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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Cara E Holt

  “You just want to show off” Alina teases.

  “Ebony asked me to show her the other day actually.” He tells her gently tugging on one of her curls.


  We finish up breakfast and Blaine takes me down to the lake, the lake is within the castle grounds but it is still very large, there is a white stone bridge across the middle. Blaine leads us onto the bridge.

  “Okay, amaze me with your fairy magic.” I say waving an imaginary wand in my hand.

  He nods and smiles rather self- assured, he moves one hand in a circle and in response the water rises in a swirl high in the air. He stops spinning his hands and pushes his hand down fast making the water collapse back down making a huge splash.

  “Cool!” I say in awe and clap my hands in applause. “Show me more!”

  Blaine looks like he is thinking and then he smiles. “Give me a letter?”

  “Okay, erm M.”

  Blaine lifts his hand and the water rises, with his other hand he pulls from it and down and the water follows he then lifts the same hand up and then down and to my astonishment there is a giant ‘M’ made out of water standing in the centre of the lake.

  I jump up and down. “I Love it! How cool to be able to do things like this.”

  He smiles clearly chuffed that I am impressed. “You think that was good. Wait until you see this!”

  He holds both his hands together and then slowly parts them and in response the water in the lake separates down the middle, leaving a dry path down the middle of the lake. He then moves his hands in an arch and creates a curved ceiling of water over the dry path. He jumps on the edge of the bridge and then jumps down into the dry path in the lake and holds out his arms telling me to jump, I hesitate but trust he will catch me and take a leap and land in his arms. He sets me on my feet and we walk under the arch of water and down the middle of the lake. I look around me and above me at the water held where it is by Blaine’s magic. It is awesome. We reach the other side and climb out and Blaine simply pushes his hands together and the lake returns to normal.

  We spend a good couple of hours at the lake, Blaine showing me all the wonderful and imaginative ways he can manipulate water. I find myself starting to look forward to when my powers awaken and wonder what element I will be able to control.

  After the lake Blaine takes me to see Alina, who is having a tea party in her room for her Fae Barbie’s. Alina insists I sit with her and provides me with a dark haired fae Barbie who she says can be me. Blaine moans his head off at her but sits on the bed and watches television while I spend some time with her. After an hour of Barbie’s Blaine can see I have had enough and tells Alina she has had enough of my time today.

  Alina sulks. “But today is her last day! I might not see her again if she chooses Lorcen.” She pouts

  and crosses her arms in protest at Blaine.

  “Alina I promise I will come again soon and play with you.” I tell her bending down to her level

  which because she is fae isn’t that far down.

  “You Will?” She says full of hope.

  “Of course. It’s a promise.” She looks at me seriously. “You know a promise in the fae realm is


  I look at Blaine puzzled not understanding what she means.

  “If you make a promise in the fae world, if you break it there will be consequences. Promises are a

  very serious thing here. So always think carefully before you make one.” He advises me.

  “Well this is one promise I will keep no matter what.” I assure her and cross my heart with my

  fingers .

  Blaine manages to get me out of Alina’s rooms after several assurances that we will play again and

  Blaine then takes me into the kitchen quarters much to the shock of the kitchen staff and raids the kitchen fridge for a jug of something yellow and frothy looking. He grabs two glasses and then takes me back into the castle gardens were we sit on the grass and he pour us both a drink. I sniff the stuff first wondering what it is.

  “ Butter beer.” Blaine informs me.

  “ Seriously?”

  He laughs in response. “ Yes exactly like that, I think the author of those books has definitely been to our realm!”

  I shake my head in disbelief and enjoy my drink.

  “Blaine won’t people wonder where I am at school. In fact won’t they wonder where we all are?”

  “No. Noah has spelled the school so everyone will not realise we are absent.”

  “I like it. That would come in very useful when you want an extra day off or a bit of a lie in.”

  “Scott too?” I ask.

  Blaine smiles apologetically. “Yes I’m sorry him too. It was necessary and your parents agreed to it.”

