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Page 32

by Sullivan, Piper

  “I need to get dressed, turn around.”

  Irish rolled his eyes and turned around, resting his hands on his hips. I stripped down to my underwear and piled my wet clothes on the chair. I was drenched right down to my bra and panties, so they would have to go as well. Feeling a little awkward I took them off and then pulled the T-shirt over my head. It smelled like Irish, and again I felt that small flutter in the pit of my stomach.

  A while later, my clothes were hanging in front of the fire, and I was snuggled up in a fleece blanket, forcing down the horrible concoction Irish made me eat and wallowing in self-pity. In a matter of 24 hours I have been through hell and back. I still had no clue why though, why would anyone want to get to my father through me, what did my dad do to deserve this? I swallowed back the tears that threatened to spill and hugged my knees. This had to be a horrible mistake.

  “So are you going to tell me what’s going on at all?” I mumbled without looking at him.

  He simply sat on the stool and stared into the fire, twisting a mug of coffee in his hand. He clearly had a lot on his mind, but I deserve to know the truth. Why was I being hunted down like an animal, and what did any of this have to do with my dad? But more pressingly, who exactly was Irish? I have only ever seen him at my dad’s office on occasion when I went home for spring break or over Christmas. He used to always wear a suit. Naturally I figured he had been one of the corporates who worked for my dad, but after this morning’s events, I knew he wasn’t even close to being a pencil pusher.

  “Are you just going to sit there and contemplate life or are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I muttered.

  “Alana…” he started and pinched the bridge of his nose, “It’s very complicated. Your father asked me to look out for you, and right now, that’s what I’m doing.”

  “So that’s it? My father told you to look out for me and I just have to accept that?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “Bullshit!” I tossed the blanket aside then walked over to where he sat and slapped the coffee out of his hand. For the first time in my life, I was angry. This wasn’t like me at all, but I’ve been through too much to just accept my predicament and wait it out, “I was nearly killed, and now you’re refusing to tell me why!”

  The chair scraped back and toppled over as Irish stood towering over me. A muscle jumped in his jaw, and his gun-metal blue eyes bore into mine. His lips moved as if he wanted to say something, but instead he pursed his lips and grabbed me by my arm. For a moment I thought he was about to go all Neanderthal on me and throw me over his shoulder, but instead he dragged me over to the table and sat me down.

  “I need you listen to me, and listen very carefully. This life you’ve been living is nothing but a figment of your imagination. Your father is in a lot of trouble right now and he had to leave the country. Until this mess is sorted out, we will stay here. Understood?”

  I frowned at him, none of this made any sense, what trouble could my father possibly be in? “What trouble is he in?”

  “It involves the FBI and a bunch of shit, I’m not willing to get into right now. All you need to know is he asked me to protect you, so I would appreciate it if you could respect that.”

  I raised a brow and regarded him, “You go around shooting men in cold blood without blinking and he trusts you to take care of me?”

  “Christ! You’re fucking impossible. That was me protecting you. Those men were going to kill you and the fewer of them walking around the better.”

  I sighed and buried my face in my hands. The reality of the situation was still so farfetched I didn’t know if I was coming or going.

  “Okay, so run this by me again, some bad guys are out there hunting me down to get to my dad. You’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen and in the mean-time I have to just stay put and forget about my life?”


  It was a simple definitive answer, but I didn’t like it one bit.

  “So what am I supposed to do with my time?” I asked dropping my hands down on the table.

  Irish looked at me with his brows drawn together, then walked over to a small wooden cupboard against the wall and pulled out a small box. When he placed it in front of me I looked up at him confused.

  “A deck of cards?”

  He nodded, “Play patience or something, but just keep yourself busy.”

  I rolled my eyes, picked up the deck and tilted it so that the cards all fell into the palm of my hand, “I have a better idea.”

  I squeezed the ends of the cards together and flicked it. All the cards went flying across the table, some landing on the floor, “You can keep yourself busy and clean up this mess.”

  He moved so fast I barely had time to register what was happening. He flipped me over his lap and his hand came down on my bare ass.

  “Ow! I’m not ten years old!”

