was watching, because John's son walked out of the house, calling to him. He walked up to your friend. Of course I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I did see your friend show him a piece of paper. Then Luke pointed to your place."

  "When was this again?"

  "A few weeks ago, I know I wrote it down in my notebook but I don't know where I put it."

  "Why didn't you say anything before Joan?"

  "Well, I didn't want to worry you. I promised myself if I saw him again I would tell you.”

  "When was the last time?"

  "Well, last week I saw him standing in the yard."

  "Strange, but you didn't say anything to me.”

  "I feel terrible I should have said something sooner, but I didn’t want to worry you.”

  I take a deep breath, Kevin has become ridiculous and innocent Ms. Joan’s was getting just as stressed as I was. What has my life become?

  “Please don’t feel bad, don’t worry.”

  “So who is he?” Joan asks.

  “It is a long story, we use to be together. We were engaged to be married, but problems happened, and let's just say it wasn't an easy break-up."

  “I see and and that is why you moved here."

  "Yes, he broke my heart and now he wants me back but I have moved on."

  Joan smiles, "Yes, I sensed that with your new friend.”

  “We’ll see, but I really do need to get back to work. I’m late but it has been nice talking to you.”

  “Julie, you remind me of what I wanted to be in my life.”

  “How sweet, Ms. Joan and call me anytime you feel like it."

  Ms. Joan’s eyes light up, “I will.”

  "Bye, Joan."

  I watch Joan walk off, my phone vibrates. It’s a text from Bo.


  “Good morning.” I text.

  He texts back, "Can't wait to see you tonight."

  My heart goes mad, thumping against my chest, regardless of how I want to text back, "yes" I don't.

  "I can't."

  He doesn't text back.

  I feel like a knife just went through my heart. What did I just do? I was doing exactly what Kevin wanted. My hands shook as I frantically pushed the numbers of his phone number. The call keeps ringing and goes to voicemail.

  My mind goes wild thinking the worst, he’s pissed off at me and never wants to see me again. He’s fed-up with my games. I pull out of the driveway, sick to my stomach. I look at my phone to see a missed call from Bo. Thank God.

  I call back and he answers, "Hey, are you OK?"

  "Yes, I thought you were someone else."

  "OK, how about dinner tonight?"

  "Yes, surprise me."

  "I plan to, I can still smell you on my fingers," he says.

  I take a deep breath, one I am sure Bo can hear over the phone. I stumble for words, but I know I like what I just heard. He is so primal, making me feel so sexy.

  "See you later Candy Cop," I say.

  He lets out a laugh, "nice name."

  "Yes, I came up with it when you wouldn't tell me
your name, remember?"

  "I remember."

  "And why was that?"

  "Let's just say I didn't want you reporting me."

  "Fair...I call you Candy Cop because you were once a fantasy of mine," I say, feeling myself start to blush.

  "I was?" He questions, letting out a laugh. "I think I know why, because I taste sweet."

  "You do...see you later or..." I say, feeling myself get aroused for him.

  "Or what? You know I am still home."

  "Don't tempt me.”

  I hang up with a big smile, but it diminishes when I think of Kevin. Everything would be perfect if he didn't show up back in my life. What to do? What to do?

  Chapter 42


  "What is wrong?" Heather asks.

  I don't even want to say his name, I think.

  "Is it Kevin?"

  “Yes, he somehow got in my house this morning and acted like it was no big deal.”

  “No, he really is crazy.”

  “Yes, he is. I just don’t know what to do.”

  “Julie, you have to do something about this, there must be something you can do legally.”

  “I can, but I’m trying to avoid it.”

  "Well, you may want to rethink that, because he was just here looking for you. It took all I had not to punch him.”


  "He said, he had an appointment with you, but I said he wasn’t on the schedule. Still he said you wanted to see him and he didn’t need to be on no schedule.”

  “He really is pushing it.”

  “I just kept my smile on because I am still professional, but if he tried any funny shit. I’d be all over him,” Heather says.

  I let out a smile, a little humor lessens my anxiety, “Well good job, being my protector.”

  “He even said he wanted to talk to your supervisor.”

  "He has got to stop,” I say, but I know he wouldn’t do a sensible thing like that. He is on a mission to make me miserable.

  "I know people, who can do that," Heather says. "I have a friend in prison who knows people in the area."


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