Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series) Page 12

by Ryan, Rebecca J

  I stare at Heather a little freaked out by her admission, though I am thankful that it didn’t take her too long to see through Kevin’s pretend persona.

  I told Heather everything after Kevin surprised us at lunch yesterday. She said she felt bad for having me doubt my decision to move on without him. Yet, telling her, had me remembering things I had forgotten about him.

  "I shouldn't have said that, because I really don't know anyone, but I wish I did,” Heather says.

  I let out a breath,"Good, cause I don't need anymore problems."

  Don't let him push you around, I think of Violet's words.

  "However, I can go ghetto on him and set him straight."

  I smile, "let's save that for another time, but if he comes back or calls I'll deal with him."

  "Are you sure?”

  I take a deep breath, Kevin is back to his old games. How I wish he would have won the Kemp case, but looking back it was hardly a case, because there was mounting evidence against Mrs. Kemp. It was a long shot for Mrs. Kemp’s murder charge to be dropped. Still Kevin took it, thinking he could somehow charm the jurors.

  "Yes, it is time to face the asshole,” I say.

  I feel like there is a brick in my stomach. I know Kevin too well to know he will not stop.

  "I respect that, but I am here if you need me."

  I smile and say,"thanks," it's clear that Kevin is obsessed with me. I wonder if I give him what he wants, will he leave again?

  “OK, well let me get to work.”

  I reach for Case 219: Its a trespassing case, defendant keeps returning to ex-wife’s house after three warnings. Ex-husband says he still owes property. Wife is terrified of ex-husband, another domestic case involving an ex that is in denial.

  I call Emily, the public defender on the case, to see if her client the defendant has taken the plea.

  "Hey Emily. It’s Julie.”

  "Oh hi, can you hold on for a sec?”


  Looking at the stacks of cases needing to be processed is overwhelming. I’ll probably have to take some home tonight.

  “Hey, are you still there?” Emily asks.

  “Yup, sounds like you are having a busy morning too,” I say, trying to make small talk.


  “I was looking over the Parker file, just want to follow up and see if your client Mr. Parker will take the trespassing charge, if so the other charges would be dropped. That’s only if he stays away from his ex, or the deal is off. You know the drill.”

  “I’m sorry, I forgot to call and let you know, the Parker’s are back together.”

  “Really? How come I didn’t know, well they both came to my office yesterday. The ex-Mrs. wanted me to tell you.”

  I let out a sigh, just like life, cases can throw anyone for a loop.

  “Did you hear about Robert Burns?”

  “No, what happened?” I ask.

  There’s a silence on the other line.

  “He got in a car accident last night because of a malfunction.”

  I feel shaken, sick to my stomach, “A malfunction, that’s strange because he just got a new Audi,” I say, hoping he’s not too hurt.

  “Not really.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “No, he passed away.”

  “No,” my hands start shaking.”

  “I’m so upset,” I say.

  “Me too, it looks like someone tampered with the breaks of his car and now there is a full blown investigation in the works."

  "How awful."

  “I heard the authorities are looking into his past."

  "I know he had some pissed off and shady clients, but I didn't think any one would want him dead,” I say.

  I wonder if Sal had anything to do with the crash. Maybe he wanted to get rid of him because of Paul. But I knew there must have been others who wanted to harm him, those he promised he’d have their cases dropped, however only to be convicted.

  I liked Robert, his jokes were spot on funny, and though there was this attraction between us. He respected me.

  “Robert, often ran a fine line between being honest and dishonest,” I say.

  "We shall see, I just wanted you to know since you two were friends," Emily says.

  "We were, I feel bad...he wasn't that bad of a guy. He was actually nice."

  At first Emily didn't respond.

  "I didn't see that side to him."

  "Well he was."

  "You know he liked his one night stands, I can't tell you how many times he tried getting in my pants. I am sure he tried to get in yours too," Emily says.

  "We were friends, meeting outside the office to review cases, but he knew the rules,” I say, not being a hundred percent truthful.

  "You were brave to meet him at any bar,” she says.

  "Off the record, did you two get together?” I ask, feeling like I was crossing the line, but Emily and I were actually friends.

  Emily takes a deep breath, which I took as a yes, “We slept together if that is what you are asking, and I thought he liked me, but the bastard never called me again.”

  Heather was right, Robert was a player. It was a good thing Robert and I never really crossed the line in our relationship, however, we were very close doing so.

  It was the night I bumped into him not too long ago at Rooney’s Pub. Now that I think about it he was with this guy who knew you.”

  I wonder who she was talking about.

  “Really, who was it?”

  “I forgot his name already, but I'll never forget his blue eyes, he was decent looking, tall, built, and that's right, he said he went to law school with you."

  Suddenly I feel a shortness of breath, why didn't Robert mention that he knew Kevin?

  This was not good, there had to be a reason why Robert did not say anything. From what I knew about Robert, he was not one to rock the boat, or maybe he forgot about meeting Kevin because he had too much to drink. I actually hope it is the second reason, and not the first. My hands start to shake again, I don’t know how much of this Kevin bullshit I can take, and knowing that Robert's death was not an accident scares me.