  “You’re behaving like a fucking child so I’ll spank you like a fucking child,” he ground out and WHACK! Another hand landed on my bare bottom.

  It was stinging like hell and I tried to twist out of his grip crying in protest. But what was even worse was the fact that I was butt naked underneath the T-shirt. My cheeks felt hotter than a casting iron and I desperately tried to reach behind me to pull the T-shirt down and cover my girly bits. Two more thwacks and he abruptly let me go, causing me to stumble backward and flop down on the floor, I immediately scrambled to get the fleece blanket and covered my legs as I crawled into the corner next to the fire place, tears stinging my hot cheeks.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” I whimpered.

  “Then stop acting like a child,” he muttered under his breath.

  I stayed curled up in the corner as I tried to regain some dignity. He was right; I was acting like a child, throwing tantrums like a teenager which was not like me at all. Instead of being thankful that he saved me, I was retaliating. I suddenly felt lost and afraid. Everything I knew had been a lie, my entire life was a faux. My magic carpet was gone, my Genie AKA Daddy was gone, and I would most likely not have a penny in my bank account now that he’s, who the hell knows where. I carefully reached up and touched the cut above my brow that by now was covered with a crust of dried blood. I had been so stubborn having to stay in this place that I hadn’t even thought about the accident and the cuts and bruises I sustained.

  “It’s a scratch. I have a first aid kit in the bathroom.”

  There’s a bathroom? I wanted to chirp, but decided against it, who knows what he’ll pull off next. Instead of a spanking he might tie me up and gag me to keep my trap shut. I got up and quietly made my way to the bathroom. I had a few cuts and bruises on my arms but nothing serious. I used the gauze and water to clean off the crusty dried blood and then used some antiseptic ointment before sticking a small Band-Aid across the cut. Looking at myself in the mirror I realized just how ghastly I looked. My hair was mucky, and I had dirt smeared all over my face, I was desperate for a shower. I latched the bathroom door and turned on the water. Just my luck, but not unsurprisingly, it didn’t get hot at all. I huffed and stripped out of the T-shirt. I’ll be quick, I told myself. In and out that’s all I needed to do. I stepped in under the cold water and goose bumps broke out all over my skin. Geezus it was freezing! My teeth clattered, and I quickly used the bar of soap and washed myself down. At least Irish had shampoo, not that it would do my hair any good. I looked at the label and pulled a face. Apple and Cinnamon fragrance no-name brand shampoo. But I washed my hair, anyway. I was done in less than five minutes give or take and reached for the tower hanging on the hook behind the door.

  “Oh my god!” I cried out. The towel was damp!

  “Alana?” Irish called from the other side of the door, “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s horrible!” I shouted back.

  I saw the door handle jiggle, and I called out, “Don’t you dare open that door or I’ll stab you with a toothbrush!”

  “What the fuck’s going on?” he asked again.<
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  “The bloody towel is damp, that’s just gross!”

  “Seriously, of all the things you could complain about, it’s a damp towel?”

  I didn’t bother answering him. I patted myself dry with the drier parts of the towel and pulled the T-shirt on again. I looked around and realized that there was no hairbrush and only one toothbrush, and there was no way I was going to share that. Instead I took the toothpaste on my finger and finger-brushed my teeth.

  When I exited the bathroom Irish was standing with his hands on his hips.

  “I think we should start over,” he said quietly.

  I bit my lip and hugged my arms around myself, “I guess.”

  “Tomorrow I’ll go out and get a few supplies, so make a list of everything you’re going to need for at least a week.”

  “Oh thank god this is only going to last a week,” I exhaled.

  “No, that’s not what I said. We’ll be on the move, so for now just the necessities, food, snacks, toiletries and yeah, well that’s about it.”

  It was one of those awkward moments where there was a hidden apology somewhere in a completely irrelevant conversation.

  “I’ll make a list,” I said, instead of making this more difficult.

  Liam “Irish”

  This was fucked up, I couldn’t possibly be attracted Alana, not to mention Fergus’ daughter. And the fact that she was only twenty was another cause for concern. So fine, she’s legal with all the bells and whistles and she’s probably been around the block a few times at college, but I’m forty-fucking-two for god sakes.

