Silent Tears [Liberty, Wyoming 3]

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Silent Tears [Liberty, Wyoming 3] Page 11

by Lara Jones

  “My man’s dead, Alec. I’m on my own, so please take me back to Isabel’s.”

  Alec had so many conflicting emotions at that moment. Angry that she cussed and interrupted him all the time, worried that she could have hurt herself, concerned there might be an ounce of truth to what she heard, and sad that this little woman had gone through so much already.

  “All right. I’ll take you to Isabel’s.” He sighed when relief crossed her face. The minute she was out of the car, he’d be calling Dylan.

  They were a mile from the farm when she spoke up. “Um, Alec?”

  “What, Mora?” he asked and glanced at her quickly. What was she up to now? Because she looked nervous as hell.

  “Were you the one that dropped off Cupcake tonight?”

  Alec snorted. He doubted very much that Liam was going to let her get away with it. He was confused for a second, and then a smile crossed his face. He knew why she was asking. “Yes, I did. Why?”

  Mora looked away. She could feel the blush overtake her face and neck. “Did you just open the door for him?”

  “No, I came in the kitchen, made sure he had water, and then left.”

  A frown pinched her brows together. They pulled up to the Jacobsons’, and he put his car in park. “You didn’t hear anything when you were inside?”

  Alec let his smile grow. She continued to look out her window. “I’m not sure I know what you’re asking, Mora. Turn and talk to my face, please. He almost choked at the vivid embarrassment on her face. She’d burst into flames if she got any redder. “Now ask me your question.”

  She twisted her hands in her lap and bit her lip. “Did you hear anything when you were in the house?”

  Alec shrugged. He actually had heard quite a bit. “I’m still not sure, Mora.”

  Mora relaxed. He would have said something if he had heard them having sex. “Nothing. May I get out please?”

  Alec was a little shocked at how sweet she could sound. “Sure,” he said and disengaged the lock. “I would suggest you talk to them and soon.”

  She slammed the car door and started to walk away. He rolled down the window. “Did you hear me?”

  Mora threw an arm up above her head but kept her back to Alec. “Yes. Thanks for the ride.”

  “Hey, Mora?”

  She turned before she walked up the steps.

  “I did hear a sound now that I think about it.” He almost laughed when her mouth fell open. “Yea, I thought it was cats fighting.”

  Mora was so shocked she didn’t have a comeback. She was suspicious that he was teasing her but couldn’t see this mean giant having fun. “Yeah, it was probably that,” she yelled to him and turned.

  “Oh, by the way, Mora. If I were you, I’d get that butt plug out before too long.”

  He drove away with a smile on his face. He chuckled when he looked back in his rearview mirror and saw her with her arm in the air in anger and yelling something he couldn’t hear and probably didn’t want to.

  Chapter 16

  Dylan rolled over and grabbed his phone. “Dylan here,” he said and rubbed at his eyes.

  “Hey, Dylan are you missing something?”

  Dylan lifted his phone to see the number. Yeah, it was Alec. “What are you talking about?”

  “Look beside you.”

  Dylan twisted around. Liam was still there, yet Mora was long gone. He touched the sheet where she had laid, and it was cold. Goddammit. He reached out and smacked Liam on the shoulders. “Wake up, Mora ran.”

  Liam jerked upright and raced to get his clothes on. “Where is she?”

  Dylan held up a hand. “Alec, where is she?”

  “I took her back to Isabel’s.”

  “Wait a second.” He put the phone on speaker. “You’re on speaker, Alec. What the hell’s going on? And how the hell did she sneak out with both of us right next to her?”

  “I caught her walking down the road. I immediately put her in the car because she was shaking so badly. She didn’t have a jacket on, and it’s in the low fifties right now.”

  “What the fuck?” Dylan yelled.

  “She wanted to go back to Isabel’s.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what she wanted. She belongs with us.”

  Alec could hear the acute frustration in Dylan’s voice and knew right then there was no other woman. “I’m calling to give you a heads up. She overheard you talking to a woman last night. You told her you loved her and called her ‘honey.’”

