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Lucca Page 31

by Karen Michelle Nutt

  Michael continued, not missing a beat. “You must resist indulgences that are not pure of heart. It will only end badly. The two hundred of my brethren came to earth to Watch the humans, but they did not just observe. They let their passions overrule what was right. They were damned for just reasons. Do not follow their lead.” Michael lifted his hands as if he meant to recite a prayer, but his words were for everyone gathered. “To find our soul mate is a blessing and our love for them will be eternal.” He glanced at Eli and then to Lucca as if he sensed the truth of their relationships and was not displeased.

  He lowered his hands then, leveling his gaze at Raziel once more. “Satisfying the flesh proved a selfish act when you knew the female felt more for you. The act of taking the female to your bed should never have been, but seeing as we cannot undo the events you’ve set in motion, Owen will remain with Juliet Romeo as long as the Nephilim, Lucca will instruct the boy in controlling his angelic side.” Michael’s gaze met Lucca’s, waiting to hear the commitment from him.

  Lucca stepped forward. “I will do right by the child.”

  Michael nodded with approval. “It is done then.” He turned his attention back to Raziel. “Though you meant well in wanting to save the child, you broke the rules of time travel, sending not one but two humans through the portal. You’ve altered the timeline. For these crimes against humanity that I have stated, you cannot expect leniency.”

  Raziel nodded. His shoulders sagged a little from the weight of his guilt, but he was holding up better than Lucca would have thought. Perhaps the Archangel was tired of running and no matter the consequences he knew now his flight was over.

  “As your leader among Archangels, it is my call to pass judgment. Raziel, keeper of the Book of Magic and secrets of the universe, I sentence you to live a human existence as one of the truly Fallen. You are forbidden to have contact with your son before he reaches maturity. Then it will be Owen’s call to seek you out for counsel.”

  Raziel inhaled sharply as if he’d been run through, but he remained where he stood as Gabriel and Raphael approached him, each Archangel taking hold of his arms, but at the last moment Raziel jerked away.

  “I’ll do this with honor,” he proclaimed, standing tall, his gaze shifting to Owen one last time. His bravery was meant for his son, the last act as a father.

  “Father,” Owen sobbed his name. He broke free from Juliet.

  “Stop,” Lucca called to him, but it was too late.

  The boy ran to Raziel. Owen’s small boney arms went around Raziel’s waist in a fierce hug. Raziel’s hand lay on the boy’s head. “It is all right. You must let me go…son. You must.”

  Owen looked up at his father with tear stained cheeks. “I love you.”

  Raziel’s eyes glistened like pools and he swallowed hard. “As do I love you.” Raziel looked toward Lucca with a nod.

  Lucca moved forward then, gripping Owen’s shoulder. “Come away now.”

  Owen looked up at Raziel as if asking permission. Raziel’s hand cupped Owen’s face with a tender caress before his hand fell away. He straightened his back and stared straight ahead. “I am ready.” The words were meant for Michael.

  Lucca guided Owen away. “Your father needs you to be brave for him, Owen,” he whispered to the child.

  Owen sniffled back the tears and nodded as he entered the pew. He slipped into Juliet’s embrace, letting her hold him close. Juliet glanced over his head at Lucca. Her eyes green pools of sadness. She grieved for Raziel, too, but remained strong for Owen’s sake.

  Gabriel and Raphael stood like statues as they waited for Michael’s order to hold down Raziel, but Michael held up his hand for them to stand down. He addressed Raziel then. “Kneel before me.”

  Raziel took the steps separating them and knelt before Michael with his head bent as he waited for his superior to exact punishment.

  Michael touched his head with a whispered prayer. Then he walked behind Raziel and withdrew his sword. With a swift movement, the sword struck Raziel’s wings, slicing them off his back. The movement so swift blue fire blazed, searing the stubs before the Archangel could bleed out.

  Raziel lifted his head in an agonizing scream that shook the pillars.

  Juliet hid her face in Lucca’s embrace, bringing Owen closer to her, shielding him too.

