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Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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by Maggie Walsh

  The Angel Pack 8


  Matthew is a lost boy who believes no one wants him. When he and his mate Josh cannot claim each other because of their age they decide to keep their relationship secret. But then Josh finds their other mate Milo. The realization that Josh and Milo can claim each other, but Matthew will be left out, only solidifies his self-doubt of ever having anyone to love him.

  He runs to Montana to search for the only family he ever felt wanted him, but when he gets there he finds that the Montana pack is now being ruled with fear and death. Matthew struggles to help two new friends as he tries to get them back home to safety.

  In the meantime Josh refuses to let Milo claim him and cool his mating heat. He will die before he lets anyone but Matthew claim him first. Can Matthew make it home in time to save Josh and his mating or will the new alpha in Montana find him before he can get his new family to safety?

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 74,728 words


  The Angel Pack 8

  Maggie Walsh



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove


  Copyright © 2015 by Maggie Walsh

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-860-8

  First E-book Publication: November 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author


  As always, to my children who will always come first.

  And to my readers for being so supportive and patient waiting for the next Angel Pack.


  The Angel Pack 8


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter 1

  “Okay. Thank you, Alpha Prime,” Evan said and hung up the phone. He sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger.

  “Anything yet?” Josh asked from behind Evan. His voice sounded strained and tired. Evan turned to face the young man.

  “No, Josh, I’m sorry. But the alpha did say that he and Jesse are heading out to Montana, and King Dante has a few men that may have picked up a trace of Matthew, but they’re not sure yet.”

  “I wish I could go with them,” Josh whispered and sat heavily onto one of the kitchen chairs.

  “I know, Josh, but we need to keep an eye on you. You just turned eighteen yesterday, and I’m afraid your mating heat will kick into high gear any day now.” Evan sat to join him.

  “Great. So I got that to look forward to,” he said sarcastically.

  Evan reached across the table and took Josh’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “If they can’t find Matthew in time, Josh, you need to rethink turning to Milo to help you.”

  Josh shook his head adamantly. “No. I won’t do that to Matt. He was right. He and I have spent too much time together thinking about when the time came for us to claim each other. I like Milo a lot, and I am beyond happy that he is our other mate, but I just can’t do that to Matt. He should be my first and I should be his.”

  “But he left without all the information, Josh. He doesn’t know he is twenty and he can claim you first. We don’t know where he is and I don’t want you suffering. Can you at least think about letting Milo help you?”

  “It’s all I’ve been thinking about, Evan,” Josh yelled in frustration as he jumped up from his seat. “I just keep seeing his face the last time I saw him. He was so sad and dejected. His heart was breaking right before my eyes and I couldn’t do anything to help him. Do you know how that feels, Evan? To love someone and not be able to be with them? To know they are hurt and there is nothing you can do to help them?”

  “Yes, Josh, I do,” Evan whispered.

  Josh turned and looked at him. Seeing the far-off, painful look in Evan’s eyes made Josh feel like shit. He didn’t think. Of course Evan understood. He had gone through something similar with his first love. Evan never liked to talk about what happened, but he and the rest of the guys knew it was a very painful time for Evan. He lost his first love, and that was the reason he started the home for Lost Boys. So that he could try to help other gay shifters who were kicked out of their birth packs. Josh got the feeling that Evan figured if he helped all of them, then maybe it would somehow make up for him not being able to save the one that meant the most to him. “I’m sorry, Evan.”

  Evan brushed it away like he was swatting a fly. “It’s all right, Josh. Let’
s focus on the positive, okay? The Alpha Prime couple is headed out to try to locate Matthew, and Dante’s men may have a lead on him. So let’s keep our hopes up and our fingers crossed,” Evan said cheerfully and stood up. He walked to the sink, keeping his back to Josh.

  Josh knew he was hurting and trying to hide it from him. He walked over to stand next to Evan. “I’m a pretty good listener if you want to talk about it, Evan?”

  “I’m fine, Josh. There’s nothing I can do about the past, so let’s focus on the here and now. You, Matthew, and Milo, that’s what’s important right now.” Evan began to wash the few dishes in the sink.

