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Lucca Page 30

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  Lucca could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness and welcomed it, but Kasadya wouldn’t allow it. His finger poked into the open wound on his chest, twisting. Lucca let out an agonizing scream.

  “That’s more like it. I need you awake, Lucca. You haven’t told me where the book is yet.” He dug his finger in deeper. “I can end this torment. Just tell me what I want to know.”

  Lucca spit at him, not saliva but blood spewed forth.

  Kasadaya licked the blood away that landed on his lips and smiled. “Your blood is sweeter than your father’s, goodness flows in your veins. Yummy.” His hand caressed Lucca’s sweat soaked hair away from his face before he grabbed his chin, forcing Lucca to look at him.

  Lucca struggled, knowing what would happen next. “No!” But he couldn’t win this. He couldn’t stop the magic flowing over him, a slow burn spreading through his veins, jumpstarting his glamour to knit his bones and heal his wounds.

  This was the second or was it the third time Kasadya had healed him. Everything was blending together. The healing wasn’t a blessing, but a curse. It meant his father would be back to flay his skin all over again.

  “You are beautiful,” Kasadya said, caressing his face. Lucca jerked away. “All the children of the Angels are so. My demons especially love Nephilim. Maybe we’ll have one of them play with you for a while before your father exacts his punishment again.”

  Lucca fought the nausea that crept up his throat like acid. He’d seen one of his demons, slithering dark masses that sucked the air out of the room with their stench.

  “Do you know what my demons do?”

  No, and he preferred to keep it that way, but it seemed Kasadya was in a sharing mood.

  “They like to sink their teeth into flesh, nice smooth flesh.” His finger slid across his chest.” His dark eyes met his. “The eyeballs are delicacies to them, did you know that?” He smacked his lips together. “The entrails are another of their favorites.” His finger slid down to his stomach. “They like to tear the flesh and suck the insides out like slurping a bowl of spaghetti.” He patted Lucca’s shoulder. “A Nephilim can live hours after his guts are devoured as a demon’s appetizer. I’ll heal you again of course. Then we’ll start all over again. You see, Lucca, you cannot win here. I have all kinds of tortures just waiting for you.” He stood now, looking down at him. “I haven’t even told you the best ones yet. Maybe I’ll let the Deviants have you for a spell. Let them use you as a sex slave for a few days. I’ll let your imagination fill in what they’ll do to you.” He patted his head. “Think about it, my boy. Let me know what you decide. I’ll give you an hour.”

  He turned and strode out of the cell, closing the heavy door and leaving Lucca in darkness. He leaned his head against the wall, the coolness alleviating the pounding in his head. How much more could he endure before he broke, before he told Kasadya anything he wanted? A pit of hopelessness opened in his stomach, but he clenched his teeth against the wave refusing to give into the pain. If he did, it was over and he would fail Juliet. He wasn’t going to let that happen.

  A clanking of armor and steel drew his attention, pushed him to his feet. Screams filled the quietness like a river of agony. Who was out there? God, let it also be his end. He yanked on the chains even though he knew he could not break free. If he could not join the fight, let them come in and finish him off.

  As if God heard him, the door flew open. A shift in the air told him magic was used to light the room. He blinked against the brightness. His eyes focused, but he couldn’t believe what he saw before him. “Juliet,” his voice sounded rough and unused even to his own ears.

  “My God, Lucca.” She ran toward him, but he backed away, the chains rattling louder than the clanking against metal out in the hall. She halted her steps and stared, really looking at him. Kasadya had healed him, left his skin unmarred, but the blood around him looked as if something or someone had been slaughtered. “It’s me, Lucca.” She said calmly, her gaze focusing on him only. Her steps were slow as if she approached a cornered animal.

  “Stay back,” he warned her, pointing a shaky finger at her. “I will not be tricked.”

  “It’s okay.” She waved her hand at him. “It isn’t a trick. Your arm, Lucca, Barachiel’s tattoo led us to you.”

  He glanced at his arm, but he wouldn’t believe it. “The Archangel would not come for me.”

  “No, but I would. I would, Lucca.” She moved closer. Her scent washed over him, filling him. He closed his eyes and breathed her in. Kasadya couldn’t conjure up Juliet’s scent, could he?