  “Heather buzzes, “Kevin’s on line one.”


  “Are you sure you want to talk to him?”


  “Hi Julie,” Kevin says.

  Hearing his voice makes me ill.

  “I’m busy,” I say.

  “I made reservations at our favorite place, Speakeasy for dinner tonight.”

  “I can’t make it, a friend of mine passed away.”

  “Really? How did he die?”

  My stomach sinks, how could he be so cold hearted.

  “I have to go.”

  “I think it would be good for you to get out.”

  I keep quiet.

  “Remember what you said about how I couldn’t help being attractive and charming, remember those words?” Kevin asks.

  My stomach drops, the only time I ever mentioned those words were in my mind and in my journals. Did he stumble across them when he was at my place?”

  “I just want to be friends with benefits.”

  “Fuck you,” I say.

  Heather knocks at the door, “Can I come in?”

  “It’s open.”

  “Are you OK?”

  “Yes, I think I finally got rid of him.”

  “You did?”

  “I told him to fuck off.”

  Heather smiles and says, “You go girl.”

  A half hour passes, and Kevin doesn’t call back. Could it have been so easy?

  In my office I log on the computer, looking out to the parking garage, I think of Bo. I know there is a place on my body where I can still smell him.

  I lean back in the chair and my hand moving up between both thighs, my legs spreading. I smell him, the sweet smell of his skin, mixed in with his aftershave and cum.

  I’m wanting him right now, visualizing him w
alking in my office wearing his uniform. I struggle to keep my hand away from my sweet spot, but I need this fantasy of him to relieve the sexual urges I have.

  I rise my pelvic area up, feeling the juices flowing. My hips begin to rock, wanting my finger. I'm halfway riding it, half way to utter joy, as I’m about to come. I want Candy Cop here, but my finger will do.

  I swirl the chair around to the desk and rest my legs on it as I lean further back, my private is out in the open, frantically beating, waiting to be touched.

  Yeah, my juices are oozing, waiting for my nob to be played with. I close my eyes, visualizing Candy Cop a few feet away, getting aroused seeing me with my legs spread, my bush opened for him. My hand is now touching my clit, rubbing it. I thrust my hips feeling the pleasure build up.

  Ah, I keep rocking, visualizing him watching me, begging to taste me. My middle finger slips in, I arch my back. Fuck that feels good, I take it out and taste it. It tastes like Bo.

  Then my hand returns to my wetness. My middle and index finger rubbing my sweet spot. I start rocking my hips feeling the build up.

  I visualize Bo between my legs, thrusting harder wanting to feel his manhood deeper inside. I smile, sensing, the incredible climatic sensation is about to happen, feeling it build up with each rub and hip thrust.

  I want this fantasy to last forever, but then I come, my hips freeze in position. Letting my body recuperate, I just had the most incredible sex for the second time today with Candy Cop.

  Chapter 43


  I just want to hear her voice one more time.

  I reach for my phone and call her. She answers, I can hear her breathing hard.

  "I was just thinking about you," she says.

  “Great minds think alike," I say, smiling that she knew it was me, not even giving me a chance to say hello.

  “I like that line,” she says.

  “Are you busy?”

  “Always am, but I can take breaks when I like.”

  “I wish I could do the same, so like I said, I was thinking about you.”

  "How sweet," Julie says.

  "I was also thinking to see if you wanted to go downtown later, there is an art festival. We could go if you like art," I say.

  "Sure, do you know where?” Julie asks.

  "By the Norton Circle."

  "I use to take classes in the art center when I was in middle school, but stopped when high school got too demanding.”

  So she is an artist? I can see now why she is so damn sexy. I get a woody thinking how sexy it would be if she drew me naked. She would have to be naked too.

  "Did you save any of the pictures?"

  "My Mom did, there are somewhere."

  "It would be nice to see them."

  "Maybe one day."

  “Should I come over or do you want to come to my place,” I say.

  “I’ll come over,” Julie says.

  I’m stationed at the front desk. I am the first person anyone talks to and I direct them to the department that can help them. I check all stories out. Even the ones that seem impossible, often questioning motives of people. I’ve learned asking the right question is what keeps a true story a solid one.

  So far it has been quiet at the desk, and I’m on my second cup of coffee. I shouldn't have spoken so soon because there is a older lady opening the door. She looks straight at me, turning her head like she knows me.

  "Hi, how can I help you ma'am?"

  "I want to report a strange man in my neighborhood."

  "OK, how is he being strange? Is he bothering you?"

  "Not exactly, he is being overly friendly. He is always walking up to neighbors and making them feel uncomfortable," the lady says, then she goes on to explain how she watched him look in and out of cars.

  "When is the last time you saw him?"

  "This morning."

  "Maybe he lives nearby."

  "No, he doesn't. I asked my neighbor and she is even scared.

  "Sounds like this individual has other reasons why he is doing what he is doing."

  "Yes, he is. I don't know what to do officer."