  I sigh at the mention of my parents. “My parents that aren’t really my parents.”

  Blaine squeezes my hand. “They are your parents Ebony. They brought you up, loved and cared for you. They are parents in almost every sense of the word.”

  I nod. He is right, it still hurts to think about it so I guess I have been trying to put it to the back of my mind.

  “I just feel like my whole life has been a lie. I don’t know what is true anymore and what is real and what isn’t.”

  Blaine gives me a look of sympathy. “I’m sure your real parents had a reason for doing what they did.”

  “I need to go home soon and get some answers from my mum and dad.” I say determinedly and Blaine doesn’t respond and I can tell he doesn’t want to start up that debate again. The evening draws in and we take a final walk in the walled gardens before bed.

  “So tomorrow you travel with Noah to the Unseelie court.” Blaine states he takes my hand in his as we walk side by side.

  “I guess so.” I reply and feeling awkward as I don’t really know what to say to him and I know it must be hard for him to know I am going off to spend time with Lorcen.

  Blaine stops and I turn to face him and he holds my face in his hands he looks longingly at my lips

  “Know that if you choose me Ebony, I will spend my life protecting you. Your happiness will be of paramount importance to me.”

  I smile. “I know you will.” I know he will, I know Blaine would protect me and cherish me and I would want for nothing. The perfect life. Blaine kisses me then and I forget my thoughts.

  The following morning I am awake early and I pick out my outfit before Maeve arrives. I decide on a red dress that I find in my wardrobe. It contrasts perfectly against my pale skin and black hair. I’m still warming towards my fae ears. Queen Arliss gave me a gift yesterday evening of a beautiful white gold ear cuff that sits on the point of my right ear.

  Maeve arrives and fusses over my hair but I ask to just leave it straight and down today having grown a bit tired of having my hair being done. Maeve takes me down to breakfast and I give her a quick hug before she leaves me and she seems a bit taken a back but clearly touched when I thank her for looking after me.

  I enter the dining room and Queen Arliss and King Faolan are sat eating breakfast. Queen Arliss smiles as I enter.

  “All ready them?”

  A seat is pulled out for me. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I reply taking my seat. A plate of food is put before me by one of the staff.

  “Thank you for dresses in my wardrobe.”

  She dismisses my thanks with her hand. “Nonsense, it is a pleasure. That colour looks beautiful on you.”

  “Is Blaine not up yet?” I ask wondering why he wouldn’t be here .

  King Faolan looks up from his papers. “I’m afraid Blaine has had to deal with an urgent issue at one of our gateways into the elven realm.”

  I must show my disappointment as Queen Arliss reaches over and squeezes my hand. “He was very disappointed that he wouldn’t be here to say goodbye. “

  I cut up my eggs and concentrate on trying to eat despite the butterflies in my tummy over the excitement and anxiety of seeing Lorcen agai

  “What is it like? The Unseelie court?”

  “Cold, harsh and uninviting.” King Faolan replies matter of fact.

  Queen Arliss laughs a little falsely and gives him a warning look. “Now dear you’ll frighten the poor girl. What my husband means to say is it the court of autumn and winter so naturally it is quite cold and at present more than likely thick with snow.”

  I nod and smile, feeling slightly reassured by her description.

  “Ebony.” Queen Arliss says and then pauses and she looks as if she is debating telling me something. “ I’m sure you will be well looked after in the Unseelie court but well Lorcen is much more worldly wise than our dear Blaine and well he is very charming and –“

  “Now, now Queen Arliss. Not trying to influence Ebony’s decision are we?”

  I turn to find Noah coming into the room. He sits taking the seat beside me.

  Queen Arliss smiles politely at Noah. “I’m just stating facts. It is well known that Lorcen has always had an eye for the ladies.”

  Noah holds up a finger. “Ah but that was before he found Ebony. At school he only had eyes for Ebony from the minute he first saw her.”

  I laugh nervously and study my plate intensely feeling very awkward.

  Noah leans in and nudges me. “So we ready to go princess?” I nod. “Then let’s waste no more time and get going. I’m itching to see my wife.”