  Dylan looked dumbfounded.

  “Who the hell were you talking to, Dylan?” Liam asked angrily.

  Dylan shook his head and laughed. “Jesus, I was talking to Isabel. She wanted to know how Mora was.”

  Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. “Shit. Alec, how upset was she?”

  “At first, I would say pretty bad, but then I pissed her off, and she feels better.”

  “I know that’s easy to do, but how did you make her angry?” Liam asked.

  “As she was walking away, I told her the butt plug should probably be taken out soon, and when I drove away, I heard her yelling.” Alec chuckled. “Yeah, she was pretty pissed and embarrassed.”

  Liam and Dylan looked at each other and burst out laughing. Dylan looked at the clock. Shit, four thirty. Naw, they weren’t going to wait until morning. He looked at Liam. “I say we go get her.”

  Alec chuckled over the phone. “Good luck with that, buddies.

  “Come on, let’s go.” Dylan was up and dressed, and they were both out the door within a minute. “Call Royce or Clay and tell them we’re coming so they don’t shoot us.”

  Liam finished with Clay. “Shit, Dylan. He said Isabel held her while she cried, and then she fell asleep.”

  “Dammit. How do we get her to trust us, Liam?”

  “I think time is the only thing. Until then, we’ve got some work to do.”

  * * * *

  Clay was waiting with the door open for them. “You two need to fix this and quick. Isabel’s not happy, and we’re not happy if she isn’t.”

  Dylan slapped Clay on the shoulder. “We got it. She’s pissed because she overheard me on the phone with Isabel. She heard me say I loved her and call her ‘honey.’”

  “Jesus. Go get her, and don’t wake Tommy up. I’m going out to clean stalls, and Royce is wrapped around Isabel. Hopefully, he can keep her occupied until you fix this.”

  “You got it,” Liam said on his way through the house. Liam stopped outside of Mora’s door. “How are we going to play this?”

  “We’re going to kidnap her again, yet this time we tie and gag her. That will teach her to run from us.”

  “Jesus, Dylan. You’re going to get us arrested pulling this shit.”

  Dylan laughed. “How? We’re the two top officials in the county,” he said then chuckled quietly before he slowly opened her door.

  “Shit. We made her cry, Dylan,” he whispered as they stood over Mora, who was sound asleep. “Look around. I hope to hell her suitcases have always been like this. If not, she’s started to pack to leave.”

  “That’s not going to happen. Find something to tie her with. I’ll…”

  “Dylan, how about we just get into bed with her? I doubt she’ll yell if Tommy’s around.”

  “But if she does, we’re gagging her…”

  “You’re as hardheaded as she is.” Liam took everything off except his boxers and crawled slowly into bed. He watched Dylan do the same and curled his body around hers.

  Within a few minutes, Mora was lying across Liam’s chest and holding Dylan’s arm tightly against her stomach.

  Both men jerked awake when little arms jabbed at them as she tried to get out of bed.

  “How the hell did you get in here? I want you out now.”

  “Watch your volume. Tommy’s still sleeping down the hall.”

  Mora growled and then punched Dylan in the shoulder. “You’re an ass. I want you out of here, now.”

  Liam pulled her agains
t his chest and tried to soothe her. “Sweetheart, listen to Dylan. That call last night was not what you think.” Liam scowled at Dylan. “Dylan, tell her.”

  Dylan tried to lay down again, but she kicked out at him. “It was Isabel I was talking to last night,” he blurted.

  Mora froze and looked at Dylan suspiciously.

  “Honey, he’s telling the truth. It’s too easy to find out. All you have to do is ask Isabel.”

  Mora reddened, humiliated she’d been so wrong. She collapsed on Liam’s chest. “I’m sorry, you guys.”

  Dylan curved back around her. “Next time, just ask. I’m telling you now, there will never be another woman for us as long as we live.”

  Mora turned her head toward Dylan. “That sounds…”

  “Like a marriage proposal?” Liam asked helpfully.

  Mora jerked back around. “Marriage. We’ve only known each other a few days, for God’s sakes.”

