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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

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by Cara E Holt

  “No harm done.” He bends and retrieves my books from the floor before I have chance to. He passes them to me and our hands touch briefly, a warm shock like sensation passes where we touched. Lorcen twitches and it is as if he felt it too.

  “I’m Lorcen.” He smiles that devastatingly beautiful smile again. He is studying me intently.

  “Ebony.” I reply.

  “I know.” He frowns then and looks down the corridor to where a girl with glossy brown hair stands with two other girls, they are watching us and the brown haired girl scowls at me.

  “Hey Lorcen.” Noah shouts coming up behind me and putting his arm around my shoulder. “You getting to know my girl Ebony?”

  Lorcen raises an eyebrow and grins. “Your girl, really?” He shakes his head laughing.

  “Need a ride home Ebony?” Noah asks keeping his arm around my shoulder.

  “I’m good thanks.” I say gesturing towards Scott who is walking this way and waves to me.

  Lorcen looks at Scott approaching and frowns. “Boyfriend?”

  I chuckle and shake my head. “Brother.”

  “Good to know.” He replies his frown relaxing. Lorcen then continues observing me intently and I shift uncomfortably. He makes me so nervous.

  Noah nudges Lorcen. “Let’s go Lorc.”

  Lorcen nods and giving me a quick smile turns and walks away, Noah kisses my cheek and quickly follows him.

  Scott reaches me and playfully flicks my hair. “Got a fan club already Ebs?”

  I laugh. “Hardly. Have you seen the girls at this school?!”

  Scott grins enthusiastically. “I sure have.”

  I laugh and push him along the corridor. My brother the heart breaker!

  Taylor picks me up the following morning a bit earlier so that we can head to a local diner for drinks with the others.

  “So a little bird tells me you and Lorcen were conversing by your locker yesterday.”

  She takes one hand off the steering wheel to playfully nudge me.

  “I kind of walked into him.” I tell her grimacing at the embarrassing memory.

  “Does he have a girlfriend?” I ask trying to sound as casual as I can.

  Taylor smiles knowingly. ‘Thought you weren’t interested! But not now no. He was dating Morgan Tate but they split up a month ago.”

  “Brown glossy hair, kind of gorgeous?” I ask her remembering the bitch kill looks I was getting yesterday from a girl watching me talk to Lorcen.

  Taylor nods. “Yeah she’s pretty, but she isn’t a patch on you.”

  I dismiss her compliment. Morgan was much prettier than me.

  “She was giving me the daggers when Lorcen was talking to me. I swear if looks could kill I would be in the mortuary now.”

  “Well it’s no secret it was Lorcen that finished it. She still has a thing for him, big time.” Taylor emphasises big by letting go of the steering wheel and holding her hands out wide, nearly whacking me in the face.

  Great! Just what I need to make enemies with a jealous ex-girlfriend.

  We arrive at the diner and the others wave us over from the booth they are sat in when we enter.

  “I’ll order the drinks, you go over.” I offer. “What do you want?”

  Taylor ponders for a moment. “I’m on a diet so a Mango and carrot smoothie please.”

  I move over to the counter and begin contemplating the menu.

  “It’s Ebony isn’t it?” A deep voice says from behind me, making me jump slightly. I turn and find Blaine Hiller smiling at me. He moves to stand beside me at the counter.

  “Erm yes hi, Blaine isn’t it?” I reply as casually as I can.

  He smiles and what a beautiful smile it is. The guy is seriously hot!

  “You should try the Oreo shake.” He suggests pointing at it on the menu.

  “It’s good?” I ask him. He leans on the counter, his biceps tense under his t-shirt and I remember to look up at his face. Stop fan girling Ebony! I tell myself.

  The waitress comes over so I order the smoothie for Taylor and the Oreo shake for myself.

  “So what brought you to Weston Ebony?” He asks continuing to observe me

  I blush under his gaze. “My dad’s new job.”

  “Are you settling in okay?” His gaze drifts down to my hands that are fidgeting with the right sleeve of my jacket. I always fidget when I’m nervous.