  Michael knelt down next to Raziel, who lay in a heap of agony, his breathing labored, his face sweat soaked. The air smelled of burnt flesh. “Once your wings grow back, your sentence will be complete.”

  Raziel blanched. “But you used angel fire. It will take close to a century for my wings to grow back to full use.”

  “Yes. It will give you time to think about your sins, will it not?” Michael stood to his full height. He leveled his gaze on Elder Chaz and Elder Lielal. “I thank you for your hospitality and your help in exacting justice.”

  Chaz bowed and Lielal gave a slight nod of her head.

  Michael strode over to Lucca. “I’ve been told you have Raziel’s book.”

  “I know where it is.” Eli had told him. It rested in the library with the other tomes of history.

  Michael nodded. “Do not say more. Keep it hidden. Kasadya must not get his hands on it.”

  Lucca nodded. “As you wish.”

  Michael nodded his head toward the other two Archangels. A bright light encased them then they were gone, taking Raziel with them.

  The elders stepped down from the throne and the others filed out behind them, leaving Lucca, Juliet and Owen time alone.

  “Where will they take Raziel?” Juliet asked moving away from Lucca’s embrace.

  Lucca shook his head. “Away from here.”

  “Away from Owen, you mean.”

  Lucca pursed his lips together and gave a curt nod. Raziel lost his right to father the boy.

  “They left his wings behind.” Owen ran over to where Raziel’s once beautiful wings lay in a heap of discarded feathers.

  Lucca and Juliet walked over to him. The child rubbed his hand over the feathers like a caress. The iridescent colors revealed all the colors of the rainbow in a sparkling array. “They’re so soft.” Owen’s voice held a reverence of respect.

  Lucca crouched down beside Owen. “If you’d like to take a feather or two with you, I believe it would be all right.” It would be all Owen would ever know of his father until he reached maturity. Lucca had no doubt Raziel would seek his son out if only to see what kind of male Owen turned out to be. Lucca placed a heavy hand on Owen’s shoulder and gave him a quick squeeze, hoping to comfort the lad.

  “Yes, I want something of my father.” He looked up at Lucca, his eyes glistening like pools of cool silver.

  Lucca withdrew his dagger, knowing the Archangel’s wings would be like steel and couldn’t be plucked easily. Leaning forward, he dug two feathers out, one from each wing, being careful not to damage the fine structure. Once he had both in his hand, he offered them to Owen. “Keep them safe. Archangel feathers are not given lightly.”

  Owen nodded, holding the feathers close to his heart.

  Lucca met Juliet’s gaze as he stood. “We should take him home.”

  Chapter Fifty

  As the last lines of Hamlet were spoken, a roar of clapping and whistling began. Granted most of it came from the third row up where Zaiden, Gideon, and Eli carried on with enthusiasm. Having their support signified a new beginning with the brethren, a bonding Lucca had not had before he met Juliet.

  Ryden had been there too and the lovely female volunteered to take Owen home for the night. For a human, Ryden’s intuition proved far superior than most. Juliet and he would have some time alone.

  Once Lucca changed out of his costume, he joined Juliet, draping an arm around her shoulders as they walked out the gates of the theatre.

  “I enjoyed the play,” a man stopped them to pay a compliment to Lucca. “You captured the essence that Shakespeare intended.” The man was neither old nor young. His hair the color of almonds and his eyes t
he shade of rich dark coffee.

  “Thank you,” Lucca said. “I hope you’ll return in a couple of weeks. The company will be performing the Scottish play.”

  “Ah, it is the one no one will say the name of, less they suffer the curse.”

  McBeth had the reputation to cause the superstitious ones to take pause and he wasn’t going to take a chance either. “Yes.” Lucca nodded.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll not breathe the word.” He tilted his head as he stared at them with interest. “There's a few things I've learned in life: always throw salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for good luck, and fall in love whenever you can. Shakespeare was spot on, don’t you agree?”

  Lucca’s brows furrowed, wondering why the man seemed oddly familiar in the way he spoke to them. “Indeed.”