  “We knew the second we saw you that you were the one,” Liam said, pushing the hair off her face.

  Mora rolled her eyes and helped Liam with her hair before he pulled it all out. “I still think it’s way too early…”

  “I don’t. We can have a long engagement, but we want a ring on your finger.” Determination was clear in Dylan’s tone.

  “Liam, talk to him…”

  “Why? I agree with him.”

  Mora plopped back down on the mattress between the men. “I’m not saying no, but I want to give us time to get to know each other.”

  “We’ll give you all the time you need, sugar. But with a ring on your finger.”

  Mora frowned up at Dylan. “I bet you suck at negotiations.”

  Liam snorted. “Pretty much.”

  “How about the two of you shut up so I can get some sleep?” Dylan grumbled sleepily as he closed his eyes and cuddled back against Mora.

  Mora and Liam looked at each other and chuckled then lay down.

  Chapter 17

  Several weeks passed. All Mora’s things were now at the men’s house, but she spent a lot of time with Isabel, helping her with the wedding.

  Mora decided to resign from the agency she worked for. She wanted to do some kind of social work here, yet it was such a small town there really wasn’t a big need.

  She knew if she didn’t keep busy, she tended to get into trouble.

  Her men had relaxed a bit as she settled into her new life, and she didn’t think they should be that comfortable.

  One afternoon Liam came into his office to find people huddled around something.

  He thought he recognized Mora’s voice but couldn’t be sure. “What’s going on here?”

  The people jerked upright and walked quickly to their desks and tried to look busy.”

  Liam gasped. “What the hell is that, Mora?” he asked, pointing to his dog.

  Mora fiddled with the ribbons she’d put around the dog’s head and tried to fix the hat on its head. “Don’t be silly, Liam. It’s your dog.”

  “Hell no, it’s not. My dog is a boy, and he’s mean. Just ask everyone.” He threw his arm out.

  Mora rolled her eyes when she heard several people tell her how mean the dog was. “Liam, Cupcake wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

  Everyone became quiet. They knew how much their boss hated that name.

  Liam slapped the papers he had in his hands down on the nearest desk and then crossed his arms. “Mora, if you call that dog Cupcake one more time, you’re going to get it.”

  Mora tightened a ribbon before looking up at Liam. “What exactly am I going to get, Liam?” she asked pleasantly. When he didn’t move, she decided to push him. “Cupcake…”

  Nothing moved for a split second before Liam bent and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. He turned to his men. “Get to work,” he barked and walked toward the back room where he’d put a lock on the door for just this kind of occasion.

  He gritted his teeth when she giggled all the way down the hallway. He froze and turned when he heard growling behind him. Are you fucking kidding me? My dog has turned against me and looks absolutely ridiculous.

  “Good going, Cupcake. You get him,” Mora said, giggling. “Ouch, Liam. That hurt,” she cried when his hand came down on her ass.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, I’m sure it does.” Liam pointed to Dodger. “Stay.” Liam turned and headed toward the room. He turned the key after closing the door. He knew if there was an issue Alec would take care of it. He sat on the sofa and pulled her across his lap.

  “Hey! Liam. I was just kidding. I’ll take the fucking ribbons off.”

  Liam rolled his eyes. “It’s too late. By the way, thank you for wearing a skirt. It makes it easier to bare your ass.” He tucked her skirt up and pulled her panties down. One spank after another rained down on her bottom.

  “Leave my ass alone, Liam.” He wouldn’t let her budge an inch and with very little effort. Would she ever get used to the fact that their dominance stabilized something in her and the slight hints of pain they gave freely drove her need for them higher and gave her a pleasure she’d never known existed?

  “Oh no. We’ve talked about this. If you do something you know will piss us off, it’s a bid for our attention. So, sweetheart, I’m giving you my attention.” He smacked down five times before sliding his palm across her red ass.

  “After I make your ass a little redder, I’ll be putting a new plug in you.”

  Mora jerked on his lap and tried to turn to see his face. “What? Wait. Liam. I don’t want that.”

