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Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 18

by Maggie Walsh

  “We were sent to―” the male started but the female cut him off.

  She grabbed his arm fiercely and growled, “Shut up, you spineless shit!”

  “He sent you here. Why? To try to gain information? He must know that I know who you really are, so why would he send you here?” Jesse stared into the male’s eyes trying to read his thoughts. After a few minutes of silence, Jesse’s eyes filled with anger. “It’s a distraction. He sent you here to distract us from what’s really going on. Where is he and what is he up to?”

  The two demons remained silent as they stayed still and looked everywhere but in Jesse’s eyes. Jesse moved forward and grabbed the male’s arms. “Where is he?” Jesse screamed.

  “Unhand him!” Mr. O’Leary yelled and stepped to Jesse, grabbing his arm. Suddenly all hell broke loose. Jesse tightened his grip on the male demon, Mr. O’Leary tried to pull Jesse away, and Micah grabbed Mr. O’Leary and pulled him away from Jesse. Mr. O’Leary turned with raised fists to fight Micah off. Christian and Lexi grabbed the female demon as Crew and Xander grabbed the male one from behind. Mrs. O’Leary stepped forward and grabbed Taylor. She raised her hand, drew her arm back, and everything froze. Everyone in the room was frozen as if they were statues, except for Gabriel and Jesse.

  Jesse released the male demon and looked around at everyone. His eyes fell on Gabriel and he gave him a big smile. “I think you found your gift, Gabe.”

  “I can freeze everyone,” he stated in awe.

  “I think you can do more than that, Gabe.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look at the clock. You didn’t just freeze the people in the room―you stopped time,” Jesse said with a happy laugh.

  Gabriel’s eyes went wide. “I stopped time? Holy shit.”

  “Come on.” Jesse motioned for him to follow.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I have a feeling about something and I want to see if I’m right,” Jesse explained and turned toward the hall. Gabriel followed.

  They walked to the medical wing and went into Dale’s room. Aaron and Dante were there. Dante sat by the side of the bed and Aaron hovered over Dale’s body as he held a stethoscope over Dale’s stomach. “Unfreeze them.”

  “I don’t know how I froze them to begin with. How am I supposed to unfreeze them?”

  “I don’t know,” Jesse laughed. “Think of something.”

  Gabriel thought of Dante moving. Suddenly Dante sat forward in shock as he saw Aaron frozen above his mate. “What the fuck?”

  “Dante,” Jesse said, and Dante jumped from the sound of his voice, as he turned to look at them.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Gabriel found his power. We’re testing them out,” Jesse explained.

  “What’s wrong with them?” Dante asked, motioning toward Aaron and Dale.

  “It appears Gabriel can stop time.”

  Dante’s eye went wide. “Really?” Gabriel gave him a big smile as he nodded.

  “You said them. What do you mean, Jesse?” Dante asked as he stood up.

  “Yeah, wait, what do you mean?” Gabriel asked.

  “I am sensing more coming from you, Gabe. You have another gift.”

  “I do? What is it?”

  Jesse touched Gabriel’s arm and closed his eyes. After a few minutes, his eyes snapped open, and he looked at Gabriel and started to laugh. “You lucky fuck.”

  “What is it?” Gabriel asked. Jesse leaned in and whispered in Gabriel’s ear. He pulled back and looked at Jesse in shock.

  Jesse laughed and nodded at him. “Try it. But if you ever use it against me, I’ll strangle you.”

  “But how?”

  “Just think of what you want it to do.” Gabriel sighed heavily and then looked at Dante. Suddenly Gabriel disappeared. Dante’s eyes bugged out. “Shit. Where did he go?”

  Jesse laughed. “He didn’t go anywhere. He’s still right here. Say something, Gabe.”

  “This is so fucking cool,” Gabriel’s voice came from where he had been standing.

  “What the…” Dante whispered.

  “He’s invisible.”

  “No shit. Wow, Gabe. Can you move around?”

  Suddenly Gabriel’s voice came from across the room. “I can use this to freak Taylor out.” Gabe started to laugh.

  “I’m sure that will go over really well,” Jesse snickered. “So should we go back and see if they’re all still frozen?”

  “Who?” Dante asked.