  “Yeah so far it’s been great, Taylor has taken me under her wing.” A piece of my hair falls forward over my eye and Blaine reaches over and tucks it back behind my ear for me making me blush at such a personal gesture.

  “Your name matches your hair.” He says studying me intently. I laugh nervously.

  “Blaine!” An angry voice bellows from behind Blaine and I look over his shoulder to see his girlfriend scowling over at me from a booth. Blaine sighs as if frustrated.

  “I’ll see you around Ebony.” He says with a sweet smile and then heads over to Nicole who looks like she might rip his head off. I notice then that half the students in the diner had been watching our exchange and Nicole’s reaction. Looks like I had just made myself another enemy. I spend the rest of the morning in the diner being interrogated by Taylor over Blaine and try to insist to her that there really is nothing to tell, that it was just a friendly exchange of casual conversation.

  I have English second period and I can feel the butterflies as I near the room, which can only mean one thing, Lorcen is already in there. I take a steadying breath and walk into the classroom. And he’s sat there twirling a pen round in his hand, his gaze catches mine and he stops his pen mid-twirl. I smile at him shyly and he frowns in reply, not the response I was hoping for so disheartened I lower my head. I feel an arm around me and turn to find Noah smiling down at me.

  “Hey gorgeous.”

  “Hey yourself.” I reply awkwardly but smile. I can’t help but like Noah he’s flirty but in a playful harmless way.

  Taylor comes up and slaps his arm off my shoulder. “Down Noah, down boy.” Noah laughs in response and gives her a friendly shove.

  The butterflies are making me seriously feel sick and just as I’m about to sit down I’m back in my dream in the forest. I’m running again, I catch my hand on a thorny branch and cry out in pain. I can hear a voice calling my name so I stumble forward and run towards the voice.

  My eyes open to find two stunning green eyes above me. Lorcen is leaning over me. Close up he is even more perfect than I thought. He has the perfect jawline and there is a hint of stubble covering his jawline.

  “Lorcen.” I whisper confused.

  He looks at me concerned and strokes my cheek.

  “What happened?” I ask looking around me and realising I am on the classroom floor and all the students are around me peering down at me. I blush deep red, how embarrassing.

  “You passed out.” Lorcen tells me. Mr Hilton hovers behind him and Taylor is stood beside him looking concerned.

  “Lorcen take her to the nurse’s office please.” Mr Hilton instructs. Lorcen nods and takes my hand in his to help me stand. The electric buzz whips up my arm and I stumble.

  “Easy.” Lorcen says steadying me, next thing I know he sweeps me up in his arms. I feel so embarrassed but being this close to him takes my breath away and sends my poor heart into frenzy. We head out into the corridor which is deserted.

  “Do you faint often?” He asks looking down at me. His face is so close to mine I could touch it. His eyes are even more beautiful this close up. I don’t think I have ever seen eyes so green. I think I could get lost in those eyes and happily stay there.

  I shake my head. “Never happened before.”

  He frowns. “Did you eat this morning?”

  “An Oreo shake.” I reply. The butterflies in my tummy are going insane. I can feel the heat from his body and I just want to curl my arms around his neck and snuggle into him. I feel so drawn to Lorcen in a way I just can’t explain.

  We arrive at the nurses’ office and the
nurse ushers us into a room. Lorcen sits me on the bed, his hair brushes my forehead as he puts me down. God he smells good. The nurse fusses around me checking my pulse and taking my temperature.

  “Well apart from a racing pulse you seem okay honey.” She smiles kindly at me. There is a commotion outside the door and an injured lacrosse player is being stretchered in with a very nasty looking gash to the head. The nurse looks at us apologetically and Lorcen reassures her he will stay with me while she sees to the new patient. She closes the door and leaves us alone. Lorcen walks over to a water dispenser and fills a plastic cup and bring sit over to me.

  “Thank you.” I accept the cup from him and our hands touch briefly. “I feel such an idiot.” I mutter.

  Lorcen smiles. “You’re not an idiot.” He pauses. “So what did Blaine have to say to you in the diner this morning?”

