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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

Page 16

by Ryan, Rebecca J

  “I wanted to see if you were home. I felt you were upset about what I did last night and I wanted to talk to you about it. Because last night I was acting like a jerk.”

  I look at Bo, falling more in love with him.

  “Who drives a blue BMW?”

  “Kevin,” I say, feeling like I was just punched in the stomach.

  “He was parked in your driveway and I saw him walking in your house with a box.”

  “No, that can’t be.”

  “I saw it with my own eyes.”

  I lean into Bo, trembling with fear. I look up, “Well, yesterday when I went home in the morning to get ready for work, he was in my kitchen just as I was leaving. I don’t know when he arrived or how he got in the house, but he did.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was afraid to.”

  “Bastard,” Bo says. He was getting worked up again.

  “I don’t know what to do, but please don’t get involved with trying to set him straight or something. He will eventually leave. I don’t want him thinking I’m scared of him,” I say.

  “Don’t play his game Julie, he is one sick man.”

  “He is not worth you getting hurt or in trouble with the law, there has to be a way to get him to stop.”

  “I won’t kill the SOB, but if looks could kill. I wouldn’t have to worry about going to jail, because he would have been dead this morning when I was staring him down. The sucker doesn’t know who he is fucking with.”

  Bo smiles, then kisses me, I lay back and he scoops me in his arms and takes me to his bedroom.

  Chapter 53


  I carry her trembling body to my bedroom, my hard on is ready for her. Holding her makes me never want to let her go.

  I lay her down, she looks lifeless, with the exception of her beautiful brown eyes looking at me. I don’t want to push sex on her but my woody won’t stop.

  It’s like she can read my mind, as she comes up to kiss me and unbuckle my jeans at the same time. Damn is she sexy, looking at my penis, smiling then looking at me.

  “I’m been thinking of this moment all day,” Julie says.

  “Ah,” I moan, “Me too.”

  “I missed you.”

  “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, I mean if you are too tired,” I say, as she leans in to take me.

  Julie looks up and I swear I can see her soul in her eyes, it tears me up.

  “You’re too good,” she says, her mouth moves closer to my penis and I just drop my head down to look at her. I think no you are the one who is too good for me.

  Watching her, I realize what would please me more would to please her, to excite her and make her come like a river.

  My hand reaches for her chin, she looks up with her beautiful eyes, and I lean down to kiss her. Her mouth is luscious, her taste arouse me more. Her tongue plays with mine.

  Man I can kiss her all day, she falls back and we keep kissing. It is like she has never been kissed before, moaning like we are having sex. I go up her shirt, reaching for her breasts, her nipples are hard.

  I just want her now. I want to slide it in her, but I don’t want to rush it. Again, it’s like Julie can read my mind, as she reaches for my penis. Her touch makes me want to come.

  I’m in a whole new level of desire for her, “What you do to me.”

  Julie lifts her hips into me, and I let out a moan that has her moaning louder, as I push deep into her. Fuck, she feels so damn good. I want a taste of her. So I stop, pulling out, going down to taste her.

  She moans as I lick her, placing both of my hands on her butt cheeks, sucking her juices. Julie starts rocking her hips in a nice rhythm, her vagina getting juicier.

  I quickly move to kiss her, sliding back into her and letting out a moan that scares me.

  “Ah,” she moans. I stare at her brown eyes, they pull me in and at that second she comes, feeling the gush down my penis. I quickly pull out and come.

  I’m whipped big time.

  Chapter 54


  He carries me to his bedroom. My body is burning for him. There is no sexual inhibitions between us, his body and mine are at ease with each other.

  He places me on the bed kissing me passionately, I can’t keep my eyes off of him. I want him more than anything in life. His kisses are tender, yet forceful, leaving me wanting to feel him inside of me.

  I go to him, unzip his pants and long to touch him.

  He says, “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, if you are too tired.”

  I feel so emotional, never did Kevin ever say that. He would just put his hand on my head and push me into him, even when I would gag.

  “You are too good,” I say, surprised those words slipped out of my mouth, but it’s how I feel. There is a feeling between us that is deeper than sex, that’s pulling us together.

  I want to please him even more, like he is pleasing me. I lean down to take his manhood in my mouth. He moans and I take joy in his pleasure. I suck harder and I feel myself get wetter, feeling his pleasure building, believing he is about to come, and I am not upset that I may not.

  Then he does the unexpected, he stops, kisses me, as I fall back on the bed, goes down to please me, his tongue igniting my private, doing such a show, tingles my body.

  He then comes up to kiss me with such dire passion that I moan, feeling him want me. Feeling his hard body on top of mine.

  My world, does he smell good. I take a deep breath just to smell more of him. I feel his heart pounding hard like mine, feeling like a sick lusting teenager.

  I can’t take the suspense anymore, pushing my hips up, wanting him to enter me. Then he slips in, and I arch my back in mad excitement. My legs shaking while he slides deeper into me, rubbing my sweet spot. Man, does he feel so good.

