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Destiny Forgiven

Page 14

by Leia Shaw

  Dalton gave her a puzzled look.

  “You don’t wanna know.”

  James disappeared into a room off to the side then returned a moment later with a pair of jeans. He tossed them to Dalton. She relaxed as he pulled them on. She turned to face him fully.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “My friend called and said you never arrived. I texted the number that you were missing then I hunted you down.” His brow creased as he narrowed in on her neck. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just a little scratch.” She pulled the tissue away. It didn’t seem to be bleeding too badly but she put it back just in case. “Bursting in as a bear was a bit much, Dalton. Not to mention a little conspicuous.”

  “Did anyone follow you?” James asked, peering out the front window.

  Dalton scowled. “I wasn’t running through town in my grizzly form. I’m not an idiot. I only came in that way because I saw the Bolts through the window and I thought you were taken by sorcerers.”

  “I was,” she said chuckling.

  “So this is the guy you were looking for?” He gestured to James then arched a brow. “The one that’s going to save us all?”

  Maddox answered for her. “Yes.” He turned to James. “We need your help.”

  “With what?”

  “Taking down the most powerful sorcerer on earth.”

  His brow creased but he looked intrigued. “Who’s that?”

  “My father.”


  James’s eyes widened then he nodded slowly. “Right. What do you need from me?”

  Though his memories were still fuzzy, ones from his time in America pushed to the fore. That was just like James – standing by his side no matter what, ready to get into trouble with him at a moment’s notice. He knew instinctually, no matter how foggy his memories, he could trust James.

  “We need Sage.”

  Immediately, his shoulders tensed and he turned his body in a protective stance even though she wasn’t there. So he’d been right – they were still together. “Why do you need her?”

  “Have you trained her? Is she in control of her powers?”

  James nodded. “She’s got other responsibilities, though. She’s not even in this realm.”

  Realm? Maddox looked at Felicity but she shrugged. “What do you mean?”

  “I know it’s hard to believe but…” He shifted where he stood. “Sage is the Queen of the Underworld.”

  It was quiet for a moment and Maddox waited for James to burst out laughing. But he didn’t – he only beamed proudly and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “What?” Maddox said. “Sage?” What the hell had happened in the last few years?

  “Queen?” Dalton perked up. “Is she as powerful as they say?”

  James smirked. “More.”

  If his memory was correct, James and Sage had been on the verge of murdering each other last he’d seen them. Years ago, he’d helped Sage train to control her magic. She had incredible raw power but a temper to match. The results had been disastrous. And James, not known for his calm temper either, only added fuel to the fire. Together, they’d been a volatile mess of passion, lust, and hate. But Maddox had known from the start that they needed each other. There was no better match for James – most women could barely tolerate him. Loyal and intelligent, yes, but he was also cocky as fuck. Sage was the only woman Maddox had ever seen who was able to deflate that giant ego of his.

  Sage, a Queen. Was she too busy to help them? Did she even care? She must. This impacted the war – the war on her realm. It affected her most of all.

  Fuck. Now he remembered pieces of recent conversations with his father. Saith knew she was powerful, but young. He wanted to strike soon because he doubted her ability to handle it.

  “My father plans to attack,” he said to James. “The timing couldn’t be better for us. We strike them first. It’ll be a big blow and buy us some time before they can reorganize and launch a counterattack.”

  James sighed and rubbed his face. “She wants to avoid a war. I’ve been gathering allies here who oppose the Council’s war. We’re going to protest.”

  Maddox shook his head. “She can’t avoid war. It’s already happening. You think my father won’t crush a little hippie protest? He’s more vicious than you think. He had me, his own son, tortured and molded to be his robot.” The painful reminder made his breath get stuck in his throat.

  “What?” James looked between him and Felicity. “He had you…” He swallowed hard and frowned. “Is that where you’ve been?”

  Felicity’s warm hand slid into his. “He brainwashed him to work for the Council. Saith is…”

  “Fucking evil,” James finished for her. “Fuck, Maddox. You went home because of me. If I’d have taken you with us…”

  “It’s not your fault.” Maddox had been hiding from his father for too long. The Council gunning for Sage had been the kick in the ass he’d needed to face his responsibilities. He just hadn’t expected to be drugged then beaten to near death. “My father would’ve found me one way or the other.”

  James’s eyes crinkled around the edges as he stared at him. “I’m so sorry.”

  “There’s no time for regrets.” Maddox stepped toward him and gave him a somber look. “They’re coming for Sage. They won’t stop until they destroy the Underworld. It’s just like last time but more is at stake. And this time, we don’t run.”

  After a long moment of silence, James sighed. “All right. I’ll take you to her. You can convince her yourself. Let me get some things in order first.”

  “Thank you.” When James turned away, Maddox grabbed his arm. “This will work if you trust me.”

  “We’ve always trusted each other.” His gaze moved from Maddox’s bald head down his tattooed arms then back up to look him in the eye. “That hasn’t changed.”

  An overwhelming surge of appreciation filled his chest. A loving woman and a loyal best friend – he’d done nothing to deserve this.