  I just couldn’t stand being in that confined space with her any more than she could tolerate me, but in my case, it was for a completely different reason. Seeing her standing there, wearing my T-shirt with those perky tits poking against the white fabric and knowing she didn’t have a stitch on under there was fucking with my brain. All I could think of was that tight firm arse of hers under my palm and the way she squirmed each time I smacked her bare bottom. It would have taken nothing for me to touch her pussy and feel her up. As it was it had taken me more control than I thought I could conjure up to let her go after giving her, her first real hiding.

  Frustrated with myself I tossed her a small notebook and a pen and stalked out of the cabin. I needed fresh air, and the rain was no deterrent for me, it was like a much needed cold shower. Dragging my hands through my hair as I paced up and down next to the cabin, away from the window, I tried to just focus on shit. I promised Fergus I will keep his daughter safe, not that I would fuck her brains out. I had to keep my focus, or this shit was going to go pear very fast.

  “You can do this Irish,” I said out loud to myself, “Just look at her as if she’s your own daughter.” You don’t have a fucking daughter you fool!

  “Effing shit!” I cried out and rubbed my hands down over my soaked face. I had to get a grip and fast, not only was she a temptation she was a bloody distraction. The sooner we get Fergus’ name cleared the quicker I can get her out of my hair. Better yet, tomorrow when I head to town, I’m going to find someone to fuck and get my mind off this little temptress.

  After a while I headed back inside to find Alana sitting at the small table making her list.

  “Do you want something to drink?” I asked as I walked over to the camper cooling box.

  “Do you have anything other than coffee and water?” she asked.

  “I have beer and whiskey,” I offered.

  “I’ll have a whiskey,” she said, “Not that I’m a big fan but I need something stronger than coffee.”

  “Aren’t you to young?” I asked curiously.

  “I’m twenty-one and legal thank you very much,” she piped up and shoved the list towards me; I glanced at it briefly and then poured her a drink.

  “Do you have Cola?”


  “So how am I going to drink this?”

  “How else do you drink whiskey?”

  She did that eye roll again, and said, “Well then bottom’s up!”

  That eye roll of hers was starting to grow on me and fuck, it was sexy. I raised my glass and then tossed back the drink. Alana of course did not expect it to have such a kick, and after she took her first gulp she choked and coughed uncontrollably. I laughed and poured myself another.

  “Easy there princess, this stuff puts hair on your chest.”

  “Oh my god, you could have warned me!”

  I laughed and topped her glass up, “Now take it easy, take a little sip and let it lay on your tongue for a bit, then swallow. Once you get used to it, it’s actually quite pleasant.”

  She eyed me warily and then took a small sip. Her lips pouted slightly as she swished the amber liquid around in her mouth before swallowing it. Now if that was her swallowing my cum… Jesus Irish! I cursed mentally, you have to fucking stop!

  “That wasn’t too bad,” she said softly and took another sip and another. Soon she was telling me all about college and the frat parties, and how she found the boys her age to be far too immature and shallow for her to bother with.

  “So that’s the story of my life!” she slurred and flopped down on the bed, “Oops!” she mumbled and tried to pull the T-shirt down to cover herself up.

  “I think you’ve had a little too much,” I said and took her glass from her.

  “Oh come on, you’re such a sour puss, one more, then I promise to go to bed,” she begged.

  “I don’t think so.”

  I placed the glasses in the sink and then screwed the bottle top back on.

  “Ugh, for once in my life, I don’t feel like being the little good girl everyone expects, and now you go and spoil it!”

  This time she stood up and walked over to where I stood, those sultry eyes and plump lips of hers pouted up at me as she dragged her nails down over my bare chest. Note to self, keep your fucking clothes on. I grabbed her wrist and held her at arm’s length, “C’mon, time for bed.”

  “Or what, you’re going to give me another spanking,” she teased rubbing her arse cheeks.

  “Alana…” I warned and guided her to the bed, “Get some rest.”

  “Are you gay or what?” she piped up.

  “No, but you’re plastered and before anything happens that you would surely regret, I insist you sleep it off.”