  “But you always make it about us, Evan. I want you to know that you matter, too. You matter to us. If it weren’t for you, who knows where the rest of us would be right now,” Josh said as he placed a gentle hand on Evan’s shoulder. “I’ll never be able to repay you for what you’ve done for me and Bailey.”

  “There’s nothing to repay, Josh. I’m happy to be able to give you boys a stable home. And who knows, maybe someday you all will be able to pay it forward.” Evan gave him a hopeful smile.

  “I promise you that if the day comes that I can do that, I will. You saved my and Bailey’s lives by finding us and taking us in. And you saved Matthew’s life by taking him in. If I can be half the man you are, Evan, then I will be a great man.”

  Evan looked at him with tears in his eyes. He swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Thank you, Josh,” Evan whispered, his voice overcome with emotion.

  “I–” Josh began but stopped suddenly as his eyes went wide.

  “What is it, Josh?” Evan’s voice came out in a panic at Josh’s expression.

  “Grampy,” he whispered.

  “What?” Evan asked, confused.

  “Matt’s grandfather. Alpha Angel, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember. But what about him?”

  “That’s where Matt is going. I just know it,” Josh said excitedly.

  “But we already thought of that and dismissed it because Alpha Raphael Angel is dead, Josh.”

  “I know, but I wonder if Matt realizes it? If he were to go anywhere, it would be to the Montana Angel Pack to find Grampy.”

  “Come on, let’s go talk to Micah before he leaves,” Evan said, grabbing his car keys, and he and Josh ran out the back door.

  * * * *

  Milo sat on a stool by the window in the den at the Angel Pack house as he watched the rainfall outside. The weather matched his mood, sad and gray. How did he get here? A year ago, he was burying his little brother, Frankie, and now he was sitting in a house full of paranormal creatures, clear on the opposite side of the country. He sighed and rested his head against the glass.

  “Can we go hiking, Milo?” Frankie asked with a big enthusiastic smile.

  “Of course we can, buddy. That’s why we came here. Let’s get our packs and head out to that trail we found yesterday.” Milo gave his brother a matching smile. Damn he loved this kid. Yeah, he was seventeen, but Milo had been taking care of him for three years now, and even though a young man stood before him, he still saw that cute kid who idolized him.

  Frankie was his world, his everything. Even after the loss of their parents three years before in a car accident, Frankie could still see the good in the world. He still had an air of innocence about him and Milo was happy for that. Frankie had been a great baby. He was always happy and smiling. He loved to explore the woods behind their home when he was little and everything made him curious. Every mushroom, every bug grabbed his attention, and he stared at it, studied it until he was satisfied with what he saw and moved on to the next find.

  Even a trip to the store was an adventure for Frankie. He loved watching the trees whizz past as the car sped down the highway. Or pumping his fist at the big rigs, trying to get the truck drivers to blow their horns. And when they did, Frankie just beamed with happiness and danced around in his seat, excited that he got the driver to do that for him.

  As Frankie grew, he was a normal teenager. He loved music, cars, baseball, and girls. But his true passion was still running round in the woods exploring. When Milo went away to college, Frankie was only twelve, and the kid wrapped his arms around Milo’s waist and held on, begging him not to go. It broke his heart to have to leave, but he was heading off to get his degree, so that someday he could take over their dad’s motorcycle shop. He wanted to custom design bikes. He promised his little brother that he would come home every other weekend and they would spend the whole weekend together doing whatever Frankie wanted. And he kept that promise. Their parents were both only children and had no living relatives, so they made sure that their boys knew that family was the most important thing in life next to love, and they should always be there for each other.

  Milo spent two years at college when he got the call from one of his parents’ neighbors. They had been killed in a car accident coming home from one of Frankie’s baseball games. Milo’s heart jumped into his throat, thinking that Frankie was with them, but the neighbor told him that after the game, Frankie went out with a friend’s family for pizza. Thank God Frankie wasn’t in the car, because when Milo got his first look at the crashed-up piece of metal, his heart hurt. There was no way anyone would have survived the tangled mess. When their parents died, Milo didn’t even hesitate to go home to Frankie, quit college, and get custody of his little brother. He would do anything for that kid, and he did.