  "What is your address? Can you write it down so I can drive by."

  "Sure, that would be great. I’m Ms. Joan."

  “Ms. Joan, it will be ok."

  "Thank you," she says. She then takes the paper and writes down her address. "Here you go, I even wrote my phone number if you see the man again."

  "Thank you Ms. Joan. Here is my card," I hand her over my business card. It has my cell number which I hardly give, but in this case I feel this may comfort her.

  "I feel so much better already, could you do me a favor?"

  "Sure, what is it?" I ask.

  "Can you call me if you hear anything strange happening in my area, especially on my street?"

  "Yes, I will."

  I glance down to the address, the street name is familiar and then it hits me. It’s Julie's street and the number is very close to her street number. Ms. Joan must be her neighbor. Was she talking about Julie when she talked about her neighbor?

  "Can you give me a description of this person?" I ask Ms. Joan.

  "I can, he has dark hair that hangs in the front. He is tall and skinny like a runner."

  "Hold that thought, I will be right back."

  I rush to the back to find Tom filing his sketches.

  "Are you busy?"

  "What's up?"

  "Can you do a quick sketch? There is a worried, sweet lady who says there is a person making the neighbors uncomfortable where she lives.

  "Sure, let me get my things."

  I walk back to find Ms. Joan sitting down looking up at the clock.

  "Tom, our sketch artist will be here in a moment. A sketch can help us catch this person and talk to him."

  Her eyes light up and she shakes her head up and down.

  I walk away once Tom walks in, I want to call Julie, but I don’t want to make her nervous. I figured I could tell her later. Still I wasn't liking the idea that this man was roaming her street.

  When I arrive back Tom is done with the sketch, the person looks familiar. I know I have seen many faces in my lifetime, but there is something about this man, that I’ve seen before. I would bet my life but I couldn't remember where I saw him. Who is he?

  "Did Tom sketch him how you remembered him?"

  "Yes, that is him. It gives me the chills looking at it," Ms. Joan says. "Is there anyway to see if he has a criminal background?"

  "No, technology isn't that advanced yet, but this picture will help us locate him if he comes by the house again."

  "OK, can I have a photocopy?" Ms. Craft asks.

  "Sure, I will make you one now."

  I ask Tom to make me one as well, thinking if I kept looking at it. My memory would remember who the hell this man was.

  "I feel much better officer," Ms. Joan says.

  "If he walks on your property, call me."

  "I will. Officer, is there anyway you could drive me home? It looks like the cabdriver took off."

  "I'd be happy to, but I have to see if anyone can take my post."

  "Oh, look the cab driver is back, thank you anyway,” she says as a yellow cab pulls in the station's parking lot.

  Chapter 44


  I had forgotten about the drawings I did when I was about eleven. I had tried out for the school of the arts to not make it. It devastated me, but after many tears, and my mother's love and support, I realized I did not really want to become an artist.

  In the sense where it would be my life’s calling, rather I drew for me, to let my feelings out. After that, my art improved and my mother would keep my drawings in a port-folio.

  "Julie," Heather buzzes, ”Kevin is on line 2."

  “He is?”

  "Are you sure you want to take it?"

  I let out a sigh, “Yes.”

  Face the asshole again, I think.

  "Hello," I say.

  "Hi Juli
e, you don't sound too happy to hear me."

  Really, I think, what a stupid thing to say.

  "How about lunch?”


  "Why? Is it because you broke the alone clause?"

  "I have to go."

  "I wouldn't hang up if I were you, I deserve another chance, and if you decide after giving me a chance that you don't want me anymore. I will leave your life forever, this of course includes a night of sex."

  "Fuck you again,” I say.

  "Ah, I like that, playing hard to get like Greta. I feel a hard on come on."

  "Why are you doing this?" I ask, feeling defenseless. I just wish he would just snap out of wanting to terrorize me.

  "Don't say another word. I know you are confused, and I am willing to forgo the sex part if you just give me another chance. Don't you feel like I deserve a second chance?"

  "I don't know."

  "Robert did say you played hard to get."

  “What?" I ask, my heart raging against my chest. Fearing it would give out from the stress.

  "The one you were flirting with the night he died."

  WTF? I think. What was he saying?

  "You should be thankful he is gone, I mean he was on the verge of attacking you. You see Julie, a man can only take a tease so far. Having blue balls can cause insanity."

  I don't respond, feeling my temperature spike.

  “How do you know Robert?"

  "Just meet me tonight, and I'll answer all of your questions. I also have the money I owe you. I bet you never thought you’d see it again.”

  Did I just hear what I thought I did? He had the money?

  "All of it?"

  "Yes, I did get paid."


  "I'll call you hoe is on the other line," Kevin says.


  "Just joking, call you later."

  Kevin's behavior was beyond erratic. But I figure if I could meet him somewhere public, act like I’m giving him a second chance, take the money he owes, and close the door on him for good.

  I call Violet, I could really use a session. The earliest I could see her would be next Monday. I figure I could reread my old journals to get me going, until seeing her again.


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