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Mr. & Mrs. Wright: A BWWM Romance (Wright Brothers Series Book 2)

Page 22

by Stevens, Camilla

  It began to rain. Then it began to pour.

  There was a momentary bit of panic as the torrent came down and everyone rushed back underneath the wooden roof where the small reception was to be held to ride it out as the officiant finished with the vows.

  London looked down at the white dress that clung to her in sticky wetness. She knew her hair was a mess and the floral crown was probably already starting to wilt. It was an absolute mess. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as her perfect day was drowned out.

  Then she looked up and saw Michael staring back at her with so much love and adoration, it made her heart stop.

  “I do,” he said, even though the officiant hadn’t concluded his portion of the vows. It was that familiar twinkle of amusement in his eye that made her laugh with the absurdity of it all.

  Of course it would rain on their wedding day. How could it be any other way? He joined her, soon everyone was laughing along with the almost married couple.

  * * *

  “Six months ago, if you’d have told me that I would be giving the best man speech for my older brother, I would have laughed and told you it was probably about time to cut you off at the bar,” Alex said, holding up his glass of champagne. There were a few titters at this.

  He looked down at Michael and London with an admiring glance. “But that’s just the kind of impact the Jefferson women have on their men.” At that, the titters became laughs and “awww’s.”

  “The first time I ever saw London, she was already kissing my brother,” he shot a brief glance in Brooklyn’s direction. She just smiled at him with a wry twist of the lips, obviously amused by this story, which certainly hadn’t started out so amusingly.

  “Based on the way they were locking lips, I probably could have told you right then and there, they’d end up together. Of course, that’s the night that my own Jefferson woman decided I was the better of the Wright brothers, so thank you for that London,” he said nodding in her direction as she and Michael laughed with everyone else.

  “At any rate, they say hindsight is 20/20. But here’s hoping that your future together is just as clearly fortuitous. Congratulations big brother…and new big sis!”

  “Congratulations!” everyone sang out, clapping in enthusiastic applause.

  Alex finished off his drink and sat back down next to his brother.

  “Not too bad,” Michael said in appreciation.

  “Well, I didn’t have much time to plan,” Alex said, chuckling.

  “I guess I should start thinking about mine?”

  Alex looked at him, thinking about it. “I think that would be a good idea,” he finally said with a smile.

  * * *

  London was dancing with her father while Michael danced with his mother. The only wedding music was a man on a guitar beautifully playing an acoustic version of Bill Whither’s Lovely Day.

  Then I look at you

  And the world's alright with me

  Just one look at you

  And I know it's gonna be

  A lovely day

  London thought the lyrics couldn’t have been more appropriate, despite the torrential downpour going on outside the reception area.

  “So, still no regrets?” London teased as she looked up at her father while they danced to the music.

  “Well, no one will ever be good enough for my girls,” he began, his own teasing smile plastered on his face. He looked over at Michael dancing with Kate. “But I suppose he’ll do.”

  * * *

  “So thank you for coming, mom. I know it’s not easy being around Richard and Svetlana.

  “Michael, you’re my son,” Kate said in a scolding voice. “If you think either of them is enough to keep me away from being there on your wedding day, then you obviously don’t think much of your mother.”

  He gave her a look of surrender, viewing her with new eyes.

  “Blood is stronger than pride,” she said. “You’ll always be my priority, whether you believe it or not.”

  Michael figured this was as good a time as any to break the news to her.

  “Speaking of blood,” he began. “The daughter-in-law you gained today comes with a little additional package.”

  Kate blinked up at him, processing the statement. “Do you mean….?”

  He grinned down at her. “You’re going to be a grandmother.”

  Michael was completely thrown by her reaction. Even in the throes of a rather publicly nasty and embarrassing divorce, Kate Wright had kept her cool.

  After one shocked sob, she became a teary-eyed mess. “Oh Michael,” she cried. Then she realized what her face must look like. “Oh look at me.”

  Michael laughed and brought her into his chest. “It’s okay, Mom. You’ve never looked more spectacular.”

  She sobbed a giggle into his shirt. “Stop it. Don’t tease me,” she chided.

  He saw London looking over at them with a worried question on her face as she danced with her father. He just smiled and winked at her in assurance.

  “I take it, this is good news?” he finally asked.

  Kate pulled herself away, composing herself as best she could. “Well, obviously it would have been nice if things happened in their proper order, but yes, son,” she sniffed again. “I couldn’t be happier.”

  * * *

  “Garçon, more champagne!” Richard Wright called out. “On me!”

  “Hold on one second,” Frank said, “I’m the father of the bride. If there’s going to be more champagne, it’s going to be on me.”

  “Well I’ve already paid for the transportation down here—”

  “How is your airline doing these days anyway?” Frank interjected, pushing the one button he knew would hit home.

  “Maybe we’ve all had enough champagne,” Estelle said.

  “Agreed,” added Kate.

  London and Michael watched with growing unease as Frank and Richard went at it.

  “I think now would be the time to make your escape,” Alex said into Michael’s ear.