  He snapped his eyes open. She stood before him, her eyes pools of green as she held back tears. She glanced at the blood splattered on the wall behind him, still wet from his last beating. “What happened in here?” Her gaze slid over him. “You’re unhurt.” She shook her head not understanding why there were no wounds when blood pooled at his feet.

  Speak, he told himself, but the words wouldn’t leave his lips.

  “He’s been healed so the torture could last longer,” Raziel entered the room to stand beside her. “The blood you see is his.”

  The cries outside diminished but the pounding in Lucca’s head wouldn’t stop. He covered his ears. He had to block out the vision before him. Juliet wasn’t real. She couldn’t be here.

  “We’re going to take you home.” Juliet touched him, her warmth welcoming after so much cold, but he recoiled. “

  I am not weak.”

  “It’s okay,” she told him. “You’re safe now, Lucca.”

  Raziel stood next to Juliet as he stared at Lucca. “His body is healed, but he must have his mind healed as well. If it isn’t, he will go mad.”

  “Do it.” She nodded. They didn’t have much time. The others were holding off the forces, but they had to move fast and get out of here.

  Raziel grabbed hold of Lucca. His hands clasped his head. “Look at me he demanded. Lucca shook his head, trying to resist. “Look at me,” Raziel’s voice was soothing, but it held the steely force that couldn’t be denied. Lucca’s hands fell away and he opened his eyes and stared at Raziel, but the calmness didn’t last. Raziel’s hands glowed bright, heat radiated from his palms. Lucca’s screams of agony tore at Juliet’s heart, but she knew Raziel had to complete the ritual.

  When Lucca went limp, Raziel helped him to the floor and he waved Juliet over. She ran to him, wrapping her arms around his large shoulders. She looked up at the Archangel. “Can you release the chains?”

  Raziel nodded. His hand waved over the shackles and the silver cracked and broke away, falling to the side. Lucca shifted his weight. His hand gripped her arm as he leaned into her, his head resting on her chest. “You came for me. How?”

  “I’m not alone. Zaiden, Gideon, Eli, they all helped. Blaize and Sarice are here too.”

  He pushed away then, her words inflaming his anger once again. “You lie then. I knew this wasn’t true.”

  She scrambled to her feet and looked at Raziel. “I thought you healed him.”

  “As much as I could. It will take time.”

  “We don’t have time.” She lifted her hands. “Lucca, this is real. You have to trust me. Trust what we have. You know me. You… my scent. You know my scent. Breathe it in and tell me I’m not real.”

  “It’s a trick.”

  “Raziel…” she trailed off not knowing what she expected him to do.

  “Use what you told me the Elder Chaz gave you?”

  “What? Now? He doesn’t trust me. I can’t—”

  “Freeing his wings will release his glamour and heal him faster. Do it now.”

  Raziel shimmered over to Lucca, pinning him down. Lucca struggled to be free, his eyes locking onto Juliet, thinking she betrayed him, but she didn’t stop, didn’t hesitate. “I love you,” she told him as she drove the crystal dagger into the soft area above the collarbone. Energy burst from the dagger, throwing Juliet back, slamming her against the far wall. Raziel was thrown in the other dire

  Juliet sat up and crawled to her feet. Lucca convulsed, his body jerking. “Lucca?” The dagger hadn’t work. She’d killed him. Raziel came to her side, stopping her from going to him.

  “Wait. Give it time,” he told her.

  Another burst of light, made her lift her arm to cover her eyes. When she chanced a look, her mouth dropped opened.

  Lucca stood, his wings spread wide, lit with beauty, the colors vibrant and alive with shades of bronze, copper, and midnight blue.

  “Seems he does love you after all,” Raziel said and released her.

  Juliet ran to Lucca, falling into his arms. “Juliet.” Her name sounded like a prayer on his lips. He held her tight and his wings feathered around her, draping over her with warmth.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Lucca waited for Juliet in the hall. She wanted a moment alone with Owen to prepare him for his first meeting in the Grand Hall. The Archangels would be present, a first in Grigori history. He had missed some of what went down, but Juliet and Blaize filled him in on the missing details.

