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Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 16

by Maggie Walsh

  “Bello? What is it? What’s wrong?” Dante asked in concern as he wrapped his arms around his mate and slowly walked him to the couch.

  “I don’t know, my love. I feel really sick,” Dale answered in a shaky voice.

  “What hurts, bello?”

  “My stomach. I feel like all I want to do is throw up.”

  “What did you eat?” Dante asked.

  “I had the fruit salad at breakfast with you, but that’s all I had today. This has been coming on and off since you and Dare went to Montana with Micah. But it seems to be getting worse the longer Dare is away. Do you think it has something to do with him not being here? Like something about D three not being allowed to spend time apart or something?” Dale asked, worry in his voice.

  “I don’t know, love. Maybe we should go see Aaron and let him take a look at you. Then we’ll talk to Ryland and Phenex and see if they can ask Aurora,” Dante said soothingly, trying to keep Dale calm. He moved Dale to sit on his lap and then disseminated from his office.

  Dante appeared in the pack house kitchen carrying Dale. Cass stood by the counter, gripping the edge, head down, body stiff. “Cass.”

  Cass turned quick at hearing the voice. His eyes were red and full of anger. His breathing was labored, and he had sweat pouring down his face. “Cass, are you okay, brother?” Dante asked in concern.

  “I’m fine, Dante. It will pass in a minute. Laylen has been teaching me how to control it, but once in a while, it gets too much. Is everything okay?”

  “I need Aaron. Dale is sick,” Dante explained.

  “I’d walk you to his office, but I’m afraid to move right now. You know the way, right?” Cass asked as he closed his eyes.

  “Yes, I got it. Are you sure you’re okay? Can I help you?”

  “Right now the best thing is for me to be alone, so I don’t have to worry about losing control of the beast and do gods only know what. I’ll be okay, Dante, really.”

  “Like hell you are,” Laylen bellowed as he walked into the room with Crew. “You are letting the anger control you. I told you―you need to control the anger. How about we take a trip to the Underworld and release some of that aggression?”

  “Sounds like a good idea, Lay,” Cass agreed.

  “It must be worse than you thought if he’s agreeing to go to the Underworld with you, babe,” Crew said to Laylen.

  “I agree. We should be back in a few hours. Tell Haven I’m sorry I have to miss the movie.”

  “Don’t worry about it, we understand. Just help Cass.” Crew gave Laylen a kiss on the cheek. Laylen wrapped his arms around Crew’s waist and pulled him closer, pressing their lips together as he kissed him passionately. He pulled away and released Crew. “I’ll be back for more of that later.” Laylen gave him a wink and went to Cass.

  “Just be careful, okay? Both of you. No daredevil shit,” Crew admonished.

  “Me?” Laylen said in feigned innocence. “Never would I do such a thing.”

  Crew smirked. “Uh-huh. Go.” Laylen gave him a cheeky smile and grabbed Cass’s arm. They walked to the wall, and Laylen placed his hand on it as the two of them walked through and disappeared. Crew shook his head as he chuckled.

  “It looks good on you, Crew,” Dante said with a smile.

  Crew’s eyes met Dante’s. “What?”

  “Happiness. It looks good on you.”

  “Thanks, brother. I am happy. For the first time in my life, I am truly happy, thanks to my mates.”

  “Yeah, they have a way of doing it to ya,” Dante said with a chuckle.

  “Speaking of mates, is Dare back yet? Because Ryland hasn’t come home yet.”

  “No. We haven’t heard one word from him since he left three days ago. I hope everything is okay. Colby left this evening to go back to the fae realm to see what’s going on. Hopefully he has some news for us,” Dante explained.

  “Yeah, me too. It didn’t sound good when they left. So is everything okay here? Dale, you don’t look so hot.”

  “I feel like what the humans describe when they have the flu,” Dale answered softly.

  “Well, let’s get you to Aaron,” Crew offered, and the three left the kitchen.

  * * * *

  “I haven’t heard anything from Ryland either,” Phenex said.” I tried to get into the fae realm but I was unable. It appears Ryland has locked it up from anyone entering or leaving.”

