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Princess Celestia and the Summer of Royal Waves

Page 5

by Hasbro

  “Like that gigantic crab emerging from the ocean right now?” Flora squeaked. She pointed her hoof to the water. Everypony stared at her blankly. SNAP! SNAP! The sound of two giant claws sounded out across the beach. The ponies spun around and were met with the sight of a massive red crab that was more than twenty feet tall!

  “A Carcinus!” Duchess Diamond Waves shrieked in a mixture of horror and delight at being right all along. She looked to Princess Celestia for guidance, but the royal had disappeared. So Diamond Waves did what any good teacher would do. She stood tall in front of her students, shielding them from the terrifying beast that was advancing toward them at an alarming rate of speed. Then she focused her magic and closed her eyes.

  Suddenly, the waves began to crash.

  With each splash upon the shore, the crab slowed down, getting swept up in the surf. But it wasn’t enough to stop him. Ambrosia Breeze looked to her friends, her fellow students. She met eyes with Sandy Shore and Rainy Air. Flora followed close behind with Lemon Square. The others were not far behind.

  The young ponies formed a semicircle around the Carcinus, remaining calm. Then something incredible happened. Diamond Waves opened her eyes just in time to see her students performing the most perfect group Water Bubble enchantment she’d ever seen in her life. They shot their horns at the water, creating several small tornadoes. As their magic joined, the tornadoes grew and grew until finally it was one large cylinder of sea. The water surged forward, surrounding the vicious-looking crab and encasing him in a spherical water cage. He was unharmed but contained.

  Duchess Diamond Waves was shocked at how quickly the attack had been controlled. There had been a real, monstrous threat to the city, just as she’d always feared. But now Monacolt was safe, and it was all thanks to her fearless young students. Princess Celestia had taught them everything they needed to know after all. Suddenly, Diamond was searching to remember why she’d ever doubted her in the first place.

  Wave Good-bye

  As Princess Celestia stepped into her carriage, she felt a sense of pride. The faces of the young Magic Academy graduates stared back at her in admiration and sadness at her departure from their fair city. The ponies waved at her, shouting well wishes for her journey back to Canterlot and hopes for her to return to visit soon. Princess Celestia had accomplished what she’d sought out to do in Monacolt by helping her friends see some new ways of looking at learning and had learned a few lessons of her own.

  As Duchess Diamond Waves trotted up to the carriage, her mane and tail were moving and glittering even though there was no breeze in the air. The golden band across her forehead glistened in the sunlight as she smiled and hugged Celestia. She looked like her old self again. “Thank you for everything, Princess.” She leaned forward and whispered into Celestia’s ear. “Especially that letter where you explained everything. It makes the victory a little less sweet, but it makes a whole lot more sense!”

  Princess Celestia laughed. “I hope you’re not too upset with me for setting everything up with Luna.”

  “Not at all,” Diamond Waves admitted. “It was perfect.”

  “Actually, I was thinking we could make this a yearly thing? Maybe use it as the test on the new class of ponies? It sounds like a lot of fun.…” Princess Celestia said, raising an eyebrow. “Doesn’t it, Diamond Waves?”

  “I don’t know about that.…” The duchess made a serious face and put her hoof up to her chin. Finally, she laughed. “Only joking. It sounds like a total blast!” Princess Celestia could hear the laughter of the young graduates as she took off into the pink-and-orange sky toward the prettiest sunset she’d ever seen.

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  Sunrise Over Canterlot


  The Princesses of Equestria


  A Princess Abroad


  Well-Behaved Unicorns


  Lesson Number Fun


  The Key to Magic


  Out of the Bubble


  The Good News


  Making Waves


  A Letter from Home


  Nighttime Glass


  Failed Exams


  Attack on Monacolt


  Wave Good-bye



  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  HASBRO and its logo, MY LITTLE PONY and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission.

  © 2015 Hasbro. All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Kayleigh McCann

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  Little, Brown and Company

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  First ebook edition: April 2015

  ISBN 978-0-316-29514-7





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