  “It wouldn’t be punishment if you liked it, now would it?”

  “Asshole,” Mora hissed.

  Liam grunted out a laugh. “And there’s another two. Keep it up, and you won’t be able to sit down for a week.”

  Mora bit her lip, trying really hard to hold back the rest of what she wanted to shout at his stupid face. She was able to control herself after several deep breaths. “I’m sorry. I’ve been doing better, haven’t I?”

  “Yes, sweetheart, you have, and I’m proud of you, but you still need to know there are consequences for your actions.” His hand came down a few more times.

  “You knew it would piss me off to see my dog like that. Didn’t you?” He paused for an answer and smacked his hand down when she didn’t answer. “Didn’t you? Answer me.”


  “Thank you for admitting it.” He stood and carried her to the desk and placed her face down on top of it.

  Mora tried to lever herself up, but his hand pressed onto her lower back and his body pinned her legs to the side of the desk. “Liam, what are you doing?”

  “Exactly what you’ve asked for.” He held up a new, slightly bigger black plug than what they’d used on her so far. It looked huge.

  Mora gasped and tried to use her hips to push him away even as a darker desire flared inside of her. “Nooo, I hate those plugs, and that one’s way too big.”

  Liam pulled out the lube and set both by her head. He raised her skirt and ripped her panties off. “I really hate these things. Don’t wear them anymore.”

  Mora laughed. “Not wear panties? Are you crazy?”

  Liam ran his hand down and between her legs. “What’s this, baby? Did your spanking make you hot?”

  Mora growled. “Fu—no.”

  Liam chuckled. “Good save.”

  Mora mumbled under her breath.

  Liam turned his head to the side. “What, darling? I didn’t quite hear you.”

  Mora tried to kick at him. “If you’re going to do it, then do it,” she growled.

  Liam sighed. “Let me remind you, you’re not in charge, baby. I am.”

  “If I were bigger than you, I’d kick your ass.”

  “That’s it,” Liam barked, his tone slightly threatening. He pressed his elbow against her back to keep her where he put her and squeezed some lube onto the plug.

  Mora froze. “What is it?” she asked with a hint of nerves in her tone.

  “You’ll s
ee. I need to talk to Dylan. Now relax.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “It’s going in your sweet ass no matter what. It’s up to you if it goes in easy or hard.” He pressed his thumb covered in lube into her ass, sliding in as deep as he could go.

  Mora collapsed against the cool wood at the sensations she got only when they played with her ass. The edgy sensation she got mixed with the slight burning pain made her hotter than anything she’d experienced before, and the dominant way they always did it made her feel feminine and like they cared.

  She thrust herself back, trying to push his thumb deeper and get the friction she needed to come. “I can’t believe you guys expect me to walk around with that thing stuck up my ass.”

  “It serves two purposes. One, we know you don’t really like it, even if it gets you all hot and bothered, and two, it prepares you for being able to take both of us at the same time.”

  Liam picked up the plug. “Here we go, baby. Relax a bit more,” he crooned as he teased her tight opening before he pressed it in slightly. He did this a few times, going deeper with every push until he pushed it past the sensitive ring of muscle to settle deep inside her.

  Liam’s hand glided over her back. “That’s it, baby. Take a few deep breaths. You are doing so good.”

  Mora swallowed back the cries she knew would penetrate the walls and let herself whimper as she breathed through the burning pain until it blossomed into a need so large it sent fire through her veins. Muffled cries poured from her as she moved her hips, fighting for her need to come. “Liam, please. I need you to fuck me.”

  Liam bent and placed soft kisses on the side of her neck. “No, Mora, you need to wait until we get home.” He closed his eyes. His cock was so hard right then and his need for her so huge it took a strong will to step back and pull her skirt down. He adjusted himself and hissed at the tightness of his jeans and the weight of his swollen balls. He bent and picked up her panties and shoved them in his front pocket.

  He gripped her shoulder and lifted her to stand, holding her until he knew she was steady on her feet.

  “Dammit, Liam. You’re not going to leave me like this.”


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