  She took a deep breath and then flopped back on the bed, stretching her arms above her head. This time there was no way I could look away. Those beautiful ivory legs stretched all the way up to her hips, and her pussy had a slight dusk of red hair very neatly trimmed. I swallowed and tried to divert my thoughts, but it was useless. It was only when I noticed that she was hardly moving that I realized she had actually passed out. Thank fuck for that, I thought as I reached for the blanket. I gently lifted her legs, avoided staring at her pussy, and moved her on to the bed and then covered her with the blanket. There, temptation gone—NOT.

  I needed an effing miracle to keep my pecker under control around this one; I thought and went to sit at the fireplace away from her. But all I kept thinking about is burying my cock deep in her and fucking her until she couldn’t walk straight.

  “Fergus, you fucking bastard, what the fuck where ya thinking?” I said out loud.


  I jumped up, expecting Alana to be up and at it again, but she was talking in her sleep and I sat back down. Why the fuck did Fergus not send her off with her aunt, at least that way she would be out of harm’s way and I wouldn’t be in this fucking fix.

  I must have fallen asleep at some point, I sat up and stretched my legs, sleeping on this chair was way too uncomfortable. I eyed the bed where Alana was still fast asleep and tucked under the blanket, then eyed the floor.

  “Fuck it, I need my sleep.”

  I got up and walked over to where she lay, I grabbed two pillows and stacked them next to her then I settled in next to the pillows. At least if she wakes up she can rest assured that I had her virtue in mind before taking up bed space. A
few minutes later I was still wide awake, and the only thing on my mind was the red head with her legs wrapped around my neck and my tongue buried in her pussy.

  I’m not sure when I finally dosed off, but when I woke up, I had red hear stuck to my stubble and an arm and a leg draped over my torso. The pillows I had stacked between us last night were strewn on the floor. I tried not to move and disrupt sleeping beauty here, but I had to get out from under her before she woke up. Or before she moved her leg and dragged it over my boner. I gently hooked her hair with my finger and pulled it out of my face, and then I slowly took her wrist and lifted her arm. She groaned and moved and I froze, barely taking a breath. Easy Irish, you can do this, I told myself and then moved her arm again, gently placing it on her hip. But when I slowly shifted away from her, she mumbled something inaudible followed by a squeal.

  “Irish! What the hell… oh my god… did we… did you…”

  I jumped out of bed and grabbed for the pillow holding it in front of me to hide my morning glory, “Hell no, fuck, I swear I was only sleeping!”

  “Here in bed?” she asked with eyes wide open.

  “Yes dammit, the chair was uncomfortable, I stacked pillows between us,” I uttered.

  “So why are they not here anymore?” she asked accusingly.

  “How the hell would I know?”

  She groaned and grabbed her head, “Oh god it’s too early for this, I need coffee.”

  “Well help yourself darlin’, I’m going to grab a shower and head on to town.”

  I didn’t bother waiting for her response, simply tossed the pillow at her and stalked into the bathroom. It was insane, even the cold shower couldn’t tame the beast. My balls were aching and my cock was still rock hard, if I didn’t do something to remedy the situation now, I was going to be in a lot of shit later. My skin prickled under the cold water as I thought of Alana, she was indeed a temptation I did not expect. Just thinking of her body under my control sent my hormones into overdrive.

  I wrapped my fist around my aching cock and slowly slid it up and down from the tip to the base, images of Alana in the throes of passion, her mouth wrapped around my dick, my cock buried deep in that sweet pussy of hers. I kept trying to divert my thoughts to exclude Alana, and focus more on my physical release, but it was futile. I simply could not get her out of my mind. The fact that I had seen her naked from the waist down already gave me a sneak preview of what she looked like and imagining me thrusting into that soft pink pussy was driving me insane. Now! I groaned inwardly as I pump my cock faster, slapping against my balls and then finally, my balls tightened and my cock erupted, spilling cum against the shower wall. This time I groaned audibly as I pressed my head against the shower wall while I finished myself off, savouring the moment as my release left my limbs numb and relaxed. Hopefully this would solve the immediate issue I was facing, for the time being at least.


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