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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Cara E Holt

  to. Lorcen pulls out a chair for me and I smile in thanks at him and take my seat. He then moves

  round to the other side and sits opposite me.

  “Ebony, my sister Erena and my brother Hagen. “

  “Hi.” I respond shyly.

  “ You are so pretty. Isn’t she pretty Lorcen?” His sister Erena asks him beaming at him.

  Lorcen smiles and looks at his sister and then at me. “She sure is.”

  I blush and look back at his sister. “Not as pretty as you are.”

  She smiles at the compliment . “How do you like the castle?”

  “I haven’t really seen much of it yet, but it looks very beautiful.”

  I turn to find Queen Eira regarding me with a frown and then she looks at Lorcen. “Why is Ebony

  wearing trousers?”

  Lorcen looks completely unconcerned at his mother’s frowning face. “ I had Aoife make her

  some. She isn’t comfortable wearing dresses.” He tells her matter of fact.

  She looks at me then a slight smile returning to her face. “Well so long as you wear dresses when we

  are entertaining.”

  I nod deeming it a fair enough request.

  “How do you like your room Ebony?” She asks me and before I have chance to reply Lorcen jumps


  “I decided not to put her in one of the guest rooms. She’s staying in my quarters. For protective

  reasons.” His Mother raises an eyebrow in question and his brother sniggers at the side of me

  causing Queen Eira to cast him a warning look.

  Lorcen looks at her. “I need to keep her safe.”

  I feel myself warm inside at the fact that he feels so protective of me. Queen Eira nods. “I suppose

  It makes good sense.” I don’t know if I imagine it but she looks at both me and Lorcen and I’m sure I

  see a slither of amusement on her face.

  The food on the table is immense, there are large silver plates of roasted vegetables, potatoes,

  gravy, mint Sauce and what looks like a large joint of beef and one of chicken. The Queen flicks her

  fingers and two slices of beef, vegetables and potatoes all appear on the plate in front of her. The

  others do the same while I just sit there observing this shit awesome magic with my mouth hanging

  open like a fish. They all start eating and then look up to observe my gormless face.

  “Ah shit I forgot, sorry.” Lorcen tells me. “ What would you like?”

  “Language Lorcen.” His mother warns him and I smile at him being chastised by his mother.

  I tell him I’ll have chicken and sure enough when I look down there is chicken on my plate plus a load

  of veg and potatoes. I tuck in and it tastes delicious, I don’t know what it is about the fae realm but

  everything tastes better here.

  “So Ebony when do you turn eighteen?” Queen Eira asks me.

  “I turned seventeen in July.” I advise her as I cut into my chicken.

  “Hopefully your awakening should occur soon then. The sooner you awaken the sooner

  you can bind with your mate.” She smiles at me but I just look at her puzzled.

  Lorcen sees my confused expression and tries to explain. “You can’t be bound to your mate unless

  you have awakened. By that it means that your powers have come forth.”

  “Okay.” I reply. “Do all fae awaken before they are eighteen?” I ask curiously.

  Lorcen shakes his head in response. “It can happen any time between seventeen and eighteen.”

  Erena sighs, with a dreamy look on her face. “I hope I awaken at seventeen. I can’t wait to bind with


  “Cade is her mate match.” Lorcen explains observing closely how I react to all of this talk of

  awakening and mate binding.

  “She has to choose which prince she wants to bind with first.” States Lorcen’s brother who up to

  now apart from sniggering has been silent.

  “You’re so lucky.” Gushes Erena. “ Two princes to choose from. It’s like every girls dream dilemma.”

  I sigh and shake my head in disagreement. “Actually it sucks, because either way someone is left

  with no mate.”

  The table goes silent at my comments and everyone concentrates on eating. I hope that we can

  move on to other subjects but Hagen has other ideas.

  “Noah says Blaine’s kissed her. More than once.” He and Erena giggle. “Have you

  Kissed her yet Lorcen? Or are you losing your touch with the ladies.”

  Lorcen gives his brother a look that could kill and he quits grinning and looks down at his plate.

  “Ebony will know in her soul who is the right one for her.” Queen Eira states and she affectionately

  pats my hand that rests on the table. I look over at Lorcen and he is observing me intensely, he

  winks at me when our eye’s meet and my heart does a little back flip.

  The meal is soon thankfully over and Lorcen whisks me away advising his family that I will be tired

  after a long day. We walk silently back to his quarters. He leads me to a bedroom which is situated

  opposite his.

  “Do you need someone to come and help you change?” He asks leaning in the doorway looking

  every inch a god like creature of perfection. I have wandered into the room and stop at the four

  Poster bed, leaning my back against it. I shake my head in response to his question.

  “Bathroom is through there.” He tells me pointing to a door to the right. He flicks his fingers and the

  door opens and I hear water start to run.

  “How will I stop it overflowing?” I ask him and he chuckles in response and grins at me,

  “Just turn the tap.”

  I blush feeling stupid, but to be fair how was I supposed to know, he started the bath using magic

  so for all I knew there were no taps.

  “There should be some of your night clothes from home in those drawers.” He tells me nodding his

  head in the direction of a set of drawers.