  Brooklyn overheard him and looked at London. “We can hold down the fort.” She shot a look at the dueling fathers. “You should probably get out while you can.”

  London and Michael needed no further urging. They grabbed one another’s hands and made a surreptitious exit, shooting their silent goodbyes to Grandma Jefferson, who smiled back with understanding.

  * * *

  The brief bout of rain had long since ended and London was on the back of a scooter, her arms around her husband’s waist. Her long white dress was hitched scandalously high up her thighs and she didn’t care.

  They had a room booked back at the hotel that was affiliated with the “treehouse” they had been married in. Right now they were just aimlessly driving, enjoying one another’s first few moments as newlyweds.

  After about an hour of taking random roads, London’s eye was caught by a brief glimpse of something. She squeezed Michael harder then tapped him on the stomach.

  He turned his head. “What is it?” he yelled.

  “Go back,” she replied.

  He went through the motions of turning them around and when they got back to the spot she’d seen, she yelled at him to stop.

  They were on a secluded road and hadn’t seen any other drivers for miles. He pulled the scooter over and they both got off.

  “Look,” she said, pointing through the foliage.

  He peered in the direction her finger pointed to and his eyes brightened. “Amazing,” he said.

  “Let’s go,” London said and took his hand, leading him through the trees without waiting for an answer.

  They made their way through the dense forest before they came to the opening where a small waterfall fell into an isolated pool.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” London said, looking over at it.

  “Perfect,” Michael agreed.

  “Let’s go in,” she suggested.

  He looked at her with surprise. This was de
finitely a new London.

  She just looked back at him suggestively. “Remember how you wanted me to go to that nude beach in Barcelona?”

  “Yeah,” he said slowly, liking where this conversation was going.

  “Well, I know this isn’t a beach, but…” she wriggled her white dress down her body until she was in nothing but her panties and the white ballet flats she had worn to the wedding.

  Michael needed no further encouragement. He quickly began unbuttoning his shirt as he watched her kick off her shoes and slide her underwear down her hips.

  God, she was perfect.

  By the time he was out of his clothes she was already wading through the pool toward the waterfall.

  He quickly jumped in to follow her and made it just as she was climbing out underneath the fall of water. She stood waiting for him behind the wall of water as he emerged onto the rocky surface.

  He broke through the water and came over to embrace her.

  “So, this begins our wedding night Mrs. Wright?” he said.

  “Oh, this is just the beginning, Mr. Wright,” she responded, wrapping her arms around his neck to kiss him as she pressed her naked body into his.

  Chapter 45

  Michael and London came back to the news that Marissa, and three other female members of the Dion Davis campaign were “ready to talk.”

  London quietly stepped out of the picture, removing herself from any accusations of conflict of interest, having once represented Dion Davis.

  Michael did all the heavy lifting, meeting with each woman and getting her statement. Within days, the media was all over it. Eventually even Vivienne herself couldn’t deny that these accusations were the reason for her filing for divorce and not London, who the media had also done a complete 180 on. No longer was she the home-wrecking, gold-digging hussy. She was officially Mrs. Wright, part of the Legal Eagle Duo (as the media had labeled them) and its “better half” (as Michael had labeled her).

  Dion’s downfall was a boon to Claudia Rivera who became the lead candidate among even Republican female voters as she graciously hired the former female members of Dion’s campaign to her own staff.

  * * *

  It was Friday and the two of them were waking up to one another, something they were happily getting used to.

  “Let’s pretend we’re still back in Costa Rica, celebrating our honeymoon,” she murmured into his shoulder, burying her face to avoid the offending light shining through their curtains.

  “After this week, despite how well it’s turned out, I’m right there with you. The partners at the firm have set up a ‘little meeting to discuss things’ today,” he said, making quotes in the air with his fingers.

  “That bad?” she said, lifting her head to look at him.

  He grinned down at her. “Not so bad, especially not when it’s in support of my woman.” He leaned down to kiss her on the tip of her nose.

  She gave him a worried frown. “Are you in trouble?”

  “Well, between this, and the Brianna Nolton thing, they’ve probably got their panties in a wee bit of a bunch.”

  “Michael,” London said, lifting herself into a sitting position. “How can you be so glib about this? This is your career!”

  “Correction,” he said. “It’s my job. I’m a partner. Worst case scenario, they buy me out, for a hefty sum I might add, and I look elsewhere.”

  “Oh Michael,” London cried. “I didn’t want you to lose your job over this.”

  He pulled her back down onto his chest as he chuckled. “I’ve been thinking corporate law isn’t for me anyway. This whole Dion Davis thing was rather…invigorating.”

  “Now you sound like my dad,” she muttered.

  It took a moment then she brought her head up to see him staring at her, both of them thinking the same thing.

  * * *

  As it turned out, Michael was getting a rather hefty slap on the wrist.

  “First you sue Brianna, the daughter of Peter Nolton,” began James Reaves, his distracting shock of hair dyed as black and shiny as onyx. “Then you take on the leading candidate for mayor of New York, Dion Davis.”