  Just when I think I am about to come, he stops again, teasing me. Looking right at me as he scoots back down to have another taste of private. My hips desperately motion up and down, in sync with his tongue thrusts. He quickly moves back up and slips back in me. He jackhammers, each time touching my sweet spot and when I feel like I can’t take it anymore. I come, bashing in the release, not able to move, then he pulls out. His warm, white come is on my stomach.

  I hardly feel my legs, feeling like I’m floating, not feeling anything. What an heavenly feeling to be.

  Chapter 55


  Julie turns to me, moving as close as she can. Though I’m hot, I move closer wanting to feel her next to me. She leans in to kiss me, then she closes her eyes.

  Julie has me more than she will ever know, just looking at her fall asleep, makes me happy.

  I look at her lips, how it knows how to please, yet its still so innocent. I lean in to kiss her and she doesn’t move, feeling her deep breaths.

  I pull back just a little and keep staring at her, everything was perfect until I start thinking about Kevin.

  Why is it that when something is too good, it usually is, but this time it has nothing to do with Julie. It’s a part she has no control over.

  Chapter 56


  “I wake up to find Bo looking at me, he’s on his side, looking so hot.

  “Hey there,” he says.

  I smile, still in half-sleep wondering if I was still dreaming, or was Bo really next to me.

  “Hey there,” I say.

  “You can smile all day long and I would never get tired of seeing your lips.”

  “You don’t have a bad pair yourself,” I say, feeling shy.

  “You are blushing.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Well it looks like you are, your face is red.”

  “It’s not.”

  I often struggled with the after parts of having sex, feeling like I had to separate what I just did. I still don’t know why, but like Violet said from the start of our sessions feelings and discovering what is deep down in our being takes time, especially if we buried it in our sub
conscious mind.

  Here I am inches away from Bo, literally inches away from him. Get it together girl, I think, don’t scare him off.

  “Yes I am, sorry.”

  “Don’t be, it’s cute, like you.”

  I reach over and touch his face, just to make sure he was real, and lean to kiss him.

  “I’m hungry,” Bo says.

  This can mean two things, either for sex or food.

  “I’m hungry for you and food, but I could go for a little dessert right now.”

  Bo then kisses me, I turn on my back and he lies on me, feeling his manhood.

  “How about a quickie?” Bo asks.

  I smile, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

  I look at Bo driving, he has the sweetest button nose, matching his sweet pink lips. He turns to look at me, and I can’t help but smile.

  He pulls in Anna’s Taco’s parking lot, my favorite place.

  “How did you know I love this place?” I ask.

  He looks surprised, “I didn’t, I’ve been coming here for years.”

  “No way, I can’t believe we never bumped into each other,” I say.

  Walking out, we see the long line, which we say is just part of the experience.

  “Look, that couple is about to leave,” Bo says.

  I smile seeing how he does have his eyes opened at all times, paying attention to details. I walk over just as they get up and sit down.

  “What do you want?” he asks.

  I raise my index finger, signaling number one.

  He gives me a thumbs up.

  I check my emails, Heather left an updated schedule for tomorrow. There is another deposition, this case involves a hit and run, the victim is claiming it was a set up. Supposedly she knew the driver from high school. She also wrote, “all was quiet in the office.”

  I look at my texts, seeing five unread messages. All from Kevin. I don’t even read them.

  I see Bo walking over, he lifts the tray like a prize. I notice the beers.

  “Nice touch,” I say as I grab a Corona.

  “Who said it was for you?”

  My face drops.

  Bo smiles, “Of course, it’s for you.”

  I take a sip, hoping it will take off the edge I am feeling.

  “I want you to know there is nothing left between Kevin and I.”

  Bo looks down at his burrito, I can see the topic of Kevin has changed his mood.

  “I believe you, but seeing him walking in and out of your house today, is not like a break-up. I know you are scared of him and don’t want to do anything, but why? Is there another reason?” Bo asks.

  My heart races feeling like a trapped animal.

  “I’m going to have a serious talk with him,” I say, really wanting one, but Kevin doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of the word serious.

  “So the talks before, weren’t really serious?” Bo asks.

  Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. A wave of humiliation washes over me. I take a bite of my burrito, there is a silence between us, one I don’t like.

  “Sorry,” Bo says.

  I break a smile, “To be honest I haven’t really stood my ground when saying it was over between us.”

  “I see, so this time you will.”

  I sense Bo’s frustration because I am getting frustrated by the topic of conversation. I see I am part to blame for never sticking to my word, however, Kevin is not easy to let down. Even with acting with caution and reason he doesn’t get it. I don’t want to tick him with directness where he may harm me or worst yet those I care about. I am so over my head, fearing the worst.

  I think about Robert, maybe Kevin had something to do with his accident.

  “I can go back to your place, and if he shows up. He will see that you have moved on.”

  “I thought about that, but I don’t want to upset him.”

  Bo takes a deep breath, “See that doesn’t make sense to me, maybe you do still care about him.”