  “He can do that?” Micah asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, sonny boy. Only the king can do that.”

  “Which means what? If he’s locked up the realm, what can that mean?” Jesse asked in concern.

  “I don’t know why he did it, but I can tell you this. If Ryland has locked up the realm then something really big is going on and that makes me nervous. Malachi is gone, but we know his partner, whoever he is, is still out there,” Phen explained.

  “And all of us are locked out and can’t help them,” Storm added.

  “Exactly.” Phenex huffed in frustration.

  “I was able to get into the fae realm before, and Dante said that Colby just went. Is it possible that I can still get in even with Ada locking it up?” Jesse asked.

  “I don’t know, son. Maybe Colby got in before Ry locked it. But even if he did, I would rather you not go there alone just in case,” Phenex answered.

  “If it’s locked up, is Dare in danger?” Dante asked in anxiously.

  “I can’t answer any of your questions. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on that has caused Ryland to lock up the realm, so it’s only speculation.”

  “Shit,” Micah hissed and began to pace. “We need to do something. He and his warriors have done so much for us. They are all family now. Hell, the whole fae realm is a part of us now. Noah and Jesse are fae royalty. There must be something we can do.”

  “I’ll keep trying to contact Ryland. Dante, have you and Dale tried contacting Dare using your mating link?”

  “Many times, but we get nothing.”

  A knock came to the door. Jesse stood and went to see who it was. He opened the door to find Aaron standing there. “Hey, Aaron, come on in.”

  “Actually, I need to speak with Dante,” Aaron said hesitantly.

  Dante jumped from his seat. “What is it, Aaron? What’s wrong with Dale?”

  “I don’t really know. I do have a theory. But it’s confusing the hell out of me. I was hoping we could go talk in private,” Aaron hedged.

  “Is it that bad?” Dante asked in a near panic.

  “No! It’s not bad at all. It’s just not something one comes across every day.”

  “Now I’m confused.”

  “Is Dale okay, Dante? What happened?” Storm asked.

  “He’s been feeling under the weather lately. He says he feels almost like he has the flu,” Dante explained.

  “Really? Because Noah has been feeling the same way. He’s barely been able to get out of bed,” Storm added.

  “What? Storm, why didn’t you tell me? I would have come to see him right away,” Aaron admonished.

  “Because it passes in a few hours and then he’s fine. But when it comes on, he can’t move.”

  “Phenex, would you mind helping my brother get his mate here? I would like to take a look at him and compare notes to Dale,” Aaron asked.

  “I would be happy to help. Storm, let’s go get your mate.”

  “Is it that serious, Aaron?” Storm asked in concern.

  “I’m not sure yet, Storm. I would like to examine him first.”

  “Okay. We’ll go get him and bring him right back.” Storm walked to Phenex and the two disappeared through the wall.

  “What do you think it is, Aaron?” Jesse asked. “And can it hurt Papa Angel? He’s in the medical wing too, and in his weakened state, are we taking chances of him catching it?”

  “No, not if it turns out to be what I think it is. But before I jump to any conclusions, let me examine Noah and talk to Dante.”

  “Okay, Aa
ron. Whatever you think is best,” Jesse said with worry.

  Just then, Storm appeared through the wall carrying a sleeping Noah, with Bastian and Phenex right behind them.

  “Oh my gods, Storm, he looks sick as a dog,” Jesse said in concern and went to Noah. He placed his hand on Noah’s forehead but felt no fever. Suddenly a vision grabbed him and he froze. His eyes opened wide, and his head snapped in Aaron’s direction. Aaron knew what Jesse had seen and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Take him to the medical wing for Aaron to examine. Aaron, do you need any help?” Jesse offered.

  “Thanks, Jess, but I got this. Storm, take Noah to the third room on the right. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Dante, can we?”

  “It can wait until after you check Noah, Aaron,” Dante offered.

  “No, actually. It can’t. Come on.” Aaron waved Dante to follow him.

  * * * *

  “What do we do now, Ryland?” Dare whispered in an angry tone.