  “What are we gonna do now, Milo? Who’s going to take care of me?” Frankie asked in a whisper as they drove home in the back of the limo after their parents’ burial.

  “I will, kiddo,” Milo said with a strained voice and wrapped an arm around his little brother’s shoulder.

  “But you have college. You want to run dad’s shop. You have your own life.”

  “What did mom and dad always tell us, huh? We’re brothers. Family always sticks together.” Milo gave Frankie’s shoulder a squeeze.

  “But that’s not fair, Milo. You have things to do, a life to live,” Frankie said in a panicked voice.

  “Hey now, I’m not giving up on my life or my dreams of running dad’s shop some day. It’s just gonna have to be put on hold for a few years, that’s all,” Milo explained carefully.

  “No, Milo. I don’t want you walking away from everything for me. It’s not fair,” Frankie said as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

  “You are the only reason I would walk away from everything, little brother. I’m fine with leaving college and coming home to be here for you. Really, Frankie. Look at me,” Milo said and waited for Frankie to look at him. “It’s okay, baby brother. I’m okay with this decision. You’re my brother and I love you. I will do anything for you. Once I see what’s going on with the house, dad’s shop, and all mom and dad’s insurance, we’ll make a plan. Okay? Together.”

  “Okay, Milo,” Frankie said softly and hugged Milo tight as he pressed his face against Milo’s chest.

  They couldn’t keep their dad’s shop going, and that was hard on both of them, but they were able to pay off the mortgage and keep the house, using their parents’ insurance money. There was also enough left over for Frankie to go to college. So Milo put the money away in a fund for Frankie, and he got a job at a motorcycle shop for all their living expenses. The first year was hard, but they stuck together and made it through. When Frankie was about to start his senior year of high school, he started getting upset because Milo was sending him to college in a year and not going back himself. He told Frankie that he had been saving here and there, and in about two years, he could start taking a few courses again. So he shouldn’t worry. They would both be okay.

  That’s one of the reason’s he had taken Frankie on that hiking trip to Napa in the first place. He wanted them to have fun together before Frankie’s senior year and then he would be off to college.

  Milo was in so much pain and had so much anger in him when Frankie was taken from him, that all he wanted was to lash out at the world. He wanted
the one responsible for taking Frankie from him to pay painfully. He wanted to find that vampire and destroy him. Not just kill him, but also destroy him. He wanted to rip him apart with his bare hands and then bring him back to life and do it again. The pain and anger grew and festered inside him until it became a living thing. He began to hunt paranormals and kill them as revenge for Frankie. He wanted to kill every one of them.

  That was until he came to Sanctuary. To this town that he sat in now. The man on the phone who kept calling him to tell him where he could find paranormals told him that this town was full of them, but when Milo got here, he couldn’t find any. He watched the people of this town and wished that he and Frankie could have come here long ago. This town was like a place ripped out of a Norman Rockwell painting. A small town where everyone knew everyone else and cared about them. A town where a neighbor would help their neighbor and someone would take the shirt right off their back to give to a stranger in need.

  This place would have been perfect for Frankie. Main Street with all its small shops and friendly business owners. The park right in the middle of the town with the gazebo in the center, where kids played and people had picnics. The surrounding woods where Frankie could have explored to his heart’s content. The more time Milo had spent here, the more he loved it and knew he had to move on. There was none of the deadly creatures that he had been hunting.

  Then on the day he was planning on leaving, he took a walk through the woods by the abandoned house that he had been holed up in. As he walked, he noticed a guy in the woods who looked like he was trying to find something. The guy turned in his direction and Milo’s heart began to pound. This guy was one of the hottest, sexiest things he had ever seen. He was about six-two, a hundred and sixty pounds, with short cropped hair in the back and sides, but longer on top. He kept his blond locks spiked high, and it had a few shades of brown highlighted through it. Then the guy started to strip his clothes off. Milo couldn’t believe the guy was getting naked right there in the middle of the woods. He almost swallowed his tongue when the guy stood there in all his naked glory. Holy fuck, the guy was hot. Milo’s cock went from nothing to hard and leaking in mere seconds.


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