  The man’s lips curved and he winked. “I shall let you go. You both have a good evening.” He gave a slight nod of his head before turning away.

  Juliet stared after the man for a moment longer before she looked at Lucca with a smile. “Let’s go.” They had only taken a step, when, the man’s parting words halted her steps.

  “An evening of Shakespeare is always as good as rain.”

  Juliet swung around. “What did you say?” But the man was no longer there, disappearing within the group of college students that were leaving the theatre.

  “What is it?” Lucca asked.

  Juliet shook her head and smiled. “Good as rain is what Leroy would say. Barachiel told us the Time Guardians would take on a different human host.” She glanced at him. “Do you think it could have been him?”

  “Perhaps. Anything is possible.” He slipped his arm around her again and used his glamour to hide them. There would be no more interruptions. He headed for the park adjacent to the Amphitheatre. There were trees but it also offered a wide-open space. “You know, I thought maybe Leroy wanted us to meet. His last message on my answering machine suggested as much.”

  She tilted her head to look at him. “The last conversation I had with him, he told me he wanted me to meet someone, too. He was sure I would like him.”

  Lucca chuckled. “You pulled a gun on me. Doesn’t exactly shout love at first sight, but I’ll let you know, you had me, right then and there. You were beautiful, lethal, and darn right sexy.”

  She nudged him gently with a sweet laugh leaving her lips. “And here I thought it was my scent that drew you.”

  He leaned down, teasing her lips with a promise of a kiss. “Ah yes, then there was that.”

  She placed a hand on his chest, giving him a gentle push. “Let’s not get sidetracked here. Let me see you shift. I love watching you.” Her gaze slid over him with wanton abandonment.

  He shook a finger at her. “Keep that up and you’ll pay for it,” he teased.

  “Yeah, I’m going to hold you to it.” She backed up, giving him room.

  Lucca let the glamour pour over him like a caress whispering over his skin. His wings spread wide and he stretched the tendons that had been denied flight for far too long. He glanced at Juliet. Her gaze spoke of how much she loved him. She would never hold him back. She would let him spread his wings and take to the heavens if it would please him, but what would please him more was to have her with him. He held out his arm, his palm face up. “Join me, Juliet.”

  She came to him willingly. Her small hand clasped his. “I don’t have wings, Lucca.” Her lips curved. “Go on, you enjoy yourself. I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  He pulled her into his arms, not giving her a chance to refuse as he lifted her. He flapped his wings and rose heavenward.

  Her arms flew around his neck with a squeal.

  “I have you,” he told her. “I won’t let you fall.”

  She met his gaze, trust radiating in their depths. “I won’t let you fall either.”

  A familiar tenderness swept through him, a sensation he learned to embrace. “I know.” He drew in the rich scent of her as he leaned forward with a quick kiss. Then he soared higher. Below them the pools of streetlights shimmered like candle flames, and above them the pinpricks of stars and the wan sickle moon drifted on the dark sky.

  “So beautiful,” Juliet breathed, her breath warm and comforting on his neck. He never felt more content with the wind blowing gently through his hair as he shared his pleasure of flying with Juliet. He’d been bound by hatred, but Juliet had set him free, her love and patience the key.

  “Come live with me, and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove,” he quoted Marlowe.

  “Christopher Marlowe did have a way with words.” Juliet kissed the side of his mouth. “But if you want me to move in with you, you’ll have to marry me.”

  He harrumphed. “We’re already mated.”

  “Lucca,” she drew out his name.

  “Oh, say no more. You have my heart, but if it is a wedding you desire, you shall have it, too.”

  He met Juliet’s gaze and his lips curved into a smile. He saw the future so clearly within the depths of her green-jeweled eyes. He was born with glamour, but it was Juliet who enchanted him.

  Author Note:

  Raziel is a fictional character in Lucca’s story, but his name has been mentioned as far back as in the Book of Enoch. My research gave me the idea of how I wanted to portray Raziel in my story.