  “Everyone in the foyer. Including Taylor’s parents and the fucking demons who raised me,” Jesse growled out.

  “They’re here?” Dante asked in surprise.

  “Yeah. I’m sure that whoever Malachi’s partner is, he sent them here to distract us. I just don’t know what from,” Jesse explained.

  “Well, let’s go find out,” Dante said in a cold voice.

  “Gabe, you coming?” Jesse asked as he looked around, trying to find him.

  “Sure thing, Jess,” Gabe said from right behind Jesse, causing him to jump.

  Jesse turned and slapped at Gabriel. “Don’t do that.”

  “Sorry,” Gabriel chuckled.

  The three of them walked back into the foyer and everyone was still frozen as they were before. Dante looked at the sight before them and raised a questioning brow at them.

  “That bitch was about to slap my mate and then everything froze,” Gabe explained.

  “Maybe we should move them all around before you unfreeze them,” Jesse pointed out.

  “Good idea,” Gabe agreed and went to Taylor. He wrapped his arms around Taylor and lifted him off the floor, walked him to the stairs, and placed him on the bottom step. He then stood in front of Taylor with his back to him and looked at the rest of them. Jesse and Dante were moving everyone around. Micah now stood behind the male demon with his arm wrapped around the guy’s throat, as Xavier and Crew stood in front of him. Lexi held Mr. O’Leary around the waist and Christian and Xander had the female demon in their grasp. Dante moved to stand in front of Mrs. O’Leary and gave Gabe a smile, as Jesse stood to the side.

  “Okay, Gabe, unfreeze time.”

  Gabriel thought about what he wanted to happen and suddenly everything moved. Taylor gasped, startled at finding himself where he was standing now as all the others looked around, stunned.

  Micah recovered quickly and tightened his hold on the demon. Everyone else followed his lead. Mrs. O’Leary’s hand continued on to slap Taylor, but he wasn’t there anymore. Dante was. Dante grabbed her wrist before she could hit him, and she gasped.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Dante said calmly as his eyes turned red and he allowed his fangs to drop. Mrs. O’Leary’s eyes went wide in terror.

  “What are you?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Not now, dear. There are more important things going on here besides you and your husband being used as bait,” Dante spoke calmly.

  Jesse walked up to the male demon in Micah’s hold. He stepped between Xavier and Crew and placed his hand on the man’s forehead as he stared into his eyes. The demon began to shake uncontrollably. If it hadn’t been for Micah holding him up, he would have dropped to the floor. “Show me,” Jesse commanded, and his eyes went white.

  “What the hell is going on here? What is he doing to him?” Mr. O’Leary demanded.

  “Shut up. If I wanted to hear from an asshole, I would have farted. Now be quiet,” Taylor sneered at his father.

  Everyone watched as Jesse continued. After a few minutes, Jesse’s eyes cleared. He drew his arm back and made a fist. Thrusting it forward, he landed a solid punch to the demon’s jaw and his head snapped back, making a sickening crack.

  “Baby, what is it? What did you see?” Micah asked.

  “They were sent here to distract us. Minos is taking over the fae realm. He is destroying it. I have to go,” Jesse said in a hurry. The female demon gasped at Jesse’s use of Minos’s name.

  “Wait a
minute,” Micah said and handed the now unconscious demon off to Crew. “What do you mean they are destroying the fae realm?”

  “Malachi used one of his serums on Brett and changed him into a rogue dragon. But that’s not all. He gave him some of the Nephilim’s powers. The plan was for Brett to return to the fae realm and release a deadly toxin into the air. Once he did that, he was to disappear using the powers he was given, and return to Malachi. The toxin was in his blood. It had something to do with the Phoenix blood. When he returned to the fae realm, he cut himself daily as he moved about, slowly releasing the toxin into the air. Hundreds of fae have died. The demon Nephilim are in the fae realm killing everyone who wasn’t affected by the toxin.”

  “Dare,” Dante gasped in fear.

  Jesse turned his head and gave Dante a solemn look, then turned back to face Micah. “That’s not all. The man I saw in the Underworld, the one we now know to be Malachi’s partner, is in the fae realm. He is using his powers to destroy the realm itself. It is slowly fading into itself,” Jesse finished explaining despondently.