  “I need to make sure everyone got out. If you want, I will open a portal for you to escape,” Ryland answered in frustration.

  “I will not leave your side, old friend. But we can’t stay here. You know what will happen if we do?”

  “I know,” Ryland whispered, his voice full of sadness.

  “We’ll fix it, Ryland. But first we need to get everyone to safety.”

  “I always dreamed of my children running through these lands, laughing and playing. Then I dreamed of grandchildren doing the same. I pictured Phenex walking by the shore of Talismore holding Lomiel’s hand, and then some day, doing the same with a grandson. It would have been wonderful to have a picnic on the shore, with my mate, my sons, and their mates. Teaching grandbabies how to swim with the creatures of the sea. But now that will never happen. It’s all about to end. My kingdom is about to become no more thanks to that bastard Malachi. Even in his eternal damnation he is destroying us,” Ryland said absently. Then his voice changed to hatred as he spoke of Malachi.

  “Let’s not give up yet. We still have breath within us, so let’s fight,” Dare demanded.

  “How do I fight to keep a land that is about to have its light blown from existence? How do I fight an invisible force?”

  “Somehow we will be able to locate Brett and stop him.”

  “We can’t see him, Dare! He will keep destroying my world until there is nothing left!” Ryland yelled.

  “Then call for aid. Get our allies here to help us find him. Jesse, Taylor, Micah, and Phenex hold great power. They can help us.”

  “This realm can collapse in on itself at any moment. I don’t want them here. I don’t want any of them here. The risk is too great.”

  * * * *

  “Can I help you?” the voice asked through the intercom.

  “Yes, we are here to see Taylor O’Leary. We were told he was here,” the man answered.

  “Who may I ask is inquiring?”

  “I am Daniel O’Leary. Taylor’s father. His mother and I wish to see him.”

  Silence met them as no reply came through the intercom. After a few minutes, the deep voice spoke again. “Hold on and I’ll see if he’s available,” the voice was cold this time.

  “Micah, we have a problem,” Christian said as he walked into the room where Micah’s father lay unconscious.

  Micah turned to look at him. “What is it?”

  “There are some people at the gate asking to come in,” Christian said with a growl in his voice.

  Micah stood and faced his enforcer. “Who is it and what do they want?”

  “The man said he was Daniel O’Leary. Taylor’s father. He said that he and his wife are here to see Taylor. They heard that this is where they could find him.”

  Micah’s eyebrows shot into his hairline. “Taylor’s parents are here? How the hell did they find him?” Micah asked angrily.

  “Don’t know. What do you want me to do with them?”

  “Are they in the house?”

  “No, I told them to wait. They’re at the gate.”

  “The time has come for all to face their past so that they may move forward,” Raphael whispered from his bed. Micah and Christian both looked to the man. He looked like he was still sleeping. “All must confront their past to move forward.” The words came from his lips, but Raphael’s eyes stayed closed.

  “Dad?” Micah said as he moved closer to the bed, but no response came back. “Dad, can you hear me?” Micah sat on the edge and took his father’s hand in his. “Dad, wake up.” But still nothing. Micah sighed and gently laid his father’s hand back on the bed. He stood and turned back to Christian. “Let’s get Taylor and ask him what he wants.”

  “No. All must face their past or no one moves forward. The babies will be in jeopardy and the realm will collapse. Gabriel must find his trapped powers to save the realm. To do so, his mate needs him to stand.”

  “What does that mean?” Micah asked in frustration, but again no response came. Micah sighed heavily. “Let them in. You and the other enforcers go to the gate, meet them, and escort them in. I’ll get Taylor and Gabe.”

  * * * *

  Dante sat stunned as he just stared at the wall. His eyes remained fixed on a spot but gave away none of his thoughts.

  “Dante? Earth to Dante. Come in, Dante. Hello,” Aaron said as he waved a hand in front of Dante’s face. “Dante?” Aaron put a little more force into his voice, but still nothing. “Come to the light, Carol Anne,” Aaron said as he laughed.

  “Really?” Dante answered with a smirk, and looked at Aaron.

