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Page 25

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  Zaiden’s lips curved into a grin. “Thought you wanted to play nice.”

  “I am. Guns won’t kill a demon.”

  Werdn’s eyes darted to the cold metal in her hand. “No, but it hurts like hell.”

  “I know.” Juliet’s lips curved. “I’d thought I’d start by shooting off your toes first.” She pointed the Glock at the demon’s foot. He wore black boots, but the bullet would penetrate through the leather. “I’ll start with the big toe first.”

  Werdn looked at Lucca. “Call your mate off, will you.”

  Lucca crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me something I want to know and I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Fine,” Werdn spat. His gaze wavered to Lana before he leveled his gaze on Lucca. “Kordon wants Ryden to study her to see if she’s the one.”

  “The one?” Lucca’s brows furrowed. “The one what?”

  “The prophecy says there will be a human who can carry both angel and demon children without the pregnancy killing her. Many Hashasheens would be born instead of the few that have made it full term. Most Hashasheen women are barren. We need new blood.” His beady eyes shifted to Ryden. “It is considered a great honor for the Prince of the Hashasheens to want you.”

  Ryden recoiled in horror. “I would never sleep with your prince. Eli is my mate, and he wouldn’t take kindly to sharing me either.”

  “Maybe you’re not the one we seek.” Werdn shook his head. “Kordon is only guessing.” He turned his gaze on Lucca then. “If we had the Tomes of Nasarm, we would be able to pinpoint when the human would be born. All Kordon recalls of the prophecy is the Fallen will once again take mates among the humans chosen and there will be one who will be able to carry a child with demon blood running through its veins.”

  Lucca lifted one brow. This is why the Tomes of Nasarm was so important to Kordon. He wished to play prophet, securing a human bride to carry his child. “The Preternatural Council will not allow Kordon to kidnap humans for his pleasure.”

  Werdn shrugged. “We have our charms.” His eyes glowed redder as he grinned. “Who’s to say the human won’t want to be with Kordon?”

  Lucca glanced at Ryden. “Eli’s mate isn’t waving her hand to be picked. I suggest your Prince look elsewhere. Try online dating, I hear they can match anyone up with the perfect date.”

  Werdn snarled and centered his gaze on Juliet. “Maybe I’ll take her back to Kordon. She’s feisty, just the way Kordon likes his women.”

  Lucca didn’t think. He just reacted, his fist slamming into Werdn’s jaw. “No one touches what is mine.”

  With no way to move or defend himself, Werdn’s head jerked back, hitting the wall behind him. “Come on,” the demon wailed.

  The room became deathly quiet and he chanced a look at Juliet, wondering how she took his declaration. Damn his mouth for not knowing when to shut up.

  If her eyes could spit fire, he’d be sporting a nice tan right about now. The weapon she held was the true threat though. He swallowed the lump that lodged in his esophagus. “Juliet…” his words trailed off.

  She flipped her hair behind her back and inhaled deeply as if doing so would keep her temper in check. “Just so you know, you do not own me. If you think a little love bite, gives you the right, you have another thing coming.”

  Lucca’s jaw worked as he ground his teeth. Had he truly marked her? Even if it was true, he couldn’t solely belong to her without his wings. She could walk away. His back blazed like a torch had been set to it. He grimaced and inhaled sharply. Obviously his wings didn’t like the idea of Juliet giving herself to someone else.

  “You have nothing to say?” She threw up her hands.

  “I…” his gaze wavered to the others in the room. “We need to discuss this in private.”

  “Looks like your woman, doesn’t fancy you.” Werdn snorted.

  “Shut up,” Lucca and Juliet said in unison.

  Lucca glared at Werdn. “She is mine and no Hashasheen better try to take her and expect to live.”

  Juliet opened her mouth intent on saying something, but Zaiden’s hands gripped her shoulders, warning her to be quiet. Thank God she took the warning, but Lucca wasn’t fooled by her silence. He better come up with a good argument why they belonged together.

  Blaize slapped Lucca on the back, making him wince. “Let me know if congratulations are in order, Bro.”