  I look up at him surprised. “From home?”

  He smiles awkwardly and clears his throat. “Yes I erm thought you’d feel more relaxed here if you

  had some of your things from home.”

  It’s then I look around the room and I notice that there are some photos from my room at home of

  my family and my friends back in England. There is also my favourite blanket on the bed. I give him a

  beaming smile feeling very touched at his thoughtfulness. Looks like Lorcen Wilde isn’t as cool and

  untouchable as people might think.

  “I’ll leave you in peace.” He says from over by the doorway. “Good night.” He says and then he

  turns and leaves almost as if he can’t bear to be in my company any longer. I sigh and throw myself

  backwards on to the bed. I smile and touch my lips remembering earlier. I know there and then that

  when Lorcen kisses me it is different to how I feel when Blaine kisses me. Blaine’s kisses are sweet

  and warm but Lorcen’s kisses set my soul on fire and once we start kissing I never want to stop.

  Eventually I snap out of my daydream and enjoy a soak in the tub before falling into bed in my

  favourite snoopy pyjamas.

  It is deathly quiet, I run through the centre of a small village and all I can see are dead bodies

  everywhere, of all ages. A little boy no more than four years old lies dead on the pavement, his eyes

  open and his face frozen into a look of horror. I scream and run further down the street, I fall to my

  knees in devastation at all the death around me.

  “You did this blood of Tuatha.” A voice whispers in my ear. I look round me shaking my head but no

  one is the
re. “You are the destruction of the fae realm. Their blood is on your hands.”

  “No!” I cry. “No I would never do this!” I then look down at my hands and they are dripping with

  thick red blood, I look down at my white dress and it is covered in splatters of blood.

  “Lorcen!” I scream for him to come for me.

  “Lorcen can’t save you from your fate little girl. Your only way to stop this is to enter the water.”

  I scream and shake my head crying.

  “Ebony!” I’m being shaken. “Ebony wake up.”

  I open my eyes sobbing and realise with some relief that it was only a dream and I am in bed with

  Lorcen leaning over me. It felt so god damn real!

  The tears are streaming down my face. Lorcen pulls me into his arms and I cling on to him. “ It’s just

  a nightmare, hush now.” His voice soothes me in ways I can’t explain. He strokes my hair as he

  cuddles me seeking to calm me down. My arms cling tightly round his neck.

  “I’ve got you now Ebs. You were screaming for me.”

  “They were all dead. Even the children. He said it was all my fault.” I tell him sobbing.

  Lorcen sets me slightly back on his knee so that he can see my face. “It was just a bad dream. You

  would never be responsible for hurting anyone. Your heart is pure and good Ebony.”

  “He said I was the blood of Tuatha.”

  Lorcen frowns at this. “Do you recognise the voice Ebony?”

  I shake my head and rub my eyes. “Don’t leave me alone.” I beg him I am scared that if I go back to

  sleep I will return to that horrific place.

  Lorcen smiles sympathetically at me. “I won’t leave you, but we’ll sleep in my bed, it’s bigger.” He

  stands then and sweeps me up into his arms and carries me across the corridor into his room. He

  lays me down on the bed and joins me, pulling me to him. I rest my head on his chest and he strokes

  my head. “Sleep now, I’m here and I’ll keep you safe. Always.” He whispers and I find my eyes



  I open my eyes to find light streaming through into the room from the glass doors. I stop breathing

  when I remember where I am and whose bed I am in. I’m all tangled up in Lorcen. I’m lying across his

  chest, one leg is wrapped around his and the other rests on his stomach. I literally cannot move. I

  breathe in his scent, god he smells good! What a way to wake up tangled up against Lorcen Wilde! I

  carefully move one leg and my eyes widen as my thigh brushes against what is clearly Lorcen’s

  morning glory. I freeze scared to move any further. What girl wouldn’t kill to wake up like this every

  day! I can’t resist touching him and I lightly trail my finger down his chest. I stop dead when I feel

  him shudder. He snakes an arm around my waist and suddenly I’m moved so that I am lying with

  my back flat on the bed and Lorcen is above me his elbows resting at either side of my head, with his

  body pressed between my thighs.

  He gives me a wicked smile that melts my insides and sends my heart into over drive. “Morning.”

  He says his voice all husky.

  “Morning.” I whisper scared to move as I can feel his erection pressed against my stomach.

  He rubs his nose playfully against mine. “I could get used to waking up to you wrapped around me.”

  I gulp and my breath hitches. Morning Lorcen is breath taking, his hair is all messed up and I just

  want to run my fingers through it. We are both observing each other intently and Lorcen’s lips move

  towards mine and I tense in anticipation. I want his lips on mine so badly.

  “ Rise and shine cousin.” Noah comes bounding into the room. “Oh fuck!” He says seeing us in bed

  together and I can only imagine how it must look with Lorcen on top of me. Noah turns and faces the

  door. “My bad.”

  I go beetroot red and Lorcen just smiles at me clearly not concerned. “It is okay Noah we weren’t

  doing anything.”