  I stand and a servant comes up and places a cloak over my shoulders. “How are we getting there?”

  Noah smiles. “By portal of course”.

  “Oh.” I exclaim nervously. Noah takes my hand and we follow King Faolan and Queen Arliss down the corridor back into the grand hall. We follow them up to behind their thrones. King Arliss stands before the ornate stone carving on the wall and he places his hand in an indentation in the stone in the centre. The stone wall rumbles and then separates and reveals a swirling blue light.

  I look at Noah hesitantly . “You sure this is a safe way to travel for a half human like me?”

  He laughs and pulls me forward. “I promise you aren’t going to incinerate love.”

  Queen Arliss embraces me and kisses both cheeks. “It has been lovely having you here. I hope we have you back with us soon.”

  I smile and thank her for her hospitality and kindness. King Faolan then kisses my cheek. “It has been such a pleasure meeting you. Stay safe.”

  I thank him and then Noah re-takes my hand and gently pulls me forward towards the blue light. As we near it is cold and windy and I feel the power of its pull. Noah places and arm around my waist as we enter into the light and it engulfs us. It is so bright I cover my eyes and then suddenly all is quiet and Noah tells me I can open my eyes.

  I move my hands and gasp as I take in my surroundings. Everywhere is crisp white with snow, the sky is clear and blue. As far as the eye can see are beautiful white hills and trees. Situated before us on a steep hill top is a magnificent castle.

  “Wow!” I say and look at Noah who grins.

  “Nice isn’t it. Ah it’s so good to be home!” He says and I can see he seems visibly more relaxed.

  The cloak I’m wearing is only thin and I shiver. It may be beautiful here but it is cold.

  Noah clicks his fingers and I’m suddenly clothed in a black fur type cloak.

  “That’s some handy magic.” I say snuggling the cloak around me.

  Noah blows on his finger cockily. “I am not just a pretty face princess.”

  I laugh and shove him gently. “Come on fairy, it’s a bit cold for standing around.”

  We enter the castle grounds and I can suddenly feel every eye around on me. People stop what they are doing to look at us. I clutch closer to Noah. “Well this isn’t uncomfortable.” I whisper in his ear.

  Noah winks at me. “They’re looking at me, not you princess.”

  I snigger . “Oh really?”

  Ahead of us two large wooden doors open allowing us entry into the inner castle grounds. Noah escorts me across the square and into a large hall, much like the one in the Seelie court. At the end of the hall is a woman sat on what I presume to be a throne. She has beautiful brown glossy hair that hangs over one shoulder down her chest. As we near I’m able to see how beautiful she is. Her large brown eyes are framed by her delicate heart shaped face. She is dressed in a beautiful gown of black velvet with panels of silver embroidered flowers down the length of the skirt. We stop at the step before where she sits and Noah bows and I drop into a curtsy.

  “My Queen. It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Ebony Lockhart.”

  The Queen raises a finger signalling for us to stand. She then stands and walks down to us. She comes close to me and lifts my face with her finger, observing me closely.

  “So this is the girl destined for two princes.” She states clearly intrigued by me. I gulp feeling nervous under her close scrutiny. She steps back then and smiles and thankfully it is warm and friendly.

  “Well you are a beauty.” She taps her lips with a finger.” Maybe you will be the one who will tame my wayward son.”

  I feel myself relax a little then and I smile in return.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you queen Eira. Thank you for inviting me here.”

  She bats her hand as if to dismiss my thanks. “So how was your time in the Seelie court?”

  “Good.” I nod. “They were very hospitable and kind.”

  “I’m sure.” She says somewhat sarcastically and raises an eyebrow. I find her observing me closely again and shuffle nervously under her gaze. “You’re a small little thing aren’t you.”

  “Maybe you are all just very tall.” I reply. I’m quite sick of fae pointing out my lack of height now!

  To my surprise she laughs and smiles. “Beautiful and feisty. Yes I think you could be perfect fit for my Lorcen.” She claps her hands together. “Well let’s go and surprise my son. He thinks you aren’t arriving until after noon.”