  “It made you look, didn’t it?” Aaron smiled at him.

  “Are you sure about this, Aaron?”

  “I’m positive. That’s why I wanted to talk to you first. I never heard of this before. Well, I have, but not with your kind and certainly not with Dale’s.”

  “My father did tell me that this was a possibility because of who he is…was. Because of him being the first vampire, he was considered the top royalty of my people. He told me about this when I was a young boy. Because we never cared who our bed partners were, there were also instances of true male mates, and even female to female true mates. But the rest of the paranormal world wouldn’t believe us, so my kind stopped talking about it. It became a highly guarded secret.

  “It is because of my royal lineage. Like my having two mates. My father was the first vampire, but five other royal family lines were created. Only someone of these six family lines can create vampires and have two mates. I am the only offspring of my father and have now been given all his powers. I am wondering if that is the reason this has happened now.”

  “Is it possible that because now that you have been given his powers that this is one of them?”

  “I’m thinking yes. It makes sense actually. Maybe it’s only the six original first’s that can do this, and their line as they gain the head of their clan’s power.”

  “Is there a way you can find out?”

  “Not with my father gone. There are only two others remaining of the top six and I would never go to them to ask anything. Or anyone in their bloodlines. They would do anything to see me dead so that their family would become the top royal.”

  “So does that mean that there are only two other vampires in existence who are older than you?” Aaron asked in surprise.

  “Yes. My parents were the first to have offspring. My mother was of one of the original six. When the gods created us, they created three male and three female vampires. My father came a hundred years before the others. When my parents met they knew they were meant to be together to join two of the lines. But the other four didn’t join as they should have. They are still considered royalty, but because they didn’t join the lines, their powers were not as strong as my father’s. Or my mother’s for that matter.”

  “So technically that would make you the only true vampire left,” Aaron stated.

  “Yes, I suppose so. Except for the two left from the original six. The others joined with o
ther beings. Mostly humans that they changed into vampires.”

  “So do you know of any other male vampire to have had a baby or to impregnate their male partner or mate?”

  “No. I have never heard of it before. As I said, my father did tell me that it was a possibility but I have never heard of one of the families to have this,” Dante said in frustration as he ran his hands through his hair.

  “Maybe your father told you because he knew it was a possibility only for you, because you are the only offspring of two true vampires.”

  Dante spun around to face Aaron, his eyes wide open. “That must be it, Aaron. Even though Dale is not a vampire, he is mated to one of the only full vampires left. And now that I have both my parents’ powers, it has unlocked this ability. It must be a way to carry on my family blood line.”

  “Well, whatever it is, it’s happened. Congratulations, Dante, you’re going to be a father.”

  * * * *

  “How long are we going to wait? It’s obvious they are not going to let us in,” Mrs. O’Leary asked in annoyance.

  “We give it a few more minutes. If no one talks to us again, we’ll head back to that town we drove through and wait until Taylor shows up there.”

  “Who are these people that have our son anyway? What’s hiding behind these gates? Is it a cult?”

  “Probably. Taylor always was naïve and gullible. It wouldn’t surprise me if he got brain washed into a cult,” Mr. O’Leary huffed.

  “It was probably Jesse. He corrupted our son and turned him into a queer,” Mrs. O’Leary hissed. A grunt came in agreement.

  “Well, we’re about to find out,” Mr. O’Leary said as he motioned to the gate in front of them.

  They both watched as two cars pulled up to the gate on the other side. One of the doors opened and a large man stepped out. He went to a box identical to the one they parked next to. “When the gate opens, pull through behind the first vehicle,” the same voice from before spoke.

  The man stood next to the box as the two vehicles turned around. One stayed on the driveway and the other pulled to the side. A loud click sounded and the gates began to slide open. They waited until the gates were fully opened and then pulled forward, stopping behind the first vehicle as they were told. The man by the box pressed a few buttons and stood there as the gate closed and locked behind them. He then walked back to the vehicle he came from and got back in. The lead car moved forward and Mr. O’Leary followed. The second car pulled in behind his car, and they drove down the long cobblestone drive.


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