  He was there with the CEO of the firm, the managing partner, and at least 4 other senior partners. A perfect quorum. Every one of them was looking at him at the end of the table the way a principal would toward a misbehaving student.

  “Actually, I don’t think he’s the leading candidate anymore,” Michael pointed out.

  “Thanks to you!” James said with exasperation.

  “Usually being good at one’s job is cause for congratulations,” Michael said, knowing he was doing himself no favors.

  “We are a corporate law firm, Michael,” Daniel, the managing partner said. “Taking on the president of a manufacturing company, even if it is a failing company, and worse, a political big-wig—”

  “Who is also failing,” Michael interjected.

  Daniel ignored him. “Makes the entire firm look…problematic. Frankly, the damage you’ve done in the past two weeks alone is cause for us to,” he looked around at all the others, “to ask you to think about selling your partnership interest in the firm.”

  Michael stared at them, not wanting to show his hand. Apparently, they took that as some form of protest.

  “I didn’t want to bring it up,” James continued, coughing in discomfort, “but, well, there is also the matter of your father and those scandalous photos—”

  “Stop right there,” Michael said, his face getting dark. “The only one who gets to talk shit about my father is me.”

  The vulgar use of language caused them to gasp.

  “As for selling my interest,” he shrugged. “It will cost you, but yes, I’m pretty much done with Douglas & Foster.”

  They all blinked in surprise.

  Michael stood up. “Don’t even think about screwing me over on this one guys. I know how much this firm is worth, and as you already know, I also know how to make a public scandal.

  “I think I’ll take the rest of the day off. I miss my wife, and I’m going uptown to take her to lunch. Unless there are any objections?”

  They all stared at him in shocked silence.

  “Great.” With that he walked out.

  * * *

  London’s day was even more eventful.

  “London, there is a Ms. Vivienne Davis to see you,” Brandy said on the intercom.

  The name jolted London out of her work.

  Vivienne? To see her?

  London hesitated only a moment before curiosity got the better of her. No doubt the news of the past week had affected the woman. Whether it was for better or worse, London was about to find out.

  She looked Vivienne over as she came out of her office. Aside from a slightly resigned look on her face, divorce seemed to suit her.

  “Ms. Davis,” London said, keeping things formal. “Why don’t you—”

  “This won’t take long,” Vivienne said. “I just wanted to give you this.”

  She handed London the manilla envelope that she just then noticed in the woman’s hands.

  “What you choose to do with it, is up to you.”

  With that the woman spun around and began walking away. She hesitated and, after a moment, she turned around.

  “I suppose I should apologize for…” she paused. Then she straightened her shoulders. “But I don’t regret a thing. Like I said, when you have children, you’ll do what you have to do protect them.”

  London’s hand instinctively went to her pelvis, where any overt sign of pregnancy had yet to occur. The movement wasn’t lost on Vivienne. She gave London a wry smile then turned around and walked out the door.

  London looked at the thick envelope with curiosity as she walked back to her office. She sat down behind her desk and opened it to retrieve the contents. When she began reading she gasped out loud.

  Chapter 46

  Alex and Brooklyn made their way into his mother’s building. It was a huge residence in a conve
rted factory in the Meatpacking District.

  London and Michael’s wedding had really hit home to Alex and Brooklyn how stupidly right their older siblings were about their “impulsiveness.” Michael and London just seemed perfectly suited for marriage, no matter how last minute it was. Alex and Brooklyn were still having fun; very much in love, but still enjoying themselves.

  Besides, what was the hurry?

  All the same, it seemed fitting that maybe Alex should introduce Brooklyn to his mother, something he was incredibly wary about. She had a right to know what she was getting herself into.

  There was a reason Sydney Wright was the first mistress-turned-wife of Richard Wright: She was an incorrigible flirt. And nothing had really changed in the past 26 years.

  Even before he rang the door to her place, he could hear trouble on the other side as he gripped Brooklyn’s hand in the hallway.

  Oh Raul, I don’t think I can take any more.

  Just a little bit more, you’re almost there, I can feel it.

  “Maybe we should come back later?” Brooklyn said, casting a dubious glance at the door, which obviously wasn’t at all soundproof.

  “No, she knows we are coming today at noon,” he insisted, ringing the bell.

  “Well, she is ‘almost there,’” Brooklyn teased, laughing as they waited.

  Alex rang the doorbell again and was surprised to find it opened by a young, very well-built Latino man who couldn’t have been more than a few years older than him.

  “Uh, hello?” Alex said, by way of greeting, looking at the man quizzically.

  He was covered in a sheen of sweat and wearing nothing but a pair of extremely short shorts that were tight enough for Alex to tell, well far more than he wanted to know.

  “Hola,” the man, no doubt “Raul” said, looking both Alex and Brooklyn up and down with a suggestive grin. “Come in, come in.”

  He held the door wider for them and they both nearly gasped as they entered the place. It was late summer and it was so humidly hot, it seemed as though his mother hadn’t run the air conditioner all season.


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