  I look up surprised. “He doesn’t know I’m here?”

  She shakes her head and links her arm through mine. “I thought we would surprise him.”

  Noah Laughs coming to walk on my other side. “He hates surprises.” He states.

  The queen squeezes my arm in reassurance. “I think he will like this surprise.”


  We leave the great hall and walk for what feels like forever. We cross a courtyard and come to a wooden type barn. It doesn’t look like a place a queen would enter. The queen opens the door with a flick of her finger. Inside cheery music is playing and the place is busy with chatter. The barn is full of what looks to be fae soldiers drinking and having a good time. There are no windows in the barn and it is lit by wall lights that create shadows in the dark corners of the room. My eyes fall on a table in the centre of the room where one individual in particular sits. Lorcen Wilde sits astride a bench, a large jug of something in his hand and on his lap is a fae girl whispering into his ear and making him laugh. The queen moves forward but she puts a hand to tell us to remain where we are.

  A fae soldier spots her and nudges his neighbour and so and the noise drops suddenly, the room becoming silent. Lorcen suddenly raises his head noticing the room has gone quiet and sees his mother. He raises his jug to her in greeting.


  “Son.” She replies moving further into the room “Having fun?”

  He raises an eyebrow and shrugs. “Well I was.”

  I realise that he can’t see us from where we are stood as we are camouflaged by the shadows. I enjoy being able to observe him without him knowing. He is dressed casually, his white shirt is unbuttoned part way down showing some of his chest and it is tucked into blue trousers. His dark hair falls slightly over his face, his green eyes peeping through.

  “I have a surprise for you son.” She tells him.

  Lorcen rolls his eyes. “I don’t like surprises Mother.”

  Noah leans into my ear and whispers. “Told you so.”
r />   “Really?” Queen Eira replies. “Ah well that’s a shame. I’ll have your intended escorted back to the Seelie court then. Back to Blaine.”

  Lorcen stands up suddenly nudging the girl off his knee, suddenly alert. “Ebony’s here?”

  “She is.”

  “Is she okay? “ He asks and I am touched that I can here concern in his voice. It is strange to hear Lorcen talk in an English accent.

  “Well why don’t you ask her yourself.” Queen Eira says turning and gesturing to where we are stood. I feel Noah’s hand on my back as he urges us forward into the light and into Lorcen and the rest of the room’s sight. Lorcen’s eyes meet mine and I steady myself inside trying to maintain a cool manner.

  “Enjoying yourself?” I ask repeating his mother’s earlier question.

  “Just a quiet drink.” He replies and there are a few sniggers around the room. Lorcen turns and gives his fellow drink pals a warning look. Lorcen stands then and comes over to me. I take him in and can’t help but admire how good he looks.

  He leans into to kiss my cheek. His eyes drink me in. “You look well.”

  I step back and cough. “You smell like a brewery.” Again sniggers come from around the room at my statement.

  Lorcen grins giving me a challenging look. “Care to join us?” He asks gesturing to the bench he was sat at.

  I’m about to say no but then I decide to be bold and smile. “Sure why not.” I walk past him and feel him following behind me. I sit down at the bench and am met with intrigued stares from his men. Lorcen coughs getting their attention and gives them a warning stare then sits himself down beside me. Queen Eira breaks the silence and I can see she is smiling at me approvingly.

  “I’ll leave Ebony in your capable hands.” With that she disappears out of the room sifting elsewhere.

  “Drink?” I ask him turning to my side and meeting his eyes. Lorcen smiles wickedly and hands me the jug he had been drinking out of. Noah comes to sit on the other side of me and puts a hand on my arm.

  “That might be a bit strong for you princess.”

  “I can handle it.” I reply not taking my eyes off Lorcen and acting far more bravely and calmly than I feel inside. I take the jug and take a big drink, the stuff is foul and makes me cough and splutter. The men at the table laugh and Lorcen pats my back grinning.


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