  I sigh in response. Lorcen takes the cup from me and stands in front of me. “He was just saying hi.”

  “He has a girlfriend you know.” Lorcen observes me intently as if gauging my reaction to this information.

  I frown. “I know that thank you.” I say somewhat coldly.

  Lorcen puts a hand on my leg and I think I forget to breathe. “Be careful around Blaine.”

  “How do you know I spoke to him? I didn’t see you there.” I’m kind of pleased that Lorcen is so interested in my conversation with Blaine.

  Lorcen shrugs. “Word gets around.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Seriously?”

  Lorcen nods and there is a slight twitch of a smile. “You’re the talk of the school Ebony.”

  I look at him surprised. “Me! Why?”

  He raises an eyebrow in disbelief as if I’m asking a stupid question. He places his other arm at the side of my other leg and leans in closer. “Well it’s not every day a beautiful girl with a cute English accent starts at this school.”

  I blush and look away. He thinks I’m beautiful, I want to do a fist punch or a little victory dance but manage to keep my face straight. I shake my head and fidget with my hands.

  “I’m just ordinary.”

  Lorcen laughs and shakes his head; he puts a hand under my chin and lifts my head so that I have no choice but to look at him.

  “You have no idea do you?” He says it as a statement rather than a question. “You are far from ordinary Ebony.” He is so close to me at this point that I can feel his breath on my face. The bell breaks the awkward silence signalling lunch break. Nurse Hudson gives me the all clear to leave and asks Lorcen to ensure I get some food. Lorcen takes my bag and despite my protestations insists on carrying it for me. We walk together to the cafeteria. Lots of eyes stop and stare at us as we walk. We enter the cafeteria and Lorcen steers me towards the food counter. I can feel all eyes on us and the cafeteria chatter quietens slightly. Lorcen asks me what I want and I mumble I’ll have the chicken and bacon pasta bake. He puts it alongside his on a tray. Lorcen then leads me to the table where Taylor and the rest of the group are sat. Taylor’s mouth hangs open in mid-conversation. Lorcen puts my food down and places my bag by my feet as I sit down.

  “Make sure you eat. I’ll catch you later Ebony.” He smiles warmly at me and winks and I melt and mumble a thank you, watching him walk away.

  “Oh my freaking God!” Taylor squeals and I shush her going red.

  “What?” It’s no big deal guys, the nurse insisted he made sure I got food.”

  Taylor and Megan look at each other and high five.

  “Want to have a bet that he asks her to the fall dance?” Megan asks Taylor.

  “Stop it you two.” I scold and everyone laughs. I look away and scan the room and my eyes fall on Blaine Hiller’s who is looking at me with a pissed off expression on his face. It’s probably because talking to me caused trouble with Nicole. Talk eventually moves on to the upcoming football season and I relax and eat my lunch, glad the attention is no longer on me.


  After lunch I walk into history class and see Blaine sat there. I smile as I pass him and he says hi. I take up a seat on the back row. Lorcen then walks in and frowns on seeing Blaine. I get the feeling these two don’t get on. He stops by Blaine’s desk.

  “Didn’t have you down as a history type Blaine.”

  Blaine grins. “I’ve suddenly developed an interest in the subject.”

  Lorcen smirks and walks to the back row and sits beside me.

  “Hi Ebony.” He winks and proceeds to pull his books out of his bag.

  “Hi.” I reply blushing. He shrugs out of his jacket and I can’t help but admire his biceps and wonder if he has a six pack underneath that t-shirt. I really need to stop this, I sound like such a horny teenager!

  Scott then walks in and clocks Blaine and then Lorcen and laughs to himself and shakes his head taking a seat. The teacher Miss Sloane walks in and does a double take.

  “My class has suddenly grown! Blaine, you’ve decided to take up history?”

  Blaine smirks. “What can I say Miss the subject has its appeal.”

  Miss Sloane looks at me and then at Scott.

  “Scott and Ebony I presume?” We both nod. “Welcome to my class.” Miss Sloane says warmly.