  Why is Bo being a jerk? Or am I being overly sensitive? Feeling like I was on the witness stand being questioned. Get a grip, I tell myself. Who is the lawyer here?

  “I don’t, that is for sure.”

  “Then what is it Julie?”

  “It’s just he has been through a lot of pressure and I don’t think he really thinks I mean it,” I say, taking a moment wondering if I should tell Bo that in the past I always forgave him. “See I never could stay mad at him.”

  “I see, will he ever think you mean it?” Bo asks.

  “I don’t know and that is the problem.”

  “I’m sorry for coming hard on you. I see ex’s do the worst things to their exes who are trying to move on, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

  Bo right, he of all people see how men like Kevin operate.

  “If you do nothing, he will think you two are still together.”

  “I have tried saying I don’t want to get back together, but he seems to think I just need time,” I say, trying my hardest not to cry. “He doesn’t want to take no for an answer.”

  “That is a problem, because he still thinks he has control over you.”

  Bo’s right, I want to tell Bo what I learned about Kevin from my trip to the Orange County Courthouse, but I can’t, at least not now. I’m having a hard time piecing what Mr. Diaz said.

  “Let’s go back to my place,” I say, feeling a huge lump in my throat.

  Chapter 57


  It hurts me to see that Julie is about to cry, it really upsets me. Kevin’s arrogant’s ass thinks he can still claim her. I want to kick his ass.

  He is the type that fills up jails. I really need to calm down, because I don’t want to scare Julie away, but I see symptoms of her being emotionally abused.

  “Are you sure you want to go back to your place? Because it is not worth you getting stressed out about, or we can go back to mine,” I say, taking a sip of beer.

  “Yes, I am, but promise you won’t knock him out, and land yourself in jail because then we both will be without sex for a long time.”

  I smile, happy to see Julie’s funny side return.

  “I won’t touch him, but all bets are off if he does something stupid like touch me or you.”

  “I agree to that,” she says.

  I reach over for her hand and its cold, “You are terrified of him meeting me, aren’t you?”

  Julie swallows hard, looking dead in my eyes, “I am. I don’t think he will handle it well.”

  Taking a deep breath, I say, “Well, he will have to move on. People do get hurt in a relationship.”

  “Yes, they do, but our relationship ended two years ago,” Julie says.

  “Either way, he will have to move on.”

  She shook her head in agreement saying, “True, he will have to like I did. I just want things to end nicely, that’s all. Am I crazy to think it’s possible? Julie asks.

  “I’m not sure with his track record,” I answer.

  Julie’s turns white, like she just saw a ghost. I don’t even want to ask her what just happened.

  We walk to the car, once inside I lean over and kiss her madly. She kisses me just as passionately, and I feel a rush. Everything would be perfect if Kevin wasn’t in the picture, but he was and I was going to make sure he knew that Julie and I were together, and not him and her.

  Driving to Julie’s house I’m in cop mode, on the brink of a domestic dispute. However the rush I was feeling was whether I would find Kevin in Julie’s house.

  In my eyes, Kevin is a criminal. Holding Julie’s sanity as ransom. Bastard, I think. Actually hoping Kevin wasn’t going to play nice because I was ready to bash his pretty boy face in the ground for it to never be the same. And make him look like the monster that he is inside. Fuck, I can feel myself get all worked up. I hate pricks like him.

  Julie’s hand goes up and down my leg, to not only calm herself but me. Still it feels so good. I could just pull over and ma
ke hard love to her.

  Coming down the street, both of us look at Julie’s house. The blue BMW is not there like it was earlier. Yet, it won’t let down my guard. He still can be in the house.

  “Here we are,” Julie says.

  I smile, “We are.”

  “He isn’t here.”

  I didn’t want to freak her out, so I just smiled, “It looks that way.”

  “I know it doesn’t explain why he was here earlier, but we will find out soon enough what he did in the house,” Julie says, her face turns beet red. Her nervousness was easy to see.

  The coach lights are on. The place looks kept as the night I first watched her in the pool. How I want to kiss her now.

  She is the definition of beautiful, but I would be a jerk if my hands were all over her.

  She makes me feel like a fucken love sick teenage boy. I want her so badly. I lick my lips, hoping to get a taste of her from earlier, but all I taste is beer.

  “Wait until I come and get you,” I say.

  She shakes her head in agreement.

  I get out with my flashlight at hand, shining it in the brushes and the side of the house, and up to the second floor windows. I see nothing out of the ordinary.

  I walk over to the passenger side door and open it, and reach for her hand. She gets out and we walk to the front door. Still nothing out of the ordinary can be seen or heard.

  Julie turns the door knob and it is locked. She takes her keys and slowly opens the door. We stand at the opened doorway, I’m shining my flashlight and I still see no one.

  “Hello,” she calls.

  Still there is no sound, but I know too well what Julie just did was give a thief a heads up to hide and have the advantage, but I don’t say anything of this to Julie. I don’t want to make her anymore nervous than she already is.

  I just have to be extra careful, having my flashlight looking in all places. It also makes for a great weapon.


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