  Lucca shrugged away, giving Blaize the shut-the f-up look. Blaize lifted his hands and backed away. Smart move.

  Lucca caught Zaiden’s eye then and knew Juliet wasn’t the only one he would have to answer to. It may not be forbidden for the Nephilim to take human mates now, but it didn’t mean they could mark any female they saw fit to bed. His gaze wavered to Juliet. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her. Those lips of hers presented a temptation that made him edgy. As if she knew where his thoughts had wavered, she moistened her mouth with a sweep of her tongue. Her scent enveloped him, causing his wings to respond again. At this rate, his wings would burn their way free, the bounding ritual be damned.

  No, Juliet wasn’t just some girl he fancied for a good tumble. He wanted her by his side. Dammit, he… needed her.

  Her body betrayed her attraction for him, but her mind had yet to accept it. Too much had happened in a short time.

  Her first encounter with making love to a male left her mated, bonded to a Nephilim who’d been banished from his brethren. Not exactly something to brag about and she had to hear about if from someone other than him. No wonder her body hummed with fury. He took a step toward her then stopped.

  Her hand gripped the Glock tighter, turning her knuckles white. Making a move when her body language shouted touch me and you’ll die, would only end in bloodshed, his to be exact.

  “There will be time later to kiss and make up.” Lana drew their attention. “What are we going to do with our lovely guest? I can’t keep him wind-bound for much longer.”

  “Release him,” Lucca said. “Let him go back to Kordon to warn him we’ll not let our… any women be taken who is not willing to go. It’ll be war if he insists.”

  Lana nodded. She began to chant under her breath. The wind blew again around them, but not as strong, more like a gentle breeze before dissipating into nothing. The sudden release sent Werdn to his knees, but he was quick to jump back to his feet again.

  “Go,” Lucca said and the Hashasheen shimmered back to where his kind dwelled.

  “Witch,” Zaiden looked at Lana. “Are you able to cast a protection spell to keep demons out of your shop?”

  “I suppose I’ll need to learn fast.” She inhaled, revealing how nervous she’d been or was it relief? Lucca wasn’t sure which. He still found it odd the demons showed up here. Werdn claimed they were after Ryden, but he had the feeling the demon came up with the story at the last moment. How did they know Ryden would be here? He should have questioned Werdn further, but he let Juliet’s arrival distract him.

  Lana looked at Blaize with a half smile. “I’ll make sure the protection spell doesn’t ban Darklins.”

  “Most appreciated.” Blaize grinned back.

  “I have another request,” Lucca stepped in front of Lana’s line of vision, putting a stop to the flirting. He ignored Blaize’s annoyed huff. “Barachiel cast a bonding spell on me so he can find me at will. If there is anything you can do, I would appreciate it.” He lifted his arm, showing her the tattoo embedded in his skin.

  “You’re asking a lot of me,” Lana told him. “But I will see what I can find out about removing it.” She looked at her cousin. “You sure have a needy crowd you hang out with.”

  Ryden touched her arm. “Thank you, for helping us.”

  Lana nodded, giving into a hug. “You be safe.”

  “You do the same,” she returned the sentiment.

  Zaiden sidled up to Lucca, pulling him away from the others. “You do know you must take care of matters with Juliet. I saw the mark.”

sp; Lucca’s blood pressure rose at the mere thought of him seeing any part of her anatomy. “You better have a damn good reason for checking her out.”

  “Relax. I’m not after your mate.”

  He noticed he didn’t actually answer him. “What are you after?”

  Zaiden met his gaze. “What we’re all after—finding the one to share our lives together.”

  Lucca narrowed his eyes. “Do you think your time with Sarice will bring you happiness?”

  Zaiden’s irises almost disappeared as his eyes blazed with anger. “Sarice is none of your concern.”

  Lucca used the same tactic Zaiden used on him. “Relax. Sarice is a proven warrior, but the blooding is clouding both of your judgments. Look at yourself in a mirror, will you? The dark shadows under your eyes are the first sign of addiction. I bet if I look at your fingernails, I’ll see the bruising there as well.”

  Zaiden grunted, but didn’t deny the fact. “Sarice is… very difficult to resist.”