  To my delight I discover we are studying the women’s right movement an area I have read a couple of books in. Despite my love of the subject I find it difficult to concentrate with Lorcen sat beside me and Blaine a few seats in front. At the end of class Lorcen shoots off without so much as a glance my way, he whispers something to Blaine as he passes, and Blaine frowns and quickly follows him out. Strange!

  At the end of the school day I’m waiting by Scott’s locker for a ride home as Taylor has drama practice after school today. I see Scott walking up the corridor and he is accompanied by Blaine.

  “Hey Ebs.” Scott smiles, opening his locker to retrieve his things. He looks from me to Blaine. “I believe you to know each other.”

  I nod and smile. “We met at the diner this morning.”

  We head outside. “Blaine’s riding with us today.” Scott explains.

  “Car is in for repairs.” He explains.

  When we get to the car Blaine offers me the front seat but I decline, so he opens the rear door behind his and holds it open for me to climb in.

  Scott starts the car and pulls out of the car park. Blaine turns in his seat to look at me. “You going to Noah’s party this weekend?”

  “Probably.” I shrug. Truth is Taylor has insisted I go, so I was going.

  “You going with a date?”

  I laugh, as if! “No, I’m going with Taylor and the girl’s.” Blaine smiles seeming strangely relieved. Scott then chats to Blaine about soccer so I sit quietly in the back lost in my own thoughts. We pull up a drive where a gorgeous detached house sits at the top, it’s very grand.

  “This is me.” Blaine says jumping out and throwing his bag on his back. He really is buff, I think admiring his physique.

  Blaine leans in through my open window. “Later’s Ebony.” I blush and mumble a good bye trying to not lose my cool demeanour. I can’t help but admire his perfect butt though as he walks away.

  “You’re staring sis.” Scott says laughing pulling my gaze away from Blaine.

  “What?” I ask innocently as I climb over the hand brake to sit in the front, knowing full well Scott had caught me checking out his new friend.

  That night after tea and I go round to Taylor’s so we can work on our English homework together. We had to choose our favourite quote from a romance novel. Taylor and I were sat opposite ends of the bed facing each other with our books spread around us.

  “So the party Saturday, what should I wear?”

  Taylor smiled. “I will sort your wardrobe for Saturday. I insist! I have an eye for fashion you know.” She chews on her pen. “Is Scott going?”

  I grin, she so likes my Brother. “Yes. Why the interest?” I tease her. Taylor responds by smiling and pulling her tongue out at me.

Brogan so fancies my Brother.” I tease laughing. Taylor pulls a pillow from behind her and throws it at me. I manage to catch it and laugh chucking it back to her.

  “Like you fancy Lorcen.” She offers back. “Want to know what I heard today?”

  “Yes, go on then.” I tell her gesturing for her to continue.

  She smiles clearly delighted to share this information with me. “Blaine and Nicole have been arguing. Over you.”

  “Me! Oh my god why?” I groan. “Is this all because he spoke to me in the diner?”

  Taylor shook her head. “ Maddy heard them. Nicole was having a go at Blaine accusing him of staring at you all through break.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. “ I think Nicole may be a tad paranoid, he was not staring at me.”

  Taylor chuckles. “Sorry but he was. We all noticed it on our table.”

  I groan again and lower my head into my hands. “ I really don’t need this shit in my first week here.”

  In English class the next day we all have to stand at the front of class and read the quote we have chosen and give an explanation of the quote and why we chose it. Taylor is first up and she has chosen Mr Rochester’s marriage proposal to Jane. She gushes over how romantic it is and Noah snorts in response. Others follow and before I know it, it is my turn. I have always hated public speaking. So taking a deep breath I stand and walk to the front of the class. Keeping my eyes on my paper I read out my quote. I stumble my way through it and can feel myself go bright red. Mr Hilton then asks me to explain why I chose the quote. I smile and look down at my sheet of paper nervously. “ Because Mr Rochester see’s beyond the physical, he sees the woman Jane is inside, her soul and it is her soul that he falls in love with.” I look up and find Lorcen’s eyes observing me intently and it makes me nervous and hot.


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