  James moved from his grip. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

  “What about me?” Dalton asked. Maddox had forgotten the shifter was there. “I can help. Felicity’s my partner and –”

  “Not anymore,” Maddox growled. He felt like throwing Felicity down and placing bite marks all over her neck, marking her, telling the world she was taken.

  Felicity nudged him and tossed him a disapproving look. Then she addressed Dalton. “Go back to the colony and assemble a team. As soon as we get back, I’ll be in touch.”

  Dalton looked from her to Maddox and back again. He could almost see the wheels turning in Dalton’s head. Felicity wasn’t his partner anymore. He’d been replaced. Funny, Maddox didn’t feel a single ounce of guilt about that.

  Finally, the shifter nodded. “All right. Stay safe, Felicity.”

  “I will.” He turned to walk out the door and she added, “Thank you. For coming for me.”

  Dalton gave her a small smile. “Of course. You may not be my partner anymore,” he flicked his gaze to Maddox then back to Felicity, “but you’ll always be my friend.”

  She smiled back and he left the house. Maddox felt torn about Dalton. Having more people who cared about Felicity was a good thing, but he was jealous of the years they’d worked together. He wished he’d had that time with her. Yes, they’d had an entire childhood together, but they were barely grown-ups when they’d been forced apart. Now he had to learn this version of Felicity – not a girl, but a woman.

  “Is there a bathroom we could use?” Felicity asked James as he put on a dark trench coat and headed for the door.

  “Upstairs. There’s a spare bedroom too if you want to get changed or anything.”

  She nodded and James left.


  They hadn’t been alone since the night he’d tied her to the bed and made her come while she babbled about their past. The night he’d broken free from his father’s hold on him. He wished th
ey had longer than fifteen minutes alone. When they were done with this task, he’d like to take her somewhere private and spend every waking moment with her, learning her, holding her, loving her. But when they were done with this task, there’d be another. And another.

  Sighing, he motioned for the stairs. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  They steered around pieces of broken floor and upturned furniture. In the bathroom, he guided her to the counter and turned on the light.

  “Am I still bleeding?” She pulled the blood-soaked tissue away from the gash under her chin.

  He winced at her red-stained skin then turned the water on. “I don’t think so.”

  She started to turn toward the mirror but he stopped her with hands on her shoulders. “No.” If she saw how bloody her neck looked, she’d panic, even though both cuts seemed superficial.

  Felicity rolled her eyes. “I’m a big girl, Maddox. I can handle it.”

  He smiled. “Okay, little rebel. But let me clean you up first.”

  With a sigh, she tossed him a towel from the hanger to the right. “Here. Try to be gentle. It stings.”

  “Of course, love.” He wet the towel with warm water then dabbed it gently around the neck wound, wiping the blood away to expose her creamy skin. Just a few nights ago, he’d kissed there, licked there. It didn’t seem right that now he was cleaning her blood – blood spilled for him. Regret washed over him. He’d sent her on this task. It was his fault. Maybe he should’ve told her to stay in the colony, where it was safe.

  “Don’t think like that.” Felicity’s voice drew him from his thoughts.


  “You have that look on your face.”

  “What look?” He rinsed the towel in the sink.

  “That agonized look that says you regret something.”

  Was she a mind reader? “I was wondering if you’d have been safer staying in the colony.”

  “Probably, but that’s not how I work.”

  He pressed the towel to the gash under her chin and held it firmly. She hissed in a breath.

  Leaning in, he tried to distract her with his lips hovering over hers. “My brave girl,” he whispered against her.

  To his pleasure, she closed the few inches between them and their lips touched. She tasted like summer air and memories flooded him. Skipping rocks, laughing, always lots of laughing, wrestling matches that ended in long makeout sessions. Starry skies and flashlight tag. Wetness leaked from the corners of his eyes. He was still grieving for time lost – time he’d wasted in that hellhole when he could’ve been making more memories with her.

  Felicity parted her lips and he slipped his tongue in. He dropped the towel and wrapped one hand possessively around the back of her slender neck, the other resting gently on her cheek. She felt so small in his grasp, and entirely his. Satisfaction welled up inside him and he kissed her harder.

  Her arms slid around his neck and she pulled him close, kissing him back just as eagerly. The small moan against his lips made him instantly hard. Flashes of when he’d tied her to his bed and tortured her till she came again and again shot straight to his cock.

  The door downstairs slammed and they broke apart. James must’ve returned. Damn him.

  Felicity looked up at him, eyes glittering with desire, making him want to throw her against the wall and fuck her senseless. “I missed you,” she whispered.

  He exhaled loudly, willing his erection to get under control. “I missed you too, sweet girl. And I’m not looking forward to leaving you again in a couple days.”

  “I know. But once this task is over, we won’t have to separate again.” A smirk turned her expression mischievous. “That’s if you’ll have me as your partner. I could go back to Dalton, I suppose.”

  “Don’t even think about it,” he threatened. With a firm hand, he gripped the back of her neck again. “Mine.”

  Her eyelids fell half-closed and she melted against him. So she liked it rough? She liked being his?

  “Understand, Felicity? Mine.”

  Breathing heavily, she looked into his eyes, distant but aware, all trust and love. “Yes. I’m yours.”