  “Be the warrior you’re trained to be and show some self control.”

  Zaiden chuckled and shook his head. “Looks who’s talking? The Watcher who acts on impulse first.”

  Lucca lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “Let’s just say, loosing my wings has given me a knew perspective on situations.”

  Zaiden’s brows drew together as he digested this information then his gaze shifted over to Juliet. “Maybe finding one’s mate does that to a Nephilim, makes us more…”

  “Human,” Lucca offered. He shrugged again as he looked at Juliet. “It’s not so bad.”

  Chapter Forty

  Lucca and Juliet didn’t go back to Gideon’s. They headed to his apartment. They had very little time to be alone before everything came down.

  Juliet drove in silence and he let her have her space for now. They were going up against an Archangel. There was a good chance not all of them would come out of this alive. If things didn’t go as planned, Juliet and Owen would be forced to run again. He needed to say his peace and Juliet needed to hear it.

  She parked the car and flew out of the door as if she needed to be somewhere in a hurry. Her strides were long, but he kept up with her easily.

  They entered the courtyard and walked past the fountain. The cherub perched on top, resembling the human’s version of Cupid, stared at them with mocking humor.

  Lucca slipped his key into the lock and opened the door. He glanced at Juliet as she swept past him. She was tense like a finely wound top, ready to spin out of control at the slightest touch, but he still had the advantage, she agreed to come here with him.

  She whirled on him then, her gaze sliding over him in contempt. “You marked me. You didn’t say anything to me. I had to hear it from Zaiden.”

  So she wanted to get right to the heart of it. So be it. “I know.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  Why? He’d been asking himself the same question since it happened. He’d been overwhelmed by her scent. He let passion rule his actions. He wanted her. Heck, all of the above. He ran his hand through his hair. “I’m drawn to you. I have been from the beginning. Oh hell. I forget myself when I’m around you. It’s like I’ve become another person, who only lives to please you.” He felt his face grow hot over the admission. He sounded like a female with this talk about feelings.

  Juliet lost her hostile stance. Her shoulders relaxed and her lips twitched as though she wanted to smile. Did she find his behavior humorous?

  “What does it mean that you marked me?”

  His gazed slid over her. “Will you show me the mark?”

  Her fingers gingerly slipped the strap over her shoulder to reveal where the top of her breast swelled.

  He moved closer, his gaze latching onto the raised skin in the shape of a wing. His hand moved to touch the mark, but he pulled back. He looked at her, asking for permission.

  She nodded.

  His thumb caressed the tender skin, making Juliet inhale deeply. At first he thought he hurt her, but then he realized it was just the opposite. Her skin flushed and her scent filled him as he breathed her in.

  His touch excited her. He leaned down and brushed his lips across the mark, his mark. Her fingers feathered through his hair, drawing him closer. Her scent increased, slamming into him and nearly driving him to rip her clothes off to have all of her. He pulled back, meeting her gaze. He felt her tremble and, by God, he wasn’t standing so steady now either.

  “I want you, Juliet.”

  She made a move as if to give herself to him, but he gripped her shoulders, forcing her to look at him.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “We cannot be together fully in the way the bonding was meant to be,” he told her.

  “Because your wings are bound.” She stated what he had not.


  “You can kiss me though?”

  He nodded.

  “You can make love to me?”

  “Yes, but—” Her finger pressed against his lips to silence him.

  “The only thing you cannot do is wrap your wings around me.” She seemed to consider the prospect as she chewed on her lower lip. Then she sighed, her eyes leveling with his. “I cannot long for what I’ve never had.”

  If she had experienced a brush of an angel’s wing, she’d be mated to another. Where was she going with all this? In the next breath she told him.

  “I will accept you as you are. I accept what you offer me. It’ll be enough if I’m enough for you.”

  Good Lord. Would she be enough? His response was to pull her into his embrace. “You’re my everything.” His lips covered hers, devouring, tasting as if he couldn’t get enough of her. She didn’t seem to mind. Her tongue mated with his and her hands slipped beneath his T-shirt, her hands spreading over his bound wings.