  Noah continues to face the door. “Well it looked like a whole lot of something from over here!” He

  laughs. Lorcen gives me one last sultry look and then rolls off me and out of the bed. I quickly pull

  the covers up over me and sit up in bed. Lorcen saunters over to Noah yawning and pats him on the


  “You can look now.”

  Noah turns round grinning at his cousin and his eyes move down his body. “Think someone needs a

  cold shower.”

  Lorcen groans. “Tell me about it. A long cold shower.” He saunters off then towards his bathroom.

  Noah coughs to get my attention and I realise I have been caught out ogling Lorcen’s backside as he

  left the room.

  “He does have a cute ass.” He teases me smiling. He comes and sits on the bed, grinning at me.

  “So you slept in the same bed.”

  I scowl at him in response and roll my eyes. “ Yes. I had a nightmare. There was no funny business.”

  Noah looks at me disappointed. “My cousin must be losing his touch!”

  “I was too scared to sleep on my own.” I go on to tell him and then get frustrated at myself for

  justifying myself to Noah.

  He holds his hands up grinning. “You don’t have to explain anything to me princess. Lorcen is your

  soul match if you to want to snuggles up together I’m all for it.”

  I scowl at him again and he laughs. “I’d go freshen up princess as I think prince charming may be in

  there a while!” He laughs as he stands and I throw a pillow at him which makes him laugh even more

  as he walks out.

  In the shower I can’t shake off the pull I feel towards Lorcen. If Noah hadn’t come barging in I’m

  pretty sure he would have kissed me and who knows where that would have led. The more time I

  spend around him the more I crave his touch. He’s like a drug and I’m developing a dangerous

  addiction. I groan out loud – I am in serious trouble when it comes to Lorcen Wilde!

  I towel dry my hair and find my wardrobe full of clothes which have clearly been stocked up by

  Aoife. I choose a pair of black and grey sports leggings and a fitted sports bra in black. There are no

  training tops so I guess I’ll have to make do as I am. In the sports bra the top of my mate mark is

  visible. It looks more prominent today for some strange reason, as if it a tattoo that has been

  re-inked. I pull my hair into a pony and taking a deep breath I head for the kitchen. I find Lorcen and

  Noah in the kitchen, both sat at huge modern white breakfast bar. There is a lady who looks to be in

  her fifties bustling around the kitchen. She spots me and stops in her tracks.

  “Ah ha!” she beams and comes rushing over to me and takes my face in her hands.

  “So you are the beauty meant for my little Lorcen.”

  “Hi.” I say awkwardly, my cheeks squashed between her hands.

  “Lillia you’re squeezing her face off.” Noah comments.

  Lillia shakes her head smiling and turns around to look at Lorcen who is sat eating cereal .

  “Aren’t you a lucky boy!” She tells him.

  He looks at me and smiles and it melts my insides. “She’s the lucky one. Nice outfit.” He adds

  looking me up and down like a tiger about to pounce on its prey.

  I laugh and sit down opposite him and Noah and Lillia fusses over me, filling a plate up way to high

  with pancakes. I find I’m famished and tuck into my pancakes when I look across the table to find

  Lorcen is watching me eat. Our eyes meet and I feel the air tense around me. He’s
looking at me like

  I’m his favourite candy and I like him looking at me like that, it sets my core on fire.

  “Oh holy pixies.” Noah exclaims. “Now they’re eye fucking each other over breakfast!”

  I nearly choke on a piece of pancake and Lillia whacks Noah on the back of the head with a tea


  “You wash your mouth out!” She then looks at me and Lorcen and winks. Lorcen grins at me

  not taking his eyes off me as he bites into a piece of toast. Jesus! He even makes eating look sexy. I

  look down at my plate avoiding eye contact and I hear Lorcen chuckle to himself.

  After breakfast we all head down to the training rooms. As we enter all the fae men who are in there

  stop and observe us as we walk past them. Their gazes in particular fall on me.

  “Carry on.” Lorcen barks with a frown and they immediately stop with their staring and carry on

  with their training.

  “What is with the stares?” I ask trailing behind Lorcen and Noah.

  “Female Fae don’t come in here Ebony. Female Fae don’t fight or train.” Noah tells me. “That plus

  you looking all sexy in that sports bra.”

  Lorcen leads us to a door into a private training room. The room is vast and against one wall is a

  variety of knives, swords and other fighting equipment.

  Lorcen stands in the middle of the room arms folded. Looking very serious. “Okay let’s get started.”

  He announces. Noah saunters over to a bench and sits himself down.

  I look at him one eyebrow raised. “You’re watching?”

  He smiles at me leaning his hands behind his head getting comfy. “Oh I wouldn’t miss this for the

  world princess.”

  Lorcen coughs. “We haven’t got time for chitter chatter Ebs. Today we’ll work on your defensive

  stance and defence moves. Then we’ll throw some cardio in”

  I frown at him not liking him telling me off. He’s turned all serious and professional since we walked

  in here. “Oh god.” I groan “Please tell me you aren’t going to go all sergeant major on me and have

  me doing push ups in the rain!”

  “Don’t give me ideas.” Lorcen warns me, a wicked smile forming on his face.

  We spend the next hour practicing defence moves with Lorcen pretending to attack me and me


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