  “Gather up everyone!” Micah started bellowing commands. “Phenex!” He grabbed onto Jesse and held him tight. “We’ll save them, baby. I promise you we will do everything to save as many as we can.”

  “What’s up, sonny boy?” Phenex asked as he stepped through the wall. His eyes went wide from the scene before him.

  Micah quickly explained what Jesse had discovered, and Phenex’s whole body stiffened up. He looked to Jesse. “Are you sure they used the name Minos?”

  “Yes. I’m positive.”

  “Son of a bitch! We need to get to the fae realm now. Legion commence!” he ordered. Suddenly, twelve large men appeared through the wall, including Laylen and Cass. “Ryx, take these two and place them in my private cells. Then meet us in the fae realm,” Phenex ordered as he pointed to the two demons. Ryx nodded and approached the female. She began to shake her head and tried to move away, but Christian grabbed onto her. Ryx touched her head and she passed out. He lifted her over his shoulder and then went to the one Crew was holding up. He took the demon from Crew and disappeared through the wall.

  “Legion, Lord Minos is behind all this,” Phenex began to explain, and all the Legion Warriors’ eyes went wide in surprise. “He must be stopped. He is in my mate’s realm right now and he is destroying it. Duma, go above and warn our Lord Zeus as to what is happening. Nuriel, go inform Lord Lucifer. Everyone else, let’s go,” Phenex ordered and headed for the wall.

  “Hold on, Pops. We’re coming with you,” Micah offered and grabbed Jesse’s hand.

  “No, Micah. This time I have to insist that you all stay out of it. If this is truly Minos behind all of this, then you will all perish.”

  “Who is he, Dad?” Jesse asked.

  “Why is he calling that demonic creature ‘Dad’? And where did they all come from?” Mrs. O’Leary asked.

  “That is Phenex and he is not a demonic creature. He is the Commander of The Legion Warriors,” Taylor explained as he stepped closer and motioned with his hand to the warriors. “They are an army of elite warrior angels who police the Underworld for God.” Mrs. O’Leary’s eyes went wide. “They are soldiers of Heaven. And he is Jesse’s real father. Well, one of them. Jesse’s other father is the king of the fae. So you see, Mother, we are not the abominations you blindly believe us to be. Everyone in this room, from the wolves to the angels and the vampires, are all gay, and we all work for God. He does not see us as disgusting, child molesting, abominations who are this way by choice. He made us this way, and He loves us. None of us are married in the way of your human sense of the word. We are all married to our mates who Fate, a god, made for us. Our marriages are far deeper than anything you can comprehend. Our marriages were literally blessed by the gods―”

  “Taylor, we need to go,” Jesse gently interrupted.

  “You both must leave and never darken my doorstep again. You are not my parents. I do not want you anywhere in my life, and any love I once had for you is gone,” Taylor spoke calmly.

  Dante walked over to Mr. O’Leary and looked in his eyes. The man’s eyes unfocused as he stared at Dante blankly. After a few minutes, Dante stepped away and then did the same to Mrs. O’Leary. He stepped back and looked to Xander and Christian. “Put them in their car. Open the gates and let them go. Once they pass through the gates, they won’t remember any of this, or the demons who tricked them into coming here. They will simply drive home, go to bed, and when they wake up in the morning, they will not have any of these memories. Their life will go back to what it was before.”

  “So they won’t remember any of this?” Taylor asked.

  “No,” Dante answered simply.

  “Damn, that’s a cool gift. So let’s get our asses to the fae realm,” Taylor said.

  “You’re okay with them not remembering everything you said to them, sweet baby? They’ll just go back to being their bigoted selves,” Gabriel asked.

  “As long as they keep their bigoted selves out of our lives, then I couldn’t care less. We have more important things to worry about. Ryland and Dare need us. The fae realm needs us. So let’s go.”

  “If Minos is the one behind all of this, then it will be too dangerous for all of you. It may even be a set up to get you all there. If he is collapsing the realm, we could all be trapped there and blink out of existence with it,” Phenex explained.

  “But how you get in without us?” Noah’s voice came from behind them. Everyone turned to find Noah, Bastian, and Storm coming from the back hall.