  His wings strained against his skin, wanting to feel her completely. Ecstasy and pain mingled with want drove him further. He brought her here to discuss their relationship. It looked like they were both through with talking for now. Clothes came off, littering the floor as they made their way to the bedroom. They didn’t make it that far. They fell to the floor in tangled limbs and ravishing kisses. He couldn’t get enough of her, her hands and caresses urging him on.

  “Take me,” her breathless request whispered near his ear. “Take me now, Lucca.”

  He plunged into her, filling her completely. Her legs wrapped around him, drawing him even deeper as if she feared he would leave her. He wasn’t going anywhere.

  His hips moved, the slow slide heightening the sensation of being connected. He found her lips, kissing her, tasting her as he took her. His wings fluttered, but he ignored the pain, letting her fragrance wash over him like a cool salve.

  Juliet whimpered against his lips and he knew she drew close, he moved his hips again, pushing in deeper as her body shuddered in pleasure. He moved faster then until he too joined the bliss of surrender.

  For a moment he lay heavy on her, relishing in her softness, loving the way her hands roamed down his back. Her fingers grazing over his bound wings as if she could feel the feathers beneath his skin.

  Her purr against his ear sounded like a satisfied kitten. Pressing a kiss to her curved lips, he rolled to the side, taking her with him. She cradled in the crook of his arm. Their breathing was slowly becoming even as their heart rates returned to normal. His hand slid over her glistening skin, still hot from their lovemaking. She wanted him. His lips curved in satisfaction. She was his as much as she could be. She claimed it would be enough. God, how he wanted to believe her.

  Her fingers caressed his forearm, where Barachiel’s tattoo was etched into his skin. His meeting with the Archangel wasn’t until tomorrow night. If he didn’t show, the Archangel would activate his little gift and hunt him down. The witch may be able to remove the offensive tattoo, but if she couldn’t and they failed to capture Barachiel then he would have to stay far away from Juliet and Owen. He could never be with them with his calling card of

  He pulled her closer in his embrace. He pressed his lips to the top of her head. As if sensing his sudden mood change, she pulled away, leveling her gaze on him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I want to keep you and Owen safe.”

  “I know.”

  His fingers gently caressed her arm. Life really sucked on the human realm. He only just found her and he would have to let her go. “After tonight, I can’t be with you.” She tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her go. “Hear me out.”

  “You better have a darn good reason why I should.”

  “If Lana cannot remove the tattoo, Barachiel will hunt me down. You and Owen cannot be anywhere near me. Even if he didn’t suspect you both as the travelers, he’ll wipe out anyone who is close to me just to make me suffer for defying him.”

  “It’ll work out. It has to.”

  “Maybe. We’ll have to wait and see.”

  She rested her head on his chest. “You sure do know how to ruin the mood,” she half teased with a chuckle. “Maybe, I can change that.” She looked up at him with her lovely pools of green and batted her eyes.

  With a growl, he pulled her on top of him.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Kasadya snapped his wings behind his back, the dark feathers shimmering like a flock of ravens in the moonlight. He stepped forward, his black eyes assessing Arizul with contemp. “I see you have not yet obtained Raziel’s book.” His fangs lengthened, gleaming white with a promised threat.

  On response, Arizul’s wings drew closer to his body as if they were a separate entity fearing Kasadya’s rage and sought to hide from his wrath. “I have run into complications.” If he hadn’t possessed King Solomon’s charms, he would still be trapped in the Vault with the annoying Banshees’ screams. He took great delight in ending they’re keening—forever.

  Kasadya’s eyes blazed red and Arizul hurried to explain. “My son has the book and I plan on getting it from him tonight.” Sweat dripped down his shirt and he had to wipe away the moisture from his brow. Angels on a whole didn’t sweat, but Kasadya had been draining him, his perverse habit of drinking blood becoming dangerous… to his well-being. He couldn’t afford to be weak when he met with Lucca this next time. His son had changed. He’d seen the steely look in his eyes and knew Lucca would kill him if he posed a threat. His lips curved. Finally, his son found a backbone. Perhaps beating the humanity out of him had worked after all.


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