  He grinned, proud to own such a beautiful, intelligent woman. Whatever he’d done in his old life to win her affection must have been extraordinary. He wished he could live up to it. Though it was selfish, even if he couldn’t live up to who he’d been, he wouldn’t let her go. Not his salvation. She would always be his tie to sanity.

  James’s jeep handled the windy seaside cliff roads brilliantly and the four-hour trip to the Underworld gate only took two. Felicity had never been there but she’d heard stories. Mostly stories of men who’d sought refuge in the Underworld then were never heard from again. Not for the first time, she shivered.

  The Underworld was a dangerous place for mortals. It contained supernatural criminals of the vilest kind. Demons that could control minds, vampires that fed too much Topside, and more. She looked at the huge body shoved in next to her in the back seat of the jeep. Maddox stared out the window, looking lost in his thoughts. She placed a hand on his knee.

  “What’s wrong?”

  After a brief glance at her, he turned back to the window. “I’m worried.”

  “About what?”

  He didn’t answer for a long moment. “Losing you.”

  “You want me to stay behind,” she said rather than asked.

  Looking at her, he nodded. “Yes. Would you?”

  She chuckled. “No.” While she understood his desire to protect her, he’d have to figure out a way to move past it. She’d never be the stay behind for safety type. “You taught me how to fight, you know. The basics at least. Then I learned more as I worked in the rebellion. But the fundamentals were from you. Don’t you trust your teaching?”

  “No.” He scowled at the car seat in front of him. “I don’t trust anything when it comes to your safety.”

  He looked like such a big angry child she had to laugh. When he turned his scowl on her, she kissed his shoulder. “You’ll get used to it. Wait till you see me in action. You might be surprised.”

  “What’s your predator form? I saw hints of it when you almost escaped before we put the second band on.”

  “A lynx.” When they’d separated years ago, she was still deciding what form felt most comfortable.

  He grunted and shifted in his seat, looking displeased.

  “What’s wrong with a lynx?”

  “Too small,” he grumbled.

  “Yes but they’re fast and nimble. They’re great climbers too. Besides, I can shift into almost anything on the first try. I’m the fastest in the whole colony.”

  “Really?” He nodded as if impressed.

  “I got to Caerwyn as a finch.”

  He finally cracked a smile. “Good. Then you can go to the Underworld in my pocket.”

  She looked at him, horrified. “No!” How humiliating. She was one of the best leaders in the rebellion. No fucking way would she be demoted to sitting passively in his pocket, or maybe on his shoulder, singing Zippity fucking Doo Dah like she was the silly animal sidekick in some Disney movie.

  With a sigh, he rubbed his clean-shaven head. Shouldn’t his hair start growing back soon? She couldn’t wait to see him with a full head of hair, the way she remembered him eight years ago. Floppy brown hair and a big grin. She’d have to work on the grin part too.

  “Here we are,” James said from the front seat. The jeep stopped in front of an old stone church. James hopped out and she and Maddox followed.

  Around the back of the church, they stood in front of a wall covered in ivy. When James brushed the ivy aside, the gray stone blurred. A hazy oval-shaped door appeared.

  James turned and looked at them. “Ready?”

  She sucked in a deep breath. Ready to step through a portal to a dimension filled with supernatural criminals of the most evil kind? Sure. Maybe she should whistle Zippity Doo Dah as they went.

  Before they could take that
first step, a strange wind whipped across her face, making goose bumps rise up on her arms. The back of her neck tingled. Danger lurked, she could feel it in her bones. Maddox wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her against his side. He must have felt it too. They all spun away from the door and scanned the grassy field surrounding the church.

  James heaved a sigh as a billow of black smoke appeared just in front of them. “Fuck,” he whispered.

  Maddox took a few steps back, pulling Felicity with him. The smoke twirled and twisted as a figure started to form. A few seconds later, the smoke disappeared and a man stood in its wake.

  Blond hair, strange yellow snake-like eyes. He grinned at them. It was an unsettling grin, reminding her of the Cheshire cat – mischievous and a bit mad.

  “What have we here?” he asked, appraising her with those creepy eyes.

  “Gethin,” James muttered, rubbing his forehead.

  The stranger set his gaze on their friend. “James, you weren’t really going to bring your friends into the Underworld without asking me, were you?”

  “I figured if they were with me –”

  “They still have to pay the price,” he cut in.

  “Right.” James shifted from foot to foot. “What do you want then?”

  Maddox tightened his grip around her shoulders until the spot where his finger dug in ached.

  “Let’s see,” he drawled, widening his grin. “A sorcerer and a…” His eyes lit up and glowed yellow when he looked at her. “A shifter. Excellent!”

  She felt Maddox stiffen beside her. He whispered in her ear, “Dragon.”

  Dragon? Shit. She’d heard of them and what she’d heard wasn’t reassuring. Power hungry and as old as the earth, they roamed the realms, looking to fuck with humans to end their boredom. Most of them would be considered borderline sociopaths, if they were human.

  “For passage into the Underworld,” he said, “I want a favor.”

  “What favor?” Maddox asked. His face might as well have been carved in stone as he glared at the dragon.


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