  Behind the Scenes of Raziel and the Book of Magic:

  In some Witchcraft and Wiccan systems the Watchers are beings who guarded the portals, the links to other worlds. The Watchers are a spiritual race or spirits of the four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. In some traditions they are also linked to the solstice, equinox, and may be linked to a certain star.

  Raziel was known as a holy angel in the apocryphal lore. In the Book of Enoch I, he is mentioned as one of the fallen Grigori. He was the resident of the nether realms and commanded 365,000 surrogate spirits to do his bidding. He also revealed the secrets of astrology.

  In the teachings of the Jewish mysticism, Raziel is the Keeper of Secrets and the Angel of Mysteries. His name means, “Secret of the Lord.” In some of the teachings he is known as the chief Ophan in the rank of angels called the Ophanim. The Ophanim first appeared in the Book of Enoch. These Biblical beings are like the Seraphim and the Cherubim. They never sleep and watch over and guard God’s throne. Raziel is often described as having blue wings and a glowing yellow aura around his head. His gray robe has a liquid-like appearance.

  Raziel is also associated with the Sephira Chokmah in Briah. This is one of the four worlds of Kabbalistic theory. The book of Raziel the Angel contains all the secret knowledge and is considered the Book of Magic. It is said that Raziel stands close to God’s throne where he writes down all that is discussed. Raziel supposedly gave the Book of Magic to Adam and Eve after they were forbidden to return to the Garden of Eden. Raziel’s hope was that Adam and Eve would find their way home again. As it is written, the other angels didn’t approve of Raziel giving the book to Adam and Eve. They stole the book and threw it into the ocean, but God didn’t punish Raziel. He retrieved the book and gave it back to Adam and Eve.

  According to some, the book was passed on until Enoch received the book. It his believed Enoch incorporated his own writings in the tome. After Enoch, Raphael gave it to Noah, who used the tome to build Noah’s Ark. The last record writing about the book stated it was given to King Solomon.

  If you’re interested in knowing more about angels, here is a list of references you might find interesting.

  About Angels and the Fallen:

  About Archangels and Raziel: Wikipedia

  Introduction of Angels:

  Places of interest that inspired Lucca:

  For those who have a passion for Shakespeare, Shakespearean productions are performed at
the Festival Amphitheatre in Garden Grove, California, every summer.

  Doug’s Downtown Grill is a block away from the theatre and they offer the most exquisite cuisine in the area.

  About the Author:

  Karen Michelle Nutt lives in California with her husband, three fascinating children, four dogs, and three cats. Jack, her Chihuahua/Yorkshire terrier is her writing buddy and sits long hours with her at the computer.

  Her book, Lost in the Mist of Time, was nominated for New Books Review Spotlight Best Fantasy Book of the Year Award 2006. A Twist of Fate was a nominee for Best Time Travel P.E.A.R.L. Award for 2008. Creighton Manor won Honorable Mention P.E.A.R.L. Award 2009.

  In her spare time, Ms. Nutt reviews books for PNR-Paranormal Romance Reviews. An avid reader of history, romance, and the paranormal, she tends to combine all three in her writings.

  Fallen Angels, Vampires, and shape shifters embrace her darker side where their worlds intertwine with ours. She enjoys travel, old movies, books, and the chance to weave a tale.

  Visit the author at:

  Stop by her blog for Monday interviews, chats, and contests at:

  The Warriors for the Light Series (Fallen Angels)

  Coming Soon – Book Three: Gideon’s Story

  Available Now: Eli (Fallen Angels Book One)

  At a very young age the Rules of Conduct for the Fallen Angels were drummed into Eli Grigori’s head. Rule number one: Do not befriend a human. Rule number two: Do not interfere in their lives. Rule number three: Do not have relations with a human. Rule number four: Under no circumstances will you ever reveal your true self. He managed to break all of the above.

  Ol’ Hallow’s Eve is the day the veil between worlds are thin. It’s the only day out of the year the preternatural beings are allowed to walk among the humans as their true selves. With Eli’s wings bound and his glamour stripped, the Elders send him back in time before Ryden O’Sullivan knew the truth about him. If she is truly his soul mate, then her heart should recognize him.


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