  “He’s right, Dad. You said Ada closed the realm and no one could get in or out.”

  “I’m hoping my Legion and I can get in by combining our powers.”

  “I think you right. I think this trap. No one go in and no one go out, but me and Jesse can go in. Only fae can get in when Ada close, and only fae can get out. We go, you all stay,” Noah said and moved to stand next to Jesse. Everyone started yelling at once.

  “Hell no!”

  “There is no way the two of you are going in there alone!”

  “You cannot be serious?!”

  “I will not allow my mate to risk his life and the life of my child!”

  Everyone froze and all got quiet from Storm’s words. Jesse turned big, happy eyes to his brother. “Noah, you are pregnant?” Noah smiled shyly at Jesse and nodded. “Oh my gods, Noah. That is so amazing. Congratulations,” Jesse declared as he hugged Noah. Everyone began congratulating the expecting trio with hugs and back slaps.

  Once they were all done, Jesse cleared his throat, “Noah, you can’t risk your child. Stay here with your mates where it’s safe. I’ll go.”

  “No, Jesse. We both demigods. Minos not expect it. Even if he now know you demigod, he no know I demigod, too.”

  “You’re right, Noah. But I still don’t want you to risk this baby,” Jesse said softly as he placed his hand on Noah’s stomach. “That is my niece or nephew in there. He or she is the next generation of us. Of all of us. With what’s going on, this baby may be the only fae left to carry on our kind. Please, Noah, just focus on protecting you and this little one.”

  “He my Ada, too, Jesse. And I know fae realm. It was my home. You no know where to go. I can help show you,” Noah pleaded.

  “But what if something happens to you, Noah? Then Bastian and Storm would lose both of you. Do you really want to cause them that kind of pain?” Taylor asked gently as he stepped next to Jesse and Noah.

  “No. I no want cause my mate’s pain, but I know we can do this,” Noah said pleadingly as he placed one hand on Taylor’s arm and the other of Jesse’s.

  “What if you went in with us in your astral form, Noah?” Gabriel asked as he stepped next to Taylor and wrapped an arm around him.

  “That’s a good idea. Then you could be there to show us the way, but not put yourself at risk,” Micah added as he stopped next to Jesse and held his other hand.

  Noah met each of their eyes as he t
hought about what they said. He turned his head and looked into Dante’s eyes and a thought hit him. Dante must have noticed the change in his expression and he stepped closer. He placed his hand on Noah’s shoulder. “I see the wheels spinning in your head, Noah. What is it that you would like me to do?” Dante asked softly.

  They were all connected somehow now. Each touching. Noah knew what he needed to do. He would take them with him. He only hoped his mates would forgive him. Noah closed his eyes, and the six of them disappeared.

  Chapter 11

  “I thought it was supposed to be three days of sex, not four?” Maddy asked as he lay in the big bed with his two mates. Their bodies were entwined as they lay there, softly touching and caressing each other.

  “It is, but I think with us, it has more to do with our age than anything else,” Josh answered with a small chuckle.

  “I think the two of you are going to kill me with sex,” Milo added as he gave them a smile. “Not that I’m complaining because, damn, what a way to go. Being totally immersed in ecstasy with the two hottest men I have ever met.”

  “Awe, you sweet talker you. That’ll get you another blow job.” Maddy laughed.

  “Oh yeah, well, blow away. I love your mouth on me. Your lips wrapped around my cock is pure rapture.” Milo smirked and gave Maddy a wink. They all laughed at Milo’s playfulness.

  “I have a question,” Maddy said as he slid his hand down Milo’s tight stomach and began to lightly run his fingers down Milo’s shaft. Milo groaned and thrust his hips slightly, pressing his growing cock against Maddy’s fingers.

  “What is that, babe?” Josh asked, then leaned in and started nibbling on Maddy’s throat.

  “Mmmm. I was wondering why it’s called a blow job when there is no blowing involved. Just a whole lot of delicious sucking and licking. Shouldn’t it be called a suck job? Oh gods, Josh, that feels so fucking good. Or maybe we should call it a swallow job. Because when Milo swallows my cock, it makes everything else in my head disappear. Maybe that’s why it’s called a blow job, because it blows your mind.”


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