  Kasadya alluded their attempts for capture, escaping while he left his Shadow demons to fight the Watchers, a battle they could not win when two Archangels had joined the fight. The Archangels would go after Kasadya, but a league of Warriors on earth’s realm would run their own recon, reporting any activity that would point to the Satan.

  The witch, Lana, had fallen off the radar, too. She was a clever witch, but she couldn’t hide forever. She’d have to resurface eventually. When she did, they would bring her to justice.

  Lucca’s father on the other hand had not been so lucky. Arizul would have to face the charges brought against him, not only under the Grigori law, but with the laws of Heaven as well. He time traveled, causing the portal imbalance that set Kasadya free. His punishment for the crimes was to be dealt with today.

  “We’re ready,” Juliet announced, stepping into the hallway with Owen.

  He took her hand, walking down the corridor. The stone walls bore the ancient arts from centuries past. He’d walked these halls a million times and more, but today every detail, every tapestry and painting stood out, revealing a past he didn’t want to linger in anymore. He had a new life.

  Two guards stood at the large doors that stood ajar. The last time he’d been in the hall it had been for his sentencing. His wings fluttered in response to the memory.

  “Are you all right?” Juliet leaned near and whispered her concern.

  He looked at her. Her sun-kissed hair gleamed, the light from the sconces reflecting the warmth on each strand. Her smooth skin was only heighted with a light shade of blush, her long lashes enriched by a stroke of dark mascara. “You’re beautiful. Have I ever told you that?”

  “Yuck,” Owen mumbled under his breath.

  Juliet ignored Owen’s opinion and smiled. She shook her head. “No, and thank you.” She slid her hand into his. “Everything is going to be all right, you know.”

  He gave her hand a quick squeeze. “Shall we?” He nodded toward the doors.

  Juliet and Owen stood at his side as they entered. Candles were lit giving off more light, but it didn’t eliminate all the shadows. Lucca looked straight ahead as they made their way to the front. The intoxicating scent of Brugmansia hit his nostril. Two bushes sat near the elders’ thrones, one by each chair. The flowers on the bush were in full bloom—beautiful and lethal all in one.

  Eli and Ryden had saved a place for them. Blaize, Sarice, Zaiden, and Gideon sat at the other end of the pew. They all had come to his aid when he thought they would not. He gave them a bow of respect before sitting down beside Juliet. She linked her arm through his and leaned against him.

  Arizul stood before Elder Chaz and his wife, the Elder Lielal. Arizul was bound, looking haggard and defeated. His wings sagged behind him, but appearances could be deceiving. Fire still blazed behind the irises of his eyes. He pinned his look on Lucca before he shifted his gaze to Juliet then to Owen. His hands closed into a fist as if he’d like to strike the boy.

  “You’ll never touch him,” Lucca told him, drawing his father’s gaze to him.

  Arizul’s condescending laugh only egged him on. “My own flesh and blood revels in protecting humans who are beneath us.” His gaze shifted to Juliet in Lucca’s embrace. “Kill me now so I may not see this disgrace.”

  “So be it.” Lucca separated himself from Juliet’s warmth and stood. Grigori law stated if one of the Fallen lashes out with intent to harm, the victim could exact a just punishment in retaliation. Lucca withdrew his blade.


  Lucca turned to see the Archangel Michael striding down the aisle, his red robe flying behind him. “You will stand down.” His gaze centered on Lucca, demanding his compliance. His wings were a magnificent color of light, shimmering like jewels with each step.

  The Archangel Raphael followed behind Michael, his robe a crimson shade with gold threads tightly woven in the trim. His wings were beige, gold and amber.

  The Archangel Gabriel’s robe contained different shades of blue with silver threads weaved throughout the fabric. The robe complimented his iridescent wings tinged with blue that sparkled like ice crystals beneath the soft glow of the sconces.

  Barachiel, and Raziel had entered the hall now, too.

  Lucca sheathed his dagger. The Heaven’s guards could not be ignored.

  Arizul met Michael’s gaze. “Don’t you see what I’ve had to deal with down here? My son’s disloyalty,” he added just in case the Archangels didn’t know his meaning. “All I did for you, Lucca, has made you the male you are today. I made you strong. You were the best warrior when you didn’t let human’s feelings invade your conscience.”

  “I like my human feelings.” He wiped the back of his mouth with his other hand, tasting the blood in his mouth. His fangs had bitten through his lower lip. “Makes me a better male than you.”

  Lucca’s father sneered. “You never learned. No matter how I tried to beat it out of you. You never learned. You wanted to save the girl. You wanted to save the poet who wrote his own death warrant.”

  Lucca lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “I guess you couldn’t beat the human essence out of me after all.”

  “No, I couldn’t.” Disgust rang in his words. He then looked at Michael. “Take me away from here. The sight of him makes me ill.”

  “Oh, you will come with me. I have no plans of leaving you behind.”

  “What of the boy,” Barachiel demanded, pointing his finger at Owen.

  Michael’s large shoulders lifted in a shrug. “What about him?”

  “You can’t leave him here.”

  “I can see no reason why we cannot.” His eyes softened as he gazed at Juliet. “He has someone who loves him.” Michael directed his attention to Lucca then. “And he has one of his own kind to teach him to live among the humans. It was meant to be.”

  Michael turned his attention back to Arizul. “As for you, Arizul, your punishment will be just. You will to be frozen in time, never moving forward, but you’ll be aware of what passes you by.” Michael looked at Gabriel and gave him a slight nod.

  “No.” Arizul shook his head and backed away. He held up his bound hands as Gabriel let the magic pour from his fingertips, water sprayed in an arch of sparkling sheen, spilling over Arizul and freezing on contact. Arizel’s arm stood frozen over his face as if he could stop the onslaught of his punishment.

  Michael turned toward Barachiel, who stood tall. Only the dimming of Barachiel’s yellow eyes told Lucca the Archangel had been defeated at his own game.

  “You will return to Heaven. Your quest is over here,” Michael gave the order.

  Barachiel looked as if he liked to refuse, but he clamped his mouth shut and nodded. “So be it.” With a wave of his hand, electricity crackled in the air and the Archangel disappeared in a blaze of bright light.

  Raziel stepped forward now. His head bowed in reverence. “I accept what punishment is meant for m

  Michael breathed in deeply and let it out again. Sadness laced his expression as if the punishment in store for Raziel pained him. “You will have to answer for pleasuring yourself with a human woman when you knew it was forbidden.”

  Raziel gave Michael a direct look and didn’t falter. “Marie Romeo meant more than a warm body to lie against. She carried my beloved son.” His gaze wavered to Owen, affection radiating from the depths of his silver-blue eyes. He spoke the truth on that account.

  “Did Marie Romeo awaken your soul?” Michael’s voice lowered, his gaze leveling on Raziel as he waited patiently for the answer.

  Lucca realized he understood the question Michael asked. He’d felt it. The warm glow of Juliet’s love took away the darkness in his heart. He wondered if Eli had experienced the same. He leaned forward in the pew and found Eli looking his way. He didn’t have to ask. The recognition shone in the depths of Eli’s eyes.

  Lucca looked toward Raziel then, but instead of elation lighting the Archangel’s eyes, shame shadowed them. Raziel lowered his head. “No, Marie was not my soul mate, but I did care for her. I did love her as much as I was capable of doing.”

  Michael’s feet took motion, pacing as he thought over Raziel’s confession. “Angels are beings of great passion and our emotions are more intense than humans. We love and hate with all our being.” Michael addressed the hall, looking out to the masses seated in the pews. “Preternatural beings are not soulless creatures.”

  Whispers rose, but Michael did not quiet them. He waited patiently. When the room fell silent once more, he continued. “But our souls are not exposed and vulnerable as a human soul is. Ours is locked away, leaving us sometimes without a conscience. There will be temptations.” It was subtle, but Michael casted a look at Sarice and Zaiden as if the warning was meant for them.

  Zaiden’s hand grazed the gold trim collar of his formal Guard of Judgment jacket. Sarice’s bite marks were not visible, but perhaps guilt made Zaiden fidget in his seat.


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